
Chapter 196: New Goal – Part 1

Today is the 4th, An, day of Wind. It's a meh day for a parade as it's still a bit windy and stormy, but that just makes the airplane show more interesting because there are a few tricks that can only be done when you have some wind to play around with. We had a few Rakis made, even though they aren't supersonic yet, just in case.

And I wake up to a new fetish as the girls gently blow warm wind all over my body, including my nipples and cock, teasing me in the gentlest way possible. I have faint memories of a constant, faint pleasure as if it was the slowest handjob ever, but it was merely the tickling of my sensitive bits that made me slowly become aroused.

Thanks to Ciel helping out by using her angel wings to send a constant breeze, I have the sweetest awakening ever. But of course, it isn't a real morning if I don't cum the moment I wake up, so Romy breathes onto my cock, which tips me over the edge, and I shoot a big rope up into the air.

I missed my muscular not-Filipina as she didn't come with us for the trip to the Sky Lands, so I'm now feeling peckish for Asian. It's a pity that there aren't any Japanese-looking ones yet, but it's just a matter of time…

And this one is thirsty enough for my cum that she'll do for now.


For breakfast, I get myself some cereal. There are a variety of imperial recipes for processed cereals. Some include cooking it or leaving it soaking for hours, but Krysta, with the help of some scholars, has managed to find the best one for me to have as my morning cereal.

She barely does actual chef work anymore; she just studies the recipes that I want her to recreate and goes ham. I heard she's even sending letters to faraway places, asking for special ingredients she could use for dishes to impress me.

I'm honestly honored by her dedication, and it isn't like it's being wasted solely to satisfy me. The dishes are also served to our extended family and at gatherings, making them popular among the nobility and slowly spreading gastronomic culture around the elven lands. All of it was just so that I could get cornflakes.

And I have zero regrets.

I raise my spoon and happily fill my mouth with cornflakes and sugary milk. Then I chew, and the crunch almost gives me chills of pleasure. It feels so good that I'd be cumming hands-free even without Hukarere sucking my Cock under the table. The taste isn't perfect, though, as it has a bit of that "wholegrain" flavor, but that's fine for me as I do enjoy it, too, just not as much as the (unhealthily) super-processed corn.

"I seriously need to enter that school," Roxanne suddenly remarks out loud and sips her sugary milk, finishing her portion of cereal.

"Oh? You serious?" I absentmindedly hum back, still enamored with my cereal.

And she gives me a brief, annoyed look. "Yeah, I just said that…" Then she plays around with her spoon like a shy young girl. "It's just that… I think that I'm reaching my limit when it comes to studying the orb. There's also the projects with Aisco, and I'm being forced to read books to remind myself of difficult concepts I didn't pay much attention to during my time at the Holy Academy."

"That's great. I'd love to bring someone like you to school and boast to all the virgin youths there," I happily reply as I put my fork down.

"Oh… Are they going to be all younger than me?" she curiously hums, raising one thin black eyebrow.

And I smirk. "I have no idea, but I hope so." Then she smirks back.

"Kabara Basaree is mainly a school for raising warriors, so there are plenty of youths there," Osaria helpfully chimes in.

"Hmm… Young virgins, huh…" the molester succubus hums evilly, making her sound really damn sexy. But then she pouts at me. "You're the one who punished Osaria for taking Thea's first time."

And the two women she just mentioned suddenly freeze. Osaria is because of fear, but Thea is confused.

"What? You mean my first time having sex?" my little jade beauty asks in her cutesy, high-pitched voice.

"Yeah, and also your first kiss," Roxanne replies, revealing information against my wishes. I think she qualifies for some "reinforcement training."

"But I… But I did it with a woman, not a man," Thea continues, increasingly confused and even sounding insecure, which I find curious.

"She still stole your innocence and all the cute little moments of a virgin's first foray into sexuality," I huskily explain, trying to sound soothing so she doesn't blame herself.

"Oh…" she hums and falls silent, seemingly reflecting upon things.

"Wolfy is very romantic," Alissa hums with a wistful smile, attempting to comfort her foxy comrade with a bit of levity.

And Thea begins to snort and immediately smothers it, but it's pretty obvious what her opinion is.

I'll tease her a bit for that.

"You don't find it romantic, Miss Thea?" I calmly ask and cross my clawed arms.

She stiffens up so hard that I actually start to feel a bit bad about this; she's really trying hard to please me, but the sadist dragon is in control. "I… I sincerely apologize, Your Highness, but I just found the… uh, situation… amusing," she stumbles over her words, her ears fox ears remaining suspiciously still and upright, even though she's acting so meek.

"'Situation'?" I repeat, now feeling curious about how she's going to get herself out of this one.

And her awkwardness skyrockets as she attempts to salvage things. "Well, the… punishment… not that the punishment itself is funny, but… Your Highness punishing a woman for lesbian sex when you're so open to it sounded funny to me."

"It is," I hum and snort, and then the cute little jade beauty starts to turn scarlet as she realizes that nobody's buying her excuse. She's a strong girl, though, and instead of shutting down under the pressure of our teasing, she turns around and starts glaring.

