Reverend Insanity the Final arc- Fan edition

Chapter 113: Chapter 2448 Here Catch

Red Lotus braced himself for the impact.

"This is going to hurt…" Red Lotus sighed to himself, if he knew his Killer Move would cause this kind of effect, he would have thought twice.

The feeling of Dao Marks being ripped from you was akin to having your skin be peeled right off!

As soon as Genesis Lotus was in sight:

"It's showtime." Red Lotus began his light float up, he heard the countdown:

"3…2…1…go!" Genesis Lotus thrust the, now much larger, Black Hole.

As soon as Red Lotus's hand grabbed the Black Hole, "Ugh!" He grunted in pain.

"Dammit!" Red Lotus winced at the pain, but he kept a straight face: "I can't show weakness in front of others."

He carried the, rapidly growing, Black Hole towards Fang Yuan, "Damn…why am I getting a bad feeling about this."

As if to taunt him Fang Yuan grinned towards him.

"…Damn this bastard."

But Fang Yuan was under an alliance oath, that he along with Star Constellation, supervised in its creation.

"Nothing should go wrong…right?" After the torturous flight, Red Lotus couldn't be bothered to think any further.

"Here." He dropped into Fang Yuan's hands: "The rest is up to you."

Fang Yuan's grin was still plastered across his face, not helping Red Lotus ease up at all.

"I'll take it from here," Fang Yuan's grin was exceptionally unsettling, but Red Lotus had no energy to care, a lot of his thoughts were used to resist the pain that the Black Hole brought onto him.

"Those before me experienced significantly less pain, especially Star Constellation and Giant Sun." Red Lotus was still slightly twitching from the pain when he saw Star Constellation and the rest approach him.

Just then Fang Yuan activated his Killer Move, a giant hand made of Qi Path appeared.

It completely engulfed the Black Hole and began hoisting it up.

The introduction of a Killer Move made the Black Hole grow faster and faster.

"The Temporary Dao Marks [1] of the Killer Move are way more efficient food for the Black Hole," Star Constellation analyzed: "But in its final flight path, the rate at which it can absorb Permeant Dao Marks is too much for anyone to willingly bare.

Permeant Dao Marks was called that for a reason, they were not meant to be easily moved from their location.

This is why the Black Hole has an easier time absorbing and taking in the Temporary Dao Marks of Killer Moves, allowing it to see rapid growth.

But grew slowly when trying to absorb the Unrefined Permeant Dao Marks in the air.

"How was it at the final stages?" Genesis Lotus nudged at Red Lotus.

"It was bearable," Red Lotus shrugged, in an attempt to look tough.

Genesis Lotus noticed the trembling hands of Red Lotus, to help him save face he decided to change topics: "Let's follow the Black Hole to ensure it makes to Spectral Heaven."

The rest nodded in agreement and flew alongside the Black Hole, while Fang Yuan concentrated on pushing.

The Black Hole was making steady progress towards Spectral Heaven, "It seems even here Fang Yuan is the biggest winner, while he is giving up just Immortal Essence, we had to give up both Immortal Essence and Dao Marks," Genesis Lotus sighed.

By the time the Black Hole was approaching Spectral Heaven, its size, height and diameter had grown to around 6 feet.

About the height of a well-built man.

However, one would do well not to underestimate its weight, it easily weighed over 100 Earths! [2]

As the radius of the Black Hole grew, so did its mass, height and gravitational pull.

That last point was especially important, if the Venerables weren't constantly encasing and preventing the Gravitational Pull from leaking out and affecting the 5 Regions, then by now the Mountains of the Southern Border would have been ripped straight from the ground!

"Steady…we're almost there,"

By now Fang Yuan's Qi Path hand was barely able to contain the Black Hole.

"Heaven are you ready!" Star Constellation called out.

"Hmph, it's about time," Heaven added the finishing touches to the void, ensuring that not even a spec of Permeant or Temporary Dao Marks was present.

Fang Yuan's Qi Path Hand entered through the opening that Heaven had made and planned to exit from.

But as Heaven flew towards the exit he heard:

"Here catch!"

Fang Yuan's Qi Hand threw the Black Hole towards Heaven.


Instantly, everyone panicked!

"FANG YUAN!!!" Heaven roared out as the Black Hole was sent careening towards him, but he couldn't step out of the way, as he stood between the Black Hole breaking free and consuming the entirety, or a large part, of Spectral Heaven!

The other Venerables also flew to help Heaven, not out of the kindness of their hearts but because and out of control Black Hole that devoured the entire of Spectral Heaven would be uncontainable!

"DAMN YOU FANG YUAN!!!" everyone cursed.

Red Lotus cursed in his mind: "Damnit! Star Constellation I thought you said that the agreement was problem free!"

Star Constellation replied with silence, though her face did not seem surprised.

"…you knew, didn't you?" Genesis Lotus recognized the look on Star Constellation's face.

"It was quite obvious, he purposefully said the words 'Into Spectral Heaven' he achieved that the moment the Black Hole entered, after that he was free." Star Constellation said as a matter of fact.

