Seducing the Student Council President

Chapter 57


Now, let’s set aside the issue regarding Serika von Valentine for the moment and organize the story.

The current student council is composed of a total of four members.

First up, we have Erekaya del Pendragon, a first-year student who aspires to dominate all the students affiliated with Nineveh from her elevated position as the Student Council President.

– …I am utterly bewildered as to when I began to pursue such a sinister goal for my position.

At first glance, she seems like a coldly beautiful woman, but if one were to dig deeper, they would find that the Vice President, Serika von Valentine, is someone whose fanaticism could astonish even the most devoted of zealots.

Up to this point, even Jin, who is generally lacking in social connections, was familiar with these notable individuals.

However, sitting across from Jin, gazing at him with a cheerful smile, was a pink-haired girl, alongside a brown-haired boy who seemed to be spacing out. They were, to his dismay, people who were completely unrecognized in his mind.

‘The fact that I don’t know them suggests they are individuals who hold no significant influence in the future.’

Ten years from now, Jin will realize that he cannot oppose the End on his own and, in turn, will seek to establish an alliance by enlisting various influential figures.

Of course, such an endeavor wouldn’t have been possible without the assistance of individuals like Serika von Valentine or the Chairperson.

Regardless, Jin, under the pretext of being a time traveler, would exchange information with many people within that alliance, meticulously accumulating various details in his mind.

Although this information might not be particularly useful in the current iteration, it was uncertain when such knowledge might come in handy in the next round.

Thus, within the database existing in Jin’s mind, detailed records of notable figures, skilled individuals, and nobility destined for fame ten years later were carefully chronicled.

Yet, no matter how much he rummaged through his memories, he could find no recollection of the pink-haired girl and the brown-haired boy.

This led to two possible conclusions.

First, they could simply be insignificant figures who wouldn’t make it onto the roster of the alliance opposing the End in ten years.

…Otherwise, they could very well be individuals who wouldn’t be alive a decade later, explaining why Jin was unaware of them.

In truth, Jin leaned towards the latter possibility.

This was mainly due to the fact that the Status Window had already given him peripheral hints regarding “what the answer is.”

[■female’s after ■, Se■rika ■ ■レン■■in and join■h■■ni■!]

[■language and ■abilities are significantly enhanced.]

[Please■. The ■will be ■■■■■■■in the ■■■■.]

For the past century, the Status Window had been almost non-existent but had recently started to function. The message displayed was unmistakably reading ‘Serika von Valentine.’

Given all this, it would be reasonable to surmise that she likely held the ‘turning point of history’ or clues related to the End.

However, this did not mean Jin would focus solely on Serika von Valentine and neglect the other two.

After spending a century becoming quite familiar with failure, the prospect of experiencing it again and having to start over from scratch could genuinely drive him mad.

“Well then, shall we start with introductions? Since we’ll be sharing the same meal going forward, it’s better for us to get along, don’t you think?”

The pink-haired girl shrugged her shoulders before speaking.

“My name is Shura. I am Shura Preveza. I will serve as the treasurer in this student council. I look forward to working with you.”

“…Preveza? Are you referring to the House of Preveza Barons?”

“Oh? Do you happen to know about our family? I thought you wouldn’t, as we are relatively small and obscure.”

Relatively small and obscure? Is she making a joke that isn’t even funny?

As far as Jin knew, the House of Preveza Barons was one that completely dominated the southern trade of the continent, wielding power comparable to that of major nobility, despite merely holding the title of Baron.
Regardless of how seemingly insignificant a noble family may appear, one cannot simply disregard a lineage that controls the very essence of wealth within the Empire.

“And over here is Midir. Midir Tumel. As you can see, he’s the guy taking care of the administrative duties in the student council.”

While saying this, Shura shot Jin a playful wink and smiled at him.

“So, if you have any issues, feel free to ‘ask’ Midir anytime. There’s no need to be shy, because that’s precisely his role in the student council.”

Hmm… One thing is for sure; this woman named Shura is quite the devious character.

Within less than a minute of facing someone for the first time, she’s already exhibiting such a charming sociability.

If I were to pinpoint the reason why this student council, which is evidently made up of social misfits, hasn’t fallen apart yet, I would rank this woman’s contribution as the primary factor.

“…I’m Midir. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Midir Tumel appeared to be a quiet boy with a composed demeanor, but—

“I can smell something foul.”

Jin squinted his eyes and scrutinized Midir from head to toe.

Each time their eyes met, Midir subtly flinched in response. Observing this, Jin felt the stirring of his passive skill, ‘Weakness Annihilation.’

There was no doubt about it. That guy… he’s definitely a loser!

– Tsk tsk, there goes that bad habit again.