"Please don't make fun of me for trying to be polite," she snaps back, now sounding completely composed though a bit angry.

And Klein seems sympathetic to her plight, for she reassuringly remarks, "You get used to it. Wolfy treats virgins like he does his Eia, so you wouldn't understand if you don't have the same taste for it."

Her pointy ears now cutely flicker reflexively as she turns off [Acting] and calms down. "Oh, that's actually a good analogy. I get it now, and I apologize for… laughing at it," she politely remarks and bows.

"Rise," I immediately order and reassure her, "I'm not that callous with a woman's virginity. I know some of them save it for loved ones, like Klein did."

"And you still stole it," the spunky monkey girl rebels against her Dragon Dom.


"I can't… deny that, but I don't make a habit of stealing them from those who are in a relationship," I defend myself.

"Wolfy is the best man to introduce them to sex," Alissa comes in to suck on my ego.

"I can't deny that," Thea sassily adds, then blushes at her own lewd remark.

I push my Cock-sucking white wolf away, then stand up and walk around the table towards Thea. She stiffens again, but my seductive smile quickly relaxes her. Then I stop before her and gently grab her chin with my sharp claws.

She instantly becomes submissive, so I slowly turn her head up, forcing her to face me. Then I huskily whisper with the full power of my [Sexual Charm], "I adore you just the way you are."

Her amber pupils open wide, and her breath quickens in arousal, but before she can say anything back, I kiss her pretty pink lips and play with her little sharp tongue. She'd likely become the dominant one in her relationship if she was allowed to marry for love, but unfortunately for her rebellious side, she's been sold as an offering to me, and I'll definitely savor her frustration as she tries to navigate our relationship.

Then I pull back after she reaches a satisfying level of intoxication from my touch, and I leave her to stew in it for a while. She's the kind of person who has trained herself to smother her true feelings, just like Yunia, so she needs a lot of prodding before she'll let them out because, this time, there's no [Mask] for me to break, which forces me to do this the old-fashioned way.

By teasing her to death.

But that's a long-term plan, so I return to my seat and pull my white wolf's head back to my crotch before she resumes milking me. "Hukarere, do you want to come with me to a school as a bodyguard? It'll be on another continent, so it'll be a new place, but I doubt there will be much of interest going on there," I kindly ask as I pat her furry head.

"But that sounds interesting. Do I get to push around some snooty youths?" she asks back with a cheeky smirk.

And I smile at her excitement. "It's likely. Though, I was expecting you to mention how I'll have easy access to your pussy."

"You already do me anytime you feel like it," she replies with a snort.

This makes me chuckle, and I playfully bunch up her face fur as I warmly stare into her eyes. "True. I'll also see if I can get you some excitement. There's bound to be some practical lessons outside the city walls where we can take you along with us."

Her ears perk up at that. "Now that sounds like a fun time. You thinking of pranking them, too?"

And I whisper as I smirk, "Maybe some mischief. If we don't abuse our power once in a while, then why do we have it?"

"This is why I love sucking your dick," she excitedly hums back.

"Not just the taste?" I playfully reply.

"Well, yes, but you're also a great King to follow," she continues, her tone actually respectful.

"Thanks for stroking my ego," I gently state.

And she smiles as she swallows my Cock again.


The victory parade will start in the afternoon, but the party begins early in the morning with big bonfires that'll roast and smoke meat and veggies for the whole town. This already attracts people because the veggies will be ready early, so they'll be distributed as "snacks" before the real food is served.

We also don't need to lift a finger because that's all the responsibility of the mayor. It won't be his first or last victory parade, so he knows the whole song and dance to get an event like this going. Honoring the people who protect the town is imperative for survival, lest they abandon you to fend off the swarm of monsters outside by yourself.

While that's going on, we do our usual orb-boosted mana circulation training, and Roxanne actually focuses on studying the orbs this time. She needs to explore the effect they have on the soul during the mana circulation, and she might as well do it while we're training, though it does take some effort to study it while also training at the same time.

But she soon starts to remark out loud in my soul space, "Honestly, I need to read more medical books. This metamaterial has too subtle of an effect for me to be able to discern anything from it, so my usual methods are useless."

"You normally test it on yourself, so unless it's something so powerful that it makes you feel sick, I guess it makes sense that you wouldn't be able to perceive much," I concernedly reply.

"Yes, that's it," she happily hums with an internal nod, no hint of shame about her crude methods. I mean, it worked, so we can't really shame her for doing something dumb, but we can shame her for being reckless.

"We also need to find a way to produce more orbs; they aren't cheap," Yunia wisely adds.

"Yeah, I should focus on that first…" our not so wise researcher remarks.

"We can always use [Alteration Magic] to make them," Hana adds.

But now Roxanne actually says something smart, "I know, but then it won't be cheap." And that's something Lina and Aoi know very well.

Then everyone falls silent, so I take the chance to ask, "What did you call it? 'Metamaterial'?"

