Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 77

Chapter 77 influences

On the morning of February 3rd, when Netzen employees came to the company, they saw that Dafeng Techchuang employees were still there, and three of them were sleeping on their stomachs.

Webzen’s employees couldn’t help but glanced at each other, but they didn’t say anything.

After Netzen’s work point arrived, Kong Youtian of the operation department called to the translator and took a document to find the operation manager Han Minzhi of Netzen, “Hello, I remember that we communicated with you before. I hope to have a copy of The user analysis data on the consumption habits of Korean consumer groups is not just for the game sector.”

“I also said at the time, I don’t think it makes much sense.” The attitude of the manager of the operation department of Netzen is actually quite good. “First of all, you want us to find more consumption data. This is a very difficult thing. And is the data obtained with so much energy directly proportional to the investment?

Since we are doing games, we just pay attention to games. Our Korea is different from your Huaxia. We have a mature game market. I have been in operation for so many years. I know very well that operations must learn to control the data-to-revenue ratio. Consumers Can it be a state of mind when playing games and buying beer? How small is this correlation? ”

“Operation really needs to pay attention to income, but should the operation pay attention to result income or personal investment income?” Kong Youtian said very directly, his personality is like this, and then put a stack of documents in front of Han Minzhi, “This is me. For writing needs, you just need to fill in the blanks based on your understanding. This shouldn’t be troublesome? I’ll understand the rest.”

Han Minzhi glanced at Kong Youtian, then coldly said, “Of course, the boss said to cooperate with you, by the way, I also want to see what use these things are for you.”

“Let one’s own vision infinitely magnify under the limited possibilities, and the more comprehensive the view of a thing will be.” Kong Youtian responded.

Han Minji Kan waved his hand to indicate that he didn’t want to talk anymore.

The programmers on the Webzen side were getting off work at 8 o’clock that evening. Li Feiqing and Wei Pengtian walked over, “Everyone, we found two more bugs just now, can you help us deal with it?”

“BUG?” The programmers of Netzen glanced at each other and followed Li Feiqing to the computer.

After everyone confirmed the bug, Li Donghai, a programmer of Netzen, said with a weird expression, “Is it necessary to make such a large-scale code modification for such a small bug?”

Li Feiqing and Wei Pengtian looked at each other subconsciously. Li Feiqing did not speak as directly as Kong Youtian. He was considering such words. Li Donghai added, “This kind of BUG will not affect the player’s gaming experience at all.”

“What if there are ten such small bugs in the game? Will players affect the game experience because of too many small problems?” Li Feiqing asked with a smile, “Moreover, as the game is constantly updated, how can you guarantee that they will not There is a chain reaction? Anyway, I found it, why not change it?”

“The change can be changed, of course, but what if you change it to a bigger bug in a while? You should have encountered this kind of thing, right?” Another programmer Jin Quanyu asked.

“Then just keep changing until there is no problem?” Wei Pengtian took it for granted.

“Aren’t you just trying to find sin for yourself.” Jin Quanyu said bluntly.

“Forget it, let’s take care of it ourselves.” Li Feiqing smiled and made an expression that would not bother them anymore.

In the next few days, the people on Netzen continue to work according to their habits, and the people on Dafeng Science and Technology Innovation also work according to their own habits, but living together with others will be affected…

On the afternoon of February 8, Han Minzhi came to Kong Youtian’s side with a somewhat uncomfortable expression, “Well, is it convenient for me to talk about the thinking structure you mentioned when you explained the plan in the morning?”

“Yes.” Kong Youtian nodded indifferently. His work has always been right and wrong. “The core of the so-called operational thinking structure is two points. The first is reverse engineering, and the second is concrete and deepening. dig.

The so-called reverse overturning means that no matter what kind of plan we are going to do, we should first determine the goal, and then think about the way to achieve this goal after knowing the goal. After these methods are listed, we will judge us. What resources or tools are on hand to implement these methods.

And the current state of thinking in most operations is that after sitting there thinking and thinking, suddenly come up with an idea, think it is very interesting, think that this should make users like it, what he thinks is not serving the purpose .

