Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 68: means

Steve was accompanied by an acquaintance who was Mr. Edwin's personal lawyer, Philip.

"Mr. John, we meet again." Philip greeted John with a smile.

"Yes, how are you doing?" John asked with a smile.

"I've had good luck recently, but I'm definitely not as lucky as yours, Mr. John." Philip responded with a smile.

Afterwards, the three of them rode to a simple but gorgeous restaurant for dinner. Philip claimed that he was not hungry and sat quietly watching the two eat.

"William has other identities?" John asked with a big mouthful of steak.

"No, his profession is a housekeeper, but his boss manages different things for him," Steve explained.

"Just like Danny, he was given to Edwin by Mr. Edwin's father. He has been with Mr. Edwin for more than 20 years. From childhood to the present, Danny basically knows that this is the housekeeper. Basically everything in the manor belongs to him." Steve picked up the wine glass on the table, shook it, and took a sip.

"Including you?" John asked.

"No, I'm responsible for the safety of all of them." Steve shook his head.

"And William was only responsible for his boss's internal affairs at first, but for some reasons, his original boss handed him some business. It is easy for William to handle these small things, and because he knows his boss, he handles it. The boss is very satisfied.”

"So?" John gulps down the steak.

"In the following ten years, his boss has entrusted him with more and more things, but he has handled them all very well. He even helped his boss make a lot of money. William has the vision and keenness of a businessman."

"But the good times didn't last long. His boss was targeted by a gang of fraudsters. After William noticed it, he dealt with the matter privately without asking the boss's consent. Although it was handled well, it also led to his boss's disapproval of him. No trust, so he went back to where he was originally."

"In the meantime, many rich people gave very generous rewards and hoped that William would come to help them." Steve continued to say after drinking the last drop of red wine gracefully.

"But they are just pretending, because they know that the most important thing for a professional butler is loyalty. Unless the former boss is unable to pay the compensation and voluntarily dismissed, the professional butler will only follow one master in his life."

"The good times didn't last long. The master who hired William was old and seriously ill, and his property was divided among his wife and children. He went bankrupt, and his serious illness kept him in the hospital for a whole year. Of course he couldn't pay William's high salary during this year, but William stayed with him until his death, he walked the last leg in William's company, and William's master fired William the day before, saying his children were not worthy of William's service."

"After his master died, William waited a whole year to write to Danny asking if Danny needed his help."

"So Danny invited him here. Mr. Edwin has been very busy recently, so he didn't know."

"Mr. Edwin is still very young and doesn't mind being busy. But recently, Mr. Edwin has been a little confused because of the operation of the local rich man in Cornwall in the stock market. He needs someone with a unique vision to help him analyze. Analyzing the idea of ​​the rich man, and William is good at it. Because those clever swindlers used the stock scam to lure his master."

"This morning, he learned of William's arrival. The two of them talked all morning, and it turned out that Mr. Edwin was very happy, so he felt that he needed to deliver you something as your reward this time." The husband told Philip to take out a document from his bag.

"What is this?" John asked, looking at the pile of documents.

"John, I hope you don't mind. They naturally mentioned you during the conversation. William said that you seem to want to make some safe investments recently." Steve said indifferently.

"Indeed, I have this idea." John nodded, he had a lot of money in his hand and he didn't know how to spend it. As William said, if business was as simple as spending some money, there would not be so many poor people in the world.

"This is an agreement. Mr. Edwin has two cigarette factories under his name, and the profits are good. Moreover, Mr. Edwin has also obtained a lot of cigarette production licenses." Steve explained.

"So what? I don't think I can afford to buy these factories," John said with a frown.

How expensive is a cigarette factory with normal profits? John doesn't know either, but it must be far more than fifty thousand.

"We think so too, so this is a share purchase contract. Would you mind if I ask how much money you have now?" Steve asked after looking at it.

"I don't mind, four or five thousand." Can Steve be trusted? Of course, as the first person to trust John to protect his master, John has always had a very close affection for him. That's why, John ran to him over and over again just to feel embarrassed, not embarrassed.

The feeling of being unconditionally trusted by a stranger can only be known by experiencing it.

"Wow, did you rob a bank?" Steve was a little surprised.

"Some opportunities." John shrugged.

"I originally wanted to sell the two of you into shares, but you have more money than I previously estimated. Tsk tsk..." Steve looked a little weird.

"Then the two will be fine. I don't need too much. It's good to keep expenses." John said.

