Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 112

Dark Sky Village

“Marry her?!”

I was genuinely taken aback by the thunderous declaration that struck me like a bolt from the blue. It’s not like every father with a daughter was a total softy who was overly attached, right? Seo Mun-hye was blushing but looking pleased, while Miho just stared disinterestedly. Struggling to regain my composure, I managed to say,

“I’m sorry, but… I have no intention of doing that.”


That simple retort was surprisingly difficult to answer.

‘Why, you ask? What kind of “why” is that?’

Why was I rejecting a proposal to marry the most exceptional lady of the Shadowless Gate? Fumbling for an adequate response, I feared that a wrong answer might anger a top-tier master of the martial arts and potentially lead to my untimely demise. The fear of death loomed over me. Still, I managed to fight through my anxiety and answered calmly.

“I have things to do, and I’m not particularly close to Seo Mun-hye. We don’t know each other that well. Rushing into a marriage under such circumstances would only lead to misfortune for everyone involved.”

“That’s not it.”

“Excuse me?”

“You seem to be afraid of giving your heart away, huddling up like that.”


The lackadaisical Sword Demon Seo Mun-dae-ryong’s reply cut through my defenses like a hot knife through butter. He had pinpointed precisely the essence of my feelings, going right past my excuses to strike at the core. His perception indicated that he understood what kind of person I truly was.

Before I could formulate a response, the Sword Demon continued,

“It looks like you’ve given it some thought. I respect Hye-a’s wishes, but that doesn’t mean the Shadowless Gate should keep compromising over and over.”


Seo Mun-hye looked at him desperately, but the Sword Demon turned his head away, indicating he didn’t want to discuss it further. While Seo Mun-hye appeared downtrodden, Seo Mun-dae-ryong resumed speaking.

“However, aside from that, our Shadowless Gate must treat you as a benefactor. Baek Woong, what kind of reward would you like?”


The moment my gaze met his, I felt I understood who Seo Mun-dae-ryong truly was.

An absolute being!

That detached gaze reminded me of something I’d felt before. It was the same look that legendary masters like Han Baek-ryeong and Lee Kwang occasionally displayed—eyes brimming with absolute confidence in their will, rationality, and martial arts, as if they were above the world. Perhaps the Sword Demon shared that same mental realm.

After pondering for a long moment, I spoke.

“I would like your help in ensuring that the women coming to the Shadowless Gate can live a second life.”

“Is that all?”


While I wished for assistance from the Shadowless Gate, I also had to deliver a letter to the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School and see how things developed afterward. If I accepted help from the Shadowless Gate hastily, the situation could backfire, so I planned to decline their assistance for now.

A spark of interest flickered in the Sword Demon’s eye.

“Truly a man of righteousness; it seems I was correct. A rare talent indeed.”

“Will you grant my request?”

“Of course. After all, it was Hye-a’s intention to take care of them, and I had planned to do so from the beginning.”

His words continued,

“However, that alone may not be enough of a reward. What shall we do about that?”


“Say something. I’ll grant whatever I can.”

I felt a thrilling rush. Initially, I had refused out of humility, but if they were so eager to provide, I’d be foolish not to ask for something. After a brief consideration, I spoke to the Sword Demon.

“If that’s the case, could you teach me the sword techniques through a sparring session?”


“I wish to see the esteemed prowess of the Sword Demon known throughout the world.”

At that, the Sword Demon burst into hearty laughter.

“Ha ha ha! What a fun fellow you are! Very well, let’s do it. Follow me to the sparring arena.”

Without further ado, he turned and swiftly walked away. Just as we were heading to the sparring arena, Miho said,

Baek Woong, why didn’t you just take the plunge and marry her? You could’ve had some sweet lovin’ every day.”


Seo Mun-hye, walking beside us, looked stunned, her face turning crimson.

But I replied flatly,

“There’s no point in discussing it further. Don’t tease me.”


Miho looked amused, while Seo Mun-hye let out a sigh.

When we reached the sparring arena, we found an enormous space, roughly a hundred paces across. It looked like they carved an entire hillside to create it. As I marveled at its vastness, the Sword Demon who stood a short distance away said,

“The women should step down from the sparring platform.”

