Reverend Insanity the Final arc- Fan edition

Chapter 136: Chapter 2470 Lucid Dream Gu

Meng Qiu Zhen entered Fang Yuan's white space, which housed people before they entered their next Dream Realm.

He quickly briefed Fang Yuan on what was going on and the uneasiness of all the clones.

"What's the situation like right now? Are we hiding in a Dream Realm or tapped in Dream Realm?"

Fang Yuan stroked his chin, "A little bit of both."

The scene began to change around Fang Yuan and Meng Qiu Zhen.

"Fascinating, so it will take you as well, did you bring Dream Butterfly Gu?"

Meng Qiu Zhen nodded.

"Excellent." Fang Yuan clapped his hands together, "This will make things much easier…"

This was what Fang Yuan would have loved to say, but in reality, the Dream Realm he was sent to had other participants, but not Meng Qiu Zhen!

"Hmm?" Fang Yuan's curiosity was piqued, "Were we able to share the same white space because they're connected or because we're the same soul?"

He had many questions and decided to end this Dream Realm exploration by killing himself.

"Let's see if Meng Qiu Zhen will appear in the same white space or not…"

On Meng Qiu Zhen's side,

"Hmm? I can't detect any other living beings in this Dream, furthermore, it seems to be a relatively uneventful Dream I should head back to the main body." Meng Qiu Zhen resolutely slit his throat, leaving the Dream.

The scene rapidly changed and he was greeted by the familiar ever-present white space, but unlike everybody else in the world, he had a figure standing in front of him.

It was Fang Yuan!

"So it seems that we are able to share the same white space," Fang Yuan rubbed his chin in thought, "Either because we have the same soul or because your killer move allowed you to enter, more testing needs to be done in the future…"

Fang Yuan didn't want to waste the limited time he had with Meng Qiu Zhen, "I have been formulating a plan since I was trapped and now that you're here all the pieces are in place."

Fang Yuan knew that either Meng Qiu Zhen would come or Time may get reset, if it was the latter then there was no need for him to plan since he would not recall any of it, but if the former were to happen…

"My Dream Path attainment has slowly been increasing as I explore more and more Dream Realms and I have theorised that it is technically possible to refine Gu within a Dream…no. I know it's possible my Refinement Path intuition tells me so!"


Meng Qiu Zhen was shocked, "Refining Gu within a Dream?! H-how is that possible?"

"It's very simple actually, think about it, what is needed to refine Gu?"

Meng Qiu Zhen thought about it, "Gu Materials and Immortal Essence."

"Mhm," Fang Yuan nodded, "And what component do we lack in Dream Realms?"

"Immortal Essence."

Fang Yuan smirked, "Do we?"

Meng Qiu Zhen was puzzled, seeing his confusion Fang Yuan explained, "Do we really have no access to any Immortal Essence?"

Suddenly it was as if a lightbulb went off in Meng Qiu Zhen's head, "You don't mean…"

Fang Yuan nodded, "That's right. Since Dream Path materials can follow us through any Dream, what's stopping us from using the Immortal Essence within the Dream!"


"T-t-this…" Meng Qiu Zhen was beyond shocked, he was deeply impressed by the main body, "I-is it possible? Have you tested it out?"

Fang Yuan shook his head, "I have not tested this out as, despite the bountiful Dreams I have encountered, not a single one was from the perspective of a Gu Immortal."

Meng Qiu Zhen frowned at that, "That can't be…just recently I was in a Gu Immortal Dream, a lacklustre one, but still a Gu Immortal…something must be purposefully blocking you"

Fang Yuan nodded, "My thoughts exactly, there seems to be some kind of restriction placed on me, most likely due to Great Dream Immortal Venerable."

"T-then what should we do?"

"It's simple," Fang Yuan pulled out the 7 Layer Meng Cloud, a Rank 6 Dream Path Material, "Here take this and go refine this Gu in your next Dream."

