Chapter 17: A House in Disarray
The large platform reached the depths of the passageway, only the spacious room and the small, damp tunnel to the main hall remained. The king's guard stood in formation, the commander at the front his wings continually contracting and relaxing. Booms of air resounding out the room as he did.
"Two-man line. Filter in the tunnel. Kill on sight." Without even a single utterance the group of soldiers arranged themselves and filtered down the small corridor. The leader following at the rear.
The front soldiers held their spears suspended so as to confront any enemy which eventually revealed themselves. Each and every soldier prepared to meet the hellfire that could spew from their weapons at any moment. But… Nothing ever did. The end of the pathway came into view. The soldiers and commander thoughtlessly gasped.
"Advance guard, remove the portrait. Handle it with care, if there's so much as a scratch on it, I'll dispose of you myself."
"Understood, captain." A grunt came from the back of the group. Apparently, acknowledgement.
Removing the obstruction revealed a large mass of soldiers all waiting in the main hall, weapons brandished and pointed at the king's guard.
"The King's guard?! Apologies! We were awaiting the intruders. Did you take care of them my lord?" A decorated officer with a dusting of gold on his left pauldron asked sincerely.
A visceral grunt came from the back of the tunnel. The pressure in the building approached bursting, wind welled up and a few of the king's guard were forced out of the tunnel due to the strength of each wing beating.
"…Captain… He called me sir… Those infidels. Break rank, half of the King's guard are to follow me, the other half bolster the forces here. Do not let a single soul out of these castle walls!" The imposing voice shouted to the entirety of the guard in the castle.
"Yes, captain!"
The large figure rapidly ran to the lift once again, half of his trusty guard following after him. This time to find the platform missing.
It had been raised.
It was possible to destroy the platform and simply find them after flying to the top… But he didn't have the authority to make such a decision. Instead, even if it meant delaying slightly, he would have to call the elevator back down to this floor. It wouldn't take long, but it was too well timed.
Did the intruders intend to attack the king once again? The captain thought to himself.
Even if they got to him then they'd be dead after, it'd be fruitless. There's no escape for them if they were stupid enough to do that. No, if his thoughts were right then they would attempt escape. But where?
His thoughts raced with every passing breath, with every passing second, worry became etched into his masked features.
When did they pull the lever? It couldn't be as soon as we left or we would immediately be onto their plan, did they just make a correct estimation? Or did they wait for his voice? Sounds didn't often travel far in the hidden passage, but the captain's voice was all powerful. If he wanted it to, he could reach every single soldier in the castle.
The platform finally came into view as it descended to this level. The entourage stepped onto the large marble surface.
"I'm going ahead." The powerful beats of the captain's wings pushed even the seasoned veterans of the king's guard aside as he jetted through the shaft towards the top level.
Loud metallic clangs sound from the golden greaves as they contacted the ground of the upper level. The bodies that were here just minutes ago were absent. They hadn't even checked to see if they were dead beforehand. How many intruders were there? Had their guard already been infiltrated? How far had this infection spread?
The captain cursed himself, how could he be so blind? The obvious glaring fault. That soldier, how could he make the mistake of addressing him improperly yet hold a position of authority in guarding the secret pathway. The threat didn't move him. He assumed it was reverence to the cause. Loyalty to the crown. A single moment had allowed the intruders to lay their hands on the king. What was he to do?
The elevator reached the level as well, his guard accompanying him.
"Two of you stay here, search those barrels and remain on guard for the intruders returning." Two of the golden figures nodded and begun to check the barrels, whilst the other watched the only entrance prepared for a fight.
"The rest of you, towards the throne room. We can't risk the intruders laying a hand on his Highness. I'll personally scour the rest of the castle. Go." The group broke up once again.
His wings drooped slightly, his head hanging down languidly. How was he to repay this utter failure? What should be done now? The guard was split, in shambles and they had no idea as to where they could even be. How many intruders there were, or how they operated. How did they get their information? His head was swimming, the pressure building up like a dam fit to burst.