Once Miho and Seo Mun-hye left the stage, it was just me and the Sword Demon facing each other. He eyed the weapon at my waist.

“Is that a knife? Are you thinking of using that?”

“No, I plan to use a sword.”

“I sense a unique energy from it. May I see it?”

“Of course.”

I handed him the Cold Sword without hesitation. After examining it for a while, the Sword Demon stated,

“What do you call this sword?”

“I refer to it as the Mingdao Simple.”

He scrutinized the wavy patterns engraved on the blade and explained,

“This is an excellent Demon Sword, ranking among the top ten in Dongyang.”


“The formal name is Muramasa Demon Sword. It’s a supreme weapon sought after by sword collectors—it lives up to its reputation.”

I was fascinated to learn from him that the sword was indeed the Muramasa Demon Sword. I had shown it to Miho, but she showed no interest, stating that swords weren’t her thing. I cautiously asked,

“A Demon Sword? Is it a cursed weapon?”

“I can’t say for sure. What I do know is it’s an impressive weapon.”

After returning the Muramasa to me, the Sword Demon continued,

“However, for now, you should use a sword. The principles of blades and swords differ fundamentally.”



I took out a Steel Sword from the nearby rack and assumed the stance for the Thunder Shadow Sword Technique as I faced the Sword Demon. This arena seemed to prioritize realistic sparring, as there were no wooden swords or anything softer. The Sword Demon leisurely watched me before saying,

“Now, begin.”


“Why do you hesitate?”

“… You’re unarmed.”

Indeed, Seo Mun-dae-ryong had no sword at his side or even on his back; he stood there weaponless, arms crossed. He’d mentioned he would teach me the sword techniques, yet he wasn’t even holding a sword himself. The Sword Demon chuckled and said,

“My title is Sword Demon, but I’m also called Blood Sword. If I used a real sword against someone asking for instruction, it would surely turn into a bloodbath.”

I felt a surge of indignation.

‘What’s this?’

While it sounded plausible, he was basically saying, “Even without a sword, I can handle someone like you.” No matter how unqualified I was on the martial arts scene, I couldn’t just sit and take that mockery!


I retracted my stance in the Thunder Shadow Sword Technique and executed the Perfect Kill Sword Technique’s teachings. With Hyun Cheon Divine Art enhancing my agility and the Thunder Shadow Sword technique allowing a rapid flow of energy, I had to be stronger than during my ninth demise. I was sure my abilities had increased substantially since then.

As the Sword Demon observed my stance closely, he commented,

“You’re not wielding a sword; you’re using another weapon, aren’t you?”

“Why do you think so?”

“Your movements and breath resemble that of someone handling a long weapon such as a spear or halberd.”


I was dumbfounded.

I was fully focused on executing the sword techniques, yet he could see past even the slightest hints in my posture? Having barely exchanged a single blow, I started to view the Sword Demon as a gigantic figure looming over me.

But I couldn’t be overwhelmed like that!

I calmly spoke,

“Then, I’d like to request a move from you.”

“Come at me.”

I needed to determine what nonsense it meant to teach sword techniques without a sword. That thought crossed my mind, and in an instant, I propelled my body forward to unleash my attack. My powerful internal energy charged the sparring stage, aiming right for the Sword Demon’s neck. The Perfect Kill Sword strike had the remarkable quality of accelerating its cutting speed dramatically.


Suddenly, I missed my target entirely. My sword sliced through empty air.


What just happened?

“I’m right here.”

A voice echoed from behind me.

The relaxed Sword Demon casually remarked,

“You’ve learned well. You hardly have any bad habits.”

“It’s not very appropriate to judge hastily.”

“Yet your breathing isn’t in sync. Your internal energy and technique don’t harmonize.”

The Sword Demon continued to critique me despite my protests, slowly raising his hand.

“Now I’ll use one second.”

I tensed up, watching his movements intently. While he’d said he’d use one second, it wasn’t mandatory for me to wait, yet considering his level, I had to switch to a defensive position. Holding my breath and enhancing my reflexes and energy perception, I saw the Sword Demon move.


It was a slow motion, as if he was swatting away a fly. I could easily slice through him with my sword. But when his hand advanced within mere inches of me, my complexion turned pale.

Energy Wave!

