
Chapter 196: New Goal – Part 2

Today's stormy and even a bit cloudy, but when my time to speak comes, it's almost like the whisper of the wind quiets down to listen and the clouds open up so that the God of the Sun can take a look at me. It feels a bit pretentious to think that it is happening for real, but this is the exact same place where the Divine Intervention happened, so whatever.

Now, I finally begin, "Noblemen and Noblewomen; Ladies, Gentlewomen, and Gentlemen, we're all gathered here to celebrate the victorious return of our soldiers from the Sky Lands. They fought in a fierce battle to protect our fellow humanoids from an endless swarm of monsters that poured out of an ancient dungeon, and they did so admirably.

"Our soldiers successfully held back the horde long enough for our Ryder royal family, and also the Hau-Hou royal family, to reach the core and slay the Dungeon Master, saving the Sky Lands and maybe even the empire from being swallowed by the swarm. Perhaps the Emperor himself would have needed to save us, but countless lives would still have been lost.

"Brave, intelligent, competent, and strong, the names that I'll mention next are of those who participated and earned honors by fulfilling their duty."

Then I unfurl a scroll and go through the same names that were mentioned during the celebration back in the Sky Lands, but we have the time, so I also add more people like officers and even some warriors with high kill counts.

After I'm done, I drink a cup of water to deal with my dry throat, and then I move on to the next part, "But we didn't kill all of the monsters in the swarm. We discovered that there was a group of them who have 'incomplete' souls, so they have no aggression towards humanoids. In fact, they have more in common with human farmer commoners than their full-souled counterparts.

"Therefore, we've taken them under our wing, and the Root Lords Armoveire of the village of Bomolheita have agreed to house them. They'll learn the elven way of life and be treated as humanoids, so access to the village will be firmly controlled to prevent 'incidents.'"

The Armoveire are the old couple of Lords that once asked for help dealing with a swarm besieging their village, and they expressed their appreciation by allowing me to share a night with their milf concubine. I shall always remember them for their "hospitality."

Moving on, the crowd hums in surprise and curiosity, but I quickly interrupt them with a solemn tone as I continue, "But this glorious victory didn't come without losses as some of ours paid the ultimate price and gave up their lives for the safety of others! Therefore, we shall also honor our dead and pray for their long stay in Paradise, for they've earned it!"

And then the mood becomes solemn as I recount the dead. It's a short list, though, as the Sky Landers absorbed most of the losses due to their higher numbers and much less well-trained troops, so I quickly finish going through it, but then I add a dramatic pause.

Normally, we'd begin festivities right away, but my pause immediately tells everyone that there's more coming, and the silence becomes heavy, filled with expectation. I can feel how respected and appreciated I am in this town, so it truly feels like home to me, and I shall never abandon it.

Which is only because the Gods did the Divine Intervention, so they've managed to chain me to this place in every way possible, short of literally…

Anyway, it's time for the big reveal.

"But the reason why our soldiers were sent there in the first place was because of a divine quest given to me, for the Gods knew that the Sky Lands would need not only one but five heroes. I'm not the only one who has been chosen by the Gods, as there are more just like me."

The crowd seems to lightly gasp in surprise, which is expected since I'm saying that there are others at the same level as me. And my fame/piety levels are already extraordinary, so these new people must also be super special.

"By that, I mean that they're Realm-Travelers, and so am I. I'm not originally from this Realm. I came from somewhere completely different from this land, a place with different Gods and laws of reality, a place without mana, monsters, or even other races besides humans. I came from a Realm called Earth, summoned to Rupegia, this Realm, by-…"

I suddenly remember the one message I got when I first arrived.


Sender: God.

"I'm sorry about this, but there's no way for you to go back."


"… the Gods of this world, while the God of mine gave Their blessings to them, for I'm the only one capable of fulfilling my divine quest. But the Gods also summoned four other Earthlings, and now we've reunited!"

We never talked about this message with The Four, and Alissa's eagle eyes can see that Lily is frowning, as she's likely realized that there's something peculiar about my phrasing, or maybe she just remembered that she received a similar message. Alissa can also see that the priests desperately want to talk to Caterina and Teresina, but both of the stern women simply silence them with a wave of their hands since I'm not done yet. We told them this was going to happen as a courtesy so that they could prepare for all the questions.

But before the confusion settles in for the crowd, I bring up the ending of my speech, "We don't know what the Gods want for our future, but we know that we were brought here for a purpose, so we'll remain together until that time comes. Meanwhile, we can spread the knowledge of our world and help this Realm progress! As expected of any other pious humanoid!

"So let's celebrate not only the victorious return of our men, but also the holy reunion of my comrades as a new era is brought upon us!"

