Seducing the Student Council President

Chapter 58



In its literal sense, the ability to foresee the future and observe events that will occur in the near future.

The most important point regarding the ability of prophecy is not merely the fact that one can ‘predict the future,’ but also that what is foreseen through prophecy is ‘observing events that will unfold in the near future.’

Prediction and observation. These two terms may seem similar at first glance, but a deeper examination reveals that they carry significantly different meanings.

The phrase ‘to predict the future’ is something that can indeed be achieved without the grandiose supernatural abilities of prophecy. This is because it is possible for anyone to analyze the present based on information acquired from the past and then estimate with relative accuracy what will happen in the near future.

However, ‘observing’ events that will occur in the near future is a matter quite distinct from simply ‘predicting’ what is to come.

Those endowed with the supernatural ability of prophecy do not predict future actions based on past information; rather, they can ‘settle’ the very events that will transpire in the future into the current world, transcending the causes and effects.

In simpler terms, what this means is that the future envisioned by the House of Valentine will inevitably be manifested in reality soon.


Of course, the power of prophecy is not an absurdly powerful and convenient ability that can determine a person’s fate outright.

Even Serika von Valentine, who is currently regarded as possessing the strongest foresight within the House of Count Valentine, can merely perceive fragmented moments of the future and cannot discern how such situations come to pass.

To put it metaphorically, it resembles the way heroes in Greek mythology, despite striving to escape their doomed fates, ultimately meet those fates due to their attempts.

All humans are bound by the great yoke of destiny, and no matter how much one struggles, it is impossible to escape fate.

At first glance, it may seem like this world is filled with occurrences born from chance, but in reality, even events perceived as coincidences have causality behind them, and everything that comprises the world is intricately woven together.

For this reason, the bloodline of Valentine calmly accepted the approaching end in ten years without taking any action.

Regardless of any resistance or struggles, there exists no way to evade the end.

And yet, it is precisely because of this inevitability that Serika von Valentine swore eternal loyalty to Jin, transcending time and space.

Although the reason is unclear, Jin possessed the power to carve out new possibilities, escaping from the causality of a world where everything was predetermined.

In the past, Jin had speculated that the reason he possessed the ability to transcend the world’s causality stemmed from the fact that he was a human from another world rather than this one.

In simpler terms, he had concluded that he was not part of this world, but rather an intruder akin to a foreign substance, thus not bound by the ‘predetermined fate’ of this world.

After realizing that this world is one within [Ragnarok], he began to think that, in terms of a game, he might be in the position of the ‘player.’

From the perspective of the ‘player’ progressing through the game, there could exist the power to avoid a bad ending and achieve a happy ending.

And now, as Jin listened to Serika’s prophecy-like words, he felt a chill run down his spine.

Jin and Erekaya would become one, transcending everything.

Whether or not any other meanings resonate, Serika’s words seemed to accurately reflect the current state of him and Erekaya, did they not?

If one were to simply consider the result, without the intermediate processes, it could be argued that Erekaya’s soul, in the future, currently resides within Jin’s mental space, so they are already in a united state.

However, what truly sent chills through Jin was not merely that Serika had accurately identified the situation he and Erekaya were in at the present.

“Wasn’t Serika’s foresight solely limited to glimpsing the future?”
Just a moment ago, Serika said that Jin and Erekaya would become one, transcending everything.

The word “will” indicates something that refers not to a past that has already passed but to a future that has yet to come.

From this, there are two possibilities that Jin could speculate on.

Firstly, Serika’s prophecy may be pointing to the current situation where Jin and Erekaya’s souls are already united, indicating that in the near future, she would discover that Erekaya’s soul resides within him.

It’s unclear how the future Serika might come to realize that Erekaya’s soul dwells within Jin’s mental space, but since life is unpredictable, the possibility of her finding out that he is, in fact, a reincarnator cannot be dismissed entirely.

Crucially, Serika’s powers are essential in confronting the end, so it might be that one day he would need to confess the entire truth to her.

The other possibility, which even Jin finds utterly absurd, is that Serika von Valentine might have foresight of a “future that has already vanished.”


From Jin’s perspective, having been pierced through the heart by Ajdahaka and having Erekaya’s soul residing in his mental space is a story of the past.

However, from Serika’s viewpoint, that would be a tale of a future yet to come, wouldn’t it?

Simply following a chronological order, Jin dying by Erekaya’s hand would occur ten years from now.

Thus, it’s possible that Serika’s foresight may be referring to the past when Erekaya’s soul enters Jin, and the two become one.

