Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 67: letter from the east

The three rushed to the manor on horseback. John said to the two on the way.

"By the way, Jacques, this is what Mr. William gave you." John took out two envelopes.

The cash that William gave was five hundred plus the one thousand he had cheated from Andy, a total of fifteen hundred dollars.

Billy's had a hundred in that envelope, and Jakota's had five hundred.

And the rest of John collected it. It's not good to give too much money, it's just right.

Jakota held the envelope without looking at it, but put it away.

Billy refused outright.

"Mr. John, you are hiring me. This is the job content." Billy shook his head and said.

"This is the reward. I hired you to work in the manor, not including this." John handed it over again.

"Mr. John, I hope I can do something for you. I don't want to do things with you because I seek compensation." Billy still refused.

"Are you sure?" John looked at Billy and asked.

"Of course, I'm serious, Mr. John, you are a good person, and I want to keep doing things with you unless you fire me that day." Billy nodded.

When John listened to Billy's words, he thought he was a big brother. John felt a little overwhelmed.

But looking at Billy's serious appearance, John couldn't say anything, so he thought about it.

"Don't worry I won't fire the three of you unless you want to leave. Just let me know when you're leaving. I'll take a portion of your pay now, and you'll get the rest. Wait until you want to. On the day I left, I was handing it over to you." John took out fifty dollars from the envelope and handed the rest over.

"Take it, you have already handed in one." John said.

Hearing this, Billy took the envelope with peace of mind.

Yakeda looked at the two of them and nodded inexplicably.

Back at the manor, there was no commotion. Instead, they went back to their room to rest after taking a shower, but Billy was happy to talk about it with Dorom and the two of them.

All night without incident.

The next morning, John and the others went to the police station.

Plum was just looking for John.

"Sheriff John." Plum knocked on John's office door.

"Please come in." John, who was watching the progress of the case in the dock area and the deployment of the patrol, raised his head and asked.

"Is there a problem?"

"Sheriff John, here are some of your letters."


"Yes, the ones just delivered today, all from the east." Plum said after looking at one of the letters.

"Oh, bring it here." Saying that, Plum put a few letters on the table and walked out.

John picked up a few letters and looked at them. These letters were from the academy. Triss's.

Almost forgot.

Then John opened the envelope, and the handwriting on it was very delicate.

Hi! john.

How have you been recently? I wrote you a letter the next day I came to the academy, but you didn't seem to reply to me. Maybe you were busy. But I still hope that you will take the time to read my letter.

Miss Hathaway's father bought a villa near the college and hired a housekeeper and servants.

She is really rich. She invited me to stay and live with her, but I refused. I hope you don't get angry.

My dormitory at the academy is also very good, and I have met some new friends who are very nice.

The environment of the college is really good.

Sometimes I think it's like paradise, but the only thing that's not very friendly is that the guards here are too strict.

Although I know it might be for our own good, but I'm still a little unaccustomed to it.

Miss Hathaway often comes to visit me, and last night invited my roommate to have a party at her villa.

It was the first time I saw so much exquisite food, and she invited many classmates.

She was very popular in the academy, she quickly became a star of the academy, and many nearby male classmates would come to the academy to see her.

It's fun to give her flowers or something.

But Miss Hathaway didn't seem to like it.

Life here is really interesting.

I really want you to take the time to come and have a look. There is a very special snack in the town.

John, what happened to you recently? I heard Miss Hathaway say he happened to be out on errands that day too. Can you tell me what's going on recently.


John looked at the date, seven days ago.

Then John went over the letters in order.

John opened the first one.

Hey! John, after a long journey, I have arrived at the academy. The itinerary along the way was well arranged, and we even took time to see some of the more famous scenery along the way.

Miss Hathaway's guards look boring, but they are also loyal.

I was stunned by the cities along the way. Each of them is more prosperous and more civilized than Heishui Town. You can hardly see cowboys with guns on the street, only the police who maintain the law and order.

The people here are also more civilized, but I still miss Blackwater Town.


There is also a letter from Hathaway.

What did she write to herself for? ?

John scratched his head.

But he opened the envelope anyway.

Hi, Mr. John, it's me.

We have arrived at the academy safely. Along the way, I got along pretty well with your adopted little daughter. Is she really not my age? I feel like her thoughts are similar to mine.

But the little girl you adopted seems to have a bit of self-esteem. I invited her to live with me, but she refused, and then ran to the college dormitory and squeezed into a room with four strangers. Is it not good to have a room of your own? ?

And I found life here to be pretty good, although my father was still restricted from going to some remote places.

But relatively speaking, this is much more free. I invited Triss, the little girl, to play with me with guns, so as to protect herself, but unfortunately she was not interested in firearms, so she turned me down again.

I'm a little angry.

