Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 129

Chapter 129
Although he didn't know what happened there... But Antlers realized that the scream of "Thunder" might attract giants.

Therefore, his first reaction was to randomly block three road gates that he had not opened before.

He didn't know exactly where these doors lead to.

The two of them have yet to find the kitchen or the banquet hall—that is, the place where the "magic cauldron" is, but they have not found the bedroom where the giant couple rests.In order not to block the door leading to the "Magic Cauldron", Antlers did not block any room doors.

But they have clearly explored more than one safe route.

Even if they are chased by giants, they have their own way of escape.

In this case, there is certainly nothing wrong with blocking doors you have never seen before.

I don't know if the giant can be blocked... But at least it can block the way for other teams to come, or block the way for Lei Ting and the others to escape.

——If you are lucky enough, you may be able to seal the strongest Aleister directly into a dead end!

With no one knowing the way, further compressing the space for everyone's activities... For the assassins who can sneak all the way in this dark environment, and the necromancers who can transform corpses into instant combat power, their team, Undoubtedly an advantage.

As a spellcasting class, the Necromancer relies heavily on mediums.The necromancer's spell-casting medium is related to bone, either a bone staff made of bone, such as a tibia or spine; or a magic weapon made of skull, or a shield made of bone fragments.

Without a medium of casting, his spellcasting becomes very slow.You must go through a long chant or ceremony before you can use spells.

After seven or eight seconds of low-pitched chant, a dark yellow, translucent light beam shot out from his hands, piercing the darkness that he had gradually become accustomed to.

The light beam shot towards the gate at an extremely fast speed, dragging an obvious petrified trace on the bronze door.Relying on the dim light provided by the beam itself, Antlers aimed the petrified light at the doorknob.It took about two or three seconds for the petrification to completely turn the doorknob into a stone more brittle than bronze before he stopped casting spells.

"How much mana do you have left?"

Lily asked suddenly.

"There are still many."

Antlers replied calmly: "Reviving a fresh corpse hardly consumes mana, the longer the dead body, the more mana it consumes."

There was some warning in his words.

He keenly sensed a hint of malice in Mr. Gray's voice.In order to dispel the temporary teammate's idea of ​​attacking him, he reminded: "You must have a hole card, right? I have it too-don't forget that I was the first to arrive."

Mr. Gray didn't reply.

Lily had decided to kill him, but now she was still waiting.Waiting quietly like a spider on a web.

When Ash and Antlers arrived, they found that the giant had not yet arrived.

Surprisingly, there was a faint light here.This was the first light Lily saw when she entered the ceremony.After getting used to the darkness, it was even a bit dazzling to see the lights.

There are three people here.

One of them had fallen into a coma and fell to the side.The other person squatted beside the unconscious man with a cloudy expression.

There was another person who seemed to be in a bad state of mind, but he stood calmly in a place far away from the fire.

He leaned leisurely against the wall, only his chin was slightly illuminated by the light.He raised his hand and greeted the coming antlers and the "king" beside him.

Glancing at the quiet "King", the corner of the man's mouth slightly raised: "I think, you are antlers, right?"

Hearing this, the young soldier who was not unconscious looked up.


Antlers asked tentatively.

"No, I am a knight."

The young man replied: "Mr. Lei Ting is already in a coma... because of this Mr. Wu Yun."

"Can this be my fault?"

Wu Yun smiled and asked back: "Not a single word of the secret I told is a lie. Aren't you still awake?"

The knight sneered, noncommittal.

Lily clearly felt that the atmosphere on the knight had undergone some obvious changes.

Not depraved, not crazy.It's more like a person waking up from a dream, or a child growing up suddenly.

What secret did he hear?Let him change so much in such a short period of time...

But the antlers suddenly reached out and touched his forehead.

This was the code he had agreed with Lily, which meant that Lily should kill one person first.

—Who are you going to kill?
Lily looked up.

Gray cobwebs, seen only by herself, spread from beneath her feet.

Mr. Thunder fell into a coma, while the knight was just a young man.And still guarding the comatose Thunder.

Then the most threatening person is the person called "Dark Cloud" by the knight...

Lily gradually faded into the shadows, gliding at high speed.

The next moment, a gray silk thread silently appeared on the neck of the dark cloud.

A huge force from nowhere dragged him back quickly, and he was submerged in the lightless darkness in the blink of an eye.

"—Strangle the party?!"

The knight frowned and blurted out.

At this moment, the "King" who had been standing quietly beside the antlers suddenly rushed over and punched the knight in the jaw.

None of them had weapons.But the bodies they use are very strong.

Compared with the somewhat stiff "king", the knight's movements are very flexible.

He turned his head slightly to avoid the punch, stretched out his hand to grab the linen at the collar of the "King", pushed him back violently, and then pulled him suddenly, causing the "King" to become unbalanced.

When the "King" was staggering, the knight clasped the back of his head with both hands, and at the same time raised his knee vigorously, smashing hard on the bridge of his nose!
——This blow is enough to make people faint.

So the knight raised his head, looking warily at the antlers.

Compared with the last king who entered the ceremony, Antlers, as the first person to enter the ceremony, must have some merits.

I saw the antler raised his right hand and pointed it faintly at himself.

The knight was slowly pacing sideways—prepared for the moment he saw something, he would sprint backwards to dodge it, and then rushed to the antler and punched him!
But at this moment, his mind suddenly went blank.

It's like being drunk and fragmented... When he regained his eyesight again, the king who had been knocked down by him had already appeared beside him like a ghost.