Mistakes like this weren't forgotten or forgiven. It might be his life on the line. If that was the case, so be it, he thought. Resolve gathering in the luminescent white eyes beneath his helmet he trudged on throughout the castle searching for the elusive figures.
[Phantom Opera: White Soliloquy]
Descending the towering spire we came to a rooftop, a few guards posted and searching the premises.
"More of you? Get moving to the main entrance. Quickly, you two!" A soldier with two golden pauldrons shouted from a veranda, watching over the proceedings of the other lesser foot soldiers.
Without speaking we both nodded and begun to stride quickly towards the doors on the other side of the roof. A sprint wasn't possible in this oversized armour, the most we could manage was a somewhat convincing stride/jog. Opening the door confidently and rushing as fast as we can down the stairs, we could see what appeared to be a grand cathedral. With the object of prayer, a large, immortalised statue of Kamoshida holding a volleyball in hand. Almost no soldiers were present here, they must've been allocated to the different entrances. Further investigation of the area presented a grand library, thousands of books visible… Would these hold memories? Thoughts? Feelings? A reaction stirred in my gut. A similar sensation I had felt thousands of times before. Curiosity. Strong enough to almost break my concentration on immediate escape… It would have to wait.
"What are you looking at? We need to get moving." A rushed and muffled voice rang out from beside me. Removing my gaze from the bookshelves in front, I continued on looking for the exit.
After trying door after door, we found ourselves back in the main hall. A conglomerate of soldiers occupying the vast space, stationed at every entrance. The main hall doors were closed once again, a dispatch of soldiers awaiting at the trap entrance on the west wing. Soldiers stuck their swords at the portrait, golden figures, members of the king's guard were bolstering the forces, taking charge of each of the different entrances.
"You two. Report." An important figure came to the doorway and addressed us. His golden helm, chest plate and the red feather crowned atop his head gave credence to his importance.
"We were stationed on the roof, searching for the intruders. With no sign of them we have been issued orders to return here." I stepped forward and answered.
"Hmm. We have enough men here. You have access to a platoon of 4 men. Bolster the dungeon passages." The feathered figure replied.
"Understood, I humbly request that you station some men on the stairs should we fail."
"You think they might attack again?"
"With all due respect, this doesn't seem to be a scouting party. To have infiltrated to the throne room is much too impudent. I believe they may be attempting something more sinister." I said with a polite tone.
"…Granted. I want 20 men stationed on the stairs after they descend. Get moving."
Followed by four undecorated soldiers we descended the stairs and spread through the winding passages of the sprawling underground. Every cell we passed held a few students in chains. Still wearing the PE uniform of our school. Funnily enough, some of these weren't even members of the volleyball club. Why? I had memorised a lot of names and faces associated with the volleyball club in my few training sessions. They had never been affiliated with the club, yet they were subject to the same uniform and similar treatment…
After instructing the four other soldiers into different sectors I continued with Sakamoto beside me, walking towards the area we had entered the castle from. As soon as we were clear of any intruding gazes, we immediately took off the armour and joined it together. Whilst the two empty husks were kneeling on the floor, devoid of all weight.
Sakamoto shouted in an overbearingly loud voice. "INTRUDERS! IN THE WATERWAYS!"
Footsteps rumbled throughout the underground. The broadsword I held in hand decapitated the husks of armour in a single swift motion, followed by a kick that propelled them into the water. A golden figure, his wings beating magnificently bounded around the corner. We hurriedly ran away from the entrance, sprinting faster, quicker towards the exit of this realm. The sound of the beating wings was gaining, closer and closer they came.
As we got to the drawbridge, I could hear the sword being unsheathed behind us. Close. Not close enough.
We both jumped over the moat, crossing the boundary between worlds and transporting back into the real realm. His sword stretching, reaching towards us, barely scraping the flesh of my arm, a trace of blood spilling from the wound.
