Reborn as Harry Potter with cheats (Tentative Title)

Chapter 18: Hermione

Jumper ability and Fae sight

"Hey Luna! Wanna go to a muggle park?" Harry asked Luna one day.

"Sure Harry! I've always wanted to visit muggle park areas." Luna replied. "But how are we going there? Are we getting your uncles to take us there?"

"Not really. I have a way to get us there but I want your word you wont tell anyone. It's kind of a secret ability of mine. Well I have a few but this is just one of them." Harry said with a mysterious smile.

"That's not a problem Harry. I also have a secret ability. Though I don't really tell anyone. Last time I tried, a mean red headed boy called me Looney."

"What? Why'd he do that? That's just mean. Don't worry Luna, I'm your friend. I'd never call you mean names like that. And you don't have to tell me if you don't want to by the way."

"Thank's Harry. I know I can trust you. I have what mommy calls Fae sight. I can see magic like mage sight but can also see creatures that seem to be invisible to most people. Though I don't think everything I see are actually creatures. Maybe some are, but some I only interpret as creatures because mommy says I can't understand them yet."

Luna then proceeds to tell Harry about several seemingly fantastical creatures and why the Lovegoods go on expeditions to hopefully take a photo of them as evidence of their existence. Luna explained that the Lovegoods being half fae have always seen creatures most witch and wizards don't seem to be able to perceive. 

"I've never really told you about the Nargles or Wrackspurts in detail because I didn't want you to stop being my friend like the Weasleys did." Luna said sadly.

"I'm not going to stop being your friend just because I can't see what you can Luna. Some people make fun of others who they don't understand. I promise I'd never be like that to you."

Luna nodded with hope in her eyes. Harry was the first person outside her family that accepted her as she was. She was overwhelmed with hope and joy. 

Ginny and Ron used to play with her a long time ago but they started becoming a bit mean to her when she started talking about Nargles. Since then, Ron started calling her Loony. While Ginny never called her that directly, Luna could tell she started to distance herself a bit after that. She was too busy with her delusions of the boy-who-lived marrying her anyway. 

Harry gave Luna a light hug which made her smile. 

"One of my secret abilities is being able to teleport anywhere I've been once by concentrating on the location. I usually need a photo to properly recall and concentrate on the location so I have loads of pictures on my Focus." Harry started. "I call my ability to teleport, Jumper ability. And I save pictures as my Jump points. As opposed to Apparition, I won't be squeezed into a small hole so it's not as uncomfortable. And while I don't fully understand the HOW it works yet, I know it's not using magic so it can't normally be blocked by magical means."

After demonstrating a bit, Luna was greatly amused by the Jump ability. Luna realized that in case she would be in trouble, as long as she can call Harry through the Focus, he can save her immediately. Because of this, Luna felt a lot safer with Harry. The sense of security she felt around him warmed her heart.


Meeting Hermione

Hermione Granger was walking along the street towards a Playground in Hampston Heath Extension in London. 

Sometimes she liked walking around the Park on a lovely day. She always carried a book for when she wanted to just sit in a bench in the park. Other children would prefer to play around the slide or swings. But she doesn't really have any friends. She tried to talk to other kids but they always stayed away from her. Because of her intellect, she was always shunned as an outcast. So she dove into her books. 

Today was just another day that she would sit around on a bench and read a book in the park. As she was walking on the pathway, she saw two children who seemed a bit lost. Seeing as she didn't recognize them, she thought that maybe this might be a chance to make friends. 

"Hello! Are you two lost? Do you need help going somewhere? Oh its such a lovely day isn't it? Do you want to walk with me-- Oh sorry. I'm rambling on aren't I?" She said barely breathing. She was quite nervous and hoping these two would accept her.

"Hello. Don't forget to breathe!" The boy said giggling. " Yes we are lost actually. We've never been here and we're just a bit confused where to go. I'm Harry Potter by the way. And this is my friend Luna Lovegood."

"Hello. It is such a lovely day isn't it? It's nice to meet you." said Luna.

"Um I'm Hermione Granger. Pleasure to meet you two." At this, Hermione was secretly happy. She thought the introduction was so far so good. She didn't notice that the boy Harry's eyes widened when she said her name. 

'I knew she felt familiar! Well now, she does look a bit like Emma Watson now doesn't she?' Harry silently thought to himself. 'How the wizards don't see her as anything but gorgeous, I will never understand.'

"Is it alright if we have a walk with you? We're not really familiar with the park so maybe you can show us around?" Harry said hopefully.

"Of course!" Hermione replied excitedly. This was definitely going well for her. "I'd be happy to show you around!"

Harry and Luna spent the next hour walking around with Hermione. Hampston Heath was a rather big park with around 800 acres in London with a lot of beautiful scenery. Hermione showed them around until they reached a Pergola which was an outdoor garden structure with columns supporting a roofing grid of beams and rafters. They were walking towards the direction of Kenwood house, one of the most important and historic houses in London.