Mr. John, I think you should write her a letter to persuade her. Her current adoptive father is a sharpshooter. She can't do anything about it? I can temporarily serve as her teacher if needed.

I know that you just went to catch criminals that day. It should be done by now. Tell me about your experience of those things. It's sure to be thrilling.


John scratched his head, what is this?

He continued to read the letter twice.

Suddenly it felt a little funny. Protect yourself? When something happened, he was as frightened as a wounded kitten.

However, it can be seen that the two have a good relationship.

Should you reply to the letter yourself? how? ?

John scratched his head.

Then John took out a few pieces of clean letter paper from the drawer, and after thinking about it, he started to write.


I'm glad that you arrived at the academy safely. I'm also glad that you like that academy. Since the environment is good, you can study hard there, and strive to get awards from the academy. This is something you should work hard to do. You might be able to stay somewhere in the future.

I have been really busy recently, so I forgot to reply to your letter. I apologize to you here.

What happened to me recently is very interesting to talk about. If you want to hear it, I will tell you for a long time.


In the end, it's good to have more contact with Miss Hathaway. She also had some bad experiences when she was a child. Well, she is about the same age as you. But don't listen to what she says about playing with guns, don't touch it at the end of the game.

When writing the event, John chose some things that he could say to write to Triss, and tried to write it in a more interesting way.

After writing two full pages of letter paper, he stopped, then took out the envelope and put the letter inside.

Then John picked up Hathaway's letter and frowned and looked up and down for a while.

What happened to this letter? ?

He and Mr Edwin were friends and Miss Hathaway was friends.

Just one big and one small.

After thinking for a while, John started writing.

Miss Hathaway,

I'm glad to receive your letter, and I'm glad you arrived at your destination safely. Thank you for taking care of Triss along the way.

I'm glad you have a common topic with her, and I hope you can make good progress in your studies and firearms.

As for what you want to teach Triss to play with guns, if she doesn't like it, I don't think I can persuade her. She has her own ideas.

As for those days of catching criminals, there were a few interesting things.

So John described his experience in those days to Hathaway again. The difference is that in his conversation with her, John used a narrative method. Everything is written more real.

After writing these things, John thought about it and added a sentence at the end.

Miss Hathaway, I have a request, if possible, I hope you can take care of Triss, there are many things she doesn't understand.

And while I was chasing those criminals, I caught a strangely shaped weapon that belonged to a sharpshooter, and I wanted to give it to you. Hope you like it.

John Wick.

This one is a bit more written, nearly three pages. After writing this, John took out that Garfield Navy revolver, and it looked pretty cool.

Hathaway should like it very much, because it belongs to a sharpshooter.

Take out a case, put this cool revolver inside, and seal it.

She sealed the letter with beeswax and wrote the address. After the recipient, John called out to the door.

"Plum, are you there?"

"Yes, Sheriff John, what are your orders?" Plum asked as he pushed in the door.

"Here are two letters. Help me go to the post office outside and write it down. It has the address on it." John took out two dollars and handed it to Plumm.

"Well, okay." Plum nodded, then took the box and the two letters.

"That box is for the blue stamp, the red one, it's just a separate letter, don't make a mistake." John reminded.

"Okay, Sheriff John." Plum nodded, and then carried the box to the post office.

After doing this, John put away the three letters, and then continued to check the documents and things to be approved.

Mo got it done in about an hour.

John looked at the time and saw that it was only about twenty o'clock.

John put on the sheriff's hat after thinking about it, then put on his gray coat and walked out.

Lambert, Kane and Dorom are indeed very busy. The three of them are in charge of a bunch of cases, although Kane handles cases very quickly. But the three are basically busy from morning to night, although Kane himself likes this kind of life.

John decided to recruit one more teammate for them today, and let Billy come in to follow Dorom at the end of the month.

Kane took the newcomer to handle the case, while Lambert stayed at the police station to handle the surrounding affairs.

After everything entered the process, John would only be more leisurely. John, who had made up his mind, met an acquaintance as soon as he walked out of the door.

It's Steve in a suit.

Looking at the handsome and compelling Steve, John walked towards him in a diametrical manner.

"I've been waiting for my help, otherwise I'll always feel that I owe you a lot."

"Maybe I'm going to disappoint you. This time I'm here to give you something, not to ask you for help." Steve said with a smile.

"Give me something? What?" John asked strangely.

"Good stuff. It was from Mr. Edwin, thank you for saving his right-hand man in business." Steve explained his purpose.

"William?" John said in surprise.

"Well, did William say what he does?" Steve nodded and asked with a smile.

"He told me that he and Danny were friends who graduated from an academy, professional butlers, and he served a rich man for many years. Could it be that he has other identities?" John asked with questions.

"Yes, um, are you busy now?" Steve asked.

"Of course not, I'm thinking about where to eat now."

"I know a good place, I can have a good meal, this meal is yours." Steve said after turning over.

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