Reverend Insanity the Final arc- Fan edition

Chapter 112: Chapter 2447 The World's Most Dangerous Game Of Relay.

The Black Hole was expanding every second, its pull growing, thus further accelerating its size.

This cycle allowed the growth of the Black Hole to rise exponentially.

"Uhm…this might be a problem," Red Lotus scratched his head: "Do you think this move could swallow up the entire Gu World?"

Everyone had a nasty scowl aimed towards Red Lotus.

"I propose a truce until we figure out how to deal with this Black Hole," Star Constellation proposed.

Everyone agreed, after all, if the world was consumed where would they be safe?

"Fang Yuan, you seem to recognize this 'Black Hole' do you have any suggestions?"

Everyone turned to Fang Yuan.

"Indeed I do, but it will require a lot of work," Fang Yuan began to explain his knowledge on Black Holed [1]

"First, Black Holes feed on substance, anything of substance is food for a Black Hole, so our first priority is to isolate it in a void that contains nothing, literally nothing, not a single Dao Marks." Fang Yuan stressed the point of absolute nothingness.

"How are we supposed to remove the Natural Dao Marks of Paths that we don't control?" Genesis Lotus chimed.

This got all the Venerables thinking.

It was indeed impossible for them to create the void that Fang Yuan mentioned, unless…

They all turned to Heaven.

"What are you looking at me for? I can't control nor refine all the Natural Dao Marks in the world, it goes against the rules of the Heavenly Dao." Heaven righteously claimed though he thought to himself: "It's all that damn Earth's fault if she didn't still control 50% of the Heavenly Dao I would be able to wipe away all these pathetic existences, but her conciseness is still sealed so I have time…"

Heaven then proposed something: "I can't control the Dao Marks here in the 5 Regions but in Spectral Heaven, I can move every Dao Mark."


Indeed, Spectral Heaven was a unique existence, even though it contained both Soul Path and Qi Path Dao Marks, Heaven still had the ability to move them around.

This was because the body Heaven was inhabiting, Spectral Soul Demon Venerable, had consumed the Spirit of Black Heaven, making him the Heavenly Spirit of Spectral Heaven.

As a Heavenly Spirit, he could move all the Dao Marks within Spectral Heaven, regardless of the path he cultivated.

"Then how do we move the Black Hole into Spectral Heaven? All our attacks will just wind up feeding the Black Hole." Star Constellation pointed out the flaw in their plan.

Fang Yuan shook his head: "That's not necessarily the case, while the Black Hole would consume our attacks, we can just coat our hands in Dao Marks and directly grab it, forcing it to move!"

"Wouldn't the Black Hole eat our Dao Marks?" Genesis Lotus asked.

"It would but…"

"Then are you suggesting we move it at the cost of it getting bigger?" Genesis Lotus cut Fang Yuan midsentence: "Wouldn't that make our problem bigger?"

Fang Yuan scoffed, annoyed: "And whose side created the problem in the first place?"

"You!" Genesis Lotus held up his finger.

"Alright enough! This is no time for bickering, every second we spend arguing is another the Black Hole spends growing." Star Constellation looked at Fang Yuan: "We'll take your suggestion, but I'd like to hear the rest of your plan first."

Fang Yuan smirked: "Of course."

"Now before I was interrupted," Fang Yuan cast a glance at Genesis Lotus, which infuriated him, "Although we would lose Dao Marks and the Black Hole would get bigger, it is still better than allowing it to grow too big to the point where we can't do anything."

Everyone shook their head in agreement:

"Then what?" Heaven asked: "We can't just keep it in my Spectral Heaven forever."

Fang Yuan replied, shaking his head: "There is no other choice after we isolate the Black Hole there is only 1 thing that can kill it; Time."

Fang Yuan's answer was met with scepticism, which was natural since they had no understanding of how advanced and theoretical science worked.

After all, the rules and laws of this world were largely governed by the Heavenly Dao, no one spent much time researching what make the world tick, beyond Gu.

Without that knowledge, it was impossible for them to expound upon and theorize what would happen when they take things to their extreme.

Case in point, Red Lotus creating a Black Hole!

"It's a very complicated topic, but essentially, Black Holes will constantly emit the energy they absorb as…" Fang Yuan began explaining about Phantom Particles and Hawking Radiation.

This made the other Venerables head spin, only Star Constellation was more fascinated rather than confused:

"Interesting, interesting, and what if…" Star Constellation was truly the number 1 Wisdom Path Venerable, she was able to see and deduce these theories to their conclusions.

"To think she would surpass my understanding of Black Holes after just a few short explanations…" Fang Yuan was slightly awed at Star Constellation's intelligence.

"I see," Star Constellation was internalizing all the new information: "I agree with Fang Yuan's plan, in theory, it should work but…"

"But what?" Giant Sun asked.

"It would require a unit of time so long I think even Heaven here would be floored.

"Hmph!" Heaven was already incensed that he would have to be the one taking care of the Black Hole:

"How long could it be, I've spent eons in the vast nothingness and the Gu World has existed for 3 million years. I can handle whatever you humans call 'long'"

Star Constellation responded: "10^100" [2]


Heaven nearly tripped upon hearing that: "A-are you sure?"

Star Constellation and Fang Yuan nodded.

