Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc IV Chapter 8



Arc IV Chapter 8



7th Ignis Solar IX AAC 753


“No, we won't abandon you. We won't forget ... you. We will continue to look after you. We will find adequate accommodation for you, don't worry. Promised.” Lambert assured her with a smile that inspired even less than the slightest amount of confidence imaginable. Aurora had the nagging suspicions that Lambert might potentially be lying.


Little Aurora crossed her arms and hugged her doll.“Such as?”


“We haven't decided yet, but there are various possibilities.” Lambert deflected, evading her question.


Yet she didn't budge. “Such as, Uncle Lambert? What are these ‘various possibilities’”


“You are stubborn, child, aren't you? I would have preferred it went unsaid, but I think that an orphanage would be the right place for you. The church will take care of you until you turn of age. Until then, you will remain under their tutelage and supervision.”


In the meanwhile, Aurora was less than pleased with this outcome. Being sent to an orphanage, of all places, didn't sound particularly appealing.


Lambert sensed her displeasure. “Trust me, the orphanage is not a bad place. The church will provide food and shelter. You might even enjoy a free education, if you are fortunate. They might teach you the secrets of magic, as long as you display adequate potential. As far as I am aware, you are fascinated by magic, aren't you?”


Aurora merely nodded. It was true, her interest for the arts of magic was strong indeed.


Lambert wore a diplomatic smile. “Just ask Iris, she knows best. That's where she made her first foray in the matters of magic. She learned the fundamentals from the church. Right, Iris? Orphanages aren’t so bad.”


Their domestic mage offered a weak smile in response. “Lambert is right ... Orphanages do have their merits.”


“...” Aurora fell silent. They were cornering her with logical and reason. A most problematic development for a cute girl and her doll companion were neither keen on.


Being sent to an orphanage, being imprisoned for the rest of her life by a religious organisation was not any part of her plan. She had come this far, and now she had to face a life in an orphanage? Not her! Unfortunately, Lambert had a point, a good point, their goodwill was finite. They weren't willing to tolerate a leech, even a cute little leech, of her degree forever.


As such, Aurora faced a severe dilemma. “Hmm, ... you said I can't stay with you, didn't you?”


Lambert crossed his arms. His posture defensive. “I did.”


“Because staying with you will put me in danger?”


“More or less.”


“Because I can't fight?”




“Because I can't defend myself?”




Her headsie started working furiously. There must be a way to sway him. Her gears were turning until finally an idea emerged. A sparkling light surfaced in her eyes. “I think I have a solution.”


Lambert furrowed his eyebrow. “I am listening.”


Aurora raised her index finger, bringer of excellent ideas and impeccable advise. “Why don't I also become an adventurer? Just like you! I will learn how to fight, so we can stay together forever until the end of times.” 


“... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...”


“What?” Aurora tilted her head. For some reason, a sea of incredulous stares met her proposal.


“Ahahaha. Hahahahahahahahahaha. Ahahahahahha. Hahahahahahaha. Hehehehe.” Lambert exploded in bursting laughter. “Ahahahahahahahaha. Ahahaha. Hahahaha. Ahahahahaha. Hahahahaha. Ahahaha. Ahahahahahaha. Hahahahahaahahaha.”


His sudden outburst attracted much unwanted attention. The entire guild was staring at them in confusion until Lambert finally regained his composure. “You? An adventurer? I hope you are jesting, little princess.”


Aurora and her doll pouted in rightful indignation, strongly disapproving of his unjustified ridicule. “I am not ... jesting. I am serious. I want to become an adventurer. Just like you.”


“Please, enlighten me then as to how, little princess. How do you want to become an adventurer? Just look at you, your cute doll, your soft cheeks, your fluffy hair, your pale skin, your meagre non-existent musculature. Your hands can't even lift a sword!” Lambert shook his head. “Tell me, how the fuck is a little girl like you supposed to become an adventurer? Are you taking our profession as a joke? Being an adventurer requires hard training and effort.”


Aurora didn't exactly disagree, yet she disagreed. “I know, but ...”


Lambert crossed his arms. “No, forget it. Trust me, you are better off at the orphanage.”


“Please.” Aurora begged him.










“Fuck no!”


Aurora hugged her doll. “... Is there really no way?”


Lambert's face darkened. “Aren't you listening, no ...”


“Lambert, don't be like this, I think we should give her a chance.” Of all people, Iris intervened on her behalf. “In fact, the guild offers a program for people like her. We could sign her up for it.”


“Sign her up for what? What program are you talking about?” Lambert met her words with incredulity.


Iris raised her voice. Once again, the teacher in her surfaced. “The guild has a special program for aspiring adventurers. The guild provides every year a certain number of available places, which will then be allocated to a certain number of applicants. The applicants will be provided with tutelage and lodging for the duration of their training, until they graduate and are promoted to full fledged adventurers.”


Aurora and her doll were sharpening their ears. The program sounded much like the equivalent of an adventurer academy. Not the worst idea probably, considering the mortality of the adventurer profession.


Lambert blinked, his confusion plainly visible. “... ... ... That's a thing?” 


Iris beamed. “It was a rather recent idea of the guild master. If she shows promise, she will pass. If not, she will fail and kicked out.We can vouch for and sponsor her, to increase her chances of being admitted. You know perfectly well, Lambert, that your word in particular carries weight with the guild master.”


Her words made Lambert fume. “Are you crazy, Iris? The child will only get herself killed! And now you plan to risk our good name and reputation! Have you gone insane? How can I vouch for her in good faith?”


Armed with her usual gentle smile, Iris continued conspiring against her companion, supported by a devious little devil. “Lambert, please, give her a chance. Have some faith in her. I am sure she won't disappoint us. I am sure she will give it her best.”


Aurora and her doll nodded in wholesale agreement. “I will. I will double and triple my efforts. I will show you all what I am made of!” Of one half cuteness and one half cuddliness.


“...” Lambert harboured a less enthusiastic outlook.


Aurora recommenced her assault, pleaing. “Please, Uncle Lambert!”


“No.” Lambert remained unmoved.


Thus, Aurora was forced to resort to her last most lethal weapon in her arsenal, a deadly hug. Her little arms embraced Lambert in a cuddly hug. Her best puppy eye supported her efforts. “Pleashe.”








Lambert grumbled, biting his lips. He struggled as his resolve wavered. “Ah, damn it, you win. I give up. You get your chance, girl. I will even pay ... for your gear if necessary.”




Lambert nodded. “Be glad that I feel like it today. Because my brain still says no.”  


Aurora jumped in joy together with her doll, rewarding him with another hug.“Thank you, Uncle Lambert. You are the best.” 


Afterwards, she returned her attention to her doll. “Did you hear? We are going to become adventurers~. Isn't that wonderful?” Her doll nodded.


A slight smile graced Lambert's lips, as he watched a girl overjoyed. Her happiness was infectious, her innocence heart warming. The girl ... was different from them. Such was obvious to the naked eye. The girl wasn't like them.


They all were marked by the hardships of life, having lost their innocence long ago, forced to mature beyond their years. The very concept of childhood was alien to their like, to men and women of common birth, a privilege rarely enjoyed. Yet the girl in front of them retained her impish childishness, living in her own precious little world free of troubles and worries.


He knew that they come to regret his choice, yet he didn't change his mind. They wouldn’t forsake their little mystery girl. Henceforth, their fates were intertwined. He only hoped that he made the right decision.



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