Fang Yuan also handed a Gu recipe to Meng Qiu Zhen.

"Amazing! What an amazing Gu!" Meng Qiu Zhen was more in touch with Dream Path and could instantly recognise the profound and incredible usage of the Dream Path Gu that Fang Yuan wanted to make.

"What is it called?"

"Lucid Dream Gu." Fang Yuan said as he imparted another important bit of information to Meng Qiu Zhen.

"T-this…it might be possible but some alterations will need to be made as I didn't bring all our Dream Path Gu."

Fang Yuan nodded, "I'm working on those changes now, the most important thing is to successfully craft that Gu."

Just at that moment, the scene for both Fang Yuan and Meng Qiu Zhen began to change once more.

With a flash, Meng Qiu Zhen found himself inside a cave, within this cave were countless Mortal Gu, piled into a giant mountain.

The Gu looked no different from regular rocks, but Meng Qiu Zhen possessed Fang Yuan's attainments and instantly recognised those Gu.

"It's Failure Gu! Hundreds of thousands of Failure Gu!" Meng Qiu Zhen cried out in shock, he then looked at his hands and realized that they were covered in hair.

Putting 2 and 2 together he instantly recognised where he was, "I'm in the infallible blessed land under Hairy Foot Mountain!"

At that moment a voice came out to him, "Ah Xiong, in a few moments the Infallible Blessed Land will have gathered enough Failure Gu to produce a few Sucess Dao Marks."

Meng Qiu Zhen turned to the source of the voice, which was a tall and burly Hair Man, who wore a crown on his head.

It was the Hairy Man Leader from the !

Legend has it that the Hairy Man Leader requested Ren Zhu's help in discerning between Success Gu and Failure Gu, but in the end, he learned that Sucess can only be gained through Failure.

Later when he died he created the Infallible Blessed Land that was completely sealed off from the world.

Within it was the constant gathering of Failures from across the world, all to form Failure Gu which over time condensed into Success Dao Marks.

The Hairy Man Leader was now only a Land Spirit, "As the most promising youngster of my Hairyman race I give you this opportunity to use a Success, Dao Mark, in refining an Immortal Gu."

Just as he said that blinding light appeared as the numerous Failure Dao Marks merged together to create several Success Dao Marks.

Meng Qiu Zhen instantly recognised the benefit of the Dream but decided to take a risk, "Oh might Hairy Man Leader your mane is as glorious as the legends say, might I ask a question?"

The Hairy Man Leader was pleasantly surprised, the Hairyman race was not often ones to butter people up with praises thus, the Hairy Man Leader was all joy: "What is your question young one? If it is in regards to Gu Refinement then I can easily enlighten you."

Meng Qiu Zhen scoffed in his heart, "Tch, you enlighten me on Gu Refinement?"

But he swallowed such thoughts and began sucking up to the Hairy Man Leader by asking, tricky, but not too difficult questions that would allow the Hairy Man Leader to boast.

And just as he expected the Hairmany Leader began to 'humbly' share the answers to his 'questions'

Until, "Thank you, mighty Leader, I have been beyond enlightened."

The Hairy Man Leader nodded, proud of himself, "This kid asks some very good questions for his age, if I were still alive I would take him as my disciple…what a shame…"

Meng Qiu Zhen raised his head from the bow and prepared to start his Gu Refinement, 'casually' slipping out, "I wonder how I could earn the approval and acknowledgement of you The Great Hairy Man Leader."

Hearing this the Hairy Man Leader started laughing, "HAHAHA, you sure do have ambition I'll tell you that, but even if you're the most promising kid I've seen in 300,000 years, my rules haven't changed, present me with a completed Success Gu and this one shall recognise you as my heir."

Meng Qiu Zhen simply smiled, but scoffed deeply in his heart, "This old shameless bastard! Refine a complete Success Gu even though you can't? Then what for do I need you!?"

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