Reborn in Jujutsu Kaisen as a Zenin

Chapter 15: Evolution

The jujutsu world extended far beyond Japan's borders, though Indra had deliberately ignored this fact for the past three years.

His focus had been internal – establishing his position within the Zenin clan, developing his technique, and securing key allies like Kisara.

Their car moved steadily through the morning mist, leaving the compound and its politics behind.

It was Kisara who first broke the contemplative silence, her role as retainer including monitoring international developments.

"The American clans have developed interesting new terminology," she began carefully. Studying the information netwerk bestowed upon Indra from the Zenin clan, that he lets her manage.

"They've started referring to certain sorcerers differently. You and Satoru, specifically, they're calling 'Sons of Heaven.'"

"Oh?" Satoru perked up from his floating position. "And what are they calling their own prodigies?"

"'Children of Earth,'" Kisara replied. "It seems to be their way of acknowledging the power gap while maintaining some pride."

Satoru's usual grin slowly transformed into something more mischievous. "Sons of Heaven..." he mused, drawing out the words. "You know what that means, don't you, Indra?"

Indra's eyes narrowed slightly, already sensing where this was going.

"We're brothers!" Satoru declared triumphantly. "And since I'm older..." his grin widened impossibly further, "that makes you my little brother!"

"Don't," Indra's warning carried the weight of someone who knew exactly how annoying Satoru could become when fixated on an idea.

"But little brother," Satoru continued, clearly delighted with his new form of torment, "it's only proper! The Sons of Heaven should stick together, right?"

Toji watched this exchange with growing irritation, his hand never far from his weapon. The legendary Six Eyes user, terror of the jujutsu world, was acting like an excited child who'd found a new toy.

It was... disconcerting.

"There's more to these designations," Kisara interjected, trying to steer the conversation back to serious matters.

"The Americans have identified three Children of Earth among their clans. The Europeans claim to have a First Daughter of Earth, though their power measurements are often... optimistic."

"Still boring compared to us," Satoru declared, still focused on his new favorite topic. "Right, little brother?"

"The next time you say that," Indra stated calmly, "I will demonstrate exactly why the Americans chose these titles in the first place."

The threat might have carried more weight if Satoru wasn't already planning ways to incorporate 'little brother' into every future conversation.

The Six Eyes could see everything, after all, including all the wonderful opportunities for annoying his newly designated sibling.

"The American Children of Earth," Kisara continued, ignoring Satoru's antics, "are led by Michael Constantine, a twelve-year-old Special Grade.

His technique allows him to dominate and transfer souls of the dead into other bodies. The full limitations aren't known – the Americans guard such details carefully."

That caught Indra's attention for a moment until he dismissed it. Such a technique must have significant limitations, otherwise the balance of the world would be turned on its head.

Were the mighty from the past to have the potential to be revived there would be chaos, as the spirits would've already been far more mighty for the laws of the universe would take possibilities into consideration, the future rather than the present.

"Interesting," Satoru mused, showing genuine curiosity. "Though still far below what we can do, right, little brother?"

"The Europeans' First Daughter of Earth," Kisara continued, pointedly ignoring the interruption, "Isabella van Leeuwen, claims to commune with nature itself.

Her technique allows her to call upon elemental forces and even command certain animals. Primarily used for healing, though its combat applications are... significant.

The Dutch clans are particularly proud of producing such a prodigy."

"The Russians have been characteristically secretive," Toji added. "Their Child of Earth exists, but details about their technique are carefully guarded. Even my contacts can't get reliable information."

"And China?" Indra asked.

"Their clans remain divided on these new designations," Kisara replied. "Though they acknowledge having potential Children of Earth among their younger generation, they're keeping those cards close to their chest for now."

"The gap between Children of Earth and Sons of Heaven remains vast," Kisara analyzed.

"Constantine's soul manipulation, while powerful, can't compare to the fundamental nature-altering abilities you two possess.

