Shinobi Gamer in Marvel

Chapter 59: The New Merchant of Death

Hours later, only Leon, the President, Vice-President, Director Fury, Secretary Pierce, and all the high-level Generals and Admirals were in the closest military base weapons test hanger with Leon explaining future events, while a truck transport with the Uzumaki logo on them unloading multiple crates.

"What do you mean by an imminent alien invasion? Are you aware of any plans?"

Asked the President.

There was a brief silence before the President addressed Leon's revelation. Meanwhile, Fury remained silent, attentively listening to the President's questions.

"Yes, in fact, Fury here is aware and even has evidence from a previous invasion. Isn't that right, NICKOLAS?"

Leon's voice carried a mocking tone as it reached Fury's ears.

Fury was seething with anger. The recent incident where the Continental lost many agents at once was already frustrating, but Leon's disclosure of one of his most guarded secrets was infuriating. What upset him most was the erosion of trust from the President.

"Fury, what is the meaning of this?!"

The President exclaimed in disbelief that one of his own would conceal such critical information.

Although Fury was an agent of the USA and worked closely with the President, he had never trusted anyone since encountering the Skrull species. He despised the thought that any one of them could be a Skrull infiltrator after him and his classified information.

Ultimately, despite his claims of being tough and indifferent to the lives of ordinary people, he could not remain silent, knowing that his concealed plans could put the USA at risk.

He began to disclose the events of the film Captain Marvel, concealing certain details and the identities of Carol Danvers and the Tesseract.

"My God, man! Are you saying two alien species invaded the USA? One capable of impersonating anyone, and the other almost decimated us with space bombardment?"

The President exclaimed, on the verge of hyperventilation.

After considering Fury's account, General Ross exhaled deeply and inquired,

"Did you secure their technology as well as the remains, Fury?"

"Indeed, I've had them since the outset."

Fury responded with composure.

"Gentlemen, let me explain why I've brought you all here. This is a proposal for the USA defense forces. If I acquire everything I want in that manila folder, then I know you will all be very busy, so let's make this short."

"We America need firepower, and today I will demonstrate just that."

Leon started by opening a large crate and retrieving a Laser Gun from the Fallout game series.

"This is the UP77 Laser Gun base modular, it can be turned into several variants of automatic, semi-automatic, and single-shot pistols and rifles. As it uses a Fusion Cell, it fires a beam projectile, its shots will instantly hit, negating any need to lead the shot."

"Additionally, the Laser Pistol's beam will ignite any target with a chance of disintegration. Compared to regular ballistic weapons, laser weapons offer superior damage with greater power depending on each modification."

Some people were amazed by the firepower and numerous capabilities of the weapon. Leon smiled and continued,

"I'm sure some of you are wondering why we need a gun with so many modifications. Well, that's why I've brought these two big boys." An assistant brought him a Gauss Rifle from Fallout New Vegas and a Gauss Rifle from Fallout 4.

"To my right is the YCS/186 Gauss Rifle. This bad boy uses a Fusion Cell. The price is high, but this rifle will cut through 240 mm thick steel armor like butter."

"To my left is the TLM88 Gauss Rifle. The capacitors and exposed copper wiring run alongside the barrel, and a Nixie tube display above the stock shows the weapon's charge percentage."

"The rifle operates on a charging principle: the user holds down the trigger to build up the charge, and releasing the trigger fires a round. Roughly 5% of a fully charged shot will blow a hole in any standard armored vehicle."

"At full charge, it will go through the thickest sheets of metal or concrete. It will tear a bunker, hidden in a bunker, out of a bunker. It will tear apart a tank like a sledgehammer through glass."

He said with emphasis on the last word as he returned the weapons to the crates.

"So, gentlemen, remember, I will supply you with these weapons and more, as long as my conditions are met. This is just a sample of the technology I will provide. Just don't forget what will happen if you try to betray me again."

General Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross and other high-ranking military men sat around a presentation table, dressed in their pristine military uniforms with their ranking badges and medals.

They completely changed their tune toward Leon after he showed them the weapon they would get to test soon. They were also not greatly affected by the bounties that the Continental placed on agents, as they did not deploy spies.

