Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 113

Dark Heaven Village

Before long, Miho and I arrived in Guanzhong. The distance from Hanam to Guanzhong wasn’t particularly long, so we managed to get there without using any lightness techniques in just five days. As soon as we entered Guanzhong, Miho insisted on finding the fanciest inn and aimed to try the most expensive food.

“Where’s the best restaurant in Guanzhong?”


“Hmm? Are you refusing to treat me to a meal?”

“There’s no rush. Just thinking about meeting Lee Kwang makes my head hurt.”

Miho flicked her tail playfully while lounging on the bed.

“I don’t get you. Isn’t it a life that could end at any moment? With money in hand, I would eat the best food in every place until I got sick of it.”

“What if you run out of money when you actually need it? Should I end up dying here just to save up?”

“… You’re such a miser.”

Seeing Miho glare at me while grumbling made me reluctantly concede. So, I handed her the leftover money from exchanging currency with the Lord of Great Dragon Merchant Association. Miho stared at the money I extended and then burst into laughter.

“Are you serious, or just joking around? I could easily deceive people with my illusion techniques.”

I sighed.

“Just take the money. If you get caught using illusions, it’ll be a hassle later.”

“Really? You’re giving this to me?”


“Hmm, I’ll be sure to spend it wisely.”

Miho looked excited as she accepted the money. She seemed thrilled at the thought of ordering from the Jong family, the most famous culinary clan in Guanzhong.

“If you want, you can have a private meeting with Lee Kwang.”

“That’s not exactly why I gave it to you.”

“Wuhuhuh, I don’t particularly want to face that guy anyway. It’s frustrating because my charms don’t work on such top-notch masters.”


“Let’s meet later.”


Miho vanished with a teleportation technique. She probably planned to have her fun and then pop back up when she needed to. I felt as if a storm had passed, and I gently laid back on the bed. After gazing at the ceiling for a moment, I made a resolve.

‘Right. What else can I do other than die?’

Even if I died here, I had gained enough. I could actively utilize this in my next life, and then I could find some other way to approach Lee Kwang. For now, it was essential to shake off my mental anguish. A little while later, I got up and headed towards Azure Dragon Martial Arts School.

In front of the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School, I found the Bangil brothers standing guard. They were familiar faces I hadn’t seen in over ten years, so I felt a mix of nostalgia and warmth. However, Bangil, who was seeing me for the first time, spoke.

“Who are you?”

“I’ve come bearing a letter.”

“A letter? For whom?”

“A letter for Master of Azure Dragon Martial Arts School, Samjeol Lee Kwang. It’s urgent, so please lead me to him.”

Bangil snorted derisively and reached out to me.

“Where did this brat come from…”


I skillfully dodged Bangil’s hand with Thunder Shadow Step and struck him on the back of his neck with a knife hand; he seemed to lose consciousness in one seamless motion. As he fell forward, I clicked my tongue.

“What a fresh reaction.”

Another guard who had been watching seemed flustered and rushed inside the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School, likely to alert everyone. Not wanting to make a scene, I quickly approached him and subdued his meridian before he could shout.



Overcome in an instant, he was now frozen in place, unable to move. I planted my tongue in my cheek and said,

“You’ll be able to move in half a stick of incense’s time. Don’t worry, nothing serious will happen.”

Not wanting unnecessary noise, I figured I had no choice but to go in and talk directly. I stealthily climbed up to the roof of the building, moving swiftly with Thunder Shadow Step, and soon landed quietly in front of Waryong Hall.

Standing there, I gulped as I gazed upon the Waryong Hall building. It hid a rather bothersome entity just behind that door. Taking a deep breath, I called out loudly.

“I am Baek Woong. I have come from afar to deliver a message.”

Silence followed for a while.

Eventually, after the silence lingered, I heard a familiar voice.

“Come in.”


I opened the door and stepped in. As I walked into the dimness of Waryong Hall, a scene I was well acquainted with emerged: a middle-aged man quietly pouring tea into a cup. Unlike the Sword Demon Seo Mun-dae-ryong, who had been imposing, this man’s vast stature felt more relaxed, yet I knew he was one of the most fearsome individuals in the world.

Samjeol Lee Kwang looked at me for a moment and then spoke.

“Delivering a message, you say… Who sent you?”

“General Jang Gyeong-ik has sent me to deliver this letter to you.”

“Let me see it.”

I stepped forward and politely handed him the letter. To avoid raising suspicion, I hadn’t opened the letter during the journey. After all, I already knew its content since I had hypnotized Jang Gyeong-ik to learn everything.


As Lee Kwang tore open the envelope and read its contents, he also examined the accompanying map in detail. I remained quietly vigilant until he finished reading the letter. After a long pause, he finally spoke.

“You said your name was Baek Woong. Your martial arts origin appears to be from the Thunder God Sect, am I correct?”

I was taken aback. Up until now, I had always introduced myself as a practitioner of Thunder God Sect, yet Lee Kwang had deduced it just by looking. I nodded and knelt, paying my respects in the etiquette of the Thunder God Sect.