And van Leeuwen's communion with nature, impressive as it is, operates within existing natural laws rather than transcending them."

"Of course they're weaker," Satoru declared, floating upside down now. "That's why they're called Children of Earth while we're Sons of Heaven.

Though I have to admit, soul manipulation is slightly interesting. Maybe we should visit America sometime, little brother?"

"The political implications are more immediate," Toji interjected, his practical mind focusing on current concerns.

"These designations are creating new alliances. The Americans and Europeans are particularly eager to prove their Children of Earth can rival Japan's dominance."

"Let them try," Indra stated simply. Though privately, he considered how these international dynamics might affect future events.

The jujutsu world was larger than just Japan's internal politics, and ignoring these developments would be unwise.

Especially with Kenjaku being around. A bigger jujutsu world, means a bigger plan encapsulate it all.

That's how that Mad Brain works.

"We've arrived in Kyoto, young master," the driver announced, breaking the heavy atmosphere of international politics.

The ancient capital sprawled before them, its mixture of modern buildings and traditional architecture hiding centuries of jujutsu history.

Somewhere in this city, the last recorded sighting of the Inverted Spear of Heaven had occurred.

"Finally!" Satoru exclaimed, floating out of the car before it fully stopped. "Some actual action instead of boring politics. Though speaking of action, little brother, where should we start looking?"

Toji's expression suggested he - for the thrid time this day - was calculating how many ways he could theoretically kill Satoru before the Indra would stop him.

The constant "little brother" comments were wearing on everyone's nerves – except, of course, Satoru's.

"The Kyoto branch of jujutsu society maintains detailed records," Kisara offered, already focused on their mission. "Though accessing them might be... complicated."

"Nothing's complicated with two Sons of Heaven present," Satoru grinned, already loving the name since having lost the 'Honoured One' title. 

"Though I'm sensing some interesting cursed energy signatures. Seems Kyoto's been busy..."

"Grade 1 curse signatures," Satoru elaborated, his Six Eyes scanning the city with more focus.

"Three of them. And they're... evolving differently than usual. The cursed energy patterns are more complex."

"The effect of you two most likely," Kisara noted. "Even regular curses are growing stronger in response to your existence."

Toji's posture shifted subtly – the hunter sensing prey. "The Kyoto branch will have to wait. Grade 1 curses in a populated area take priority."

"Agreed," Indra stated, though his mind was already considering the implications.

That besides Grade 2, even Grade 1 curses showing unusual development could indicate larger changes in the jujutsu world's balance. He wondered how Special Grades would be then...

Better not think about it right now. It's a disturbing thought.

"Kisara, maintain surveillance on the records facility. Toji, you're with me. Satoru..."

"Of course I'm coming, little brother!" Satoru interrupted cheerfully. "What kind of older brother would I be if I let you handle this alone?"

The crimson aura flickered briefly around Indra's form – not in threat, but in resignation.

Having Satoru along meant dealing with his antics, but it also meant witnessing how these evolved curses responded to both Sons of Heaven simultaneously.

They found the Grade 1 curses in a commercial district, but something was immediately wrong. The three entities weren't causing destruction or hunting humans.

They were simply... existing.

One perched on a rooftop, observing the city. Another browsed a market stall, though the humans couldn't see it. The third sat in a park, apparently enjoying the morning sun.

"This is... unusual," Satoru commented, his usual playfulness giving way to genuine interest. "Grade 1 curses aren't supposed to have this level of awareness. My Six Eyes are showing actual thought patterns."

The curses themselves were grotesque amalgamations of flesh and bone, but their behavior was disturbingly human-like.

They weren't radiating the usual murderous intent that made curse detection possible. That's why the Kyoto branch hadn't noticed them.

"They're adapting," Indra observed, his crimson aura invisible but ready. "The world's cursed energy isn't just making them stronger – it's making them conscious."

"Intelligence in Grade 1 curses," Toji's stated. "This changes everything about how the jujutsu world operates."

