Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 145 The First Demon Scholar

Chapter 145 The First Demon Scholar

This time the Shadow Demon was really full.

As the level of Aiwass' dedication path increases, the strength of the flesh and blood he voluntarily sacrifices also increases.

Maybe it was because of being overwhelmed, maybe it was an expression of gratitude... or maybe it was because of the appearance of the Butterfly of the Flame, which made it a little vigilant and eager to improve its status in Aiwass' heart.

Shadow Demon took the initiative to express that it was willing to try the other side of the pastoral care method, and gave Lily part of its source of power.

As a demon, Shadow Demon doesn't believe in "long-term love", only interests and fears are the absolute connection.So it tries to make itself a little more useful.

——Obviously a high-ranking demon, but Shadow Demon felt that he was on the weaker side at the moment.

If it were any other demon scholars, they would have to sacrifice to Shadow Fiend.That's how the concept of the so-called "superior demon" came about.

Because the demons themselves are stronger than them, the contract is not binding enough on the demons.These demons are those who listen to a few words when they are in a good mood, and ignore them when they are in a bad mood.Even if the demons want to get rid of them, it is not difficult to kill them and change their masters, or return to their own territory in the dream world.

But that's fine too.

Compared with those demon scholars who make Shadow Demon feel less excited, it prefers Aiwass, a type with a bright future, who makes him feel dangerous and exciting.

"Speaking of which," Aiwass asked casually while preparing for the shepherding ceremony, "You said that your rebirth was probably decades ago? Then have you been summoned by other demon scholars?"

"Yes, I have."

Shadow Fiend chuckled in Chloe's sweet voice, "But I killed them all.

"Too weak. No strength, no talent; no desire to rise higher, not even a bit of a structure. It's rare to be able to summon me, but I just hope that I can take away their political enemies, or protect them secretly." their safety."

It is obviously very impatient with those demon scholars: "For such a trivial matter as killing people, isn't it the same if you invite assassins or bodyguards?"


Lily on the side was a little curious: "So the devil doesn't like to kill people?"

"This is common sense that many demon scholars don't know-most demons actually don't like to bully the weak. Demons like to eat people, or all phantoms are interested in souls, because souls, thoughts, and wills are the food of phantoms .The Shadow Fiend is also tasting my 'transcendence'."

Aiwass replied from the side: "Devils are purely cruel and tyrannical, so they are merciless and will choose the fastest and most utilitarian means to obtain food. But they don't get pleasure from sadism... Humans Judging demons based on one's own moral values ​​and preferences leads to the conclusion that demons like to kill."

The lower demons like to attack humans, because the lower demons themselves are the weakest phantoms.Just like the hook demons, they are not transformed demons branded with a great sin, but new phantoms spontaneously born from various concepts of pain, sin, evil, and desire.

These phantoms don't have much intelligence, and they don't have memories of previous lives.They have only instincts, and they can't even speak well.

In addition to living in the dream world and dying in the material world without leaving a complete body, they are actually not much different from ordinary beasts.Even many beasts are smarter than them - such as griffins.

"By observing the habits of these low-level demons, demon scholars judge that the characteristics do not match the high-level demons. This is why they will be strongly hindered when controlling high-level demons."

Aiwass said with a smile: "For these high-level demons with normal human intelligence, or even smarter, these demon scholars are used to manipulating those little demons, and treat them as children or mentally retarded. It is very easy to provoke the behavior of demons."

"So we don't mind human demon scholars dividing 'higher demons' and 'lower demons'."

The Shadow Demon added under Aiwass: "Let them summon those mindless demons. I might as well rest in the Shadow Realm."

"What is the shadow field... like?" Lily asked curiously.

"You'll see you soon."

The Shadow Demon replied: "Although the Shadow Realm is in the dream world, it also partially overlaps with reality. It is also called the Kingdom of Shadows, the Shadow Realm... Although mortals regard the 'Shadow Realm', 'Heaven Realm', and 'Underworld' as They are different 'planes', but they are all in the dream world. It's just a different area of ​​the dream world."

In the Shadow Realm, Shadow Demons are actually a minority.There are other simulacrums with shadow powers.

Most of them come from the path of love, and a few are from the path of transcendence and path of adaptation.Because the Tiansi who controls the shadow field is not Fallen Tiansi, but Shadow Tiansi.

"Isn't the dream world the place where we participated in the promotion ceremony?" Lily asked.

"All the transcendents who participated in the promotion ceremony actually entered the same area. The area they entered during the ceremony is called the 'trial field'."

