Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 144 Shadow Demon: Killing chickens to scare monkeys, right?

Chapter 144 Shadow Demon: Killing chickens to scare monkeys, right?

In order to prevent Yulia from being woken up by her maid, Aiwass let Yulia sleep in his room directly after treating Yulia, so that she could get a good night's sleep.

It took him fourteen points of light attribute mana to bring Yulia's body back to a healthy level in one go.

You know, she only spent two points of mana when she had a high fever.It can be seen that her current state is not very good.

Although the current Yulia is actually in a healthy state of normal human beings... But her body has adapted to the low temperature and slow roasting for more than ten years.Sudden loss of heat source, return to normal, but some discomfort.

But now, it should be almost the same when she wakes up.Although it still needs to wait for her body to adapt and adjust slowly...but during this period of time, the mana that Aiwass left in her body can have a slow-release healing and analgesic effect.

This course of treatment can last for about half a week, and Aiwass will take another course of treatment next week... At most two courses of treatment, Yulia will be able to jump up and down like an ordinary person.

"How, my demon?"

Watching Lily take care of Yulia to sleep, Aiwass lowered his head and smiled at Shadow Demon, "Did I say that? I want you to see my strength."

"You are so wise, great and learned..."

Shadow Demon was not stingy with flattery, and immediately replied: "I tremble for your transcendent soul."

This is the truth.

As a demon, it doesn't care where Aiwass got this forbidden knowledge.The Shadow Fiend could only feel anticipation about Aiwass' future... and a subtle unease about his own seemingly certain future.

It is undoubtedly the orthodox demon, the phantom of the way beyond.

Aiwass trembled with excitement when he displayed such clear transcendence.Reflected in the appearance, the shadow under Aiwass is trembling and slowly wriggling at the moment.

Although Aiwass' purpose was to save Yulia, it wasn't the kind of repetitive labor called "salvation" that the demons dismissed.

Instead, it reversed the inevitable fate!

The hatching of phantom eggs is irreversible and unsolvable.Considering that the new phantoms will have the host's personality and memory, and will forget their previous experiences, from another perspective, it can also be seen that these hosts themselves cast off their shells and ascend into the dream world in the form of phantoms.

Therefore, interrupting the hatching process of phantom demon eggs is tantamount to directly changing the fate and interrupting the world law of rebirth of phantom demons after death.

And still adopted the drastic means of blaspheming Fallen Heavens!
"As a demon... you should know Fallen Tiansi, right?"

Iwass asked with a chuckle.


Shadow Demon replied: "Although I was resurrected from the egg of phantom demon, I was also a demon transformed by Fallen Heavens himself in my previous life."

In other words, all demons should know Fallen Sky, he is the highest level of demons.It is also the origin of the phantom group of "demons".

The "Big Sin Brand" itself is the power and mark granted by Fallen to the demon, and the demon who is branded with the Great Sin will evolve to the next stage; human beings may also be secretly marked by Fallen, so that he will become a different type after death of demons.This is the most common and original way in which demons are born.

For example, "Shadow Demons", they used to be the superiors who fell from a high place, or the upright people who were betrayed and framed.They degenerate because of their own experiences and become full of hatred, and they will drag others into the abyss to complete revenge at all costs.

They were marked with the mark of "Rage" by Fallen Division, and granted the power of shadow.As a price, they will turn into shapeless shadow demons after death, and they will never see the light again forever.

"Do you understand?"

Aiwass casually took out the red card, and said with a smile: "The first one is the Butterfly of the Flame, and after that it will be you."

"...Of course, I understand."

The Shadow Fiend uttered the voice of Chloe it had stolen, and said flatteringly: "My respected master... Even if you don't seal me into that little card, I will obey all your fates."

Because the shadow demon itself is also a ritual master.

It only saw it once, and it understood Aiwass's ritual.

Aiwass first requested the blessing of Nine Pillars God to ensure that he would not be noticed by Fallen Heavens.

After defrauding the brand of the great crime, he used the blessing of the Nine Pillars God to ensure that it would not fall directly on himself in the first place, and confuse the target of the ceremony through the fate linked to the phantom, and directly hit it backhanded on the phantom.

As long as the phantom does not resist at this stage and is successfully branded...then the power of the great crime brand is enough to overshadow the opponent's own path characteristics in terms of ritual judgment.

Those phantoms who originally belonged to other paths will be considered "phantoms with adaptability beyond the path" by the ritual.As an alternate demon, the ritual of sealing the demon by the transcendent path is pressed into the card that fits their power.

——Even what kind of card is suitable for sealing the phantom of the Dao of Consecration, Aiwass asked the apostle of the candle himself.

Simply bold!

Although phantoms cannot be killed, they can be sealed.Sealing the devil is the most common and stable ritual among them.

Sealing demons in crystal balls, mirrors, tarot cards and other media to make cursed items, and then giving them as gifts to others is a very common murder method for demon scholars.It can also be used to "forcibly break up" with demons that you have no control over.