"It's the more correct term than 'pseudo-elemental mana orb," she explains as she nods internally.

But I frown. "Then why did you never correct me?"

And she starts giggling inside my soul space at the same time that she answers, "It was funny to hear you pronounce that monstrosity of a term."

"You bitch…" I growl quietly.

And she just grins cheekily, completely agreeing with me.

Alright, it's time for some reinforcement training.


After a refreshing morning, we have a nice lunch full of roasted and smoked foods. My favorites are the whole not-onions roasted until they're almost burning, as it adds a smoky flavor to the caramelized parts, and I also really enjoy the smoked not-bell-peppers, as they're crushed and turned into a paste to eat on toast. Just a bit of not-olive-oil and not-oregano, and they make for excellent snacks.

Then the parade starts, but it'll first make a lap around town before going down the main street and into the castle. That's going to take a long time, though, so we made statues of the warriors that are being honored, and they're taken along for the ride so that the actual people can wait until the most important part before they're forced to participate.

And even as a statue, people seem to recognize Silvano.

There's some time before we'll be needed for the parade, so I spend it at the secret test lab, looking over things. The amount of data that's piling up is starting to become unwieldy, but I'm beginning to notice the limitations of this method.

The functions of the brain just overlap too much. The "map" that the golems are making is a confusing and complicated mess, and some of it may even be inaccurate since our testing methods are pretty amateurish. I don't know anything about memories or motor functions, so we just test things in the most obvious and straightforward way that we can think of, but that's definitely still missing a shit ton of depth and nuance.

It's frustrating to know that you're stumbling in the dark, but there's no alternative, and it isn't like what we're doing is completely useless. I now know where to better focus my brain alterations for inducing amnesia, and I also know the possible side effects of making too big of an alteration. And when I actually start thinking about doing deeper and getting into more varied brain-molding, I'll already have a proper map to know where to target.

I just need to find a way to parse through all of this data in a way that makes more sense because the golems are already at the limits of their (very meager) creative capabilities. If things continue like this, I'll just end up generating a pile of useless data, so I need to do some housekeeping here.


After a painful number of hours, I come out of that dark hole feeling like a headache is about to set in, so it pleases me greatly to see Ciel's juicy ass shaking as she happily leans on the railing the moment that I enter our little balcony overlooking the Prasa de Ananci. And now she's blushing because I noticed how obvious it is that she isn't wearing panties or a bra under her thin white dress.

Anyway, I stop beside her and grab more than a handful of ass, and then I also grab a little tight one on my other side.

"How's the parade?" I ask out loud.

"It's actually really pretty…" Klein hums as she stares at the pink petals fluttering across the sky, barely reacting to my fondling of her tight buttock, though that's fine with me.

The petals are a last-second addition, but they're a great one. Since today is windy, why not use it to showcase Lina's new Looping Winds prototype? It only makes a gentle breeze, but it's a tunnel-like breeze that can form a loop all around the town, so we just filled it with petals, and now we can watch the pretties fly.

"Still horribly inefficient…" the little gloomy loli grumbles, embarrassed at having her work forcefully exposed to the world.

"You know… I think I read a novel that had a scene like this…" Alissa absentmindedly remarks.

"Definitely," Klein agrees, and the two girls sigh wistfully.

Even after all the excitement, glamour, glory, and fucking until we pass out, the girls still yearn for romance… I don't blame them because I do want a bit of adventure myself, but only the casual, lighthearted kind.

Fighting heretics can go fuck itself.

"Why do I feel hungry for those petals?" Hana suddenly asks out loud as she stares at them thoughtfully.

"We sometimes eat them…" Yunia replies rather confusedly.

And Hana seems surprised. "Oh… Wait, we do? I've never paid much attention to what we eat. Isn't that gnome food?"

This ticks off the Elven Queen, who turns to her Dragonkin Queen and glares in a way as if she wanted to strangle her but in a Homer to Bart way rather than something truly murderous… Not that The Simpsons was much better.

"What's that?" Aoi curiously hums.

And Gify now becomes a TV for everyone to watch The Simpsons while we wait for the parade to reach us. There isn't much to do anyway, as the rest of our family and friends are all in the stands below. It's tradition to have only the Lords here for the speech, so we're just following suit, and Klein counts as a guard.

But time flies when you're watching cartoons, so we only get halfway through the first season before the time comes for us to do our part. Now everyone has been assembled, and the warriors to be honored are all in their places of honor at the center of the Plasa while every noble in town watches over them from the stands, and commoners attempt to get a glimpse of them from afar.

There's a surprising number of personal airships in the sky, though, and we even see a few commercial transports being used to host stands for affluent commoners while the rich merchants have their own ships. I just wonder how it'll look in a few years when airplane production truly begins to pick up.

But I have a prepared speech to give, so I clear my throat, then press the [Project Voice] magic tool against my throat and begin.




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord SubJef.

Lord School work.

Lord patrick__starz.

Lord David England.

Lord Ddraig Wynn.

Lord Unaskedcaboose.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

Noble Esteban Naud-Dubé.

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