Reverend Insanity the Final arc- Fan edition

Chapter 135: Chapter 2469 Finding The Main Body Through Dreams

Fang Yuan held the multicoloured shapeless cloud in his hands.

"Finally…with this, I have enough to refine 1 Dream Path Immortal Gu."


Refining Dream Path Immortal Gu!

Normally this would be a breeze for someone like Fang Yuan, but being trapped in a Dream it was impossible for him to access any of his Gu or Immortal Essence but…

"Let's begin," a male voice suddenly responded from behind Fang Yuan.

The man had a full head of pink hair, with a shining gaze that made him extremely captivating.

It was Meng Qiu Zhen!

Rewinding a bit…

The split souls of Fang Yuan had an emergency meeting within the Soveirn Immortal Fetus Aperture, in Mini Central Continent, within the confines of a Gu House.

"It's been 3 days since the main body last sent a message," Qi Sea Ancestor stood up to address the other souls, "Have none of you heard from the main body?"

The others all shook their heads.

Qi Sea Ancestor sighed, "Then that means we have to enact the Recovery Protocol of the main body."

All the clones nodded in agreement.

"Now then," Qi Ancestor sat down once more: "Which protocol do we enact?"

The Recovery Protocol was a contingency plan that Fang Yuan had come up with, in the event the main body was in trouble that even he could not get out off and needed the clones' help.

It was mainly for use when the main body had yet to become a Venerable, but even after, Fang Yuan had never discarded its use.

Every 3 days, he would send a message to all, or at least 1, of the clones saying, "All is well." in English, a language from Earth that no one, or at least very few, would be able to understand.

If they did not receive the message then they are to begin a 24-hour countdown, or if they can confirm the death or doom of the main body in a lesser amount of time, then they may begin the Recovery Protocol in the Gu House that Fang Yuan made for them, Myriad Thought Hall.

This was the adapted and upgraded version of the Myriad Prison Gu House that Fang Yuan used to steal Star Constellation's Thoughts.

Though it could only be activated only if all of Fang Yuan's clones gather with the Rank 9 Wisdom Gu, making it become complete as the Rank 9 Myriad Thought Gathering Moutain Palace!

Using this Hall would allow the users to debate under the light of Wisdom without having their lifespans drained!

This is because the Gu House had the ability to safely transform anyone who steps in it into an Immortal Zombie!

Fang Yuan had long managed to deduce a method to transform and revive Gu Immortals, so what was turning an undead into a living being?

Especially since Fate Gu was destroyed, though he himself could not turn into an Immortal Zombie as the Sovereign Aperture would die as well, and even though he could bring it back to life, the amount of damage done would outweigh the benefit by a drastic amount.

Just the short period of time that he wouldn't be able to produce Immortal Essence alone would make this plan ineffective for Fang Yuan, not to mention the balance that would be upset and the amount of energy required.

Why the hassle?

Thus, Fang Yuan would have his clones turn into an Immortal Zombie and bathe under the light of Wisdom, after all, anything the clones gain he would gain as well.

In Fang Yuan's perfect world he would have someone permanently stationed at the Rank 9 Myriad Thought Gathering Moutain Palace, but there were a few problems.

1 was that it would make no sense to use the Gu House all the time, just to allow one person to communicate with Wisdom Gu safely.

After all Fang Yuan could, and did, easily create a method that would allow a Gu Immortal to switch between Zombie Immortal and Human Immortal.

Secondly, the Gu House was, as the name suggested, made purely with the intention of allowing the Clones a safe space to come up with the best plan to save the main body!

You see the complete Gu House doesn't only require Rank 9 Wisdom Gu but all the best Gu Houses Fang Yuan had!

It possessed Myriad Year Flying Warship, Myriad Thought Prison, Peaceful Soil Heavy Mountain and Dragon Palace!

With all these amazing Gu Houses rolled into 1 it was nearly the ultimate Gu House, and also housed some of Fang Yuan's most treasured Gu, crucially, Rank 9 Heavenly Essence Treasure Imperial Lotus!

Which would serve as the fuel source for the Gu House, in the event the main body had to be sacrificed.

