Secretly Meeting With My Boss

Chapter 38.1

It was the first time for Taekyung to call So-young by her name, not her position. When she realized it, her eyes opened more round than usual. There were small pie crumbs attached to the slightly open lips. Taekyung opened his mouth, feeling the urge to lick it.

"I know what I'm saying now can be sudden. But it's not an impulse swept away by the emotions of the moment, it's a conclusion that I thought a lot about."

So-young erased her smile from her face as if she felt something unusual. Taekyung paused for a while and breathed out, carrying a confession he had endured all along.

“Why don’t we meet properly instead of this kind of wasted relationship?”

"What? What do you mean…"

So-young asked, puzzled with a face that she did not understand. Taekyung looked straight at her and said with determination.

"I like you."

"…Team leader."

"So I'd like to see you officially if you don't mind.”

So-young's expression changed at Taekyung's confession. She looked like she didn't even expect him to say this. For Taekyung, it was not known whether it was a positive or a negative sign.

Taekyung smiled faintly to hide his mind mixed with nervousness. So-young's eyes shook thinly. She smacked her lips over and over again as if to say something but soon closed her mouth firmly.

For some time to remain so silent, So-young breathed out a long breath. Then, she faced Taekyung with a slightly clearer expression. Both cheeks were red like ripe fruits.

"You like me?"

"That's right."

"Since when… No, why?"

Taekyung, who didn't know why he liked her, was embarrassed, but soon pondered what the intention of the question would be. As a result, he thought he would know So-young's mind vaguely.

In a relationship that began in this way, can affection that didn't exist in the first place, as if going back to square one, sprout belatedly……? That was exactly what Taekyung was curious about all along.

In a relationship that started in this way, as if it didn't start in the first place, how can love that did not even exist in the first place sprout later… That was what Taekyung had been curious about the whole time.

"Well, I don't know either."

Taekyung answered concisely. So-young blinked with an expression that she didn't know she would hear such an irresponsible answer. Taekyung added words so that she would not misunderstand.

"But it's not just because I liked sex. If it were only that, I would have been satisfied with the relationship so far. It's much more efficient and neat to just take each other's desires."

Even at the moment of confession, Taekyung did not lose his original cynicism. At the same time, he chose the words carefully.

"S who made me is still an undefined person. It's standard enough to look straight, while it's sometimes absurdly anomalous. If you think you're passive, you're bold beyond your expectations. Like that, getting to know a lot of things that you didn't know before…….”

“To me, you're still an undefined person. You're straightforwardly, but sometimes absurdly anomalous. If I'm passive, you show boldness that exceeds expectations. So, as I get to know your various aspects that I did not know before….”


"I have started to like you."

So-young closed her mouth with a face that she didn't know what to answer. He expected her to be embarrassed, but when he was faced with a more rigid reaction than expected, Taekyung was forced to become nervous. He rolled up his fist with his hand trying to stretch out without realizing it and smiled smoothly.

"I don't intend to force you to answer right away. But I hope you think about it seriously.”

As soon as Taekyung finished speaking, Soyoung's face passed by a nursery rhyme like a spring breeze. Her cheeks, which had been hotter than usual, turned redder. She wrapped her cheeks with her hands as if to hide her expression. Taekyung's heart began to beat faster than usual at the shy response.

Eventually, So-young muttered in a small voice with her head down, "I really didn't know you'd say that… I was really surprised. Thank you for thinking of me like that. Team leader, to be honest…… I'm very happy."

It was a moment when Taekyung's heart rose significantly after saying no to consent.

"But I don't think we should go out."


Taekyung's mind was emptied white due to an unexpected rejection.

Taekyung, of course, also considered the possibility of being rejected. However, it was only a small imagination. Considering So-young's interest in him, it was difficult to think of another result other than when the confession was made.

Tae-kyung, who was engulfed in embarrassment for the first time in his life, expressed a self-centered and childish question that was no different from other men.

"…You don't like me?"

So-young shook her head with a puzzled face.

"How can I not like you?"

"Then why…"

Taekyung, who was trying to organize his thoughts with his head that didn't work well, closed his mouth in a straight line. It was because Yi Hwan's face suddenly passed by his head. No way. He doesn't even want to think about it.…. Taekyung asked So-young with a pale face.

"Do you have another man in mind?"

"W-what nonsense are you talking about? I'm in this kind of relationship with you. That can't happen."

Tae-kyung felt a little relieved by the determined denial that did not leave any room, but that did not explain why So-young refused him.


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