Reborn as a Lizard: Evolve! Cultivate! Become a Dragon!

Chapter 4:The Spider with a Human Face

Soon, Brandon found the source of the sound. While his limbs gripped on the branch, his head carefully looked down through the gaps in the leaves.

It turned out to be a huge spider web. It was three meters in diameter. A colorful skylark was stuck to it, struggling desperately. But the spider web seemed extremely strong and he couldn't break free at all. The movements sent vibrations in the web, inviting the owner of the web.

At this time, a spider the size of a washbasin emerged from the bushes nearby. The legs of the spider were red and yellow, but the whole body was crystal white, and the jaw appeared crimson as if it was covered with blood. The strange thing is that there was a terrifying human face on the back of the spider. The human face had a bit distorted but still life-like expression as if it has suffered great pain.

Brandon felt a chill all over his scales, alerting his senses. He didn't dare to make a sound. It was better not to mess with this unknown creature.

It was now that he realised danger was everywhere in this jungle, not only from the larger predators, but even the venomous ones. There were all kinds of strange creatures there, with or without the hidden murderous intentions. Among them, the more common ones , and what Brandon didn’t want to touch were spiders. Most spiders are highly venomous and have hideous looks.

Brandon kept a distance from this weird human-faced spider. In his previous life, his master told him that the human-faced spiders were demons punished to live on earth. They have three eyes on their back and know how to speak human language. Because they have three eyes like the hell manager, religious people suspect that they might be the incarnation of the hell manager. Although the legend is not real, it certainly creates an ominous image of the human-faced spider.

The spider crawled towards the entangled prey. The skylark struggled as he fought for his life, but the more he moved, the tighter the entanglement became. The human-faced spider effortlessly penetrated the skin of the skylark with its sharp mandibles and injected venom into the skylark. After a while, the skylark gradually became motionless as the venom took effect.

A long transparent needle protruded out from the space between its jaws and gently pierced the skylark. After a moment, the transparent needle had turned bright red, and the skylark's body was slowly shrivelling up, turning it into a mummified carcass.

After a few minutes, the human-faced spider retracted its long needle. Its originally pale white body had turned a little pink, and the expression on the human face behind it actually softened a little in a creepy manner.

After drinking the liquified flesh of that Skylark, the spider climbed into the tree hole, waiting for the arrival of the next prey.

Brandon slowly and silently crossed the area and ran towards his destination.

When he reached there, he saw beautiful vines wrapping themselves to the bark and hanging in the air, its thin tentacles were very supple. This was a carnivorous plant.

The slender and supple tentacles have a sweet fragrance that is very pleasant and often attract some insects to stop. However, there is a long and narrow funnel hidden under the tentacles, which secretes mucus. Once the insects get underneath the funnel, usually they get stuck to mucus, slowly getting digested and absorbed. But in general, this is a docile carnivorous plant and does not have the ability to actively hunt.

Brandon plucked a large handful of these vine tentacles with his mouth. Although these tentacles appeared to be very tough, they were soft.

He picked up a pile of dead branches on the road and ran back in a hurry. Regardless of the ambient environment and abundance of prey, Brandon was gearing up.

This matter obviously had priority. Whether he would die of hunger or enjoy drinking chewy food in the future depended on today.

He picked out a slightly larger piece of wood, peeled off the skin with his claws, and then scratched it hard with his nails a few times to make a deep crack. He placed the wood in the pit and fixed it. He then picked up a smaller branch, peeled it, and cut the dead branch into a pointed stick. He also grabbed a handful of plants down and placed them next to the slit.

Brandon fixed the thin end of the wooden stick to the slit and began to rub it along the crack. However, the lizard's fingers were too short and inflexible, so he could not grasp the small wooden stick firmly. It flew out several times. When it just accumulated a certain amount of heat, it dissipated again.

After a full hour, a puff of green smoke finally came out. Brandon didn't dare to be careless, so he quickly calmed down and tightened his claws on the wooden stick. The smoke became bigger and bigger, and finally a spark appeared.

With a bang, a spark splashed out, and the fluff next to it finally birthed a neo-flame. Once it was done, Brandon ignored the joy in his heart and grabbed more fluff and put it in. He didn't dare to be careless at this time, otherwise all his efforts would be wasted.

Then he carefully put some small branches on it, and the small flames finally turned into large flames. Brandon breathed a sigh of relief.

Brandon dug a fire pit nearby, pushed the burning branches in the fire pit, and moved two stones about 30 centimetres.

After a while, a simple stove was ready, but the burnt branches were obviously not enough to last longer. He needed to add more fuel to the fire. So Brandon threw some more branches into the pit again.

After lighting up the fire pit, Brandon removed the hyena’s entrails and impaled it with a wooden stick to prepare for the barbecue. Not long after, the fragrant oil dripped down drop by drop, splashing with sparks, filling the environment with the aroma of burnt entrails.

Brandon's saliva couldn't help but drip. How long… How long has it been since I smelled such charming deliciousness? I remember that every time I ate, I always swallowed it in one mouthful, not even daring to chew. Who can know the sadness in it.

Looking at the aromatic intestines that were gradually turning brown, Brandon couldn't bear it any longer. He stretched out his claws and tore off a piece. He didn't care whether the blood was drained or not. He put it directly into his mouth, chewed it against his palate slowly, and savoured it.

Swallow slowly. Brandon suddenly burst into tears. When he woke up in the morning, Brandon heard the cheerful chirping of Skyler. Skyler was the name that Brandon gave to the little bird he adopted. In fact, it was the name that Brandon chose from his heart. After all, Brandon could not speak.

The bare-chested bird from the past is now covered with feathers. Except for a cluster of bright red feathers on the top of its head, the whole body is green, with a hook-like beak and sharp claws, all indicating that Skyler is a ferocious predatory bird.

Coupled with the fact that Brandon uses internal force to cleanse the bird's muscles and marrow every day, it is conceivable that when Skyler grows up, her ferocity will definitely far exceed that of right now.

Brandon lazily greeted Skyler and continued with his nap on the ground again.

Skyler screamed in dissatisfaction, with a clear and melodious voice. With a whoosh, she flew to Brandon's back and pecked him gently.

Brandon had been feeling uncomfortable in the past few days and his body was itching all over. And not only the skin was itchy, but also the muscles and bones were itchy. He had an intense urge to scratch the skin off.

I am lazy, have no energy, and even my appetite has begun to lose a lot. Practising the Golden Bell has no effect. It has been a long time since the Golden Bell is stuck at the first level. Although I am absorbing the earth qi every day, The internal qi has not necessarily increased.

Brandon was quite puzzled. He began to wonder if he was sick. He had been lying down all morning and it wouldn't be a problem to keep lying down. Brandon stretched his limbs lazily while yawning. Brandon resisted the urge to scratch the itch and ate smoked meat.

Brandon began to do internal exercise. This was a method to relieve the itch, and the effect was very good. Brandon had discovered that he could use the pain to relieve itching.

Brandon took a pose, swung the giant tail, and began to slap his body repeatedly. Wherever the itching was severe, he would slap that side. He found that the effect today was not good at all, and the more he slapped, the more itchy he became. Brandon got angry and started to increase the intensity, beating himself hard. The whipping tail made loud sounds, and it felt like it was beating against a rubber tire.


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