Pokémon Rejuvenation: Where Love Lies Buried Beneath Lust

Chapter 7: What?

The grass is high and green with the rain's residue looking no more than morning dew as Ava enters the park, the hustle and bustle of the port side town was replaced by the chirping of Fletchlings. Did the circus forget one of its tents? I should check on that after going to the resident bundle of joy. Ava Spots a Gossifleur "See if it belongs to someone before chucking a Pokeball."

"Pose for me now!" Melia commands the Gossifleur. Despite the demand in her tone, her words carry a playful edge. holding her camera sideways.

"Hey Melia!" Ava calls out, waving.

"Heyy Ava! Funny running into you here!" She looks over to the Gossifleur that's still posing "I gotcha! Cheese!" Her voice was filled with joy and her eyes showed it with how they twinkled. The Gossifleur does two more poses each one gets an even more excited cry. 

She's infectious! Hopefully no one makes a cure. Ava looks amused at the two.

Melia turns around with the photos, upon seeing them her petite body does a small wiggle. "Oh, nice! These pictures turned out so well!" She turns her head back to the Gossifleur "These two are going right into my album~!" It cries out, shaking its small body now.

"You look like you got your full eight." Ava comments with her smile faint

"I always feel revitalized when I get some quality snaps!" The young Photographer holds up her camera and winks

"So you like Photography or you love Photography?" Ava asks as a soft breeze blows through the park. 'It's not an art, it's a way of life. My passion if you will… Eventually days like this may come to an end.'

"I guess love~! It's my favorite hobby! Photography has always made me so ecstatic about being alive! My dad bought me this awesome camera for my birthday last year! I've been using it everyday since~!" Melia catches herself and gets a little embarrassed. "Sorry."

"It's fine I also love Photography"  The doors a photo can open.. Ava sighs "Makes you feel like you're reliving the moment when you look back at them."

"Exactly! Moments encapsulated in a single piece of paper, never truly aging. I would like to show you my collection sometime." Melia smiles, far brighter than the sun. "Actually, I do have something I'd like to show you!" She shows Ava a picture of her togepi cosplaying as royalty in a candy kingdom. "Over a year ago me and this little guy went to Sinnoh with my dad. We were there for work, but afterwards he took me to this place where you could dress your pokémon up and take pictures!" Melia picks up the "little guy" in question. "Look at my precious boy,Hapi. Isn't he just cute?" She sighs with an air of nostalgia "It was because of this picture that I realized my love for photography."

"You got some deep roots there!" Ava comments before stretching "I'd love to keep chatting but I have to find my third member. Venam won't be easy."

"Yeah I got to get going myself. It was great talking to you though, maybe we could catch up later!" Melia says running off, not forgetting to wave.

Ava waves back until she's out of sight. Circus, Ren, then last but most importantly Venam. Ava starts jogging around the park, running into some small encounters,catching two Fletchlings, then finally finding the entrance into the tent. I sense death… jk I just feel cold, could be some ghost types. She enters the tent only to find a mansion-like interior, the color scheme mixes brown and burgundy with the first thing you see being a tan vase on an antique table in the center of two sofas. 'It's not crawling with ghost types. Bummer.'

"Ahh, but greetings my dear child! Aren't you a curious one? I wonder if you knew?" An old man wearing a ringmaster outfit greets Ava, tipping his hat up on his faded lavender hair

"Of course I knew!" 'I didn't.'

"How could I ever doubt?" His words sounded both condescending yet genuine "But I should introduce myself, even if you probably already know… My name is Mr.Luck! If you don't remember, I won't give a F-!" He catches himself,and questions what to say "- Crap." Mr.Luck sighs "So, what brings you here then?"

"Well if I said I was a cat what would you think?"

"Ahh, Curiosity. But will satisfaction be enough to bring you back?" The two look into each other's soul's "Say… is this the first time we've met?"


"No? I never forget a face… But perhaps last time you spoke to me, you didn't have "That" face… I could change that face of yours."


"Darn! For a cat you sure don't ask enough questions."

"You want these right?" Ava holds a black prism in her hand, it emits a rainbow hue.

"Hm!?" Mr.Luck tries to take it but Ava shoves it in her pocket.

"I want what you're selling. I give you any of these I find on my journey, you give me a prize. Fair?"

Mr.Luck pops out a contract from pure air. "Sign on it?"

"Nah. I do shakes." 

"Fine. Perhaps we have met before."

Ava leaves the tent with a pokeball in hand. I have no Idea what came over me there, But hey I have a Braixen. Next let's take a walk around the city, distractions might help. Maybe I could try getting a full team… I could chase the nidoran I saw earlier. She gave me the side eye.I think there was also a hungry male close to her. I'mma get both.

