Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 133

Dark Sky Village

To confirm if Mi Ho was right, I headed over to Mangnyang.

“Is it really a rebellion?”


“Are we conspiring to rebel?”

Mangnyang glanced at me. He was reading the Art of War by Sun Tzu. Suddenly, Mangnyang handed me the book of Art of War to read.

“You probably haven’t read this before. When you have the time, you must read it. It’s a great classic.”

“I definitely will. But could you please not dodge the question and just answer it?”

As I pressed him while holding the Art of War, Mangnyang replied,

“Of course, it’s evident, right? What we are planning right now is a perfect rebellion and treason. It’s been quite a while since the Rallying Edict has spread, and the local warlords and lords are beginning to feel on edge, watching this area closely. They are in the stage of pondering which side to align with.”

“Goodness… Is it really okay to speak so openly about treason?”

At that, Mangnyang smirked.

“I wouldn’t say such things in front of ordinary people. I’d find a way to avoid direct mention. However, since it’s you, I can speak plainly.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“You are, after all, the person most free in terms of power in the world. To be honest, regardless of whether this side wins or loses in the upcoming battle, your ultimate goal will remain intact. The rebellion is merely the fastest route to achieve it.”

Mangnyang clasped his hands and continued leisurely.

“Then let me ask you in return. Do you think General Hwang has any other options in this situation?”


“None. Originally, both General Hwang and I intended to rally the opposing forces to purge the Demon Subduing Hall and more, and ultimately make the emperor a puppet who couldn’t mouth a word. No matter how much we grow, that’s as far it goes. The emperor is a figure above all, so it’s much better to use him as a marionette rather than trying to remove or eliminate him rashly.

In other words, what we were seeking was a change from within. One could say it was quite moderate.

But then the emperor unexpectedly passed away, and the Demon Subduing Hall gained power, causing the entire situation to change drastically. They no longer care about the emperor’s opinion and can do whatever they please now. Does anyone think that the newly ascended crown prince would bat an eye even if we stirred the Clear Stream Faction, local scholars, or high-ranking officials?

At the moment the emperor died, we lost all options besides employing force.”


I resonated with Mangnyang’s words and sighed.

I had thought that once the emperor, the leader of our enemies, was gone, everything would fall into disarray on its own, but that was not the case. The emperor was a crucial link in numerous power connections. The vast opponent known as the Imperial Palace would not fall simply because the emperor was gone.

‘We either have to go through the proper procedures or have the kind of power to sweep everything away without a trace.’

Noticing my realization, Mangnyang said,

“Of course, I can’t say that your action of eliminating the emperor was necessarily wrong. After all, the emperor should have been a target for purging sooner or later. It’s just that the chances of crossing a dangerous bridge have increased a bit, so we must focus on the now.”

It was not merely a comfort to me. I had to pull myself together.

“I understand.”

As I acknowledged this, Mangnyang wore a somehow pleased expression. It looked like the joy one feels when their apprentice understands them well. Mangnyang spread out his plans and said,

“Tomorrow morning, General Gi Bae-jong will arrive with 30,000 troops, alongside General Hwang leading the Northern Dragon Army of 10,000, plus about 25,000 troops responding to General Hwang’s Rallying Edict from Guanzhong. We’ll be marching with around 60,000 to 70,000 troops towards the capital.”


I realized just how massive that number was. While ordinary people wouldn’t grasp the sheer scale, one could feel suffocated amidst a crowd of hundreds, let alone imagine a battle with hundreds of thousands in a sprawling area.

Then, I suddenly noticed an odd point and asked Mangnyang,

“Wait a minute. Didn’t you send the Rallying Edict throughout the nation? So, can’t we gather even more troops and attack the capital later?”

“That is an option. I suppose if we wait here and occupy key locations nearby for about a month, we could gather at least 200,000.”

Mangnyang pinched his temples while speaking.

“But we cannot afford to do that.”

“Why not?”

“There are three reasons.”

After taking a sip of water, Mangnyang continued.

“First, no matter how suspicious and tyrannical the orders from the emperor may be, he’s still the emperor. The longer we let things drag on, the more advantageous it becomes for the emperor in terms of both justification and practicality. The moment the crown prince has just ascended, we must resolve this swiftly while the state is in chaos.