Aiwass replied: "I heard that there were no apostles in charge of the proving grounds in the past. At that time, there would be some phantoms crouching nearby, entering the promotion ceremony indiscriminately, devouring the souls of those transcendents who participated in the promotion... Candidates were The passing wolves took it away and belonged to it.

"There are also some phantoms who particularly hate a certain path. Therefore, they will deliberately target the superhumans of this path and make them fail in promotion. There are also superhumans who borrow this habit to summon phantoms and notify them in advance to seek the opportunity foreign cooperation.

"It's definitely a form of cheating.

"The host is to prevent this situation, guarding the ceremony venue from being invaded by outsiders. Although the apostles may not be very strong, they are the representatives of the Nine Pillars God. Attacking the apostles is equivalent to attacking the Nine Pillars God... What I said right?"

"Exactly, my wise and knowledgeable master. Your understanding of demons and the dream world has surpassed more than [-]% of demon scholars in this world."

"Ninety percent? Ten percent!"

Aiwass said unceremoniously: "Even the ancestor of the profession of demon scholar, Fontanelle, who has become a great demon and an apostle of the Fallen Master, has gone the wrong way."

Only in this field, he has the confidence and confidence to surpass all his contemporaries.

Although the Demon Scholar is the most popular profession in Transcendence, it is actually a relatively young profession.

The first demon scholar was born in the early fifteenth century, less than 500 years ago.His name is Jean de Fontanelle, and he was the first person in the world to develop a devil's contract.

He was once an alchemist, trying to create a potion that "could bring back the dead".

He clearly failed.But he only failed halfway, because he summoned his former friend...and it has been transformed into a shadow fiend.In order to keep his friends in this world, he developed a devil's contract.

"The world's first demon scholar, the demon he contracts with is the Shadow Demon. It is rumored that he can summon a demon from his own shadow to tear others apart...there is no doubt that it is the Shadow Demon.

"He himself is not famous, but he has a student named François Plelatti. He did not inherit the alchemy heritage left by his teacher, but became interested in demonology. In the end, he studied his teacher The doctrines left behind established the legacy of demon scholars.

"He later became a trapper, and his friend Gilles de Ray was originally interested in alchemy, but under his deliberate guidance, he also became a blood demon. The three of them. In the end, all three of them became the apostles of Fallen Heaven Division."

For humans with a short lifespan, it is extremely tempting to be able to sublimate into an immortal, powerful demon.

As a result, all demonologists are on the wrong track.

However, this "going the wrong way" also depends on the era. Before the Ring of Tails Ritual was invented, becoming a demon was also the only promotion route beyond the Dao.

But they obviously don't know enough about demons.I don't know how to summon high-level demons, and I don't even know enough about high-level demons, and even the research on demons themselves is not deep enough... Although I have analyzed the birth reasons and abilities of some low-level demons, I can basically understand demons above the fifth energy level. to an extent of ignorance.

"Falling Tiansi?"

Lily realized a point: "Why not Father Snake?"

"Here is the crux of the matter."

Aiwass just smiled, but did not elaborate: "Okay, the preparations are almost done. Let's try the shepherd method...introduce the power of the shadow demon into your body."

In fact, this is why Aiwass is convinced that those demon scholars have gone the wrong way.

Because the demon incarnation can only be promoted to the apostle of Fallen Heaven.

Contrary to the impression given by the demons, Father Snake is actually a relatively merciful, or at least detached, pillar god.

He loathes blood sacrifices and living sacrifices, and therefore dislikes cruel demonic incarnations.Beyond the Dao always gives people the concept of cruelty and evil, but in fact it is because the voices of demons are relatively loud and their sense of presence is relatively strong.

Therefore, as long as you become the incarnation of the devil, you will definitely be disgusted by the snake father.

This is why after they transform into devil incarnations, they can no longer continue to advance from the path of transcendence.

——This is a secret that [-]% of demon scholars do not know, and maybe even the vast majority of demons do not know about it.Because although the demons worship the snake father, they can't get in touch with the snake father at all.

So Aiwass chose to keep silent.

Because this is information that he should not know anyway, let alone obtain it through legal channels!
 Chapter 2, updated!
  Ask for tickets at the end of the month and the beginning of the month, and then push your friend's book~
  "This fox fairy is too inhuman"

  The male lead is a crumbly fox with a removable tail, joyful and unscrupulous, life is too hard, just watch it happily.


  "Let it be right! I beg you to be a human being!"

  "Huh? Be a human? But I'm a fox fairy."

  "Also, please call me foster father."

(End of this chapter)

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