“Yes. How did you know?”

“Your Thunder Shadow Step has reached a significant level.”

Hearing this filled me with inexplicable joy. It was a rare honor for Lee Kwang, who was known for his stinginess with compliments, to praise my footwork. However, I couldn’t let this feeling of happiness linger for too long, given the painful history I had with him. Once he gestured for me to rise and readied himself, he continued.

“No need to be overly tense. If you’re a disciple of the Thunder God Sect, then in a way, you’re like a junior to me. There’s no reason for me to do you harm.”

“I understand.”

“Where is your master now, and what is he doing?”

“He has passed away. His illness worsened…”

“He didn’t attain the level of the Thunder Sovereign? A master enough to teach you?”

I sighed deeply.

“My current abilities were obtained due to an unexpected opportunity I encountered during my travels across the world afterward. A lamentable matter.”

“What kind of opportunity?”

“I consumed Thousand-Year Snow Ginseng.”

Thousand-Year Snow Ginseng…!! Indeed, with such a spiritual pill, it would be possible.”

Lee Kwang nodded with understanding. Yet, I was engulfed in a mix of emotions. The Lee Kwang I was facing now was virtually different from the one who had tormented me with deep hatred. Before me stood a prodigy, an extraordinary martial arts genius who was indifferent to everything but himself. Moreover, rather than harboring ill feelings toward me, he seemed to possess merely a necessary level of interest. This was essentially his original persona.

When you put it like that, you were indeed different from that Kwang who was so unique back then.

Although the remnants of our past bitterness hadn’t completely faded, I started to understand rationally. As I quietly settled my emotions, Lee Kwang asked.

“You seem to have mastered the martial arts of the Thunder God Sect up to a remarkable level. How did you come to deliver a message from Jang Gyeong-ik?”

I decided to keep my story honest. There was a risk he might directly inquire with Jang Gyeong-ik, so it was safer not to fabricate unnecessary tales.

“While traveling the world, I aimed to visit Koryeo to meet Hwa Seo-myeong, the head of the Hwa family, due to relations with the Hwa family. Along the way, I connected with General Jang Gyeong-ik, and during our conversation, I agreed to take this message. Hence, after returning from Koryeo, I received the letter and came to Azure Dragon Martial Arts School.”

“Hwa Seo-myeong of the Hwa family? One of the Five Heavenly Families. I heard he’s been ostracized due to connections to the White Lotus Sect…”

“Yes. My master was close to Hwa Seo-myeong, which is why I aimed to meet him in Koryeo.”

“I see.”

Lee Kwang seemed to accept my account as valid since it was detailed and coherent. Since I hadn’t misrepresented anything, there was no cause for doubt. After a brief pause, he queried,

“And now, where do you plan to go?”

Recognizing the importance of this question, I straightened my posture once more and spoke respectfully.

“If you are a master of the Thunder God Sect, I would like to learn from you.”

“I expected you would say that.”

Then, Lee Kwang slowly continued speaking.

“Before that, I want to assess your martial arts.”

“May I use the sparring hall?”

“Feel free to use it as you wish.”


I dashed into the sparring hall and began demonstrating all the martial arts of the Thunder God Sect I had learned. Of course, I feigned ignorance about secret techniques like Thunder God’s Call. As I finished showcasing the Thunder God’s Eight Forms, Lee Kwang, who had been observing, finally spoke.

“Such achievements at your young age are commendable. You are worthy of receiving the license.”

“Thank you.”

“However, why are you not using the Heavenly Thunder No-Peak Spear or the Ten Thousand Victory Sword Technique?”

Lee Kwang stated it as a matter-of-factly. I initially feigned ignorance, but it appeared he noticed the emotions reflected in my expression. My mind raced as I tried to come up with an excuse.

“I know the forms, but I thought I wasn’t good enough to show them.”

“Still, do demonstrate them.”


I slowly began to perform the Heavenly Thunder No-Peak Spear and Ten Thousand Victory Sword Technique with all my might. After all, I felt that once he saw them, he would likely notice my flaws and be disappointed. With that in mind, I approached the demonstration somewhat more relaxed.

But then something strange happened.

A hollow haze spread before my eyes, and I felt an odd sensation, as if my body was not my own. It felt similarly dissimilar to how Lee Don-bin controlled my body, but this was different; I couldn’t even discern whether the weapon in my hand was real or an illusion.


In that state, I moved flawlessly and quickly, executing seamless spear thrusts and sword strikes, then seamlessly transitioning into the Ten Thousand Victory Sword Technique. Strangely, once I grasped the sword, it felt like an extension of my arm, and I barely sensed holding it. It felt as if the various key points of the Ten Thousand Victory Sword Technique were effortlessly flowing from the tips of my fingers.

Everything flowed.

The Immortal Sword danced in harmony.

Before I knew it, I was performing a sword dance. As I swirled, harnessing the essence of the world, my sword shadows-like petals began to flutter, connecting the previously unrelated techniques in perfect harmony. During this melding, I realized that the flow of the Heavenly Escape Sword Technique was gradually blending with Ten Thousand Victory Sword Technique.