Second, if we can gather 200,000 troops, the other side can gather 500,000.

Third, if it becomes a confrontation of 200,000 versus 500,000, it will turn into a massive civil war that could split the Great Ming Empire in two. At that point, regardless of victory or defeat, the local control in the capital will plummet, and chaos will ensue once more. That’s something we must absolutely avoid.”


“We need to defeat the Imperial Guard as swiftly as possible and seize the capital. That is the absolute condition for victory.”

I could sense that Mangnyang’s arguments were coherent. I internally admired his words and pondered over them. Then I asked the question I really wanted to know,

“Then how many troops are stationed at the capital to defend it?”

“Basically, there are around 100,000 stationed at all times. And by now, they have probably gathered nearby reserve troops, so by the time the battle starts, there could be close to 200,000.”


So it means 70,000 against 200,000!

Even with a troop difference of almost three to one, Mangnyang remained remarkably calm. Seeing my worried expression, Mangnyang said,

“You don’t have to worry.”

“How can you say that?”

“Battles, especially wars, are not merely determined by numbers. And we have Hwang Yeon on our side. That alone is reason enough to win.”

Mangnyang smiled subtly and pointed at the Art of War I was holding.

“So make sure to read this book whenever you have spare time. I think this upcoming battle will be a valuable lesson for you.”

“I understand.”

I took the Art of War and went outside. While passing through, I saw General Hwang Yeon and Lee Kwang gathered together. As I approached them, I heard them talking.

“General, do you really intend to attack the capital?”

It was Lee Kwang’s familiar voice. In response, General Hwang Yeon’s voice came through.

“That’s right, Lee Kwang.”

“That doesn’t make sense. This isn’t like you, General.”

Lee Kwang spoke in a tone that thoroughly lowered himself in front of Hwang Yeon. Regardless of their rank, he seemed to hold General Hwang Yeon in high regard. The old general stood there clad in armor, looking gently at Lee Kwang as he said,

“What does being like me mean? Do enlighten me.”


General Hwang Yeon declared resolutely,

“I realized this while in the Great Thunder Prison. There are beings hidden beneath the surface of this nation that are not human. And if we don’t use this opportunity to strike and weaken them, we will regret it for eternity.”

“But this is treason.”

“That’s right. It’s treason. But then why are you standing here trying to persuade me?”

Hwang Yeon said with a sardonic smile.

“Ha ha… I would think you’d choose a more rational option like just beheading me and presenting my head to the new emperor. That would settle all difficulties. So why isn’t that happening?”

“… For the sake of General Jin Cheon-hwi.”

“Jin Cheon-hwi, you say.”

“At least if it were General Jin Cheon-hwi, he would have found a better way.”

At that, both Hwang Yeon and Lee Kwang’s gazes fell solemn. It seemed they were reminiscing about General Jin Cheon-hwi. Hwang Yeon let out a sigh.

“He was truly a genius. Someone I could never hold a candle to… but I no longer have options left. As an ordinary person, I must fight and set things right by force.”

Lee Kwang spoke without any bloodlust, yet his words carried a strong will.

“Are you saying that you would kill the general?”

“Do as you like. That too may be the will of heaven.”

General Hwang Yeon remained unperturbed. He wouldn’t be swayed by threats to his life. It was also the pride of a supreme general of the Great Ming Empire.

Lee Kwang showed signs of inner conflict. He was torn between the powerful ideology of loyalty to the emperor, which had long held his life, and his allegiance to General Hwang Yeon. Hwang Yeon then planted the nail into Lee Kwang’s hesitance,

“But know this. The loyalty we devoted our souls to was to the late emperor, and we offered the utmost loyalty to his son as well. Now, there is no longer anyone but a phantom to whom we owe our loyalty.”

This statement seemed to shock Lee Kwang, causing him to hesitate. He appeared perplexed.


“Where is the Great Ming Empire? Is the current emperor the embodiment of the Great Ming Empire? Answer me, Lee Kwang.”

Lee Kwang fell silent.

After a long while, he sighed and said,

“I’ll need to organize my thoughts a bit more.”

“Feel free to do so. But know that we cannot win this war without your assistance.”