The curse in the park turned toward them, and its next action confirmed their worst fears. It spoke.

"The Observer," it acknowledged Satoru, then turned to Indra, its voice distorted, "and the Sovereign. Your existence changes everything. We merely change with it."

"The Observer? The Sovereign?" Kisara questioned, her Divine Dogs materializing instinctively. "What do you mean by these titles?"

The curse's grotesque features shifted into what might have been a smile. "Ah, the Sovereign's General asks about matters of the beyond."

It gestured vaguely toward the sky. "These are not names chosen by mortal tongues. Heaven itself bestowed these titles upon their birth."

"Our evolution brought knowledge," the curse on the rooftop added, its voice carrying clearly despite the distance.

"We understand truths that existed before human consciousness. The Observer, who sees all that is. The Sovereign, who rules what could be."

"Your crude term 'Sons of Heaven' attempts to capture a fraction of their true nature," the third curse commented from near the market stall.

"But Heaven's own designations are absolute. Just as your role, General, was determined the moment you bound yourself to the Sovereign's service."

"And what of me?" Toji asked, his danger instincts warring with curiosity. "What does your 'evolved knowledge' say about someone without cursed energy?"

The curses seemed to consider this collectively, their grotesque heads tilting in eerily synchronized motion.

"The Sovereign's Blade," the park curse finally spoke. "One who cuts through common fate and sorcery itself. Your lack of cursed energy isn't an absence – it's a different kind of presence."

"How fascinating," Satoru commented, his Six Eyes analyzing every detail of these intelligent curses. "Though I have to wonder why you're sharing this information so freely."

"Because change is coming," the rooftop curse replied. "The world shifts when Heaven's chosen walk together. We merely... adapt. As all things must."

"The Cleaver approaches," the market curse added cryptically. "The one you would call the first Son of Heaven stirs in his long sleep. We prepare, as must you."

"The Cleaver?" Satoru's usual playfulness dimmed slightly. "You mean Sukuna? The King of Curses?"

"King of Curses," the park curse seemed almost amused. "Another human title that fails to capture truth. The Cleaver of Worlds whose very existence cut reality into before and after."

"You speak of Sukuna with reverence," Indra observed carefully. "Strange, for curses to worship the one who slaughtered your kind by the thousands."

"Worship?" The rooftop curse's laugh was a disturbing sound. "We simply understand. As we understand the Observer's sight, the Sovereign's will, and the changes your existence heralds."

"The world prepares," the market curse added.

"Grade 1 curses - as you would deem us -gain consciousness. Grade 2 grow stronger. And Special Grades..." it paused meaningfully, "they evolve in ways even we cannot yet comprehend."

"This is all fascinating," Indra stated, his tone almost dismissive despite his internal unease at their revelations, "but what exactly did you expect would happen after sharing this information? You're still curses. I'm still going to kill you."

The three curses looked at each other, their grotesque features shifting in what might have been acceptance.

"If that is the Sovereign's will," the park curse spoke calmly, "then our purpose is fulfilled. After Heaven, your authority is absolute."

"We unlike other curses whose nature is decided by Heaven to cause death and destruction existed only to deliver this knowledge," the rooftop curse added. "Nothing more."

"And if death is your command," the market curse concluded, "then death we choose."

In perfect synchronization, all three curses simply... ended themselves. Their forms collapsed inward, cursed energy dissipating without violence or resistance.

One moment they existed, the next they were gone – leaving only lingering traces of cursed energy that seemed to bow toward Indra before fading completely.

All there was then was silence, just like the day he was born.


(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

Yeah, I am really enjoying writing the whole Three Sons of Heaven,

Three Brothers of the Millennium plot.

I hope you all enjoy it too.

So, what do you think of these Grade 1's having such intelligence? About the evolution of curses?

Do please tell me, the more you guys comment, the more I know you guys enjoy it making me wish to continue this story.

So yeah, I hope to see you all later,


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