Secretly Meeting With My Boss

Chapter 37.2

[Han Soyoung: Yes, sure.]

Taekyung's lips curled in the innocence of not showing any doubts.

Where would be a good place to have a quiet conversation?

After looking back at his memories for a moment, Taekyung recalled a fine dining restaurant in Cheongdam. It was a place that always boasted full booking, but fortunately, he was a good acquaintance with the chef. Taekyung wasn't the one to actively use his natural connections, but he thought he was in a good position to do so now.

Taekyung also reserved a hotel after a few minutes of consideration. He didn't want to be misunderstood otherwise, but it's been a while since he had sex with So-young.

When he finished all the preparations, he suddenly felt like time was passing slowly. Taekyung sighed long and buried himself deep in the chair.

An unfamiliar feeling, whether it was tension or excitement, tickled his solar plexus. For some reason, it seemed difficult to focus on work today.

* * *

"You've been waiting for a long time, haven't you?"

"No, you came down early."

As always, So-young came down to the parking lot shortly after Taekyung, who left work first, waited.

Today, Soyoung couldn't have been more beautiful. Even though she didn't dress up, she has been like that recently. With the cool weather, her clothes became lighter, and Taekyung's heart was tickled like a skirt that fluttered around her knee.

So-young in the passenger seat fastened a belt and asked Taekyung.

"Where are we going today?"

"I'm thinking about going to Cheongdam. Will it be okay?"

"Yes, sure."

Soyoung nodded her head, but she couldn't completely hide her doubts. It was a town not far from the company, but as their final destination was a hotel, it was a place where they did not have to walk.

She thought he said let's see each other to have sex again today.

Feeling embarrassed, Taekyung started the car with a clumsy smile.

While Taekyung was driving, Soyoung occasionally glanced at him. Recognizing the gaze, Taekyung curled his lips. Of course, he liked the fact that So-young's gaze was directed at him, but I wondered why she looked at him like she was peeking. Taekyung fixed his eyes in front and asked with a smiley voice.

"Why do you look at me like that?"

"Just… I think you're cooler than usual today."

Soyoung answered in a tone of shyness. Taekyung's innocent reaction turned into a lovestruck one. It was true that she cared more than usual, but it was because he did not know that she would directly mention that fact.

In fact, it was an obvious compliment on him that anyone else would not have any impression of him. However, the fact that the words came from So-young's mouth made him conscious of the atmosphere for no reason. It was embarrassing to see her because he seemed to have been caught trying to look good. As a result, there was no shameless response as usual.

"Well, I'm glad if that's what you see."

Taekyung belatedly gave a playful answer like a joke, and Soyoung smiled lightly as if she didn't feel much awkwardness.

Dinner was fine. No, it was great beyond a decent level. The French course, which reinterprets fresh seasonal ingredients in a modern way, was admirable, and the wine recommended by the chef was also flavorful. In addition, the private room with one side open with a front window played a big role in creating a romantic atmosphere.

"Is it okay?"

"It's so good."

So-young, who eats anything well, showed her strengths today. She emptied the plates on each course to satisfy Taekyung.

The time between the two went smoothly. Neither of them was actively leading the conversation, so there was occasional silence, but it was never an awkward or uncomfortable atmosphere. It was probably due to the instinctive intimacy that comes from sleeping together.

So-young, who was surprised at first just by Tae-kyung's appearance, now looked comfortable even when she was with him. Recognizing the fact, Taekyung's heart was colored with pride.

The course has come to an end. For dessert, Mont Blanc and black tea were served. In the meantime, the wine has almost run out.

So-young, who had almost emptied half a bottle of wine alone, had a slightly heated face. The relaxed eyes were wet and shiny, and the tip of the round nose with light was smooth. The thick lips, which occasionally pouted, looked greedy enough to kiss.

In short, in Taekyung's eyes, Soyoung looked so pretty that he was mesmerized. He asked her, trying hard to keep looking persistent.

"How was your meal?"

"It was the best food I've ever eaten."

"That's a relief. I also like this place, so I thought I'd like to come with you sometime."

"Oh, I see…"

So-young rolled her lips inward and mumbled shyly. But for a while, she raised her head and smiled at Taekyung.

"Are you buying it for me because I've worked so hard?"

After letting go of her usual tension and vigilance, her smiling face lit up. The moment he met that smile, Taekyung felt so much tension that even he himself was embarrassed.

He was overconfident, but when he was about to confess, everything suddenly seemed uncertain. He felt unpredictable as to if I was stepping into a fog. For Taekyung, who has lived with a belief in clarity all his life, this ambiguous tension was very unfamiliar.

Taekyung felt a strong urge to postpone his confession, but the only thing that remained like that would have been impatience.

Taekyung, who was tempted to go back at his words at the moment, soon got his mindset. If he had to go through this feeling every time, it was better to finish it at once.

Taekyung took a short breath and faced Soyoung straight.

"Han Soyoung."

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