Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 64

Chapter 64 Borrow equipment

Wei Zhenxue also understands foreign languages, but at that time he studied Russian. The teacher’s level was average, and he also learned average. Not to mention writing papers in Russian. It is very troublesome to make sentences in Russian.

“Now that the child’s foreign language level is so high?” Wei Zhenxue stared at Yang Rui’s sliding pen tip, his head in a mess.

Similar to contemporary researchers, Wei Zhenxue has always been a very arrogant person. He was not convinced by anyone, and looked down upon no one. He came to Yang Rui’s laboratory, in fact, he also took Qiao’s strength with him, with a superior mentality. Observing here, working as an experimental assistant for Yang Rui and teaching the students is not so much a help, as it is a relaxation.

As for the thesis written by Yang Rui, Wei Zhenxue neither understands biology nor cares. How can an essay written by a high school student be called a thesis, but it is about the same level as the popular perpetual motion machine.

However, the English letters on a whole piece of paper defeated Wei Zhenxue.

It’s nothing great to know English, but it’s great to be able to use English fluently.

The Chinese people’s crazy English learning boom in the 1980s was not an ideal touch, but a real motivation.

Young people who understand English have the opportunity to study abroad. If they can speak and write, it is not difficult to enter enviable units such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Trade. The foreign language majors of state-owned enterprises, banks, schools and other units with import and export business are almost It was the reception that opened the door, the allocation of housing to the relocation allowance, and so on. Later, the state-owned enterprises in the 1980s were not bad. If you are anxious to make money, whether you are going to be a wild tour guide in Beijing or going to Shenzhen to go to Shekou, it is not uncommon to receive one hundred yuan a day.

Adults who understand English will naturally be valued by the leaders. In units below the provincial level, you may not be able to find someone who can speak English in the compound. Compared with colleagues, whether they can speak English is a world of difference, not only when they are promoted. If you are given priority, if you need to adjust the job, it will be much smoother than others.

In academic institutions, English is more capable of exerting its “magic” characteristics. As long as you can understand English journals, a vast world opens up to you.

There was no such thing as academic fraud or plagiarism punishment in the Chinese academic circles in the 1980s. You translate a few English papers, put them together, add some words at the front, add some words at the end, and sign your name. No one finds it at all—other people who understand English are busy copying them, and those who don’t understand English can’t find it.

What’s even more rare is that at this time, the Chinese people are extremely tolerant of plagiarism. No one cares about the intellectual property rights of their own people, and no one cares about the signature rights of foreigners.

If it is a more cautious person who is unwilling to engage in plagiarism, then it is straightforward to say that it is a translation of the paper, which can also show up in the journal, and the treatment is generally the same as that of the papers written by me. For a long period of time, some domestic journals specifically included translated papers to introduce the latest developments in various fields to the domestic research community.

It can be said that knowing English in the 1980s was like acquiring a kind of power. With a little use, you can get benefits that are hard for ordinary people to reach.

Wei Zhenxue was both envious and surprised at Yang Rui. He obediently waited for him to finish writing what he wanted to write, and then asked, “Do you want to send this paper abroad?”

“I thought, but it was too slow. I want to write a few more articles and try again later.” Yang Rui spread out the half-written article, checking the fallacy from beginning to end.

Wei Zhenxue let out a “huh” and laughed: “Others still said that I love bragging, but I didn’t expect to meet someone more capable of bragging today. What you said is like you can publish your paper in a foreign journal?”

“You can’t get it, so you can’t get it.” Yang Rui didn’t want to argue with this low EQ.

Wei Zhenxue did not calm down like ordinary people, and chased after Yang Rui: “No, you have to make it clear. If you don’t say it, I will show your article to others.”

At some point, he held two pieces of paper that Yang Ruishi had just thrown away.

Yang Rui smiled: “You’re still a primary school student, just watch it.”

“I’ve read it first. Your quotation says that someone’s foreign literature is wrong? If you can prove it, how appropriate is it to publish it in a foreign journal?” Wei Zhenxue danced the manuscript in his hand and said with a sense of superiority again: “You are young and don’t understand how important foreign journals are… Forget it, I will tell you what these do. You are not at this level anyway.”

“Is there any level? Let’s not discuss it. Do you know the process of publishing articles in foreign journals?”

“You know?” Wei Zhenxue asked rhetorically.

“Know that, like biology, you have to send a submission letter with the manuscript, which needs to explain the background information about the author and the paper to the editor. For example, I am a high school student in a rural middle school in China. You said this What’s the chance of submitting your paper for review?”

“Do you really know?” Wei Zhenxue was really surprised. There was no internet these years, gossip spread quickly, but professional news was very blocked.

Yang Rui didn’t explain to this guy, and waved his hand: “This paper is not like what you said, it proves people’s mistakes, but it is more accurate, like pushing the pi ratio from 3.14 to 3.141…”

“How big is the Pi from 3.14 to 3.141? Just you kid, are you embarrassed to make such a metaphor?” Wei Zhenxue’s mocking attributes broke out again, making Yang Rui angrily smile.