It was a neatly refined energy wave spiraling toward me. I desperately swung my sword to fend off the incoming attack, but even combining the variations of the Perfect Kill Sword Technique, blocking it was a daunting task. My limbs started to feel unsteady as my basic forms began to intertwine. Suddenly, a formless energy wave lightly grazed my Solar Plexus.



I could feel the Sword Demon’s finger hovering right in front of my Solar Plexus.

He had accurately utilized that one second without any weapon to penetrate through all my defenses and reached a lethal position. Had this been a genuine duel, I would have already bitten the dust.

As I stood there in a daze, the Sword Demon said,

“You have good swordplay. It’s not inferior to our Shadowless Gate’s Shadowless Sword Technique. However, you aren’t bringing out the potential of that technique to its fullest.”

The Sword Demon withdrew his finger, and I felt like I could finally breathe again. It was at that moment I grasped the true extent of Seo Mun-dae-ryong’s abilities.

‘A paragon among the best, on par with Lee Kwang…!!’

This overwhelming sense of defeat reminded me of my duel with Lee Kwang. Beyond that, there were others like Joo Yi-lu or Hobak Sa who were also formidable, yet now my only benchmark was Lee Kwang. I instantly realized why there was no denying the Sword Demon’s status among the top martial artists and masters of the martial world.

“What… was that? How can you manifest an energy wave without a weapon?”

It was indeed bizarre. Typically, energy waves were the culmination of years of dedication by a first-rate master with a weapon in hand. It’s a well-known fact that one needed proper foundational training to acquire such skills, and yet no one I knew had ever produced a wave without a weapon. Even the elders of the largest factions would find it impossible. But here, the Sword Demon was effortlessly emitting and transforming solidified energy from his bare hands.

“Let me counter with a question. What weapon do you wield?”


“You seem confident with a spear. Go ahead and use it.”

The Sword Demon reached out into the air, drawing a spear from nearby, and tossed it to me. I received it confusedly and assumed the stance for the Thunder Divine Spear Technique. Yet the Sword Demon remained standing calmly, still unarmed.


This time, I utilized rapid movements to corner him with a lan, na, chal combination, spinning to cut off his escape routes. Even as the spear blade flew toward him, the Sword Demon moved like a butterfly, evading effortlessly while observing for about ten seconds. Then, he slowly extended his hand.

“I can’t stop him.”


Once again, I found myself aiming my finger toward my Solar Plexus. The Sword Demon withdrew his hand and said,

“Undoubtedly, you handle the spear with better skill than the sword. However, the spear doesn’t suit you.”

“What do you mean?”

“You must realize it yourself.”

After saying that, the Sword Demon snatched the spear from my hand, glancing at it with mild interest.

“The concept of aptitude isn’t something you can shift just for convenience or practicality.”

Then he began to execute a series of spear techniques; there was something mesmerizing about movements that couldn’t be expressed in mere forms. They flowed far more freely and fluidly than the techniques I had been practicing. It was almost like watching a dance. As I stood there spellbound, he made a final thrust toward the air.


It felt as if the air itself was being ripped apart by the thrust of the spear. I got startled upon realizing that the essential aspect of spear techniques was nothing short of extraordinary and robust.

“Anyone can replicate that level without reaching mastery.”

The Sword Demon casually tossed the spear aside.

“In my view, your combat skills find the most strength when swordsmanship and spear techniques harmonize. Yet you seem captivated by the spear’s might, steering you away from the spear’s essence. Moreover, your innate talent leans closer to swordsmanship. With that disruption in your flow, you’re bound for trouble…”

I knelt down and said,

“I apologize. My talent is insufficient for me to fully grasp your words.”

Realizing his martial arts level far surpassed mine, I could only discern the high-level teachings he was expounding. Seeking his guidance had been the right choice. I needed to kneel down and acknowledge what I lacked. With a thoughtful gaze upon me, the Sword Demon remarked,

“I can’t understand it. At your age, to have achieved such peak martial arts…”

“I’m not trying to show off.”

“Don’t backtrack. You’ve painstakingly honed your spear skills under a master’s guidance, climbing to your peak. But that path doesn’t belong to you; if you disregard your true talent, you might even regress.”


The Sword Demon smirked slightly.

