Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 132

Dark Sky Village

The next day, I expected the news of the emperor’s death to spread across the continent. However, instead, the western sky was being dyed a blood-red hue. It was clear that something strange was happening in Luoyang, causing Mangnyang to display a worried expression.

Then, about half a day later, a messenger arrived at Jinrang Valley. He seemed to be an informant from the Bancheon Alliance, stationed by Mangnyang to gather news about Luoyang. The messenger spoke urgently.

“This is bad.”

“What happened?”

“The emperor has passed away, and the crown prince has immediately ascended to the throne.”

“… That was expected.”

Then the messenger continued, and both Mangnyang and I were left in shock.

“And the Nine Lotus Sect has been declared the state religion, and a decree ordering the cessation of all worship and beliefs in Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism is spreading across the nation.”


The Nine Lotus Sect has become the state religion!

‘Why is this happening?’

I was dumbfounded. The Nine Lotus Sect, a cult that would only surface decades later, was considered a heretical sect and would face suppression in due course. Given the circumstances, it was clear that the Nine Lotus Sect was likely a collection of evil individuals serving the Ancient Ruler, probably linked to the Dark Sky Village.

But it seemed strange. Forcing people to abandon worship of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism wasn’t as simple as it sounded. Confucianism served as the foundation of the central philosophy, while Buddhism and Taoism had dominated people’s consciousness for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

Banning all of that and turning it into an enemy was not something the newly ascended crown prince could declare in a single day. Furthermore, prohibiting worship at Confucian shrines could provoke backlash from scholars. There was a chance that the central officials and various regions could rise in revolt.

Mangnyang, with a peculiar expression, asked,

“The Nine Lotus Sect? What on earth is that?”

“I’m sorry. I’m still looking into it, but the atmosphere in the capital is unusual. There are bright red clouds over the capital, and strange beings are wandering around.”


Mangnyang sighed as if extinguished and dipped his hand in water.

“Understood. Dismissed for now.”

“Respectfully, sir!”

After the messenger left, Mangnyang seemed deep in thought for quite some time.

I felt anxious hearing the silence, so I spoke up,

Mangnyang, this is…”

“Baek Woong, let’s talk for a moment.”


Mangnyang opened the door to his hut and went inside. I followed him, and we sat face to face in the room. Mangnyang calmly began to speak.

“Baek Woong, it was undoubtedly the doing of that alchemist you referred to.”


That was the individual who had been beside the emperor when I stormed the palace in my twelfth reincarnation. Dressed entirely in black, they had flattered the emperor. As I recalled that person, Mangnyang continued,

“That alchemist is very likely the successor of the sorcerer, who primarily used human sacrifices.”


“And based on the conversations with the emperor, they seemed to have a mutually beneficial relationship, cooperating against death and immortality. In exchange for providing immortality to the emperor, he would help the alchemist and the Dark Sky Village with the emperor’s power.”

Mangnyang sighed again.

“However, it seems that the delicate balance of this alliance has been disrupted with the emperor’s sudden death. Currently, it wouldn’t be far-fetched to say that the emperor’s entire power has fallen under the alchemist’s command.”

“That sounds strange.”

As I listened to Mangnyang, I spoke up.

“The emperor didn’t seem to practice any notable martial arts. If the alchemist belongs to the Dark Sky Village and possesses immense power, they could have easily eliminated or controlled the emperor long ago. What reason could they have had to cooperate until now only to move?”

“That might indicate that the emperor was protected by the Four Divine Guards, and that Zhuque, in particular, was far more formidable than we imagined. Perhaps there were many protective charms and sorceries at play as well. Especially with Naehwanggak and Zhuge Fu present, they likely couldn’t act rashly.”

Mangnyang sighed again.

“Regardless, the incident has happened. Now we need to consider how to respond.”

“Are you planning to inform General Hwang Yeon about this?”

“We should.”

Mangnyang soon summoned General Hwang Yeon and told him what had happened in the capital. Upon hearing the news of the emperor’s death, General Hwang Yeon appeared unsettlingly indifferent, but he frowned when the Nine Lotus Sect was mentioned.

“The Nine Lotus Sect? What’s that?”

“We’re still uncertain. All we know is that with the sudden passing of the emperor, a third force has taken control of the imperial palace.”

“So we have nothing concrete.”

“Getting information from the capital now would be a life-threatening endeavor.”


After a moment of silence, General Hwang Yeon said,

Bancheon Alliance Leader. I have a suggestion.”

“What is it?”

“Please rescue my kin trapped by the Golden Eagle Guards. If you do that, I will fully support you.”

Mangnyang responded,

“That is possible, but are you sure? You would be directly opposing the Golden Eagle Guards.”

“Don’t think too highly of me. I’m already prepared to battle them, even without your encouragement.”

Seeing General Hwang Yeon respond nonchalantly, Mangnyang chuckled awkwardly.

“My apologies if I was rude.”

“Is it doable?”

“Yes. It should be enough. However, I need you to assist in one thing.”

“What kind of assistance?”

