PJO: A Professor of Hogwarts

Chapter 5: Diagon Alley (2)

After a thorough scolding from Mrs Weasley. We continued on our way to the Gringotts which was our supposed first stop if it wasn't for that unexpected detour. 

After a while, I finally had the time to get my bearings and tell Ron what who I met at Knockturn Alley

"Hey Ron! Guess who I saw at Borgin and Burkes?" I asked Ron and Hermione as we were walking climbing the Gringotts steps. "Malfoy and his father." 

Upon hearing that Mr. Weasley suddenly joined in the conversation "What were they doing there?" He asked sharply 

"I don't know" I replied honestly startled at his sudden intrusion "All I heard was they were talking about someone coming, but I don't know anything else." 

After hearing that Mr. and Mrs Weasley looked at each other for a while. It stayed like that for a few seconds as though they were conversing a message that only they can understand.

After a while they eventually stopped their secret dialogue then looked at me. "Perhaps it was best you did not hear what they said" Mr. Weasley said cryptically then urged us to continue walking to the Gringotts. 

After I turned around. Mr. and Mrs Weasley walked a little slower. They talked, rather they whispered something to each other. Not to loud that others will hear and just soft enough that it would only be them who would understand. 

I tried to pretend that I did not care but the way they acted made me curious of what is going on. Somethings coming or rather someone is coming. Lucius knows it and now Mr. and Mrs Weasley knows it too. 

I shoved that thought into my mind just for today because I know I wouldn't be able to get my answers anyway so for now I need to focus on buying all the things that I need for this year at Hogwarts. 


After we procured our money everyone quickly went to their separate ways. Each already having a place in mind. Though Mrs. Weasley was very much clear that everyone should meet at Flourish and Blotts within an hour to buy our school supplies.

With that it was only me, Ron and Hermione who were left as we looked at everyone go their own merry way.

"So what do we do now?" I asked Ron after all the other Weasley's was nowhere in sight. Since we were of the same year we decided to to buy all our stuff together since the stuff we would be needing through the year were practically the same. 

"I don't know mate. You tell me." Ron just shrugged his shoulders and Hermione just stood silently. Though I fear that if I asked her she would immediately drag us to Flourish and Blotts to stay there and read books the entire hour. but I asked anyway.

And without hesitation I, or rather Ron and I, found ourselves dragged sitting at one of the reading tables of Flourish and Blotts. Hermione was already in her own world reading a History book. While Ron, on the other hand, looked at me judgingly 'why did you have to ask?' kind of look. I just looked back sheepishly and replied through my eyes 'sorry mate.' 

But Ron was still clearly annoyed so I tried to pretend to read the book I was holding. 

I don't really know how I was able to get a hold of this book. The shopkeeper just suggested it and I unknowingly accepted the little book that had the title Greek Mythology: Timeless tales of Heroes and Gods. And since I had an hour to spend I decided to just read it to pass the time. Yet without even knowing I was already entranced by the story that seemed to resonate deep within my soul. 

It was enchanting, the story of the Gods, their achievements, even their horrid actions were still interesting in my perspective. And without noticing an hour passed yet I was still stuck with the book that I was given.


someone seemed to call my name but I ignored it.


the voice called again now I could hear that the caller was now a little closer to my ear.

"HARRY" the voice snapped which made me look up the one calling me. It was Ron. "Bloody hell! First you dragged me to a book store, now this!" Ron's face was filled with indignation "You are unbelievable." He finally said then walked away stomping his feet as he go. 

I sighed. I looked around and even Hermione was gone from where she was supposed to be reading. That made me sigh again. 

I stood up from where I was sitting and started to pack my things. I bought the book which I was reading earlier and said my thanks to the owner for suggesting such a wonderful book and then tried to get out of the store. But when I was about to do so trouble came. 

And that trouble came with a big annoying smile. 

I swear if I see that smile one more time. It would be too soon for my well being. Too soon.

I sighed again. 'I've been sighing quite a number of times now since I entered Diagon Alley' I thought to myself. Then sighed again.


When I left the reading area I was immediately greeted my a crowd of people. 

'what in the name of Merlin!?' I thought

People were forming a kind of a line. As though someone important is in this place. 

and then it clicked. 

someone important? could it be? Is that why we needed to be here at this hour?

I tried to look around and there I saw the Weasleys, all of them obediently standing in the line. Even the mischievous twins were seemingly obedient. Then further at the line I saw the Malfoys. And Malfoy also saw me, rather he was glaring at me even before I noticed him.

Then looked at who was the cause of all this ruckus then what I saw was a sign that said: 


will be signing copies of his autobiography


today 12:30 P.M. to 4:30 P.M.

Gilderoy Lockhart!?? is he someone important I inwardly mused as I slowly walked towards where the Weasleys were and inserted myself at the line.

"Who's that!?" I asked suddenly interested on who he was. 

Mrs. Weasley did not even need to reply because Hermione was seemingly offended that I did not know who he was. 

"How could you not know" She screeched at my side but thankfully or not actually. Lockhart's gaze locked to where we were. 

His eyes and mine met. Instantly he leapt from where he was standing and immediately went by my side. 

"It can't be Harry Potter?" he said as he seized my arm and pulled me to the front where everyone can now see me.

'What's this guy doing!?' I complained but did nothing because now everyone was looking at me.


Then I heard a snap of a camera 

"Smile Potter, together you and I are worthy of the front page." Lockhart whispered to my ears. 


then after a few minutes of what felt like an eternity Lockhart finally let go of me Much to my relief.

I sighed ( again), thankful that everything was now over. Or was it!?

Because after Lockhart let go of me. He declared that he would be the new Defense of the Dark Arts teacher replacing Professor Quirrell. I paled at the thought, though at the side lines I can see Hermione who was basically squirming with joy at the prospect that someone like Lockhart will be the DADA this year. 

I sighed again. This has becoming a habit.

"Ever the attention seeker ehhh!?" said a voice that I would never forget. "Bet you enjoyed every moment at the spotlight." Malfoy with his ever condescending tone said as though he hated every moment of it.

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