The decades spent training my swordsmanship, the battles against formidable foes, the emotions learned from practicing the Heavenly Escape Sword Technique, the foundational teachings imparted by Sword Demon, all the wisdom gained through countless life-and-death situations coalesced into one. I realized it was time to break through the ‘barrier.’

The final strike sliced through the air, and a deep sound resonated.


I was drenched in sweat, still attempting to consolidate the rich emotions I had just experienced. I had forgotten I was demonstrating my martial arts before Lee Kwang, simply immersed in my own world of martial practice.

Finally, when I looked up, Lee Kwang was standing there, visibly moved.

“To grasp the Ten Thousand Victory so profoundly…!! I witnessed something precious.”


Before I could respond, Lee Kwang pulled a spear from the sparring hall into his hands.

Then he began demonstrating his martial arts to me. What on earth was happening? I knew instinctively why he was behaving this way without needing any explanations.

The Pinnacle of Martial Arts.

Here stood Lee Kwang, a pure martial artist who, being overwhelmed with emotion, desired to share his enlightenment as a form of gratitude.

Even while I was struggling to regain my composure, I opened my eyes wide, attempting to imprint each and every one of Lee Kwang’s movements into my memory. Although I previously witnessed something similar when I earnestly solicited his teachings, I had been unable to understand anything back then.

However, it was different now. Lee Kwang’s movements made intuitive sense to me, and I could decipher the meaning behind every motion he made. Since I had just experienced an awakening with the sword, no obstacles of talent hindered my comprehension.


A powerful current surged through the air.

Lee Kwang’s spear unleashed a mist-like aura, swirling within a peculiar timeframe. Although Lee Kwang seemed motionless, his movements were paradoxically swift yet controlled. While his spear didn’t unleash clones or move too quickly, it faithfully pursued a single movement, uniting mind and body perfectly.

This was art.

Each stroke followed the lingering thought long gone. His spear artistry, devoid of any preconceived notions, was delivering devastating assaults against an intangible opponent. There was no way to classify Lee Kwang’s realm using terms like Thunder God’s Eight Forms or Heavenly Thunder No-Peak Spear.

Fleeting lightning spears split time and space.

At the same time, I felt an overwhelming sense of shame. How foolish it had been to boast of wanting to learn the spear from such an extraordinary master!

Strangely, the past grievances I had with Lee Kwang began to fade. I came to understand why Lee Kwang had been so furious back then. As fellow martial artists, I now grasped the weight of those emotions on his shoulders.


Ending with a decisive thrust, Lee Kwang fixed his gaze on me.

“I see now there was another prodigy in this world… What genius talent you possess.”


Is that it?

Seeing Lee Kwang come to his own conclusions made my heart swell, and I suddenly burst out, wanting to correct him.

“No, that’s not true.”


I said firmly,

“I have no talent.”

It might sound strange.

Here I was, a young fellow who had just surpassed a peak in martial arts, proclaiming he had no talent—it might seem ludicrous.

Yet, despite understanding this, I had to speak. Not doing so would feel like my soul was dying.

Lee Kwang first wore a face of disbelief, then seemed to realize something and fell silent.


I spoke slowly,

“Don’t understand everything with mere terms like ‘talent.’ Those words are irresponsible.”

Lee Kwang.”

You arrogant prick.

How many hearts will be wounded by that one phrase?

I didn’t need to enter the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School.

Wasting more time? I wouldn’t regret it.

I must say this.

I no longer viewed Lee Kwang as an infallible being. He was simply a human; he could get angry, suffer, and make mistakes. For us to mend our wrongs, we needed courage to speak openly.

If one truly cares for the other, they should not hide or deceive, but rather prioritize honest communication. That was my code of respect for the ‘master’ who had governed my life for half my existence.

Lee Kwang seemed to sense something from my words.

Then, with a serious face, he replied,

“I understand.”

Under normal circumstances, Lee Kwang would have dismissed my words as nonsense, laughing or ignoring me. However, at this moment, it seemed he took my words to heart, engaging with me on a deeper level.

I couldn’t comprehend it.

Just through a few sentences – none of my suffering over the years had been truly alleviated, even so, I felt a sense of healing. After years of being close to each other as students and teacher while locking away our hearts, it felt like the door had finally cracked open.

“Why are you in tears?”

As he said that, I realized that tears were streaming down my cheeks, washing away countless burdens. It was an indescribable mixture of emotions flowing through.


“… No, I misspoke. I apologize.”

Lee Kwang said sheepishly.

It was a sight I had never seen before—his acknowledgment of a mistake and a willingness to apologize. Given Lee Kwang’s pride, this was something extraordinary. So I wiped my eyes, feeling neutral.

“It’s alright.”

With this exchange, I managed to shed over half the remnants of my past grievances.

It took time, but having broken through the ‘barrier’ of martial arts, I successfully re-entered the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School once again.

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