Mangnyang replied,

“Please write a letter to persuade someone.”

After a while, I received the letter from General Hwang Yeon and teleported over to the vicinity of the Guanzhong Azure Dragon Martial Arts School using Bite. I approached the guard, Bang Il, at the entrance of the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School and said,

“I have come to see the leader of the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School.”

“Is this little brat out of his mind?! Does he think the Guanzhong Leader is someone you can just see whenever you want?!”

“Go in and inform him that I come in the name of General Hwang Yeon.”


Upon hearing General Hwang Yeon’s name, they seemed startled, but realizing that they couldn’t handle this on their own, one of them quickly darted inside. A moment later, the guard returned and said,

“I’ll take you to Waryong Hall.”

I followed him to Waryong Hall. As I stepped inside, I saw Lee Kwang and Jin So-cheong sitting at a table. Lee Kwang still bore a serene expression, while Jin So-cheong looked at me curiously.

I took the initiative to introduce myself.

“It’s an honor to meet the renowned leader of the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School, famed throughout the land. I am Baek Woong, and I come in the name of General Hwang Yeon.”

After a moment of looking at me with transparent eyes, Lee Kwang spoke,

“You arrived in the name of General Hwang Yeon?”

“That’s right. The detailed circumstances are written in this letter.”


As I handed the letter, Lee Kwang accepted it to read through. After some time, he looked back at me.

“What’s the proof that this letter is genuine?”

“General Hwang Yeon asked me to convey this phrase to you: A single boat, an old man with a raincoat and a bamboo hat fishing alone in a snowy river.”

“… It’s true.”

Lee Kwang couldn’t fully trust the letter initially, but the moment I recited the phrase he learned from General Hwang Yeon, he began to believe I was indeed a messenger. It seemed that the phrase was a code existing in their connections.

Lee Kwang said,

General Hwang Yeon mentioned that you are a person of notable talent. You certainly do seem to be.”

“You’re flattering me.”

Despite my response, I felt a bit shy. It appeared that my training hadn’t been in vain, as I had gained recognition in Lee Kwang’s eyes. Since we would likely be working together moving forward, I thought it best not to hide the fact that we’re both part of the Thunder God School and said to Lee Kwang,

“I’m also a disciple of the Thunder God School, and I am greatly moved to meet you.”

Thunder God School? Are you…?”

“I too am inheriting its teachings.”

“Oh, I’d like to see that.”

I went to the training ground to prove my skill. I thought it would be unwise to hide our shared background, especially since we would be collaborating closely. Displaying my sword techniques, I showcased both Gongong Sword and Heavenly Immortal Sword, revealing them to Lee Kwang. His expression reflected considerable surprise.

After I finished my demonstration, Lee Kwang said,

“Your swordsmanship isn’t purely the Manseong Sword technique. It’s mixed with profound insights from other sects.”

“My master happened to connect with an elder from the Wu Dang Sect and learned some of their insights. I incorporated those insights to enhance my own Thunder God School techniques.”

“I see. Interesting. A sword art that can twist space itself…?”

It was a rare occasion to see Lee Kwang smiling broadly as he said,

“Alright. After we handle this matter, let’s share a drink.”

Knowing that he often drinks with those who show goodwill, I realized I had won his favor and happily replied,


Then, we headed straight to Bogu to rescue General Hwang Yeon’s kin. Mangnyang had already found out their location. Originally, General Hwang Yeon’s family had resided in a magnificent mansion in the capital, but they were now confined to this rural village by the Golden Eagle Guards. As we arrived at the entrance of Bogu Village, Lee Kwang spoke,

“Didn’t General Hwang Yeon mention something about Jinchung Bogu (Dedicating Loyalty to the Nation)?”

Jinchung Bogu?

I struggled to recall but shook my head as nothing came to mind.

“He didn’t mention it that way.”

“I see… You’ve hardened your resolve.”

Lee Kwang softly whispered to himself,

“Then I must prepare myself as well.”

What kind of resolve was that?

Before I could ask, Lee Kwang surged forward like a streak of light. Following him, Jin So-cheong turned to me and said,

“I beg you to take care of our rear guard. Please enter in about half a meal’s time.”


I was aware of their formidable skills. Even if all ten squads of the Golden Eagle Guards were to gather, they likely wouldn’t be able to stand against them. As I remained quietly on standby as per Jin So-cheong’s instructions, loud explosions and screams erupted all around the village.

After a half meal, when I entered Bogu Village as directed, I found corpses of the Golden Eagle Guards and martial experts scattered everywhere. Some were even crushed to the point they couldn’t leave behind their remains. Lee Kwang and Jin So-cheong seemed confident in their earlier actions, as they led individuals out from the buildings.

‘They really did take them all out.’

From the beginning, Mangnyang had clearly intended for Lee Kwang to handle the rescue of General Hwang Yeon’s kin. Not only did this pull Lee Kwang into our side, but it also prevented needless waste of forces from the Bancheon Alliance. As Lee Kwang came up to me, he said,

“Baek Woong. The operation has been completed. What is your plan for taking General Hwang Yeon’s kin?”

