Chapter 17: Cauldron, WizTome, Focus
-Timeskip 1 year-
Another Year passed.
His fantasy inspired clothing store eventually got branches in different wizarding countries. They were all being handled by people Sirius hired so Harry didn't really need to do anything apart from occasionally designing more clothing.
After using his free time to secretly transfigure all sorts of parts, Harry was able to eventually build an entire Cauldron.
In the world of Horizon zero dawn and forbidden west, Cauldrons were huge underground facilities focused on creating machines and controlling them. It can create several hundred machines that have different purposes.
The raw materials were mined from underground. They also had technology to alter materials and change them into what is needed. It's practically bordering on Alchemy with how they change materials and metals. By altering the number of electrons and protons, the machines could change one element from the periodic table to another. Precious metals would be hard to convert due to the high energy consumption, so he only used this technology for creating needed elements and not for profit.
His initial machine printers relied on advanced solar panels but as the Cauldron started to become more complete, he eventually converted to more efficient solar energy farms combined with wind energy in a form of fusion.
The Unplottable island now had a lot of all sorts of advanced solar panel farms and wind turbines in one designated area. The entrance of the Cauldron looked like a triangle metallic doorway similar to how it was in the game. The facility itself was underground so only the entrance was visible. It was also equipped with a DNA scan for security.
Another few months later after the Cauldron was completed, he had a thousand machines. He ordered some of the Sentinel looking machines from the Matrix to make his first Signal tower. It was meant to give the Focus access to the internet when he mass produced those. So he can now access the internet which was beginning to get populated though still relatively new, from anywhere in the island. The signal tower was also strong enough to cover the surrounding countries like France, Norway, Germany and all of UK. He'll probably need to build another one in Serbia and Russia eventually to cover the rest of Europe.
Focus and WizTome
Harry also made 100 Focuses for now. Since the Focus can act as an all purpose device, he didn't particularly see the need to produce laptops and computers but he did so anyway in case he needed muggles under him to use them. But the Focus can act as a personal computer anyway with a vast database from Horizon, camera, augmented reality device, and other functions.
For the first generation Focus that he mass produced, Harry made it to have very limited access so the Horizon knowledge database would not be available. He didn't want that to spread anyway. So the mass produced Focus was only the bare Focus with limited functionality and no Horizon database but contained Public books for now. He wanted to create a magical database from the scans of books he's gotten.
His current public database included books available to the magical public as well as muggle. Then depending on who, some Focus he would allow to have access to the scanned books from the Black library or the Bones library. Eventually it will include the Hogwarts library as well when he gets access to scan them.
Harry also ordered the printing of the Transparent Tablets he intends to use as a replacement for the Daily Prophet. Visually, they would look like iPads but they look like plastic or glass and would have limited access as well.
After all, the people of this time were not ready for advanced tech. Even more so for witches and wizards of UK who were practically cavemen compared to the rest of the muggle world.
The Tablets could only open one browser window with two tabs. One main tab for the new Quibbler he had planned to replace news and articles, another tab for advertisements.
Harry had the tablets he now dubbed WizTome. He produced about a few thousand for now.
Now the main problem of magic interference comes into play. Harry experimented throughout the year and eventually figured out that he can simply cast Magic null on the object and have it copy the shape so it isn't affected by any magic at all. Surprisingly simple solution which he then applied to all of his machines and products. He figured it would probably be funny if the wizards figured out his machines could technically be used as shields against offensive spells but would be vulnerable to physical attacks.
Since his technology came from Horizon's world, there's a very low chance of anyone being able to reverse engineer his technology for at least several decades. It might as well be alien tech to them.
But just to be sure that his products are protected, he programmed a small self destruct trigger in case any of them are physically opened. They wouldn't explode or anything but the circuitry would burn and fizzle everything inside the moment they are opened so people won't be able to figure out all the parts. The micro chips themselves are practically disintegrated ones they are opened.
Once the protections are in place, and the first few thousands are ready for selling, he brought them back home to Grimmauld place. He took three sample Wiztomes and three Focus meant for the Lovegoods.
He then set aside two more for Sirius and Remus. Then asked Sirius to invite the Lovegoods over for dinner so he can introduce the products to everyone.
Showing the Focus and WizTome to the family
"So what's the occasion Harry?" Pandora asked. They all knew Harry wanted to talk to them so they were all curious.
"I created a few products that I want to introduce to you all."
Harry then brought out Wiztomes for Sirius, Remus, Luna, Pandora and Xenophilus.
"Huh, is this some kind of glass?" Sirius asked. They all inspected them but did not understand what they were for just yet. "Well it looks like glass but it doesn't feel as fragile or heavy though."
"I call this, a WizTome. Why don't you all press the small button on the top right corner edge so we can start."
As they did, the Wiztomes activated and opened the browser. It looked like a hologram projected on glass since they were transparent.
The first thing they saw was the front page of the scanned copy of the latest Quibbler edition. Harry taught them to scroll down using the touch screen to browse to other pages by sliding their fingers upwards.
"This is brilliant! With a single artifact, the whole Quibbler magazine can be viewed! Though I have to ask, isn't it a waste to throw these away for every edition?" Xeno asked.
"I don't think Harry intended them to be a consumable Daddy. They seem a little too sophisticated for that." said Luna.
"That's right. Once a new edition comes out, it can directly be shown on the Wiztomes You can also view older editions." Harry then used his Focus to have an older edition appear on all the WizTomes. He then showed them how to navigate to older editions or newer ones.
"So this is a one time purchase? So how do we earn from the Quibbler then?" Pandora asked.
"We can sell the initial device for a relatively low price. Then we can ask for paid subscriptions per month, every six months or yearly. Once the subscription ends, they can ask for a renewal or end the service and the device no longer updates new ones."
