Chapter 287: CH.276: Stacked Work.
( Yuuki's POV )
After my short trip to Hueco Mundo where I finally reunited with my Sekireis, I was made aware of the short and long-term projects that required my attention, first while the girls were searching for me they found the world where my maid Sakuya came from, which was infected with kabanes so we started mass production of vaccines for our future trip there, we too had made a plan to eliminate all the phrases that invaded our kingdom, the most important part of that plan required the construction of some special towers that will function to contain and attract those creatures, that was also going to take some time, and finally a messenger of the devils announced that the meeting between the three biblical factions would be in a couple of weeks, we made preparations for all of that but decided to wait until I was at my previous power level to attend to all of that.
What we had to do right now was tell the Nagumo family the truth about me, after all this time it would be insulting to disappear without saying anything, but after what happened with Liliana's father they were very defensive when my real parents showed up at the house, But Hajime knew the truth about me so he helped convince them, we talked all day, the family did a lot for me and I still considered them real family, although I wasn't going to live with them, my parents, my little sisters and I will be living next door for the next few years.
The day after that, both families received an invitation to a dinner organized by Liliana's parents, the Nagumo family was not very happy about that, but when I explained to them the real reason he tried to adopt me, they were calmer.
When we went to the mansion where Liliana lived, at the entrance besides Liliana and her family, Erica and Claire were also there.
Erica: Mr. and Mrs. Nagumo, nice to see you again, and pleased to finally meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Kurokawa.
Yuna: Oh who is this cute girl?
Sumire: She is Erica, a good friend of Yuuki and Hajime, she has come to our house many times.
After some introductions, we entered the dining room and before the food arrived Liliana's mother, her name is Serena, and she was like an adult version of Liliana, gave a short apology
Serena: an apology for what my husband did, although he always has a serious expression, in reality, he is very sweet inside, he just wanted to help.
Sumire: No problem, Yuuki already explained everything to us.
Silvano: Sorry about that, but I have another idea that might help.
Yuuki: oh what do you propose?
Silvano: I was thinking of creating a new school, with the last incident, I think it will be better if you are close to staff who understand your situation, Incidents always seem to happen around you youngsters.
Yuuki: That's not a bad idea.
Serena: Well, how about we leave the work talk for after dinner.
The servants of the place brought us some luxurious dishes and after that good meal, I spoke with Liliana's father about his idea of the school.
When I reunited with my family, my school life also underwent a huge change when girls who were around my current age, such as Yumina, Lucia, Kusano, and Sushie, transferred to my school, that made Liliana's father's idea of a new school much more tempting.
On a random day, Akane said we were going to have a club meeting with mandatory attendance, upon reaching the club room, we all wondered what this was about and became more confused when Akane emptied a bag full of rocks onto the table in the center of the room.
Akane put her hands on the table, closed her eyes, and went into deep concentration, seconds later the rocks began to levitate, and I felt the familiar signature of Glintstone magic, the rocks came together into a sharp stone, and it flew towards me, but I moved a little and let it fly past my head.
Akane: oh I'm sorry, uhm on our first supernatural excursion I was the one who suggested that we were in a dream but things were too real, that's why I returned to the campsite and collected what I felt could function as catalysts for my magic to prove that it was real, but I think you already knew that, right Vice President Yuuki?
Yuuki: Correct, President.
Sora: What the hell? Why did you keep that a secret?
Akira: Leave him alone Sora, Yuuki must have had a good reason for that
Sora: of course, you're going to defend him.
Yuuki: that was for your own protection, this isn't a game.
Sora: That doesn't mean you can decide that for me.
Akane: I'm afraid I have to agree with Sora here, I will never stop my search for the truth.
Sora: You didn't have to say it like that.
Yuuki: I'm serious, the fact that you ended up in that world was an accident, if I hadn't been there, you wouldn't be standing here.
Erica: That's true, Yuuki and I have been training all our lives, you can't enter this kind of world unprepared.
Yuuki: If you want to know the truth that is out there, I will not deny it to you, come to the temple outside the city to know the truth, but know that if you learn the truth, you will not be able to walk away from it.
After saying that I stood up and left the club room, Erica and the others walked behind me and we went to our training at the temple, I expected the others to think a little about what I said but they left the club immediately and went after us, I think Liliana's father's idea of a new school will come in handy sooner than expected.