"Y-you're not joking or accidentally added a 0 to the 100?"

They both shook their heads in unison.

It was a ridiculous amount of time!

Such a number couldn't even be imagined as a quantity of anything!

From Heaven's first inception of thought to the present day was just a spec of dust in the lifespan of a Black Hole.

Heaven looked down on the lifeforms of this world as their lifespan was a mere grain in the ocean of his life, but compared to a Black Hole?

Even Heaven looked minuscule.

"Are you saying we have to isolate it for that long?" Heaven's eye began twitching in anger.

"You could speed up the flow of Time within the confinement field, since it's a void, it would have no detrimental effect." Fang Yuan suggested.

Heaven harrumphed: "And where will I get the energy to constantly supply that kind of speed?"

Fang Yuan shrugged his shoulders.

"I have a better idea," Star Constellation interjected: "We could open up a separate tributary in the River of Time, allowing its Waters to flow through and passively reduce the time required."

The rest thought about Star Constellation's proposal and agreed it was good.

A plan was then formulated, the Venerables would each take turns to hold onto the Black Hole, evenly spreading out the burden amongst them.

While Heaven would create a void within Spectral Heaven.

Fang Yuan instructed him to create a Void that had a radius bigger than the pulling force of the Black Hole.

This ensured that in the event something went wrong with containment, there would be time to fix the error.

It would also allow for the erecting of a barrier that would prevent anything from entering the Black Hole's gravitational pull.

"The area of Void you must make has to be 3x bigger than the gravitational pull of the Black Hole so that it doesn't leach off Dao Marks from the barrier we are going to set up." Star Constellation instructed clearly.

Fang Yuan found it slightly excessive, and for the first time, everyone agreed with him!

"We can't take chances and it doesn't do any harm to be precautious." Star Constellation responded.

Since it didn't really affect any of them, they did not press the matter.

Only Heaven was affected and he was not pleased.

The plan is to shoot the Black Hole up in the last 50 Meters, as no one would be able to carry it past that point, without risking the Black Hole swallowing an egregious amount of Dao Marks.

Thus, they all agreed to have the Black Hole become bigger but keep them safer.

Much to the annoyance of Heaven: "These lower lifeforms!"

But he needed their help and thus chose to bite the bullet.

After much deliberation the order was agreed upon, it would be, Star Constellation, Giant Sun, Genesis Lotus, Red Lotus and then Fang Yuan.

This was based on numerous factors, mainly, Red Lotus being the main problem maker, thus having to bear the most costly when it came to the Black Hole.

As the fourth person, he would be the person with direct contact with the biggest form of the Black Hole, Fang Yuan will only shoot it the rest of the way.

Star Constellation and Genesis Lotus also bore the most loss in Dao Marks as Red Lotus was a member of Heavenly Court

The 2 who had to give up the least Dao Marks, excluding Heaven, were Fang Yuan and Star Constellation.

As they were the ones who had contributed the most to the plan.

Once everything was settled, the 6 Venerables all signed an Alliance Oath:

"We will do our part to ensure that the Black Hole makes it into Spectral Heaven."

The Alliance Oath was signed quickly, as time was of the essence.

Despite debating within their minds for hours, only a few seconds had passed in the real world, but this didn't stop the Black Hole from growing.

Each second was unbelievably precious.

Heaven made his way to a space in Spectral Heaven, above the Black Hole.

With him as the centre, he began repelling the Dao Marks away from him, creating a Void!

He was also controlling these Dao Marks to begin piling up at the edges of his Void to form a natural barrier that would help block any potential attack or anomaly from entering the Void.

"The powers of Heavenly Spirit are truly intriguing," Fang Yuan stared in contemplation.

"Is everyone ready?" Star Constellation announced.

Everyone gave their thumbs up.

Their plan was to maximize efficiency, hence while Heaven was making the Void they would transport the Black Hole.

It was timed just perfectly that Heaven would finish the Void and the Black Hole would enter.

Star Constellation began by wrapping her hand in Star Path Dao Marks.

Her hand reached beyond the event horizon of the, still smallish, Black Hole.

"Ah," Star Constellation braced herself and only winced slightly at the pain: "It acts similar to Chaos but it's not quite the same, this would be 100 times more painful if this was an orb of Chaos."

Star Constellation began her ascent towards Giant Sun.

"Giant Sun I will arrive at your height in about 10 seconds, are you ready?"

Giant Sun responded: "Ready."

3 Seconds from Star Constellation reaching Giant Sun.

"Begin moving now."

Giant Sun nodded and began ascending, with his handheld back, Star Constellation passed the, now bigger, Black Hole onto Giant Sun and continued ascending with him to monitor the situation.

The whole thing resembled one weird and dangerous game of ascending relay tag.

The next person to hold the 'baton' was Genesis Lotus.

"Incoming in 3…2…1" Giant Sun handed the Black Hole to Genesis Lotus.

Now there was an entourage of 3 Venerables, carrying an incredibly dangerous payload to Red Lotus.

[1] All this is theoretical even in our own world; I am no scientist so tbh what I wrote is prob BS. If you would like, go YouTube and search up on Black Holes, it's a very interesting, if not mind spinning, topic.

[2] This is known as a googol it is the number 1 followed by 100 zeros.

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