Ross watched in a trance as the man before him stole their hearts and had them salivating with each new and improved weapon he showcased, each tastier than the last. Ross was certain that this man would take Stark's place.

He might not openly admit it, but he was satisfied. Uzumaki really turned his game up a notch. These weapons were necessary to secure the interests of their nation, to ensure peace within its borders, especially now that they knew of an impending alien invasion.

"Uzumaki, I gotta say son, you have your head in the right place."

General Ross praised, shaking Leon's hand.

"Just doing the best I can to keep our world safe."

Leon answered.

Major General Simon Ryker decided to interject.

"Ain't that an understatement. Uzumaki, see, the senator's been breathing down my neck for us to 'deal' with the Iron Man situation. With the way things are going over with Tony, it's impossible. But if we do have a lead on the tech, I'll need you to work on it."

"Of course, as long as my conditions are met, I can do that, General."

Leon replied.

"Talking about Iron Man, why don't you make that type of tech?"

One of the men asked.

"Who says I don't have the same type of tech as Tony? Just remember, gentlemen, as long as my conditions are met, I will bring in more of my technology."

"Ohh Fury, I just remembered one of your men Brock Rumlow got touchy with me, so I taught him a lesson. He's outside the test hanger and was still breathing when I last checked on him."

With a salute, Leon with a smile, made his exit. With just a few words to the generals, he just got most of them on his side and will help him in the future, as long as he can provide them weapons and advanced technology. He also left an angry Fury Mcfury, searching for his agent Brock Rumlow.

-Three days later-

Brock Rumlow Woke up in the hospital in a full body cast, since his body was completely injured. After waiting for some time, a doctor finally came to check up on him. With a clipboard with his diagnosis.

"Ohh, boy! So it looks like you have two broken arms, five broken ribs, twelve broken fingers, a fractured collarbone, a ruptured liver, and a punctured small intestine."

"So that's why I'm bleeding down there."

"No, that's actually from your ruptured anus. We haven't even started on the damage to your lower body."

"OH GOD! Is my... you know... Still okay."

"Oh yeah, that's fine."

"Oh, thank God."

"But we did have to cut off three inches to keep from a full amputation."

"All I had was four!"

"I'm just messing with you, man. your dick is fine. But you can't have kids anymore."


-At the New York Continental-

Leon was watching the news about the protection laws for all Metahumens, he was naked in his bed with an exhausted equally naked Ororo Monroe next to him. Her skin was a deep and rich brown, completely flawless and radiant. Her curves were both subtle and striking, with a narrow waist that accentuated her hourglass figure.

Her eyes were somehow her best feature: mesmerizing, piercing blue, filled with intelligence as she took the room in with a glance. Her hair was a dramatic contrast to her dark skin, pure white and flowing down her back in thick, luxurious waves. It framed her face perfectly and added to her ethereal and almost mystical appearance. Ororo was literally the definition of a Nubian goddess.

To his other side was Jean Gray, also equally exhausted and naked sleeping on the bed. Her arms and legs were splayed about, showing her bountiful, boisterous bosoms were bare for all the world to see and he was getting a full view of her hourglass figure and striking curves.

She was a greedy girl taking up way more space on his Superking bed, and her mouth was ajar with a trail of drool falling across her right cheek. They both were greedy girls when they kept their part of the deal when he promised them a better future for mutant kind, but is now going by the term Metahuman. 

Name: Leon Uzumaki/Leon Petrov

Kekkei Genkai: Uzumaki, Wood Release, Dust Release, Lava Release 

Elemental Affinity: Wind, Fire, Earth, Water, Lighting, Yang

Chakra level: Sage of Six Paths

Chakra Control: Rank EX

Taijutsu: Power Rank S, Technique Rank S

Shurikenjutsu: Rank A

Kenjutsu: Rank A

Fuinjutsu: Rank S

Genjutsu: Rank C

Ninjutsu: Rank S


+Naruto Ashura mode, Sage of Six Paths, Rank A

+Yamato, Jonin, Rank A

+Onoki, Kage, Rank S Ninja

+Harold Finch, Rank S Mechanical Engineering and Rank S Computer Science

Divinity: 18%

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