"This Pergola is beautiful! It gives off a mysterious feel doesn't it?" Harry exclaimed.

"It's surprisingly a peaceful place considering its in the middle of a busy London. Maybe next time, we can go back here and have a picnic and just enjoy the scenery while we eat some snacks." Luna told Harry as they looked over the terrace of the Pergola overlooking the Heath.

"Why that's a good idea Luna! Would you like to join us sometime for a picnic Hermione?" Harry asked her.

Hermione was ecstatic. She'd never been invited on a picnic before. She'd been on a few picnics with her family before but never with just friends.

"YES! I-I mean Yes! I'd be happy to join you!" 

But because she was too excited, she was a bit careless and slipped from the terrace of the Pergola. She fell over the terrace and as she was about to reach the ground, she suddenly slowed down and felt her feet touch the ground gently. She practically did the accidental magic version of Arresto Momentum.

'Oh no! It happened again!!" She thought to herself. A few times unexplainable things happened around her.

One time she was returning a book on a high shelf in the library and the book slipped and toppled over a few other books. As the books were falling, she was so nervous and afraid she'd be banned from the library for making a mess that all the falling books stopped falling and floated back onto the shelves.

Fortunately no one saw it but she was extremely afraid and didn't understand how it happened. She was already so much of an outcast from her intellect alone. She was afraid how bad it would be if people saw that and other mysterious things that happened around her.

'D-did they see?' She thought to herself as she looked up. And to her horror, both Harry and Luna were looking directly at her from above the terrace.

'N-no...' She was horrified. This was her chance of becoming friends with them and she blew it with the unexplainable event. But as she was about to cry, Harry said something that stopped her.

"Well that was some brilliant accidental magic don't you think Luna?"

"Yes it is Harry. To think we would come to witness someone's accidental magic." Luna said happily. She looked around just to make sure there was nobody else around but them.

Hermione was confused. They were not afraid or disgusted with her so she didn't understand what was going on. 'Did they say magic?' She thought to herself.

"Y-you're not afraid of me are you?" She asked worriedly. She had hoped they would accept her. This felt like a chance for her to finally make friends and she just had to screw it up again.

"Of course not silly! It's just accidental magic after all." Luna replied.

"Hold on for a bit Luna, I'll just get her back up here." Then Harry turned to Hermione and said to her. "Can you jump as high as you can when I tell you?" 

"W-what? Jump? Why?" Hermione asked still confused but hopeful that they don't shun her.

"Just trust me, when I count to three, Jump as high as you can alright?"

Hermione nodded and just followed his instructions.

At this point, Harry had progressed his TK enough to start experimenting on flying. While he hasn't actually flown before, he can use his TK to boost his jump higher so he figured he'll just do that for Hermione.

Harry extended his palm towards her and then counted.

"One, Two, THREE!" 

As Hermione Jumped, she felt an invisible force pushing her up and after a few seconds, she was already back on the terrace with them. 

Harry grabbed her hand and helped her land properly on the terrace.

"You alright?" He asked.

"I think so.. H-how did that happen? How did you-"Hermione asked.

Harry just smiled and winked at her.

Hermione blushed for a bit then asked. "You said something about accidental m-magic?" She asked Luna.

"Yes. That's what you did. Based on your reaction when you fell, you were more worried we saw than what had actually happened. I'm thinking you've had other unexplainable things happen before so you weren't that surprised by it. That's just accidental magic so no worries." Luna told her.

"So what is that exactly and is that what you did as well to help me get back up?" She asked Harry.

"I guess I should explain this properly. Come on let's sit down for a bit."

They headed to a nearby bench before Harry started to explain.

"Okay so long story short, magic exists. Not the kind that people do for card games or shows. But real legitimate magic. No tricks. And the reason most people don't know is that there is a law that separates it from the mundane world. We are called Witches and Wizards. If you've ever read that sometime in history there were witch hunts and killings, well, we're trying to avoid that and war between people so magic communities are well hidden." 

Hermione was a bookworm so she, at some point had already read about those witch hunts by different religions and churches. 

"Every now and then, some magicals are born to non-magicals or as they are called in our world, muggles. To be honest, I'm not particularly fond of that word but there you go. As a magical person, in your case the term is a witch, when you turn eleven, you will receive a letter inviting you to magic school in order to control your abilities. It's mostly for yourself and your family so you don't hurt anyone with accidental magic and also to make sure you don't break the law and show magic to normal people." Harry continued.

"MAGIC SCHOOL?!" That sure got Hermione's attention. At first, being told that magic existed was already a roller coaster ride for her. But when she heard that there was a school entirely about magic, that triggered her personality for learning. She was excited at the prospect of learning magic. "So are you both, I mean all three of us are the same?"

"Well yes.. but please don't be TOO excited about the school. Magic yes, you can be excited about that. It's a wonderful thing. But Magic school, well..." Harry Trailed.

