Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc IV Chapter 7



Arc IV Chapter 7



7th Ignis Solar IX AAC 753


Aurora was a happy girl, the very definition of happy girl, graced with a bright, radiant smile and the cutest doll across the entire land.


After much pleading, begging, and deploying other means of persuasion, Iris finally relented and bought her a large cup of hot chocolate crowned with a generous dollop of whipped cream atop.  


Sitting on her chair with her feetsies kicking the air, her fluffy head reached above the surface of the table despite her petite stature. Her tiny hands raised a humongous cup of sweet, steaming happiness. Her doll shared her moment of triumph from her lap.


Her soft lips tasted the sweet, musky, sugary flavour of milk and chocolate. Her nostrils inhaled the irresistible fragrance of cocoa, as her heart enjoyed the small luxuries of life. As a wise man once said, you must cherish the small things in life. She certainly did so, even if it was just a cup of hot chocolate.


Apparently, the lands of Arcadia were well acquainted with the temptations of cacao. Upon entering the adventurer's guild, her doll spotted across the room a girl, across a sea of brawly and unruly individuals calling themselves and their likes adventurers despite their amalgamation of gear and equipment. Protected by an entourage of guards, the young mistress enjoyed a suspicious brown creamy beverage, which reminded her of hot chocolate. The unidentified beverage looked and smelt delicious.






Little Aurora also wanted a hot chocolate. A decision was taken and a plan hatched. Little Aurora turned to Iris for help. Tugging and begging Iris into submission, she succeeded in breaking her stubborn resistance.


Cocoa was a luxurious commodity, an expensive import from across the sea, from the East. Yet a polished piece of sparkling silver wandered from Iris' pocket across the counter of the adventurers' guild in exchange for a single cup of hot chocolate. Success. Her plan succeeded. Iris was two kreuzer poorer, yet a cheerful Aurora was one hot chocolate richer. A profitable trade, in her opinion, albeit others might disagree.


Aurora savoured every little sip of her decadent cup of hot chocolate, as creamy milk and liquid cocoa coated her guilty lips. Iris was such a kind woman. Her kindness must be repaid one day. Her doll seconded her opinion.


Lambert returned from his strenuous negotiations with the guild receptionist. His hand was holding a leather bag, full of chinking coins, for a supposedly satisfied and happy adventurer.


Yet he was neither satisfied, nor happy. Instead, his face betrayed minor hints of annoyance. The rattling bag hit the wooden surface of the table with a loud clatter, before an ever grumbling Lambert took a seat. Judging by his mood, he probably also needed a hot chocolate.


Lambert pinched the bridge of his nose, his exasperation apparent. “Stupid commission fees ... Blood sucking parasites, all of them ... But at least, the elves kept up their end of the bargain. They paid well for some scholars. They promised us 400 pieces of silver, and they kept their word. We got our 400 silver minus 20% commission fee for the guild. So 320 taler in total.”


“That's a proud sum ...” Iris commented.


Lambert agreed. “Very much so. The mission got some nasty surprises, but I can't say our elven friends didn't pay well. Quite the contrary. We can't complain. Their coin should see us through for the next month.”


Even Aurora nodded in earnest agreement. 320 silver. One silver equalled one taler. One silver taler equalled ten bronze kreuzer. So that meant 320 taler were the equivalent of 1 600 hot chocolates. All things considered, that was an impressive number of hot chocolates they could provide her with.


Suddenly, Lambert narrowed his eyes at her. “One problem, however, remains ...”


Aurora tilted her head in confusion with her hot chocolate clutched in her hands. Her eyes blinked. 






A heavy sigh escaped Lambert. Its meaning was clear. They both knew this was going to happen sooner or later. “Tell me, little one; what are we supposed to do with you?”


“... ... ... What are you talking about?” Aurora feigned surprise.


Leaning back in his chair, Lambert folded his hands, deliberating his options. “Our mission has ended, lass ... We have even got you into the city … We didn't need to, but we did.” His stare intensified. His eyes hardened. “So, what are we going to do with you now?”


Aurora's round purple eyes widened in fake realisation. “You can't mean ... You aren't going to abandon me, are you?” 


“...” Her question met collective silence.


“Iris? Rudolf? Michael? You aren't going to abandon me, right?” Her pleas found no ear.


Everyone averted their eyes, unable to face her sight. Only the iron Lambert found the courage to meet her gaze.


Aurora hugged her doll, tears welling up inside her. “Can't I please stay with you? You know that I have nowhere to go ... I am not even remembering my name ... You mustn’t send me away.”


Her words struck a nerve. Lambert's confident smile faltered under doubt and hesitation. His façade of false bravado cracked even so slightly. “... unfortunately, you can't, ... you can't stay with us ... That's ... impossible ...”


“Why? I don't mind following you. You are all nice and friendly. You care for me.” Aurora sparkled with new-found hope.


“...”  Lambert's very eyes betrayed hesitation. “Listen, we are not the church. We are adventurers. We neither have the time, nor resources to rear a little girl ...”




A single innocuous word interrupted Lambert, weakening his resistance. Against all logic and reason, his heart was thawing. Why? Just why must she so annoyingly cute under her ragged garbs? Her giant, round, purple eyes. Her lovely lips. Her soft, fluffy cheeks. Her delicate dolliness.


“Unfortunately, we must.” Lambert spoke with an edge of hardness in his voice. “We can't guarantee your safety. In fact, you are a liability. You can't defend yourself. You can't fight. You were lucky to survive the demon. You were lucky to survive dread wolf, but luck is fleeting. Things could have easily turned out differently.”


“So you are really going to abandon me?” Aurora lowered her head.



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