And my excitement infects the crowd, who begin to roar and cheer, but they're drowned out by the fireworks, and then they get distracted by the airplanes as they take off and begin their airshow. The Carrier also undocks, and it'll do a few laps around the town to entertain the commoners, so nobody will be paying any attention to the true meaning of my words until the party is over in the morning, and then the reality will dawn upon them.

But now it's time for the gathering of nobles, so we retreat into the castle grounds.


"We didn't wish to steal the glory from our men, but this was something that must be said," I explain to our High Officers as the nobles begin to arrive.

"I care not for the opinion of other nobles," Hihiriwa immediately answers, completely unconcerned. It seems that this dragon-headed man isn't all bad, after all.

"This is more interesting than glory," Silvano remarks with his usual androgynous grin.

"It'd be improper to resent His Highness for continuing his holy work," Alcander composedly adds.

And Oritiki simply nods in agreement with him, even though she isn't pious towards the Humanoid Gods (yet).

"Very well, then. Let's begin the gathering," I calmly state.

Then we join the party just as it starts. There's only one topic that the nobles are interested in, though: Earth, but they don't know how to even begin, and an awkward silence starts to grow among them as they hesitate before asking me questions, so we give them a little hand. Even though they can make accurate guesses about who the four heroes are, this is too much of a detailed topic to just go asking around.

So I walk up to the center of the gathering, and a silence immediately settles in. Then I begin, "I understand how outlandish my claims are, which might make it difficult to know where to even begin with your questions, but I understand that you're all curious about my world, so I guess I can start by simply talking about myself."

And I give them a quick rundown of my life's story, but it sounds so outlandish that a mere scholar became a warrior and then a king that they just remain silent after I'm done. It seems that this still isn't enough to loosen their tongues.

Even the Heart Lords, who have always looked so confident and smug, seem puzzled and confused about this revelation.

Then Dame Silvina steps forward and asks out loud, "That's a very idyllic life, Your Highness, but how were your first few days in this world?" And this perks up everyone's long elven ears.

Out of all the landless nobles, she's definitely our biggest ally.

There are a few details that I can't share, but I give them another quick run down, this time of my short life here in Rabanara.

"And then you delved into the Legado dungeon and became a king," Silvina states with a nod in understanding.

Now we're back in Rupegia and at a time period that everyone recognizes, so the excitement starts to spread among the nobles as they begin to come up with questions.

"How was the dungeon delve? It must've been something special," Iril Laribeiro questions curiously. He's a young Heart Lord, so his heart must still be full of adventure.

"It was a series of outlandish tests. Arreira wanted to see how we'd react to incredible situations so that our personalities would have the opportunity to shine, revealing what sort of people we were."

"But why? Why would he transfer the royal name to you?" a landless noble suddenly questions, sounding subtly agitated. His tone is concerning, considering how… suspicious his question is, but we can make it work in our favor, too.

Yunia takes me over briefly so that I can give a decisively proud and elven answer, "He became disappointed in what the Soberano royal family became. Not only did they rebel against the empire and ruin part of their territory through a divine curse, but they also became weaker than even a Crown Lord. His loyalty lay with the one who can act as the ruler of the elves, so he chose us to inherit his conviction to see a better tomorrow… But it won't be just for the elves. We'll spread our progress to anyone who wants to listen."

And the girls observe the Subordinate Lords. They can't discern anything from the Root Lords, but the Heart Lords seem suspiciously tense, though that could just be us seeing things. I believe they're just keenly averse to conflict, so they might not see this sort of confrontational statement against the Soberanos as a good thing.

Well, fuck them. Literally for the women.

The landless nobles who are on our side now feel bolder and start to probe what sort of "progress" we want to bring, but we don't give them everything because that'd scare the shit out of every merchant in the elven lands. We do lean into what the commoners have been calling the "Cycle of Money," but the "Cycle of Taxes" would be a better fit.

The Four are here and listening, but we haven't "introduced" them to the nobles, so nobody speaks with them. It's better to not divide everyone's attention further, so we won't mention the other Earthlings until the next gathering, and then we'll let the nobles loose so that the Four can learn how to fend for themselves.

And the questioning goes on for such a long time that I need Hana to sub in for me. But eventually, they start to focus on the soldiers and officers being honored today, so we get some rest.

"Enjoying yourself?" I ask Lily with a smirk as I approach The Four.

"Unironically, yes. Your wife tells good stories," she answers with a surprising amount of gentleness, but I think it's the alcohol talking.

"You'll become the center of attention next time, as I'll introduce you to the others," I wryly remark, wanting to banter.

But she waves her hand dismissively. "Yeah, I don't care. Listen, did you get a message from 'God' when you arrived here?"

And I nod. "I did. It said, 'I'm sorry about this, but there's no way for you to go back.'"

"We got the same," she replies with a sigh and shakes her head in disappointment.

"I don't think about it anymore," I answer with a shrug.

But I should because [Otherworldly Summoning] exists. However, I don't know how to explain it to Lily, so I won't, at least not yet.