After all, with such great power, it came with incredibly great cost, easily 5 times the cost of using all these Gu House individually when operated with all its functions at once.

But just using the though enhancement function wasn't that energy-consuming.

Qi Sea Ancestor pointed at a list of options that Fang Yuan had crafted to guide the clones in getting the best possible answer.

"Right now it is certain that the main body's actual physical body is safe, otherwise we would have been immediately alerted." Qi Sea Ancestor pointed at how the Main Body's Defense Killer Move had not alerted them to be under attack.

Fang Yuan added this feature as if he were incapacitated and the body immediately attacked, the Gu Immortals within would not be able to know until it was too late.

Meng Qiu Zhen nodded his head, "Indeed, in fact, based on how our attainments are still growing despite the lack of any Priomrodial Domain leads me to believe that we are in a Dream Realm."

The others agreed.

Since they were all split souls of Fang Yuan they could sense that their attainments were increasing as they shared attainments with the main body.

"So we can rule out the option of abandoning the Sovereign Immortal Aperture," He Chun Qiu added, "Should we use the One Day; Three Autumns Killer Move?"

The other clones all stroked their chins, while Qi Sea Ancestor stroked his beard, looking sagely and wise.

"I think we should," Zhan Bu Du said after some time, "It's quite a safe option with almost no downsides as we get to keep all the attainment levels we gained anyway."

This persuaded some of them but Wu Shuai quickly interjected, "I agree it seems safe, but we have no idea why the main body decided to enter a Dream Realm in the first place. While it may have been a trap, it could also be due to him having to hide from enemy fire, what if we reverse time and have no solution for that? We'd be stuck in a Time Loop!"

Indeed, it was possible that the Main Body had chosen to hide in a Dream Realm to buy time out of whatever situation they were in, but they were uncertain what it was and would not be able to help the Main Body much, in fact, they may hinder it further by making it over paranoid!

Since they had no clue when the main body fell into the Dream Realm, as it happened within the past 3 days, and the Killer Move only allowed 1 to turn back time within 24 hours.

Qi Sea Ancestor then raised his hands, "You both make good points but I agree with Zhan Bu Du, even if we regress to the previous day there is not much harm that can be done."

"Look at the possibility, if the main body is still awake we can warn him, and make him more cautious but he can also fill us in on the details of the situation, making the next run more informed, secondly, if the main body is still asleep, then no harm no foul, we would get more information, though not as much, and be back here anyway."

When put in that perspective, Wu Shuai also agreed that the plan seemed risk-free, but He Chun Qiu cautioned them: "Actually, I had a discussion with the Main Body before and he said that now that Red Lotus possess the Dao of Spacetime, using the Killer Move once would already be pushing it as there was no way Red Lotus would miss it so if I go back in time I only get one shot…"

All the other clones stared at He Chun Qiu thinking, "Why didn't you say that earlier!"

But they all kept their cool.

He Chun Qiu could read the room and ghost to tactfully keep quiet.

"Alright scratch that idea then, we can't risk informing a venerable of our plans without even being sure of the main body's state, " Qi Sea Ancestor quickly regained the room, "How about this?"

Qi Sea turned towards Meng Qiu Zhen, "Since we now know it's a Dream Realm, can't we have Meng Qiu Zhen enter the Dream Realm to find the main body?"


This idea sparked a light bulb in everyone's minds.

They quickly began to discuss the possibility and feasibility of this plan.

"Indeed, if Meng Qiu Zhen finds the main body and communicates with him to gather about the situation through Dream Realms, then not only do we get answers but the Dream Realm can serve as our cover!" Wu Shuai exclaimed.

All the other clones nodded and agreed, they quickly came up with a Killer Move that used Dream Armour Gu as the base.

This allowed Meng Qiu Zhen to trace Fang Yuan's soul and travel to his Dream since they were a clone of him.

While it would take minutes or hours to arrive at such conclusion or methods it only took the Clones a few seconds in the Rank 9 Myriad Thought Gathering Soil Mountian.

This was because one of the effects of the Myriad Thought Gathering Soil Mountian. was to link their thoughts under the effect of hastened time, allowing them to think faster.

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