I met eyes with Lee Kwang, who walked away forlornly. He glanced at me without any visible change in expression, but his gaze distinctly held distress and turmoil. I was surprised to see someone as steadfast as Lee Kwang appearing so drained from a conversation.

‘He truly can be called a general.’

Honestly, I wondered what difference it would make if I rescued General Hwang, but gradually, I began to understand that my thinking had been flawed. The existence of the top general of the Great Ming Empire alone possessed an aura and prestige capable of shaking the very world. He could be the cornerstone of changing China itself.

Upon spotting me, General Hwang Yeon seemed pleased and said,

“Oh, it’s you. The small hero.”

The title of small hero carried an air of playful mischief. I managed a bitter smile and said,

“It seems I’m in the wrong place.”

“No, it’s fine. It was something I had to go through eventually, and that friend over there probably won’t mind.”

When I fell silent, General Hwang Yeon said,

“By the way, I have always been curious. What kind of relationship do you have with the Bancheon Alliance Leader?”

I answered resolutely,

“We are comrades and friends.”

“Would you give your life for each other?”

“Of course.”

At that, General Hwang Yeon looked impressed.

“You have no wavering in your gaze. I can even feel the spirit of a seasoned veteran through it… A talent like you is rare.”


It’s natural for me to lay down my life for Mangnyang considering the past life, and in reality, I truly am a seasoned veteran. My actual age is probably much greater than that of General Hwang Yeon. Standing there blankly, General Hwang Yeon chuckled.

“I merely wanted to know. Seeing heroes like you two act for righteousness simply makes my spirits rise.”

“I think that’s flattery. I still have a long way to go.”

“Ha ha… Even at sixty years old, there are countless pathetic humans who can’t even hold a candle to you two.”

Watching General Hwang Yeon laugh heartily made me feel a twinge of embarrassment. Before my reincarnation, I was indeed the kind of person who couldn’t even compare to Mangnyang as he said. Even now, I was still learning a great deal from him. It took immense time and effort just to catch up to that level.

General Hwang Yeon said,

“You’ve probably heard, but I am leaving all command of the siege against the capital to the Bancheon Alliance Leader. Lee Kwang and I will be preparing for any unforeseen circumstances.”


What does this mean? I was taken aback as this was information Mangnyang hadn’t shared with me. Then General Hwang Yeon cocked his head in surprise.

“I see you haven’t heard.”

“That’s correct. But why aren’t you personally leading the command?”

“Hmm, it’s a simple matter. I’ve discussed strategies and tactics and realized one fact. The Bancheon Alliance Leader’s tactical prowess is of remarkable caliber.”

General Hwang Yeon said with a wry smile.

“I think the Bancheon Alliance Leader is a genius in strategy. If he’s in command, I predict remarkable results will come. I will merely observe from the sidelines.”

My jaw dropped.

General Hwang Yeon was a living war god and a celebrated general who had preserved the Great Ming Empire from foreign invaders. Gaining absolute trust from the military within, he had been able to issue proclamations marching forth for the sake of a corrupted emperor. Given this, his strategic and tactical caliber was beyond question.

To think such a general would claim to be inferior to Mangnyang!

“Could it really be that much?”

“Umm… It seems you do not know your closest companion’s abilities well enough. The only one who might be able to stand against him would likely be General Jin Cheon-hwi. I have no confidence that I could win against the forces led by the Bancheon Alliance Leader with the same number of troops.”


General Hwang Yeon chuckled.

“In that case, why not lead a hundred-man division? You will come to understand what I mean.”

I felt a remarkable bewilderment.

Both Mangnyang and General Hwang Yeon, along with Lee Kwang, all seemed drastically unconcerned, despite estimating the troop difference to be threefold. Whether it was a difference in innate capability or something else, they all thought it was a foregone conclusion that they would win the siege of the capital.

‘Is it really…?’

I recognized my own weakness.

When it came to strategy and tactics, I was practically a blank slate. I was merely accustomed to fighting on my own but had no idea how to wield military tactics in a large-scale battle.

‘There’s no way around it, I need to read more.’

I looked down at the Art of War. Perhaps by reading this, I might be able to command not just a hundred, but thousands or even tens of thousands to move in harmony with my thoughts.

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