After that, things devolve into a normal party, and the nobles start to leave, so we also retire to our quarters for the evening.

Now, the actual illuminating fireworks are released, and we get to watch them from our vantage point for a while before the mist covers the town, and then the celebrations finally end.


Today is the 5th, Fo, day of Fire. We just had roast yesterday, but today, we have super roast because of the Cycle of Mana's influence. We brought back a bit of Behemoth meat for today, and we'll share it with everyone in the castle because it'd be too greedy to keep it all to ourselves, and we're a very pious family.

I wake up to a lovely dragoness gently pumping my Cock with her long, slippery tongue. Her eyes are so entrancing that I feel like I've fallen asleep again as I cum down her throat. I need more women with black sclera; it's so hot and novel that I can't get enough of her.

After the last drop is swallowed, she releases my Cock so that the next girl can milk me, and then she moves closer and rests her big head on my chest. Now we just stare at each other while I cum a few more times, and I make sure to link our pleasures so that she cums too, forcing a second girl to clean my dragon up with her tongue.


I open my "Status" and see that I've gained the Title "Foreign King."

"I'm not sure how I feel about this one. It feels mean," I remark out loud and sip on my coffee.

"It's the truth, Wolfy," Yunia soberly retorts.

So I frown and begrudgingly admit, "Hmm… I guess I'm just more sensitive to xenophobia."

"Earthling things?" Osaria questions curiously, a small cheeky smirk appearing on her luscious lips.

"Earthling things," I soothingly reply, and she nods, satisfied with her cute comment.


Today, we won't be doing the circulation training since we'll be visiting the Kabara Basaree Illusion Magic School. It's located on the Maoka continent, on the eastern side of the Moon of Maoka, the mainland, and the school is one of the two most important parts of a very curious port town called Basaree.

The demon race has its Holy Lands, which are sacred territories that must never change hands. But everything else is free game, though it has been a while since the races had any actual wars between themselves. Curiously, three races decided that it was better to share a city than fight for it, as it was a very important port because it leads to the Moons of Maoka (the archipelago to the east of the continent's mainland). Most of the Maoka shoreline is mountainous and difficult to make ports on, so prime port town locations are very valuable.

The town is shared by the Estekabar (bird-like), Angels, and Gorosnegee (wolf-like) demon races, and it's famous for being one of the most beautiful and diverse cities in the Realm. Most nations enforce architectural standards to "preserve the local culture," so the wildly different construction techniques that exist in this world never really get the chance to shine, but Basaree is the exception.

Not even Roxanne has seen the town, but she's definitely heard a lot about it, so we're all eager to visit such a famous location because it just pushes all of our buttons about the things that we like. Even Yunia is a xenophiliac, so a town filled with races we haven't fucked yet makes us drool with anticipation.

But first, there's something we have to prepare before we go.

And Alcander confidently explains, "Your Highness, once you cast the spell, your consciousness will be taken to an inner reality where you can choose how to mold and connect each gate, but since it's your first, there will be nothing there but the gate for you to mold."

I happily hum back, "Sounds simple. I've experienced something similar with [Golemancy], I believe, so I'm sure I'll be fine. What's the best shape for the gate?"

"As big as you can manage. Altering shapes is very difficult afterwards."

And I nod. "Alright. I'm going in."

And he lowers his head respectfully as he steps back. Then I press the [Eternal Gate] spell button.

Suddenly, everything becomes gray and blurry while all sound dies out. Then I walk forward and realize that my actual body has been left behind. I look down and see that I've become a naked ghost, glowing in the usual light blue color.


The girls feed me lewd images, and my ghost Cock becomes erect while my real Cock strains against my pants.


But that's enough playing around because my mana is steadily dropping. There's one glowing white sphere floating in the air before me, obviously the "gate" that I need to mold. So I grab it with my ghostly hands, and it feels like a ball of sticky, stretchy gum.

I don't need to manually mold it, though. I just imagine the shape of the gate, and the glowing sphere starts to spread on its own. After so much experience molding brains with [Infuse], this is child's play.

We're in a secret room above the [Eternal Gate] Hub Room, and although it has a high ceiling, I make the gate wider than it is tall because the most we'll need to get through it will be a contingent of soldiers, and there's no point in making it too tall.

Once it covers most of the wall, I start to feel tired from using so much mana, so I release it, and the spell ends. I'm brought back to reality, and a white, semi-transparent veil starts to materialize exactly where I molded the glowing gate.

"That's quite big for your first [Eternal Gate], Your Highness," Alcander kindly remarks

"Thank you," I proudly reply and turn to my eager girls. "Now, let's take a trip to Basaree."




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord SubJef.

Lord School work.

Lord patrick__starz.

Lord David England.

Lord Ddraig Wynn.

Lord Unaskedcaboose.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

Noble Esteban Naud-Dubé.

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