Phantoms can't die, so they can't be branded as demons by the Great Sin.

As a result, they will always hold this great crime brand, and will always be judged as "devil candidates" by the ceremony.It will be stably sealed in the card as the beast of great crime.

At least Shadow Demon himself could not find a way to break the seal from within.

The idea of ​​this ritual belongs to Fallen Si, and the core power also comes from Fallen Si—that is to say, Aiwass used Fallen's symbol and Fallen's ritual to deceive Fallen's own power.

There is no doubt that this is a brand new ritual!

A ritual developed by his master Aiwass that has never appeared in this world!

If Aiwass has a slight deviation in his understanding of Fallen Sky or the ritual, he may incur Fallen Sky's wrath; he may also choose the wrong Tarot card so that it cannot be sealed, or it will be greatly weakened after sealing; and It may have attracted the brand of a great crime, but it does not fit the other party, so it is branded on yourself.

One wrong step is ruin.But he succeeded.

A person's destiny can hold up to six marks of great crimes, which means that Aiwass can still get five such "beasts of great crimes".

And Aiwass did all this just to save a small and short-lived mortal.

She is even a righteous sister who has no blood relationship with her.

Aiwass had also told Shadow Demon before that his goal was to kill Fallen Si.

The most powerful part of this ritual is that even if Fallen Sky is killed, the seal will not be lifted.Just like the fall of Fallen Heavenly Division will not lead to the extermination of demons...and if Fallen Heavenly Division falls, this ceremony will only become simpler.Because at that time, there is no need to ask Fallen Division to grant the mark of the great sin, but you can directly use the power of the masterless in the dream world through the ceremony.

Aiwass even thought about this step!
As a short-lived mortal with no extraordinary blood and no divine power, he conceived the ritual of stealing the Nine Pillars God and Fallen Heavens at the first energy level, and hoped to use the power of Fallen Heavens to defeat him. himself.

He even had the strength to leave a way out for himself, preventing the ritual based on the power of Fallen Heavens from being invalidated after his fall.

As a mortal, he can see so far.

——What kind of arrogance is this, and what kind of "transcendence"!
From this point of view, the shadow demon who is linked to Aiwass' fate will not resist in the slightest.

It wanted to follow Aiwass more and more, to see how far he could go.

Where can Aiwass go?

Leave a legend in history?A world-famous hero?The immortal apostle?Tiansi as a candidate for the Pillar God?
... Or, Nine Pillars God?

The protagonist of the previous era was Arthur.

Will Aiwass be next?

But now, it is Aiwass' natal contract, and the relationship with Aiwass is unique and inseparable.But if it also becomes his beast of crime, it can only become one-sixth of Aiwass, and the contract will be terminated.Maybe Aiwass will expel it from the card after defeating the more powerful demon and replace it with a more powerful demon.

Moreover, Shadow Demon is somewhat afraid of that card.

Although Aiwass has reduced its activity by "not connecting with the earth", Shadow Demon can still spy on the outside world at all times, at least not too boring.But if he is sealed to that extent... Is it like staying in a dark prison if I am trapped in that small card?
Then it will go crazy.

Even though things outside are so exciting, I can't see anything!
"Okay, don't be afraid. Even if I decide to seal you, it will be a long time later... If you have been so obedient, maybe I will seal you last?"

Aiwass comforted Shadow Fiend in a low voice.

He smiled like a merciful priest.The voice is gentle and sweet.

He took out a brand new silver ritual knife, and dexterously flicked it.

This is Aiwaste specially prepared for Shadow Demon, its special "dinner plate".

"Feed you something to eat first, okay?"

As Aiwass said, he skillfully lit the candle, drew out the ritual knife, and slowly applied the essential oil.

Seeing this, the Shadow Demon boiled and melted with excitement.

The transcendent desire to "become stronger" made it forget all the previous worries and vigilance, and the only thought left was to taste the sacred sacrifice of Aiwass.

It wrapped around Aiwass' legs and spread to the elbows of his arms.

Looking at Shadow Demon, Aiwass thought of his pet dog in his previous life.

When it was preparing meals by itself, it stood up like this, and its two little paws excitedly moved the table.

"Although I haven't fed you for a long time, don't worry..."

Aiwass couldn't help but put a sincere smile on the corner of his mouth.

“[I offer my blood, my bones, my flesh].”

Aiwass comforted softly, and slowly grasped the silver ritual knife that passed lightly on the candle, enduring the intense pain, allowing the ritual knife to slowly carve into the bones, allowing the blood to slowly ooze and drip Tan: "Eat in silence...

"[——I am the sacrament, this is mercy.]"

 Thank you for the illustration of Cancanhua~
  Chapter 2 is only 1000 words...Although it can be posted, the cat decided to add more than [-] words, which is about an hour late!
(End of this chapter)

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