"No, no, no, hahaha~ Mr. Edwin will suffer a big loss, haha~." Steve smiled strangely.

"What's the matter? Mr. Edwin said when he came here that he sold you for 10,000 yuan. He may guess that you would pay up to 20,000 yuan to buy it. I didn't expect you to rob the bank, haha." The husband seems to be happy to watch his boss go slack.

"It's better for the two of you, it's not fair." John didn't take an inch.

"Don't worry, Mr. Edwin won't care about that either, so let's say 30%." Steve didn't persuade him after seeing John frown.

Then he nodded again and said, "Yeah, you still need to save some land to buy the land near your manor. William suggested that you buy all the land over there. I don't know anything about business, but so does Edwin. Advice. And your money should be enough."

"Buy them all?" John asked suspiciously.

"Well, if you think it's too ostentatious to put these lands in Mr. Edwin's name temporarily, just take it as if you didn't buy 50% of the shares, haha, and this contract will not be made public. Don't worry. , no one knows that you bought the land, and we will find someone to deal with the land development, but you will pay the cost. Ha, John, after signing this contract, you can consider resigning to become a general rich man in Blackwater Town." Husband laughed and joked.

John took over this contract agreement from Philip. This was a buyout of the favor William and Danny owed John. Mr. Edwin's hand was always very generous, and it showed how much he valued Danny and William.

He didn't want the two very important people around him to owe others too much, it was a very clever way.

Both Danny and William have room to refuse John's request, and of course the two who serve Mr. Edwin are only grateful for it, and Mr. Edwin lost only a small part of the profit, but took it away All of John's possessions.

Not bad for being a businessman, really amazing.

"Mr. John, sign it. In my opinion, the value of this contract may be the most expensive contract in Blackwater Town in a year." Philip reminded John who was sighing, and handed him a pen.

"Yeah." Without much hesitation, John scribbled his name on the blank space. There were two contracts in total.

"Thank you, I'll deal with the follow-up of this contract now. Tomorrow this contract will be delivered to your manor, Mr. John." Philip nodded and accepted the contract with a smile, and then left.

"John, have you made up your mind?" Steve asked.

"What?" John asked again.

"Would you like to buy all the remaining money to buy the land near your manor and put it under the name of Mr. Edwin?" Steve asked.

"Are you okay?" John asked.

"Of course there is no problem, tell me what you think?"

"How much land can you buy?"

"If it was bought by other people, it would be a lot, but if it was bought by Mr. Edwin's way, it would be even more."

"That's alright, it's under the name of Mr. Edwin." John nodded.

"Well, that's fine." Steve nodded.

"There are fifty thousand dollars in this account, which is basically all my belongings." John took out the account and said.

"If it's lost, I'll ask Mr. Edwin to pay it to you. He can afford it." Steve happily picked up the account book and put it in his pocket.

"This money is estimated to be able to buy all the surrounding areas of Guige Bay. Those lands are very cheap. Do you have any places you want to buy?" Steve asked with a Can you buy the abandoned pier? buy it too? ' John asked after thinking for a moment.

"There shouldn't be a problem with that place, but where did you buy it? Isn't there a gang of robbers? There are hundreds of people. Do you want to kill the people?"

"Buy it first, it will always be useful." John didn't explain.

"I'll go back and talk to William. He told me these things. He knows that you have a lot of concerns. This time he should also help you handle these things." Steve nodded.

"This wine is really good, and it suits my taste. Remember to pay, I'll go first." After drinking two bottles of expensive red wine, Steve patted John on the shoulder and got up and left.

Looking at Steve who was leaving.

John has a weird feeling, my money is gone? ? ! !

But he shook his head and threw the idea out.

What a joke, there is no need for the top richest man in Heishui Town to deceive the little police detective of fifty thousand dollars.

John ordered three more steaks with peace of mind. After eating, he told the waiter to settle the bill.

So the waiter came running with a list.

"Hello, this gentleman, the total is three hundred and forty-seven dollars." The waiter said with a smile.

"What??!! Why is it so expensive?" John was surprised.

"The gentleman who dined with you just now took away a box of our precious red wine, forty dollars a bottle, eight bottles in total. What you ordered was only twenty-seven dollars." The waiter said with a smile.

"Old thing!" John cursed in the direction Steve had left earlier.

So John reluctantly took out the money and paid the bill.

Then he walked out of the door and took out the information about the target he was recruiting earlier. After looking at it, he rode away from here.

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