"What!" Red Lotus was outraged: "You knew!? Why didn't you stop him? Do you know what this means!?"

Star Constellation nodded.

"You!" Red Lotus sighed in frustration, "Let's hope your choice is the right one."

This time Star Constellation did not reply.

Giant Sun was not kept in any loop; thus, he was as shocked as Heaven was by the betrayal.

"This Fang Yuan! He doesn't care at all for the Billions of Lives in the Gu World! This is why we should never trust Otherworldly Demons," Giant Sun thought back to the Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable incident, still pissed.

"I better keep a distance from him…but he's still useful to us."

But the person most incensed was…


Heaven was truly livid!

Not only was he tricked into sacrificing a ton of precious Dao Marks and Immortal Essence, just to slow down the Black Hole, but because he slowed it down with Killer Moves he wound up feeding the Black Hole, which made it bigger, which made it stronger.

"Damn…it's a good thing I was extra cautious and made the Void 3.5 times instead of just 3 times the thing's pull." Heaven thanked his foresight for allowing him the ability to have a moment to breathe.

Currently, the Black Hole was motionless, but it did not sit in the centre of the Void, but rather near the edge.

Its pull was starting to affect the formation around it, but at least with the remaining distance between it and the barrier, not much was happening, yet.

At that moment the 4 Venerables arrived.

"Hmph! Good! Very Good! See what you lot have done!" Heaven wanted to blame the others, even though they were 'duped' just like him:

"Help me move the Black Hole to centre while I expand the Void again," Heaven's voice was fuming: "Once I'm done I swear I will..."

Star Constellation took this opportunity to add fuel to the fire: "This is why we need to work together to get rid of him," she began speaking: "He is a great demon that does not care for relationships, friendships or even Humanity. Amongst all the Demon Venerables in history which one had dared destroyed the world? He only seeks himself first!"

Star Constellation began a righteous speech, that caused Heaven to raise an eyebrow: "Indeed, Fang Yuan has grown too strong, I can't rely on Fate anymore, the world will grow out of control if another Fang Yuan came to power…"

And that was exactly what Star Constellation wanted Heaven to think!

Heaven had the advantage of Spectral Heaven and thus, didn't put too much thought into his alliance with Heavenly Court, at most he thought it was a continent service to him, but after being foiled at the hands of 'only' Fang Yuan.

He thought: "It seems that I need to make good use of Heavenly Court in the future, to prune these types on individuals in advance." Heaven stroked his chin.

This was exactly what Star Constellation wanted, she wanted Heaven to finally, see Heavenly Court as a necessity!

At first, she managed to convince him that they were needed to stop Fang Yuan, now she managed to fully convince him that they were needed to stop future Fang Yuans!

"But was it worth it?" Red Lotus asked via Mind Link: "Was it worth losing the Great Dao of Destiny to Fang Yuan for a relationship with Heaven?"

Star Constellation smirked: "Who said Fang Yuan will definitely obtain the Great Dao?"


This was Fang Yuan's true goal!

"Finally," He looked forward at Feng Jiu Ge with eyes of greed: "Nothing can stop me from obtaining the Great Dao of Destiny!"

Fang Yuan knew that Heaven and Heavenly Court would kill Feng Jiu Ge to reverse the process of the Great Dao descending, after all, if nobody was calling it anymore it wouldn't descend!

But Fang Yuan did not know that it was their backup plan, instead, their main plan was…

"That's far enough Heaven Refining Demon Venerable, or should I say, Fang Yuan!" A girl holding a pink orb shouted from the cliff where Feng Jiu Ge was cultivating.

"Oh? Should I return the greeting then Great Dream Immortal…oh wait. Just Feng Jin Huang should do." Fang Yuan snickered.

Feng Jin Huang squinted her eyes in anger, she knew he was teasing her.

But what could she do?

She was just a lowly Rank 5 Gu Master, whereas he was one of the strongest existences in the world!

"Come say that to my face!" Feng Jin Huang shouted!

[1] I want to make a mini retcon/ theory. That there is a difference between the Dao Marks that Killer Moves make and the Dao Marks that exist in Gu Material, Gu Immortals and in the Gu World itself. I hypothesis that when Killer Moves are used, Immortal Essence flows through the Permeant Dao Marks, to become the corresponding Killer Move's mix of Temporary Dao Marks.

Since I want to operate on principles of science, where energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed from one form to another.

I feel that this makes things easier to explain.

Again, I can't rmb how the OG tackled the conversion of Immortal Essence to Killer Moves to Dao Marks.

But for my Series, the Immortal Essence goes into the Gu, which then converts it into Temporary Dao Marks, which get amplified or debuffed by the Permeant Dao Marks.

You can kinda think of Permeant Dao Marks as Solid and Temporary Dao Marks as Liquid and Air.

This is how I would have done the Gu system from the beginning, so as to somewhat obey the laws of physics.

Though maybe this is how the OG envisioned it as well, and I just can't remember where it was mentioned.

[2] I plug numbers into Google and they gave me this soooooo I guess a Human-sized Black Hole weighs a hundred Earths, who knew. (If you like to go play around with Black Hole calculations."

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