Both Lee Kwang and Jin So-cheong turned their attention to me simultaneously. They had never worried about wiping out the Golden Eagle Guards holding the village, but they were pondering how to safely escort the family to a secure location. Given that I had declared I’ll handle things myself, their questions were entirely reasonable.

I silently gathered the people together and then explained,

“We’ll be moving you from this place now. Please do not fear and cooperate.”

Then, I extended my arm into the Magic Pouch. I pulled it out and then handed it back over.


“As you can see, it’s safe and harmless in here. You will be taken to a secure location soon.”



As I placed the last of the kin into the Magic Pouch, Lee Kwang and Jin So-cheong looked on in shock. Jin So-cheong trembled in excitement as he exclaimed,

“This is incredible!!”

“Wh-what on earth is that thing?”

I shrugged nonchalantly.

“It’s a really nifty item.”


“Would you like to enter as well, Lee Kwang?”

“I’ll pass. A martial artist should not haphazardly entrust their life to another.”

“Yes, understood.”

I nodded and said, “Please come to Jinrang Valley by tomorrow. I will head out first.”

“Are you not moving together?”

“I’m sorry, but the situation seems urgent.”


As I distanced myself from Lee Kwang and Jin So-cheong, I quickly used Bite to return to Jinrang Valley. Upon arriving and releasing the people from the Magic Pouch, General Hwang Yeon looked on in surprise at their appearance. He must have been unprepared for such a swift rescue.


Mangnyang pressed,

General Hwang Yeon, now you must make a decision.”

“… Very well.”

After taking a deep breath, General Hwang Yeon continued,

“I will mobilize the army.”

“Have you spoken with the others trapped in the Great Prison?”

“Of course. They have all agreed to follow my lead.”

Those imprisoned in the Great Prison were mostly “dangerous elements” arbitrarily captured by the Golden Eagle Guards, aside from a couple of exceptions. Naturally, they were powerful figures from the aristocracy or respected officials. If they had agreed to assist, it would make things significantly easier.

Soon, the proclamations authorized by General Hwang Yeon flew across the Central Plains. I took on the role of delivering the proclamations, meeting secretly with the commanders overseeing the defenses in each city and handing out the letters.

It took exactly three days to circulate the proclamations across nine cities. While traveling was quick, doing it discreetly proved quite challenging. As I returned to Jinrang Valley using Bite, Mangnyang looked troubled and said,

Baek Woong… she has come.”


Then I heard a sharp, accusatory voice.

“You think you can just waltz around like Hong Gildong? You scoundrel?!”

There stood a familiar face, a breathtaking beauty glaring at me with flushed cheeks. I was taken aback and exclaimed,

Mi Ho?!”

“Don’t act all familiar with me, you wretched human!!”

With a roar, Mi Ho seemed furious and pounded her fist onto her own chest. Then, she took a deep breath and spoke.

“Hmph! I’ve been constantly using Detection Techniques and Spirit Beasts to track your location, but you keep darting around all over the place! If you were not appointed by the Queen Mother, I would have killed you outright.”

Seeing Mi Ho again, I felt relieved, but I realized I had indeed been moving too quickly. From her perspective, chasing after me darting around the entire Central Plains must have seemed like an impossible task. Feeling embarrassed, I scratched the back of my head and said,

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. But I’m grateful you came, Mi Ho.”

“Ugh… don’t act all familiar with me! How do you know Bonyeo?”

It seemed Mangnyang had explained the situation to prevent Mi Ho from falling under his charms. I told her,

“I don’t know if Mangnyang mentioned it, but I’m a reincarnated being.”


I explained everything that had happened up to this point in detail to Mi Ho. She sat quietly in the room as she listened intently. Once I finished sharing the more recent events, she exclaimed incredulously,

“Is this a story (小說) you’re making up? You expect me to believe this?”

“Whether you believe it or not, it doesn’t explain otherwise.”


Mi Ho looked at me, still skeptically. Then she said,

“Whatever. I came here to protect you, so that’s all that matters.”

“Thank you!”

As I hugged Mi Ho tightly, her face flushed red, and she struggled to break free.

“Ugh, how disgusting! Let go of me, you fool.”

I had always noticed that Mi Ho struggled with being embraced. As one of the greatest monsters in the world, she surprisingly had this weakness that only I seemed to know. After that, Mi Ho grumbled for a while before promising to lend me her strength.

She said,

“Anyway, you’ve caused quite a stir as soon as you arrived at Central Plains. It seems like you were eager for some fun.”

“What fun? We’re in a precarious situation right now.”

When I scolded her, Mi Ho erupted into laughter.

“Ahaha! You really don’t realize what’s happening with Hwang Yeon, huh? That Mangnyang seems to have refrained from explaining that part to you.”

“What do you mean?”

Then, Mi Ho continued, and my eyes widened.

“There’s a rebellion brewing. Soon, a massive army under Hwang Yeon’s leadership will advance towards Luoyang, clashing with the imperial forces defending the capital. The side that wins will claim dominion over the land.”

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