"What's wrong with magic school?" Hermione asked worried.

"Unfortunately our magic school for Britain isn't the best in terms of standards. Or so I've heard. I think Harry has a lot to say about that one." Luna said sadly.

"Well, let's just say I've looked it up and compared Britain's with other countries magic schools and it doesn't look good. Britain is severely behind in terms of the quality of education. Plus the British Wizarding world itself is rather behind in the times. There's so much bigotry and pureblood nonsense. Basically, some wizards think that those with non-magical parents are beneath them. They think that being a pureblood dictates who should be on top in terms of power and authority."

"That's totally barbaric!!" Hermione exclaimed. "It's already the 20th Century! How are they still thinking like that?"

"Unfortunately the British Wizarding world seems to be centuries behind according to those of us who have regular contact with the mundane world." Luna replied.

"And because of that, witches and wizards who are not of pureblood descent are unable to get better jobs when they graduate. That's also IF they graduate. There's also a lot of hate from the pureblood children. Not all of them mind you. But a lot." Harry warned her.

"So what, there's no choice but to endure it?"

"Not exactly. Well normally for a non-magical born like you, that's the only choice. To go to that school and maybe go out of the country after graduation to hopefully get better opportunities outside the country. But if you have connections, you can hire private tutors and be homeschooled or enroll at a different school outside the country. You see, because of how our magical government is, the representative of the school who will invite you will most likely either lie to your parents or omit certain facts to get you to join said school. But if you know what to do, like getting a private tutor, you can get quality education despite the bigotry and get a better chance of future jobs outside the country."

"T-that's greatly disappointing. Here I thought it was exciting at first. But now..."

"Hey don't think like that. You've just discovered magic! Ignore the politics for now and think of your possibilities. Don't let the state of our world put your enthusiasm down. I just didn't want you to have too high expectations so I brought it up. Don't worry, like I said, there are alternatives. Maybe I can talk to your parents one of these days and we can figure this all out. "

"He's right Hermione. Magic is a beautifully wonderful thing! So many things it let's you do and so many magical beings and creatures out there to discover." Luna added.

"I guess you're both right. It's just a bit overwhelming I guess."

Hermione thought this was her bridge to finally make a connection so she just inhaled and did her best to ask. "D-Do you think I can be friends with both of you?" She tried hopefully. If anyone can be friends with her, she thought it might be fellow magicals.

"We'd definitely be happy to!" Luna immediately replied.

"Absolutely! I mean, I thought we already were, considering the nice time we had together when you were showing us around." Harry Smiled. "I believe this could be the start of a beautiful friendship. Don't you Luna?" 

"Yes!" Luna said happily.

Hermione was nearly in tears. Sure magic was amazing and interesting. But she was so alone for a long while now and finally having friends brought her great joy. 

"Oh by the way, I'm going to give you something so it would be easier to get in touch with us." 

Harry then handed her a Focus and told her how to use it.

Hermione was like a robot on steroids with her questions that she forgot to breath again.

"Slow down silly! Luna laughed. It's not going to disappear, just breathe."

"Sorry, that happens when I get too excited." Hermione replied shyly.

"No worries. I scanned your DNA so it's locked to you. It won't work with anyone else. That Focus I've given you has limited features for now. You can use it to identify objects and devices, scan books to make digital copies, take pictures or videos, and make or accept calls from other Focus users. I've added our contacts already."

"This is brilliant! But did you say scan books?"

"Yes, so you can scan all your books and read from your Focus directly. Though the downside would be that you can't get a physical feedback. The Focus will allow you to interact with a digital copy of said book but it's basically a hologram so it will read your gestures but you won't feel it. Still, it's a good way to be able to read a book without carrying heavy books. Especially when you're on the go."

"My mommy says she likes the search function best for research because it makes cross referencing much easier. It's also much quicker to search for specific topics." Luna told her.

"Does that mean I can read magical books here too?" Hermione said excitedly.

"Eventually but not just yet. I don't want to interfere with your current mundane education but after we talk to your parents and sort it all out for your magical education, I can definitely unlock the magical library for you."


Harry and Luna giggled at that.

"I may also need to bring Luna's mum along so an adult can properly tell your parents as well. It's probably more believable coming from an adult than a kid. I'd bring my guardian but he's a little too busy these days." said Harry.

"And he's too much silly most days as well." Luna interjected. Sirius was after all a prankster.

"You can schedule the meeting with your parents and give Luna a call so we can coordinate when it would be best to meet."

So the next few minutes, Harry and Luna taught her how to make calls and record using the Focus before they said goodbye to her and going home. They also agreed to have a picnic in the weekend. And a few hours later Harry and Luna went back home.

As Hermione was nearing her house, for the first time in a long while, she was absolutely happy.

She now had friends. And even more exciting, they were all going to learn magic together.


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