"This is incredible! Even muggles don't have things like these!" Remus exclaimed. "While it seems like an unnecessary change, it gives a bit of a premium or exclusivity feel. And it's not like we take out the Prophet or Quibbler in muggle areas anyway."
"What is this other thing for Harry?" Luna asked showing the other tab.
"That's for advertisements. If shops want to advertise their products, old or new, they can pay for a slot there where we can have their products featured in that advertisement area. It would also be good for shops who offer mail via owl orders. They can showcase their products there with details how to order." Harry then explained the concept of advertisements and ad fees.
"Of course, our products would be at the top advertisements when we do have products to sell." Harry then showed them that the advertisement page can also scroll down.
"So this could be another avenue for earning galleons then. Very clever Harry." said Xeno.
He then showed his next product, the Focus.
"I call this a Focus. This thing like the one I wear near my temple and ear, has several functions I'd like to talk about." Harry then gave them each one and they all placed them in their temples to their right ear.
They were all surprised then the AR technology started showing them labels of various things if they concentrate on an object. Harry taught them how to use them and explained how to turn them active or not to hide or show the labels.
This would help witches and wizards to understand muggle items better. Like if they wanted to know what a device was, they just turn on the Focus and check the labels that appear which will generally have a short description of the item based on the object database.
If they used it to scan a computer, a label would appear telling them what it was and what it is used for in the muggle world.
After that, he taught them how to access the magic database.
He showed them how to navigate the table of contents, which showed the title of books then proceeded to tap on the book name and it redirects them to the said scan of the book.
The book would then appear as if a hologram version of the book which they can interact with even if they cannot feel the book itself.
Harry also showed them the search function which surprised them. Pandora was especially excited about it.
"This search function is extremely helpful for research! This could make my spell crafting much more smoother and easier!" Pandora exclaimed, almost jumping up and down on her seat. "This would make cross referencing topics or spells much more convenient!"
"Oh and the WizTome also has a search function for certain keywords or topics." Harry quickly said.
"Well now. It could also be useful for reviewing older editions if we want to backtrack older topics. This is indeed a very useful thing to have." Xeno was already thinking of its impact as the editor of the Quibbler.
"Hold on, does this mean you copied all of the books onto this device?" Sirius asked. "Blimey that's mental! How many books are in the public area of the Black library alone?!"
"That's easy. These things can also record photos or videos. So I used that scan ability to record books."
Harry then showed them how to use the camera and record functions.
"This is quite fun! Maybe we can use this to capture a photo of the Crumple-Horned Snorkack without disturbing them in their natural habitat!" Luna exclaimed.
"That's a very good idea my little moon! Indeed this is a very useful contraption!" Xeno replied.
Harry then taught Xeno how to scan and upload a Quibbler edition and how to publish it to appear on the WizTomes.
He brought out a separate printer which could accept the data from Focus so it can print out images. Though it's weakness was not being able to print moving pictures. But the Focus can add short video clips onto scanned Quibbler editions so it can be published directly. So they can either upload a manually made edition of quibbler and make changes or replacements necessary through the Focus.
Simply, they can scan a normal quibbler magazine and replace or add images or video clips using the Focus or keep it as is if they wished.
"Even better is that this recording seems to be in full color! While we cannot print physical moving pictures, the colored videos that can be published directly to WizTomes look amazing!" Xeno was in awe.
Up to this point, wizarding world's moving pictures were still black and white. So seeing the digital version of the quibbler in the WizTome with full color looked amazing.
"And I thought our Marauders Map was the pinnacle of our brilliance. Here comes Prongslet with WizTomes and Focuses that make our map look like a regular piece of parchment hahaha!" Remus was in very good spirits since these things showed how brilliant Harry was.
"Speaking of that, I want you to tech me how you made that map so maybe I can put a function like that in my Focus." Harry quickly added. While he already made a copy, the actual enchantments on it were still something he didn't understand for now.
After Remus and Sirius agreed to teach him how to make the map, Harry then proceeded to teach them how to make calls to each other.
"So you are saying you can use these to talk to anyone who has these from anywhere?" Sirius asked.
"Well, relatively anywhere. So far, my Focus can support calls from anywhere in the UK, France, Germany, Denmark, Half of Norway and a third of Sweden. I can probably extend those ranges eventually." Harry said proudly.
"How in Merlin's Balls did you do all this? This seems extremely advanced!" Sirius asked. These inventions are so revolutionary that it was so hard to comprehend a young kid was able to make all these.
"We all have secrets." Harry laughed. "You'll just have to trust me!" He shrugged.
"So back to the calls, with communication this easy, we can properly notify each other in cases of danger or emergencies. Even simply getting in touch... this is brilliant Harry!" Pandora's eyes shinning in awe of the boy.
"Glad you liked them. Though the Focus won't be for sale for now and is only available for people I can count on as family and friends. But we can talk about how to price and sell the Wiztomes."
"Before that though, think you can make a version with just the call function alone pup? I'm thinking if you can give Amelia a few for her strictly trust worthy Aurors, this could help out a lot."
"Sure I guess. But I want this strictly confidential. I don't want these spreading for now. I wouldn't want voldy's death munchers having access to direct and speedy communications after all."
"We can do that. Maybe even get an oath or something. I'll talk it out with Amelia."
"Oh! And I don't want Order members having access to this as well. Non-negotiable on that one I'm afraid."
"Wha- How'd you know about that? And why not?" Sirius was surprised and so was Remus.
"Don't want to talk about it. But either way, all I can say is I don't want them having this at all."
"I guess it makes sense considering the Order is under Dumbledore." Remus interjects. "With recent revelations-..."
The remaining few hours were discussions of how to launch the WizTome and replace parchment printing for the Quibbler.
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