He didn't look like he had been attacked by him in the slightest, his movements were extremely flexible, and his eyes didn't fluctuate in the slightest.

——But I had clearly broken his nose bone just now!

I saw the "King" take out something from his bosom - the next moment, thorns like living things grew rapidly from between his fingers, turning into three whips.

The king raised his hand suddenly, and the thorn whip flew over, trying to wrap around the knight.

Seeing this, the knight tried his best to retreat, but the speed of his retreat could not keep up with the speed of the growth of the vines.

Seeing that he was about to withdraw from the light, he finally couldn't help but use his palm as a knife, and tried to slash at the vine——

The sharp wind cut off the vines, and at this moment, the knight saw the opportunity, a ball of lightning burst out from all over his body, turned his palm into a fist, and hammered the king's jaw heavily!

A group of thunder crackled and exploded where the knight's fist fell, causing the knight's own fist to be burned.

But fortunately, this time the king burst out several balls of electric sparks all over his body, and after shaking for two steps, he finally fell down.

The knight just breathed a sigh of relief.

All I saw was that Antler snapped his fingers and ordered calmly.

"—start again."

His voice fell.

The whole body of the fallen "king" recovered from his injuries as if going back in time, and then got up again intact.

It roughly exhausted the knight's stamina, Antler thought to himself.

He put his hands and fingers together, put them on his chest and began to chant the spell of petrification in a low voice.

At this moment, Lei Ting finally woke up.

As soon as he woke up, he saw someone attacking the knight——

So he suddenly raised his hand, and a ball of dazzling light suddenly exploded in the air.

The antlers, the knight, and Lily who just strangled the man were caught off guard at the same time.

Everyone was blinded by him and lost their eyesight.The antler's spell was interrupted at the same time as the knight's parry.

Only the "King" is still operating normally, trying to attack.


He shouted loudly, rushed over and bumped the king away with a shoulder.

His fists shone with a hazy white light, and he punched out a set of extremely powerful consecutive punches.It took less than three seconds to knock the king down, and then reached out and pressed the king's face.

With a burst of white light gushing out from his palm.The light directly penetrated the king's head and exploded in all directions.

After Thunder's hand took it away, the king's head began to quietly burn into flames.He tried to move, but gradually fell silent.The king is finally no longer resurrected.

"What is your occupation?"

The antlers were not in a hurry to attack, but asked curiously, "I've never seen it before."

"...a holy warrior."

Thunder replied briefly.His voice was hoarse, and his mental state was very listless.

And the antlers pointed to the lights behind them: "Speaking of which, what about your lights..."

Halfway through hearing it, Lei Ting suddenly bowed his head and raised his left arm—a roughly circular light shield condensed on his forearm, completely absorbing the petrified light instantly shot out by the antlers with his raised right index finger.

"Guessed, Your Excellency."

The corners of Lei Ting's mouth raised slightly: "You need to practice more... Your intentions are too obvious."

"—what about mine?"

A gloomy and evil voice sounded.

The pitch-black hound suddenly rushed over from a blind spot.

The moment he saw the hunting dog, Antlers abandoned "Hui" without any hesitation, turned around and ran away.

Lei Ting immediately turned around to block with the shield, but the hound bit the light shield without hesitation—only persisted for a moment, and then directly crushed it.

The moment the light shield shattered, countless sea urchin-like sharp blades stabbed out from the hound, directly piercing Thunder's body!
White flames ignited all over Lei Ting's body, and he hammered hard at the hound.But the hound suddenly melted before the fist touched him, fell to the ground and disappeared.

A figure with black liquid shadows constantly ticking down from his body slowly approached and appeared within the range of the light.

His whole body was wrapped in shadows, leaving only a pair of eyes shining with a strange purple light exposed.A shadow hound emerged from his shadow again, circling around him continuously.And there is a large area of ​​shadow under his feet, gradually moving as he advances, bubbling like a boiling quagmire.

"—What a coincidence, everyone is here."

Aleister whispered, "Saves the cat and mouse time...doesn't it?"

"You wicked beast!"

Lei Ting angrily reprimanded, turned around and ordered angrily to the knight: "Run - go find the Holy Lance!"

Seeing this, the knight hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded.

Aleister didn't hunt him down.

With his hands behind his back, he looked at Lei Ting curiously and asked, "What secret did that man tell you? Can you mention it to me?"

"I have nothing to say to you, devil!"

Lei Ting replied loudly without hesitation: "Go eat shit with your demon master!"

The next moment, the sharp spear formed by the shadow pierced out from the boiling shadow quagmire under Aiwass without hesitation, piercing him instantly.The shadow that can corrode the tantra book corrodes and disintegrates Lei Ting's whole body in an instant until there are no bones left.

As the surrounding fell into silence again.

Aiwass squatted down, stretched out his hand to touch the hound, and comforted him helplessly: "Don't be so excited..."

"...There should be only the two of them left."

Lily appeared behind Aiwass without a sound: "Do you want to catch up and kill them?"

"No, it's just the first promotion ceremony. If it's just for winning, it's not difficult."

Aiwass shook his head: "The goal is to seek the lost history from the dream world and obtain stronger entries... I'll see if I can get a higher-level shadow affinity.

"Besides, I'm going to see the Holy Lance—are you going?"

"I'll go with the young master."

Lily said softly: "I will go wherever you say."

There was a hint of sadness in her voice.

 Seven thousand words, the update is complete!
(End of this chapter)

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