“This is troublesome.”

If Serika’s prophecy points to the former, then there would be no issues whatsoever.

No, to be honest, it would be somewhat awkward. Logically, he understood that revealing his reincarnator status to Serika and having her assist him would be the best choice, but—

“That girl is too much of a burden for me.”

Thinking about Serika kneeling before him, tears streaming down her face while banging her head against the ground filled him with immediate discomfort.

Well, a moment would come when he had to reveal that he was a reincarnator, but he hoped to delay that moment for as long as possible.

However, what if Serika’s prophecy pointed to the latter? What if she had glimpsed a future that had already passed and could not come to fruition?

“…This would be the worst.”

The future envisioned by the House of Valentine is “inevitably” manifested in reality.

Yet, Jin possessed the power to change that future, and in fact, none of the futures they had envisioned for him had ever come true.

But if Serika von Valentine had indeed “foreseen” the conclusion from ten years hence, which had been presented in the last chapter…

Should it be that the prophecy Serika witnessed during that climactic moment could not be avoided by Jin—

Ultimately, wouldn’t that mean that Jin, too, is a character bound by the world’s destiny?


His head was spinning. If only he had remained ignorant, he could have been pleasantly surprised to find himself in an intimate relationship with Erekaya, but being aware of too much left him struggling to maintain his composure.

“Uh… So, what does becoming one actually mean? Is it simply a familial relationship? Or does it imply something… more… intimate?”

Both Jin and Erekaya stayed silent, while Shura, as an outsider, looked at Jin with a deeply flushed face.

…Why is she making such a fuss about this? I’m not particularly interested in slippery women like you, either.

“I don’t know either.”

Meanwhile, Serika, who had just dropped a figurative bomb regarding Jin and Erekaya becoming one, was now backtracking and claiming ignorance.
“I do not foresee the future in visual terms. To put it metaphorically… it’s akin to a sudden flash of insight within my mind.”

Is that why even Serika, who glimpsed the future, is confused about what it means for Jin and Erekaya to become one?

“Um, Senpai. There’s something I don’t quite understand.”

“What is it?”

“As far as I know, Senpai… I mean, the prophecies of the House of Valentine indicate that the foretold future will definitely happen.”

“That is indeed true. At least to my knowledge, there are no humans who deviate from the foresight of the House of Valentine.”

“Then, opposing Mr. Jin’s entry into the Student Council now seems utterly pointless. After all, the future is already determined. Even if Mr. Jin does not join the Student Council, isn’t the union with the president already an established future?”

“Regrettably, you are correct in that statement. The unfortunate reality of that man becoming one with the president is akin to a natural disaster that we cannot escape, regardless of the measures we take.”


…An unfortunate reality? A natural disaster? You really seem to talk so freely.

“The president is already in a position where my foresight holds little significance. However, simultaneously, the foresight encompasses more than just the president.”

With that, Serika gazed intently at Shura, who seemed to catch on to something in her expression.

“Ah, don’t tell me what you’re referring to is…!”

“Exactly. It concerns the various women who were around that man before I foresaw his fate with the president.”

“It’s hard to believe, but Jin will become a man with a notoriously extravagant private life, surrounded by numerous women. Fortunately, I couldn’t see their faces, so I don’t know who they are, but if that man were to join the Student Council—”

“Is this a nightmare hinting that someday one of those women might be us?”

“That’s right, Shura. You are indeed a clever girl.”

“Ehe, that’s just basic.”


So, to summarize Serika’s words, the reason she opposes Jin’s entry into the Student Council is to preemptively avoid the unfortunate situation where she might become involved with him.

It’s certain that there are multiple women around Jin, but like Schrödinger’s cat, who those women are has yet to be determined.

In short, she’s blocking Jin’s entry into the Student Council for the sake of her own well-being and virtue.

—Pff! Ah, objectively speaking, he isn’t a particularly good man. Nevertheless, he isn’t a total scumbag either.


Heh, it feels as if I am surrounded only by enemies. There isn’t a single person who will support me.

Is this how the Zhang Panfa felt? This truly feels disgusting and miserable.

“But since this is the president’s decision, there’s nothing more I can do now. Opposing here would likely render everything meaningless. That’s all I wanted to say. I hope we can establish the best possible relationship as members of the same Student Council moving forward.”


It’s too late. It seems you could not foresee that I am a petty and narrow-minded person who can’t even overlook the trivial gossip of children about me.

I’ve been trying to distance myself from you because you feel overwhelmingly burdensome, but plans have changed.

You are hereby confirmed to become my slave in the future.

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