Pirates: God Class Vice Captain

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 – Sparring On Board

Early the next morning, Du Hang was sitting on the side of the boat, looking at the scenery leisurely, at this moment, a big bird suddenly landed beside him.

“This is… a messenger bird? It is specially used to deliver news to large ships at sea?” Seeing this bird, Du Hang put down his cigarette stick with interest, reached out and took out a newspaper from the bag hanging around the bird’s neck, and then took it out of his pocket. I squeezed out a few steel coins and put them inside.

Newspapers, except for some major events, such as the war on the top of the later generations, generally report news by region. For example, their newspapers in the East China Sea generally talk about the three-acre land in the East China Sea. , Just think about it, a pirate who lives in the East China Sea all the year round, what is the use of reading the newspapers in the West Sea?

As soon as he unfolded the newspaper, Du Hang was delighted.

“Hey Roger, I have some good news and some bad news, which would you like to hear?”

Roger gave him a strange look, “Is it still in order? You can say whatever you want.”

“Okay then, let me tell you the good news first.” Du Hang smiled and shook the newspaper in his hand to let it unfold a bit, “The good news is that you have successfully been on the navy’s arrest warrant and become a glorious Professional pirate! And the reward amount is not low, let me see… well, 22 million, it matches you very well!”

This reward amount is indeed very high for a newcomer pirate. You must know that there are more than 50 years before Luffy goes to sea, and the currency is naturally much more valuable.

Roger was also quite satisfied with the result, he grinned and said, “Yes, the bounty offered by the navy is reasonable, but it’s only temporary, and it won’t be long before I will definitely become a big pirate with a bounty of several billion !”

“Yes, yes.” Du Hang nodded in agreement, and then showed him the reward order with a smile.

“The bad news is, your name is misspelled.”

On the wanted notice, there is a conspicuous photo of Roger, a young man wearing a straw hat and grinning stupidly. If Du Hang didn’t know him, it would be really difficult to connect this young man with the long-nosed, big and thick Roger of later generations.

Looking at Goldo Roger on the wanted notice, Roger’s eyes twitched.

“What are you doing! It’s Gore D. Roger! It’s D, why did it become Gordo?! These navy guys are too irresponsible!”

“Actually, it sounds nice, doesn’t it, Gold, that’s gold, people call you Gold Roger, what a good omen, it indicates that you are going to make a fortune.”

Roger is funny and angry, is there such an explanation for this thing?

“It’s okay. When you become a big pirate, go to the high-level navy to complain and ask them to change your name back. Isn’t this a motivation for you to move forward?” Du Hang smiled and retracted the arrest warrant, and put the newspaper Turn back.

“Okay, let’s do this! After I become a big pirate, I’ll let the navy change it!” In the eyes of normal people, the task is almost impossible, but for Roger, it seems like eating and drinking, and he dares to say it casually. After finishing the awesomeness, he seemed to suddenly remember something.

“By the way, Du Hang, what is your reward?”

Du Hang flipped through the newspaper in his hand, “There is no arrest warrant for me, so there is no reward.”

“Hey, I have it, why don’t you?” Roger asked strangely.

Du Hang stretched out two fingers: “It’s easy to guess the reason. First, in those two days in Rogge Town, I didn’t fight anyone once. You are in charge of all the battles, so in the eyes of the navy , I might just be a miscellaneous soldier who runs errands for you.”

Hearing this, Roger’s face was subtle. Thinking about it carefully, it really was the case. Du Hang didn’t seem to have shot it from the beginning to the end. He only fired a few shots while on the ship, and the navy didn’t know it yet! Thinking of this, why do you feel so angry?

“Secondly, the navy may also want to make a warrant for me, and then give me a price of hundreds of thousands, but they know too little about me. I haven’t registered my identity with the world government before. I didn’t reveal my name, and as for my photo, the navy couldn’t even get it out, so it’s normal that I don’t have my arrest warrant.”

“The more I listen to it, the more I feel that I have been betrayed…Why do you do a lot of bad things but get nothing done, but I have to bear all the blame for you.” Roger couldn’t help feeling sad and angry.

Du Hang didn’t answer this topic, he casually flipped through the newspaper in his hand, and then jumped off the side of the boat.

“Don’t talk about that, come on, Roger, the wind is not strong now, and the boat can’t go much. Put down the rudder, let’s practice.”

“Oh?” Hearing this, Roger was a little surprised, “It’s the first time I’ve seen you asking for a fight. Since you’re asking for a beating, I’m not welcome!”

Putting down the rudder in his hand, Roger grinned and came towards Du Hang with a punch!

Du Hang dodged low and stabbed Roger’s ribs with his left hand, but Roger’s movements were faster than him. Before he could make a move, Roger had already kicked him in the chest!

boom! !

Du Hang folded his hands in front of his chest, and forced himself to take Roger’s foot. Although he had exerted his muscular potential to 80% in an instant, he was almost thrown backwards by the shock!

“It’s really strange. Hey, when did you practice secretly? When we first met, you clearly walked lightly, but now you have such a quick reaction. It’s evil.” said puzzled.

Du Hang smiled, “I told you I’m a fast learner, don’t you believe me.” Then, he chose to take the initiative this time and punched Roger.

Roger didn’t take it seriously at first. With Du Hang’s current strength, there was no threat to him, so he was about to dodge sideways and then fight back, but at this moment, he suddenly froze.

Du Hang kicked out!


Roger hit Du Hang’s ankle and prevented him from striking, but the surprised expression on his face couldn’t be suppressed!

“The move just now…is exactly the same as mine just now?”

Du Hang withdrew his feet, grinned and rubbed his ankles, “How about it, I’m going to use the same method as the other to return it to him, it’s very powerful.”

To put it bluntly, it is just a simple application of the analysis and reproduction ability of the brain.

Roger stretched out his hand to press the straw hat, and smiled: “Interesting, interesting, Du Hang, you are a potential monster, just right, since you are so powerful, just skip the probing process and let you see what is real power!”

As he spoke, Roger stretched out his right hand with a smile on his face that the plot was about to succeed.

“After my set, I guess you won’t be able to move in two days!”

The black breath gushed out, and then, it wrapped around the right arm violently.

Armed color domineering!

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