The correct approach to this middle-aged man is to treat him as a kindergartener, and let him sell him on his own. It will be fine after a while.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for Wei Zhenxue to come up again: “I didn’t see you look up the professional information, some of the data in it are still compiled decently?”

Yang Ruixin said: This is the data in my mind.

Putting down the English dictionary in his hand, Yang Rui simply said: “If you really want to know how this article is, I have an idea.”

“What’s the idea?” The middle-aged Maidou looked at Yang Rui alertly.

“I want to borrow an ultraviolet spectrophotometer, can you find it for me?” Yang Rui said in a relaxed tone. He didn’t count on Wei Zhenxue all. He opened a letter of introduction from the Xibao Meat Union Factory and prepared a hundred yuan. He can always find an ultraviolet spectrophotometer in Hedong Province. However, this has to be explained to the uncle and the others, and the trouble is always inevitable.

Wei Zhenxue, who is a professional in organic chemistry, doesn’t touch this much. He smiled and said, “This is easy to handle. You have to prepare the samples to be tested. I will write a letter and send it to the Institute of Coal Science and Technology, and use theirs. However, the experiment The fee has to be paid, at most I will let someone give you a cheaper price.”

“I want to test it myself, not to send samples.”

“What’s the difference?”

“Of course there is a difference.”

Wei Zhenxue waited for a long time, but did not explain when he saw him, so he could only ask: “What’s the difference?”

Yang Rui muttered “negative emotional quotient” and shook his head: “This paper consists of two main points. The first is to infer that there are omissions in the foreign literature in the 1950s and prove it, and the second is to re-measure the absorbance of q10 by ultraviolet spectrophotometry. If I send the sample to the other party, half of the paper will be completed by the other party.”

“They just tested it according to your requirements, why did it say that it was half done?” Wei Zhenxue’s EQ was like jumping off a cliff, falling faster and faster.

Yang Rui sighed: “If I am a researcher in a formal institution, of course it doesn’t matter. But I am a high school student. If other researchers help me complete each part of the work, some people will doubt that I wrote the paper. If you don’t pay attention to the details, , Will make people gossiping.”

“That’s right, gossiping is the most annoying.” Wei Zhenxue understood Yang Rui empathetically, and thought about it for a long time. Calculated.”

Hearing this answer, Yang Rui really wanted to throw himself somersault, and said helplessly: “Isn’t your father-in-law in the Academy of Coal Sciences? Does the Academy of Coal Sciences have an ultraviolet spectrophotometer? You just asked me to send it.”

“Sending is sending, and personal use is personal use. People have discipline.”

“Hedong University has no discipline?”

“Of course…Neither am I, afraid of people talking gossip?” Wei Zhenxue scratched his head, in a posture of confusion.

Yang Rui took a deep breath and thought, “You can help me persuade your father-in-law to borrow a three-day UV spectrophotometer. I promise you, as long as you train me for 3 experiments. When the assistant comes out, I will lend you this analytical balance, and use it until you have the money to buy the balance yourself, how about it?”

If there are three laboratory assistants, Yang Rui is ready to buy another analytical balance. When that happens, the laboratory can be expanded a bit. Borrowing one to Wei Zhenxue during the period will not affect his experiments.

Although Wei Zhenxue’s EQ is low, his IQ is not affected, not to mention that he wants to use the analytical balance for a long time.

He quickly gave the answer: “I’ll talk to him when I go back on the weekend.”

“Just tomorrow, I’ll go with you.” Yang Rui didn’t believe in the persuasive ability of this cute thing.

The next day, when Yang Rui was ready to stop, he went to Pingjiang with Wei Zhenxue to kill.

When he arrived at the place, Wei Zhenxue was about to go to the Academy of Coal Science and Technology to find his father-in-law, but was stopped by Yang Rui.

He first bought two bottles of Jiannanchun with a ticket in a state-owned store, with a piece of peony cigarettes. This allowed Wei Zhenxue to lead the way. UU read and said, “Go home.”

“Gifts are given as gifts. Who in the compound doesn’t know who.” Wei Zhenxue despised Yang Rui, and when he was about to arrive, he gloated and said: “I just forgot to say that you don’t actually need to buy such expensive wine or coal. Two square bottles of Xifeng are enough for gifts in the Academy of Sciences, but you can’t give it back now.”

“I’m not going to retire either.” Yang Rui was weak, only feeling that Wei Zhenxue was full of negative energy.

The latter still didn’t realize it, and smiled again: “You don’t need to give a cigarette. Take two boxes with you. When you get home, one box is taken apart and scattered to the people present, and one box is left on the table.”

Yang Rui was surprised: “I know a lot, I thought you wouldn’t give gifts.”

Wei Zhenxue stagnated, and slowly shook his head: “Lao Zhangren taught it.”

Yang Rui laughed and used the method taught by the old man to deal with the old man. This is not called asking you to enter the urn, it should be called the Adou exhibition match.

…You are reading, if any!


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