Ava spends a short while chasing the blue "bitch!" as she would put it until it's cornered. "You got nowhere to run, nothing to scurry under. You're Mine Rat!" Ava hits the Nidoran square in the face with the pokeball, Amanda's Jacket now noticeably tattered. Before Ava could check if she caught the nidoran she hears a deeper squeaking, which her head darts too; her sunburst eyes were almost an orange-amber color and her hair extremely disheveled. She holds up a premier ball "get in. the ball" She whispers looking at the paralyzed Nidoran… The cheerful chime of both Nido's being caught ring simultaneously. "Ha~! Now to go on that walk!" Ava says with relief; fixing her hair and going across the street.

"Honey, stay where I can see you." The receptionist tells her daughter who runs around the white and pink lobby as Ava enters. "Welcome to Magnolia Library!" The woman bows to Ava "We are happily founded by the Blakeory Corporation and their sponsors! We are also proud to display an ancient book created by the Garufa tribe! This bottom floor is free for all, however anything past it requires a small fee of 300 pokedollars~." She leans over the counter slightly and makes a small space between her index and thumb with an equally small wink. Ava pays the fee and walks through the waist high door after it makes a mechanical click. "Enjoy your visit!" The receptionist chirps behind Ava.

'What is it with all these women being so damn hot or cute? Battling horny… not good, I should get a load out before the Gym battle.' Ava spots Ren, who seems absorbed by thought; looking at the books and every few seconds reaching out to one before deciding against it. "You come to the library to read, not to shop." Ava says behind Ren, who turns around softly laughing.

"Yeah, I can't remember the book I was reading last week." His gray eyes seem to click for a second. "Aren't you supposed to be fighting Venam?"

Ava scratches the back of her neck. "I wanted to have a match with you beforehand, calm myself down."

He darts his head around. "Let's take this outside!" Ren whispers excitedly. "I did a little grinding for my team." The young trainer clutches his ball as the two leave. 

The two trainers stand in an empty parking lot, looking at each other holding their respective pokémon. "Don't you dare hold back!" Ren encourages Ava, sending out his Growlithe. As Ava's Rattata hits the ground Ren makes his move. "Growlithe use Ember!" 

The Growlithe sneezes out three spurts of flames. "Bite that disrespectful lil shit!" Ava shoots her finger at the Growlithe.

Rattata cries as it pushes through the last spurt of fire, and bites the miniature tiger. "Ember! Again!"

"Hyperfang!" Ava blurts out, as per usual the attack was already hitting. "alright!"

"Why does that work for you!" Ren asks with his face a little flustered. "Well done Growlithe. Come on out! Cacnea!"

"Come on back Rattata." Ava takes out a Luxury Ball and holds it to her chest before smirking and tossing it high in the air. "Let's go! Deluxe!" A Braixien comes out, without doing a battle cry.

Ren looks confused. "One. how? And two, I thought it was going to be Char."

'My friend on the other side.' "Some dumbass left her ball in the park, turns out; said dumbass tried to abandon her. So she's something of my adopted child… Plus Char needs to rest up… Flame Charge!"

"Mother fu- Leech seed!" Ren flashes anger before realizing who he's fighting. As Deluxe's flame cover body makes contact, Cacnea spits out a bunch of seeds.

"Ember!" Deluxe spits through the small fire on her stick, and hits Cacnea before Ren could issue an order.

Ren looks at his balls with little disappointment. "You did well. Come on Froakie!" 

"Come out Thing 1!" Ava sends out one of the Fletchlings she caught in the park. "Use peck!" Thing 1 pecks Froakie, who swats at it like it's a mosquito.

"Water Pulse!" Froakie shoots water from its hands Sending Thing 1 flying til it lays concuss on the ground.

'Worth a try… DOESN'T IT KNOW QUi-'  Ava calls Thing 1 back to his ball just as Froakie hits where she was. "No you don't! Only one of us gets to do that Bullshittery."

"Soclose. Good job remembering our quick attack!" Ren says with a cheeky smile

"Uh huh, Come on out Deluxe!"

Ren looks hesitant to make his call, as if words are shut in his throat. "Water puls-."

"...Psybeam!" Ava blurts her move out her move which hits; just as froakie's hand starts to glow blue. 'Good good, could've been faster.'

Ren sighs "Come on Corvisquire! Use Hone Claws!" Ren looks Ava as if he has her check mated

'Just because it's flying does not mean we can't hit it with our fist. Ava starts hopping in place "Use flame charge and jump when I tell you to." Deluxe makes a confused yelp, but does so anyway. When life doesn't give you a door, make a hole or some shit right?Ava starts to dash until she's right under the Corvisquire. "Jump!" Realizing what her trainer was doing she aims for the clasped together hands. "Ally~ Yoop!" Ava launches the firefox into the Corvisquire. It's a one hit K.O

Ren stands bewildered by what he just saw, his eyes blinking rapidly. "Is that even legal? You know-..." Ren puts 224 pokedollars into Ava's hand then clasps her hands together. "I need a minute. Probably don't do that against Venam."

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