Although Erekaya was muttering something in his mind, Jin chose to ignore all of it and slowly raised the corners of his mouth into a grin.

Starting with Erekaya del Pendragon, then Serika von Valentine, and now Shura Preveza—there wasn’t a single relatable member in the student council. Yet, now he found himself confronted by such an easily manageable loser, which was indeed a source of comfort.

Yeah. I’m also well aware that I come off as somewhat, no, very much like a piece of trash.

But what can I do? I’m just the kind of person I am!

“I understand that you and the Chairperson are in the same class, so there’s really no need to introduce her… Now, finally, let’s talk about the role of the Student Council Vice President—”

“Serika von Valentine.”

Serika interrupted Shura’s words, casting an oddly displeased look at Jin.

To be honest, it wasn’t so much that being looked at that way was unpleasant, but more that it was somewhat curious. To see someone who had been observing the unseen future and calculating his worth, rendering her incapable of feeling any emotions about the ‘present,’ now making such a face.

“You said your name is Jin?”

“Yes, senior.”

As far as Jin knew, Serika von Valentine was a year older than Erekaya.

Given that, Jin, who was the same age as Erekaya, had no problem referring to her as senior.

“Let’s clarify one thing right off the bat. I’m not particularly thrilled about your presence in the student council.”

With that, Serika slowly scanned Jin’s figure with her gaze.

“That said, don’t get the wrong idea. I’ve never cared about your background or the rumors surrounding you. My discomfort with you is purely personal.”

“And what reason do you have for that?”

“You are an unexpected presence in my plans.”


An unexpected presence? What on earth does that mean?

“You must have heard, at least once, about the House of Count Valentine and the supernatural abilities that those of our bloodline manifest.”

“Are you referring to the ability to foresee the future?”


As she spoke, Serika stared intently at Jin’s face.

“For countless generations, the bloodline of Valentine has been charged with foreseeing the future and using that information to guide the Empire and this world towards a better direction. The secular powers we hold are utterly meaningless; the reason we accepted the title of Count was entirely a continuation of that narrative.”
“Of course, we are not gods, and thus cannot observe and predict everything in the world. It’s merely about grasping the overall flow of how this world might proceed in the future.”

“…So what exactly are you trying to say?”

It would be great if we could skip to the main point since I already know the story. Just how long is this introduction going to drag on?

“Jin, what kind of relationship do you have with the Chairperson?”

At Serika’s question, both Jin and Erekaya unknowingly glanced at each other, their expressions filled with confusion. What kind of relationship, you ask? What is our relationship exactly?

Hmm… What indeed is our relationship? To be honest, I’m not entirely sure myself…

“I suppose we’re just friends…”

While technically, we share a bond as fellow disciples studying the same martial arts, that was a secret not to be revealed in this setting.

When I subtly checked Erekaya’s expression, it seemed that she shared a similar thought.

But why is she suddenly inquiring about our relationship?

Could it be that she has foreseen my dubious plans to seduce Erekaya and ultimately bring her down?

Is that why she views Jin with such disdain?

“No, that’s not it. Jin, you do not have a friendship with the Chairperson. In fact, it would be correct to say that it’s impossible for you to have one at all.”


With those words, Serika looked at Jin with a furrowed brow, her gaze clearly filled with contempt.

“I can’t tell who it is, but there has always been a woman in your future. Moreover, the woman standing by your side varies with every future I foresee. One, two, three… I can’t fathom just how many there are.”


Hmm… To be honest, that’s a pretty undeniable fact, and I couldn’t refute it.

Given that, in Class A, the only people I could claim as ‘friends’ were all women.

But still, I wish she wouldn’t look at me with such disdain. Why does she keep regarding me like I’m some sort of womanizer? It’s quite annoying.

Should I just reveal to her that I’m a reincarnator? Maybe I should just make her my slave again this round?

“…Heh, despite appearances, you seem to be quite capable, Jin. Serika’s foresight cannot be wrong. Ah, does that mean I should be on guard as well? Am I going to be captured by you, Jin?”

From the side, Shura, who had been quietly listening, couldn’t help but giggle before she playfully wrapped her arms around herself, pretending to shiver.

…Please just stay quiet. It’s already quite chaotic as it is.

“And in that future, Jin, you were… in a relationship that transcended mere male-female boundaries with the Chairperson.”

“…Transcended male-female boundaries?”

What does that even mean? What happens when you transcend such boundaries? Are we supposed to become family or something?

“Sigh… While it’s merely fragmented information, I cannot be entirely certain, but… it seems that you and the Chairperson….”

What about us? Don’t leave me hanging like this!

“…It suggests that, in the future, you will ultimately become one, transcending everything.”


In that moment, Erekaya was left dumbfounded by Serika’s words.

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