“Well, I must say, I agree with the notion that spear techniques surpass sword techniques. There’s no weapon as powerful as a spear. With similar skill, spearmen usually outmatch swordsmen. However, countless swordsmen, myself included, choose to train with swords despite knowing this. Do you understand why?”

“What’s the reason?”

“The more mesmerized you become with the spear’s practicality, the more you realize it’s a weapon that limits its user. The sword is less limiting to its user, prompting practitioners to choose swords to reach the pinnacle faster.”

Spear—it’s a weapon that limits a person!

Those shocking words resonated with my understanding. Having been trained for nearly a decade at Azure Dragon Martial Arts, I knew this inherently. Lee Kwang had always emphasized “talent,” insisting that he wouldn’t even teach those lacking it. This meant that the martial arts of the Thunder God Flow were advanced and exceedingly challenging without the right talent and intelligence.

Moreover, the primary weapon of the Thunder God Flow was the spear—however, I had trained with Lee Kwang primarily on spears, yet I had hit a wall, unable to advance past a certain point. While I had successfully reached a peak level by honing my fundamentals, my talent made it impossible for me to progress further with a spear. The very nature of the spear turned it into a weapon that concealed and restrained the user’s potential—a cruel truth.

The Sword Demon patted me on the shoulder, saying,

“However, if you can overcome that contradiction, you’ll be able to advance to the next level.”

“Thank you for your brilliant teachings.”

“You can request sparring sessions as often as you like from tomorrow onward.”

As I descended from the sparring stage, I reflected on it all.

‘So I’m better suited for the sword?’

I had been pondering that for a while, but hearing it from someone else struck differently. Originally, I’d focused on swordsmanship, yet following Lee Kwang’s advice had shifted me toward the spear, allowing me to rapidly enhance my level. But now, as I reached an impasse, I received a recommendation to revert back to swordsmanship.

For the next month, I sparred repeatedly with the Sword Demon, gaining insights into my shortcomings in sword techniques. By the end of that month, I realized it was time to leave.

‘If I delay any longer, rescuing General Hwang Yeon might become impossible.’

Given that I didn’t know the full details, spending endless years honing my skills here didn’t seem wise. I informed the Sword Demon of my intent to leave Shadowless Gate, and both Seo Mun-hye and the Sword Demon came to see me off.

“Safe travels, future son-in-law!”

“… That’s not the case.”

“Whether it’s now or later, it’s bound to happen, right?”


I was dumbfounded by the Sword Demon’s unwavering expression. But beside me, Miho found it utterly amusing, giggling away.

As I exited the Shadowless Gate, I strolled along the hillside, recalling our conversations.

“Aren’t you pursuing those who kidnapped Seo Mun-hye?”

“Of course I am. I’ve tracked their movements to Pirate Island, although it’s becoming increasingly difficult.”

“Lack of information, then…?”

“Not quite. I also needed to steel myself for what’s to come.”

“Steeling yourself, you say?”

“Beyond this, I cannot divulge anything more since you’re still an outsider.”

The Sword Demon seemed to indicate he would share the full story surrounding Seo Mun-hye’s kidnapping once I became his son-in-law. But now that I’d declined his generous offer, I lost immediate access to the full context regarding Seo Mun-hye‘s situation.

While I was lost in thought, Miho, who had followed me closely, said,

Seo Mun-dae-ryong is impressive. I tried to see if I could hypnotize him for a month, but he left no openings.”

“True, he is one of the top masters.”

“Are you planning to head to the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School now?”

“I guess I have to.”

I answered gravely.

Regardless of the various circumstances that diverted my path, I would have no choice but to confront Lee Kwang at Azure Dragon Martial Arts School. Miho, casting an inquisitive gaze, asked,

“Hmm… I can’t quite understand. I get that you fear emotional attachments, but isn’t that merely a feeling? Can’t you just view it as a chance to have a woman to yourself since you’re reincarnating anyway?”

“If it were that simple, I’d already be living a happy life.”


I shot Miho a reproachful glare.

‘You, of all people…’

I now had two entangled emotions in my life.

Yet, for some reason, I couldn’t envision parting from Myeonggoryang or Miho.

I had no choice but to continue fearing further emotional entanglements. Moreover, I found myself unable to voice these feelings, thus walking in silence.

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