Shepherding Humanity

Chapter 70: A certain guy’s absurd fantasy

Thousands of worlds?

Xu Zhi was utterly shocked.

What's this all about? Since when did my small evolutionary sandbox have such a grand setting? Why did I not know about this?


"What are they plotting this time!? Stop screwing with me!"

He shuddered.

I’m not really an omnipotent Creator! I’m just a low-leveled wizard and farmer who’s hiding in the countryside! This could be the end of me! I am not amused!

He hurriedly clicked on the thread and found out that the poster was the super old-timer: Akina’s Speedster.

Xu Zhi picked up a cup of tea and read on carefully.

He had to investigate the enemy camp to see what this guy was up to, and take precautions.

The thread was already quite lively.

"Hello everyone, I'm Akina’s Speedster. Yes, it's me again! The third beta test started this morning, and I’ll take this opportunity when all eyes are on the forum to post my speculations about this game’s background setting.

To be honest, I have a very good relationship with Mr. “Future Skywhale”, and after talking with him, I’ve discovered some really amazing things!

First, I’ll start with the hottest topic recently: the opening of a new map—the Magic World.

I'm sure you all know by now that there is a larger world map, and our small starting area is simply the beginners’ village.

That is to say: Even after all this time, we're still stuck in the beginners’ village!

This game is too hardcore!

Its map is simply massive! The game developers are too amazing! I cannot praise them enough!

In the Magic World, everyone has their own AI and acts according to their own logic, just like a real living person. Even animals have their own behavioral logic! This is simply unimaginable!

It's like a real otherworld.

I doubt that even a thousand supercomputers would be able to handle all these calculations.

This is a miraculous level of technology that’s far ahead of the current era. I’m an amateur in this area and will leave it up to the experts to make their own conjectures.

Second, if we leave aside the Magic World’s magic spells and spiritual power, all of its other parameters are completely in line with reality.

I’m sure some of you have heard about this: several physicists have conducted a joint experiment in the sandbox to test the gravitational acceleration in this game, and found that g=9.788… This parameter is exactly the same as in the real world. In other words, in the game-world, Newton's second law of physics F=ma that you learned in school is fully applicable, as well as classic formulas such as G=mg, a=vt.

Furthermore, chemical reactions are also exactly the same in the other world.

Even in pharmacology, concepts such as target cells, receptor cells, antibiotics, and the like are perfectly applicable. If only the plants, fungi, and microorganisms in the other world weren’t completely different—and their doctors had to start from the very beginning—their alchemical potions might have been able to surpass modern medicine thanks to their use of magic.

This is the reason why the technology whiz Future Skywhale could use the Slime Engines to climb the tech tree and open up the field of bio-alchemy in the other world, becoming the "Great Emperor who reigns over Alchemy and the Gates of Truth."

Amazing, right?

This game is definitely not a game for those who can’t study!

I think the words of Mr. "Future Skywhale" really apply here: Give me enough knowledge, and I can move the entire world!

If you don't have a solid base of knowledge, you can't play this game at all!

If you’re a good student in reality, you’re only a “smart guy”, but in this game, if your physics, chemistry, and mathematics grades are good, you might be able to become another Sovereign Emperor! And become invincible in another world!

Scientific knowledge will change your destiny!

After all, this game is too "realistic". The sandbox is exactly like the real world, and there’s not a single error to be found so far when you compare the parameters in the sandbox to variables in reality such as the laws of physics and chemistry.

And, you can also learn magic in this game.

This is a very sophisticated otherworldly discipline. I even suspect that, since the parameters of the Magic World are completely in line with reality, if we could get our hands on the Blood of the Evil Eye, we might be able to become wizards in the real world.

Third, I’ll post a strategy guide for the new map.

For this, I am very grateful to Mr. “Future Skywhale” for his support!

He has spent three months in the Magic World to write a "Dictionary of the Magic World’s Language" and took screenshots for the players outside.

Attached Pictures (1045 pages)

Why are there so many pages, you ask?

