Chapter 6: Friendly competition pt. 1
Overall, the day was rather uneventful. During lunch I had decided to walk about the campus to see what the school had to offer. Eating and reading in the library was a nice change of pace and allowed some quiet after the stressful encounter that was my introduction to the class.
Eventually the final lesson had come to an end. As we were packing up our bags it didn't seem like any of the other students were particularly interested in talking to me, so I was prepared to end the day without incident.
But... That would just lead to the same start I had last year. Something had to change. I had to change.
Gaining my resolve, I turn around to face the one decent chance I had to make a friend. Hey! I'm not a coward because I turned straight to Takamaki, it was just the most convenient. Promise.
"...Hey Takamaki."
I didn't get her attention she was just staring out of the window listlessly. Looking down into the courtyard where a few students were gathered with PE uniforms.
Sigh. Maybe she's just ignoring me? I'd hate to be the needy guy constantly asking for attention. So be it, I'll leave it here for today.
Gathering my things and preparing to leave the classroom. The murmurings of one of the boys just leaving came to my attention.
"Ignored... Kamoshida's.... girl. Haha-!" I only heard a few words but that was all I really needed. Still, that's a strange topic to be so open about. Unless another student shares the same name isn't a relationship between those two not only illegal but completely unethical?
...Isn't my place. I gathered the rest of my things and prepared to leave the classroom, only to be interrupted by a visitor. A hulking giant at the entrance to the classroom. His arm was resting on the top of the door frame practically blocking the exit and any who dared to pass.
"Kamoshida-sensei!" A few of the girls waved and shouted to him, all the while giggling between each other.
"Hey girls, Kawakami treating you all well?"
"Yeah, her class is always enjoyable."
"Swell. Sorry, but I'll be on my way just came to grab the new kid."
Oh, I almost forgot about the match. Crap, is there any way out of this now? I already had a bad enough entrance, add public embarrassment through sport to the list and my reputation might be unsalvageable.
"C'mon then newbie! I've already got the sports hall booked. Let's get the match underway!"
"Ooh! You're playing, Kamoshida-sensei?"
"Indeed I am. This body will get all stiff if I don't exercise once in a while. Hey, if you guys have the time, why don't you come to watch?"
"Really, can we?!" A lot of the students that were about to leave had stopped upon that revelation.
That must mean he's pretty exceptional, I guess. Otherwise, no one would be this invested.
"Of course, I'm sure you don't mind the audience, right? Ayanokouji is a promising student in his own way." I'd much prefer I wasn't even a part of the match, never mind the factor of an audience. Too late to change that now, I'd just become even more secluded than I am already.
"i didn't bring my gym clothes today, it wasn't on the class itinerary."
"No worries. We have a few spares in the storeroom. I'll have Mishima show you."
"...In that case, I suppose we should go."
"Right you are, follow me."
Apparently that directive also applied to the entire class as they all followed Kamoshida in their own separate groups. I drifted right behind him looking around at the school on our way there. Many of the boys in the class formed into small groups talking about the match, whilst the girls flocked around Kamoshida at the front.
Takamaki had already left the classroom and by extension our group, where she had wandered, I have no idea. Probably went home, I'm jealous.
One other boy, the same class rep that had stood in class earlier was alone as well. Slowly trailing behind the group as if each and every step took him that tiny bit closer to the afterlife. He shown more resignation than I did, poor guy.
Finally, we came to the sports hall, it was rather large with many courts outlined by various markings on the floor. Large green nets which spanned the entire height of the interior could be dragged to enclose each court and shut off any interference from others. Right now, none of those nets were used instead the centre court was prepped for use.
The crowds eyes immediately locked onto the centre as if a spotlight rained down on the court. It was rather nerve-racking knowing that this is where we would play. Everyone's gazes focused entirely on the spectacle that would appear before them. Where my inevitable demise would be broadcast.
"Mishima. Show him to the storeroom, grab him a spare uniform that fits, got it?"
"...Right away, sir. Follow me."
The taciturn boy directed me to a small door that was out of the way of the previous crowd. Inside lay plenty of different equipment; floor mats, balls, pumps, gymnastics apparatus etc.
"I think we have a few old spares in this cupboard."
In the cupboard were a few tattered kits which had seen better days.
"I advise holding your breath when changing."
I wasn't entirely sure what he meant until I held the garments in my own hand for the first time. Stench would be putting it mildly. It honestly smelled as if they had never been washed before. The sweat of other users just gathered in the uniform and despite its dryness the smell and musky texture never quite left it.
I had struggled putting the clothes on, but could I honestly even play like this? Not only would this affect me, but it could be off-putting to teammates. Is there really no alternative? Whatever, I just need to get this done quickly.
"No problem. Uh, it's Mishima by the way. Mishima Yuuki."
"Ah. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, pleasure."
"Yeah, it's no worries I know your name already."
"Right. I suppose my introduction was today."
He looked off in contemplation after that. It's just my name, no need to think too deeply.
"Have you played any volleyball before?"
"Once or twice at my last school. Other than that, I'm a complete beginner."
"Well, this probably isn't going to be very fun for you."
"No kidding."
"Why exactly did this match come about?"
"Kamoshida insisted on it this morning, I couldn't really tell you why he was so focused on it."
"...You do know he's a gold medallist, right?"
This information would've been really useful to have, I don't know say, right when I met him!
"Sigh. We'll probably be on the same team. So, let's try our best Ayanokouji-kun!" That enthusiasm was rather unbecoming of the soft shell he portrayed. It'd be nice to have a reliable teammate like that.