In fact, in many cases, the method does not have to be so interesting or novel. The method that can achieve the purpose is the method that is truly valuable to the enterprise.

The pursuit of operation is the reality of the results, not the gorgeousness of the process.

As for the concrete digging, let’s take the result as an example. For example, if you want to chase a girl, this is a goal, right? ”

Han Minji nodded.

“Can you be more specific about your purpose of chasing this girl? For example, if you want to get married, you think she is suitable for the rest of your life, or for example, you just want to sleep with her, and you don’t want to marry her at all.

Then these are actually two different goals. The pursuit methods and strategies you can choose for these two goals are obviously different.

The same goes back to the game. If your goal is to make a big game, there is nothing wrong with it, but can this goal be more specific to the strategy? So if the goal is to get more player registrations or increase player consumption, is the corresponding strategy more guiding?

When you make a plan, follow this thinking, you can easily draw a plan structure diagram, so that your content at each level will be more targeted, more purposeful, and more practical.

Han Minzhi looked at the mental structure diagram in Kong Youtian’s hand with a look of admiration, “Mr. Kong, where did you learn this?”

“Our boss taught it.” Kong Youtian always had a lukewarm expression, “I didn’t think about things like this before. I still remember that Mr. Meng often described the working mode of our operations department like this at the beginning.

The operation is fierce as a tiger, and the performance is two hundred and five. ”

Perhaps seeing Han Minzhi actively approaching Kong Youtian for advice, several people from the Webzen Technology Department also moved in the direction of Li Feiqing and others.

“It feels like you have a special way of writing code, right?” Jin Quanyu asked cautiously.

Li Feiqing raised his head and glanced at them, motioned them to sit down and said, “We will have some tricks, but the key is to get used to it.”

“Huh? What do you say?”

“Actually, the only shortcut to writing code is patience. Just like we run the code tirelessly, do some boring behaviors, and look for bugs over and over again. The foundation of many of our habits is patience, such as our programmers in Dafeng Science and Technology Co., Ltd. The first thing in the company is to learn to write comments, but many programmers are too lazy to write comments, especially some simple programs.

But I can only say that after you have done these things patiently, you will understand the meaning.

Let me tell you something. Didn’t you ask how to find bugs yesterday? I will introduce to you a method we like very much, called unit testing. This thing also requires patience, but as long as you can settle down at the beginning Your patience, the return will let you see the efficiency. ”

Several people from Netzen listened patiently to Li Feiqing’s explanation of the unit test, and then glanced at each other, or Jin Quanyu said, “Well, did you learn these things in the United States? Can you share some more experience?”

“We didn’t learn this in America Li Feiqing said lightly, “This is what our boss told us. ”

On the morning of February 10, 2001, at 9:50, Korea time, Li Feiqing and others were sitting in the office waiting for the game to go online.

“Bless you, “The Legend of God” needs a good beginning!”

“Come on, “The Legend”, you are Li Feiqing and their hard work.”

“Korea games are not willing to give up the point card mode, this will be a big advantage for us.”

“Our greatest advantage should be our details, no game company’s details will do better than us.”

“The Legend of God must rush forward!”

“What are they talking about?” Wei Pengtian asked Li Feiqing when he noticed the people behind them whispering.

Li Feiqing glanced at the person behind, then turned his head to look at Wei Pengtian, “They said I am handsome.”

“What the hell? Are they blind?”

“They said you look handsome too.”

Wei Pengtian’s expression changed suddenly, “What am I talking about? I said that the girl at the front desk looked at me abnormally in the past two days! Fly, you go back and talk to Mr. Meng for me, although I also want to contribute to Dafeng Science and Technology Co., Ltd. My whole life, but maybe, I will be left in Korea by love…”

“Shut up, you!” Li Feiqing gave Wei Pengtian an elbow.

Wei Pengtian noticed Li Feiqing’s expression, turned his head and looked at the big screen, his expression immediately became serious.

10:00 am, February 10, 2001, Korea time.

China time at 9 am on February 10, 2001.

“God’s Biography” and “Red Moon”, in a foreign country, at the same time online…

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