Why am I crying, you ask?

Yes, this game is really that hardcore!

As we all know, this game is like a second life.

It has no system layout, it has no level grinding, and it has no game-like stats. In the sandbox, you are really an evolving spore.

The other world is also like that.

Language and civilization must be relearned; you are a real live person who has traveled to a different world.

The most amazing thing is that, if you become strong enough in the other world to fly around, you would be able to feel that invincible power as if it was really yours. That is to say, you would be able to truly experience what it’s like to become an emperor with unsurpassed might.

This hardcore authenticity is what makes people both love and hate this game.

When Future Skywhale first entered the other world, it took more than three years for him to learn its language. Thanks to the book he’s written for us, it’ll take us far less time if we ever get the chance to go to the other world.

But a new language is still very difficult to learn. I took a brief look, and it’s unlike any language found on earth. The pronunciation is quite unique and it is harder than English. Good luck, everyone!

(?, I got addicted to games in college, and still need to pass my required foreign language course. It’s already difficult enough for me to graduate, and now I have to deal with this? FML!)

Four, the background setting of "Spore Evolution".

This is the most critical point!

Remember when everyone ambushed the giant boss and opened the Book of Genesis on his chair?

I still have the screenshots from back then. (5 photos attached)

The Age of Darkness, The Age of Radiance, The Age of Rebirth, The Age of Genesis, The Age of Magic.

Guess what Future Skywhale found when looking through the Magic World’s history books?

The is the history book, "Genesis", of the Sumerian civilization (102 pages). If you don't understand the language of the other world, you can look up the "Dictionary of the Magic World’s Language" and translate it word-by-word.

There is a passage recording the moment when the Creator first granted civilization to the Magic World:

"The Great Beast of Wisdom stood ten thousand feet tall. His face was divine, his body wreathed in pure white light, his passage crushing mountains and shattering the earth…"

Don’t you think this description resembles someone we know?

Hundreds of years later, the King of Heros developed Sumerian civilization and turned against the Creator. He was punished for his arrogance and the world was destroyed by the Great Flood.

Now then, my studious fellow gamers, remember that page in the Book of Genesis?

"In the Age of Genesis, the first intelligent species appeared. The Bugape tribes developed civilization, built city-states, expelled the giant beasts, and became the masters of the era. But they were cruel and violent, and so heaven sent down a great flood, ushering in the third extinction event and wiping out ninety-nine percent of all life."


Look, it’s also a record of the apocalyptic Great Flood.

The Book of Genesis is the giant’s diary.

At this point, everyone must have connected the dots, right? This giant in our yard is the legendary Creator!

And, he created the Magic World in only seven days!

The contents of the historical records are as follows:

On the first day, God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light.

On the second day, God said, ‘Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters’, and there was Heaven.

On the third day, God said, ‘Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.’ and it was so.


In the records, the world was created in seven days. It’s awe-inspiring!

The following is my assessment of his prowess, along with my conjectures about the background setting:

The giant in the courtyard once destroyed the ancient civilization of the Magic World with the Great Flood. He’s a peerless existence who can end worlds on a whim.

The Age of Darkness, The Age of Radiance, The Age of Rebirth…

He has established long epic eras and created worlds.

He was born from the primordial void. He is the chaos at the beginning of everything. He is a singular existence that spans multiple universes and countless dimensions. He transcends matter, time, space, ethics, cognition, and causality. He is beyond all human understanding, be it past, present, or future.

He is infinite, eternal, and immortal. He is a multiversal abstract and the embodiment of chaos. He lives outside of cosmic space, in the interstice between dimensions—that is, in this small courtyard—where he evolves all species in the multiverse.

He is the architect of spacetime, the Creator of the multiverse.

Xu Zhi: ? ? ? ?

He was completely confused when he saw this!

I live in the interstice between dimensions, where I use you spores to evolve all species in the multiverse?

My place is just a small orchard in the Dongcheng countryside!

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