Sakamoto looked towards me, before collapsing on the ground. Breaths heaving in and out of his lungs, before sighing heavily. His eyes closing.
I might've gotten too greedy.
[Phantom Opera: White Soliloquy]
Where would they be? It was safe to say they had the armour as a disguise, but how many were there? Was it just the two intruders from earlier, or were there conspirators to the King's reign within our own castle?
If their attempt on the King's life failed, then they would leave and regroup. That made any soldiers which attempted to be positioned in those convenient spaces the immediate culprits. Any soldiers without decorum for addressing superiors would be next on the list. I had to think with clarity. These intruders were troublesome. They understood their own weaknesses. That was why they didn't refer to me by title, I would be immediately on guard if they used the wrong moniker.
They were brave in the face of danger. That scout faced my bluff head on, he understood he was disposable, yet he poked the bear. They had the guts and ingenuity to feign leaving the castle not once but twice with a similar plan. And I didn't have the foresight to stop them. I was too greedy. Assuming they were trapped rats when instead they were foxes. I was too impatient. My leadership led to us losing the enemy in our own headquarters, they were free to scout longer and had even procured disguises. We had no idea of the numbers; how strong they were or if they had insider information. Until we found them, we would never be sure whether they had even left… 24-hour security detail, the King wouldn't be safe in his own castle. This is the greatest failure the King's guard can conceive.
Rather than running down the endless flights of stairs I had to cover ground. I jumped out the window of the spire, my wings stretching as I hovered delicately towards the roof. The soldier in charge approaching, with a nervousness evident in his voice he knelt. "Captain, we have scoured the roof, the intruders don't appear to be anywhere near."
"Have any soldiers came by recently from the higher levels. Specifically, a duo."
"Two soldiers came by just a few minutes ago. I ordered them to immediately regroup in the main hall." He said whilst his head was lowered.
There was still time. Hopefully they haven't gotten much further than the main hall. If they made any strange movements my men would notice something off. If they attempted to run then there would be an uproar, I already ordered no one to allow a single soul outside. That leaves the underground.
Speeding through the castle, I reached the statue. My speed increased, wings powerfully beating as the scenery passed by. Eventually the main hall was before me. The large gathering of soldiers posted around each and every one of the exits and entrances.
"Captain." An individual stood at attention, a golden chest plate and helm along with a red feather crowned atop his head.
"Two soldiers must've come by here just a minute ago. Where are they?"
"Ah, they said they were reinforcing here from the rooftop with the search turning up nothing. I told them we had these exits covered and to take some men and cover the underground." The underground was vast, a single pass or two wouldn't be enough to map it out. I could catch them, plus there were soldiers alongside them, they could keep a decent look out for them.
"I'm following after. Take your post and continue your work here."
"Captain?" I walked towards the stairs prepared to take off. My legs tensed and pumped constantly carrying me down the spiralling staircase. Shadows were cast on the walls I continued down. Spears pointed in my direction.
"Captain! I apologise we've been stationed here to prevent the escape of the intruders." The frontline spearmen relayed his orders.
"All of you out of my way. NOW!" The men scurried down the staircase, a few falling to the ground as they escaped. This was too convenient. Watching the staircase was obvious, but this many men halfway down the staircase? It was as if every last thing was just to slow me down.
If they were to escape it had to be the entrance they used earlier. I sped off in that direction. Bounding the corners, accelerating at every given opportunity until I heard a loud roar in that direction. "INTRUDERS! IN THE WATERWAYS!".
Turning around the last corner, the silhouettes of two guards were decapitated and kicked into the water. The culprits void of any disguise immediately turned and sprinted down the pathway attempting to run. Not if I have anything to say about it. My wings beat more powerfully than ever before, the wind rushing by as my body continued to accelerate to all new heights. The draw bridge was within eyesight, but I was gaining on them. I drew my sword prepared to bite into the flesh of the intruder scum. They jumped over the moat; in flight I swung my blade true. The blade bit into the air barely grazing the flesh beneath the blazer; blood trickled from the arm of the intruder. Too shallow. A boundary I couldn't cross erected.
