Pirates: God Class Vice Captain

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 – Information On New Ships

In the East China Sea, on an unnamed island, two drenched men slowly crawled out of the sea.

Du Hang walked onto the beach expressionlessly, grabbed the sailor knife from Roger, stuck it on the beach, took off his shirt, and hung it on the handle of the knife.

Seeing Du Hang’s actions, Roger snorted, “Then what about my clothes?”

“Damn mentally retarded! You still want to dry the clothes! Stay where it is cool! If you, mentally retarded, suddenly go berserk, would the ship sink?!” As soon as Luo Jie finished speaking, Du Hang gritted his teeth and burst into anger.

“That was an accident, an accident! Who knows how many hole cards you have hidden!”

“If an accident is not a crime, then the navy doesn’t need to exist.” Du Hang glanced at Roger coldly, picked up the tobacco rod and wanted to take a sip, but found that the tobacco leaves in his pocket were all wet, which made him feel a little melancholy , Is this the retribution for cheating Roger twice before?

It happened half a day ago, when Du Hang had a brain twitch and asked Roger for a competition.

At that time, Du Hang’s idea was actually very simple, that is to practice hands with Roger, so that the brain can analyze Roger’s ability a little more, so that it can come in handy in the future.

But Luo Jie, who is so funny, actually hit the head with a slap in the face, and directly took out his armed domineering, and beat Du Hang on the spot.

Then something even more painful happened.

After dealing with Roger for a few minutes, Zhinao miraculously analyzed the principle of armed color domineering, and made a program for Du Hang that can stimulate armed color! Although it can only cover both hands and can only be used for ten minutes, it is also an armed color, a god-level skill that will not be outdated in the second half of the great route!

As soon as Du Hang used his armed colors, Roger was shocked immediately, and at the same time he couldn’t help becoming more interested, and he started to attack like a storm. Du Hang just got the ability, and he didn’t know how to use it. Roger couldn’t do a few tricks, so after a few seconds, the boat under the two of them broke…

After swimming for half a day, the two finally found such a small island with the help of Zhinao. They can breathe a sigh of relief for the time being, but it is not easy to go to sea again.

Du Hang found a stone and put it on the beach, spread the tobacco leaves to bask in the sun, while he squatted beside him, waiting for his clothes and tobacco to dry.

Roger saw that his knife was about to come back, so he had no choice but to walk to the island resentfully, “Du Hang, I’ll go to the island to see! If there is someone, I’ll come back and call you!”

“Okay, I’ll leave it to you.” Du Hang waved his hand without looking back, and didn’t say he wanted to go together. The reason is very simple. As soon as he landed on the island, his brain displayed the map around him. Roger There is no village at all in the direction you go, the village is on the other side of the island…

After a while, the clothes and tobacco leaves were dried, and the old **** Du Hang put on the clothes, stuffed the tobacco rods, and walked towards the village. At this time, Roger just came back.

“Oh… It seems that luck is not very good. I didn’t find anyone there, but there are signs of people walking in the woods. There should be a village on the island.” Roger scratched his hair and said.

“Well, yes, it’s over there.” Du Hang pointed.

“Hey, have you found out, why didn’t you tell me just now?”

“You didn’t ask me either.”


Roger pulled up the sailor knife that Du Hang had just used to dry clothes from the beach, and followed Du Hang silently.

“Du Hang…”


“I should be the captain of the pirate group…isn’t that right?”

“Of course, we both agreed at the time.”

“But why do I feel that I don’t have the majesty of a regiment leader?”

“Your delusion.”

After perfunctory Roger, Du Hang squinted and looked at the village not far away.

This is a small island, and it takes more than half an hour to cross it. Once the sea level rises, the island may be submerged, so of course there is no navy stationed there. People from the militia probably stopped him.

Du Hang went up to meet him, and said that the two of them were merchant ship crew members who died nearby, and he was keeping accounts, while Roger was in charge of fighting. But, why is he so proficient? How many times has he made up nonsense? ?

At first, the other party was still a little suspicious, but seeing Du Hang’s gentle conversation, and the two people’s clothes were not bad, and they were indeed half-dry clothes with salt grains hanging on them, so they believed them and brought them to the The village is coming.

After drinking in the tavern in the village for a while, Du Hang discovered a speechless situation—there is no boat that can go to sea in this small village! Everyone’s travel is solved by passenger ships that pass by regularly. Usually, everyone lives and works in peace and contentment on the island. When going to sea, they only use small boats to go fishing, and there is no big boat!

This is embarrassing.

Although in the original book, Luffy used a junk boat without sails to go out to sea, but he is the protagonist, the kind who would never die no matter what he did. If it were someone else, he would have been sunburned to death, starved to death, or the boat capsized drowned, or was attacked by a shark and died.

Seeing that Du Hang didn’t speak, and was just drinking soda there, Roger leaned over, “Hey, Du Hang, what should we do now?”

“Cold salad…and you are asking me what I am doing, you are the captain. In this case, it is up to you to make up your mind.” Du Hang rolled his eyes and said.

“Okay, then let’s make a canoe!”

“Then go on your own, I’ll stay here for the elderly.” Du Hang looked at Roger speechlessly, this grandson really had the same brain circuit as Luffy, thinking that the sea was the swimming pool in his back garden.

At this moment, a fisherman who was drinking by the side suddenly turned around, took a sip of beer and said, “If you need a boat, there is one on the west side of the island that can barely go to sea, but I’m afraid you won’t be able to get it. “

“Why?” Roger asked strangely.

“Because the owner of that ship… Well, how should I put it, it’s very powerful, and I’m afraid he is unwilling to sell that ship. Forget it, I won’t talk about it if there are too many, go and see for yourself.” The man said. After taking the last sip of beer, he patted his pants and left.

“Is it a very powerful person? I’m interested. If it’s an interesting guy, let’s get him on board!” Roger said enthusiastically.

Du Hang showed a thoughtful expression, thinking of something.

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