The intruder turned to look at me as he reached the other side. His golden irises focused on me, paying no heed to the injury on his arm. It wasn't considered because it wasn't important. This… all of it… was planned. On the first expedition they had made us look foolish. Intruding the castle from the waterways and making their way to the King himself. Found intimate secrets of the castle, managed to gain access to disguises. Sown discord between the guards themselves and now we were unsure if they were the only threat on the horizon.
As those thoughts drifted through my mind, his luminescent orbs peered straight through me. As if everything were obvious. He wanted me to see this, needed me to. I could kill both of them. They weren't strong enough to stop me, I could feel it in their presence. Yet, I would never get the opportunity. That was the sense I gathered from his appearance. I continued to watch them before they disappeared from view, disappearing as elusively as they arrived.
What was I to tell the King?
Thoroughly this was a loss. It could be seen as nothing else. We didn't even have the opportunity to use the King's plan. As we were preparing our next move, they were already several ahead. They had already intruded on his private quarters; the blade of the enemy was already primed against the King's throat.
To reveal this information would sow discord between the entire guard. If the idea that two more intruders were remaining in the castle were to ever come to light, then it couldn't function again. Or were they the only intruders? My head was aching. Was that last move a feint once again? We wouldn't find the armour anywhere, I was sure. If it was a feint, why? Why get rid of a disguise? If they intend to come again then it would be the worst move… If only I could retrieve those bodies… It's useless to think of that now, the waterways drain in an area I cannot cross. Much like their escape, that is a barrier I cannot eclipse.
It was too convenient. But that made it even more difficult to decide whether this was another trap.
They were caught at the exit, they had just enough time and distance to escape from my grasp without fighting. They killed the guards and got rid of the bodies, two of them. If I asserted that the intruders were gone then that would allow any deceptive interlopers to skulk around the castle. If I revealed the enemies within the walls, then there would be no end to the conflict. The King would have to be constantly monitored, and the guards would all have to be strictly interviewed. Even after that we wouldn't be able to say with 100% certainty that all enemies were gone.
At the end of the day, I don't even know if they still have men on the inside… If they did, how many? What positions did they hold? Were they upper echelons or just the grunts? How long had they been lying in wait? Were the prisoners involved?
That incident a few days ago…
Two prisoners escaped from the cage and defeated Eligor. Whilst strong, he was still human. If the King's guard had been there then the fight would've been a massacre. We were stationed higher to prevent the same situation that might've happened today…
Prisoners escaping and biting the hand that feeds, this is the first time this has happened. Even in the long history of this kingdom. I can't help but think that the events were a precursor to something even worse. Enemy forces on the horizon and a third party with unclear intentions in the castle walls.
My gaze reverted to the flailing flag battered by the heavy winds. It was still the same distance as before. With time, they would grow closer. We could only hope we were prepared to fight for our lives when that time comes.
With a sigh I turned back to the castle. I hadn't exerted myself much at all. Yet I felt as if I had just come back from fighting a thousand battles. And I wasn't winning. Not in the least.
Word count: 3264
A bit of a strange chapter, POVs were all over the place. Might've been a mistake but it was what came to me whilst writing. I can only apologise if it was confusing to follow.
Hopefully, you enjoyed. As always, let me know any thoughts you have on the story so far.
P.S. I'll be providing an update as to why it's taken so long for the chapter shortly. But to get the general point across, I now have a Patreon. You can access it here:
Chapters will be released monthly as was the intended schedule beforehand. The patreon is just for early access to three more chapters from each of these fics. Any support is appreciated greatly, thanks for your patience and support.
Until next time.