Chapter 16: Trophy Hunt
"Haah. Haaah… Give me a minute… Fuck… Last time I listen to you." Sakamoto panted whilst collapsing on the ground. Meanwhile I removed the two guards I had dispatched into a corner for the meanwhile. I could only hope that this area wasn't examined often, if patrols looked for these guards and turned up nothing we'd be in the deep end.
On the bright side, our struggle was worth it. These guards were well decorated and would have swiftly cut off our escape. The only reason we managed to take them out silently is by surprise. I could only thank my lucky stars that they couldn't hear our voices during the escapade in the passageway. Fortunately, whilst climbing Sakamoto was too busy focusing on not falling to argue and get us spotted.
"Gather your breathe and get ready to move out again."
"How… the hell… aren't you tired?" Fatigue hit me just like anyone else, my upper limits were simply higher than most. If you climbed with proper technique and exercised regularly then it would be the same. I had the foresight to bring gloves before this, so I at least didn't have to sacrifice my hands and grip for this ordeal.
"Just focus on holding a few breaths in for now." I stated whilst approaching the door, placing my ear against it and attempting to identify any movement in the next room. Of which there didn't seem to be any. Of course, any opponents could simply be still, so I was remaining vigilant.
Peeking through a crack in the door, there didn't seem to be anyone present. Opening the door wider that was the case for the entire room. Two doorways were located at either end of the room. From here we'd have to scout the general location. We needed to find the path upwards. No doubt the throne room and it's treasury would be holed up at the top of this ridiculous castle.
Hearing scuffling behind I noticed Sakamoto getting up from the ground, still heaving a few ragged breathes as he stood.
"Stay close." Entering the room, silently sneaking to the left side of the room and peering through yet another door revealed the presence of a few guards as they looked down a staircase on the opposite side of the room. Not that way. Let's hope. I turned back and gave the other door a try. This time revealing a large golden figure, wings protruding from his back, addressing a group of smaller soldiers each with various armour pieces gilded with brilliant gold. Those with a golden helmet and chest piece stood at the head of their own platoons engaging with the commander's instruction.
"Comply with your orders as stated. Each of you will get your new positions. Squadron 1, position at the east wing of main hall." He continued to relay commands to the squads. Tch, should've checked here sooner. The platoons would split soon enough, a few coming in our direction. Crap. I moved back instantly and grabbed Sakamoto to enter the elevator room.
Looking at the two figures in the corner, the only possible solution came to mind. I approached the two taking care to remove the armour lightly. "Come help me."
"Crap, yeah. Gotcha." He begun to remove the armour of the other soldier. At least he was quick on the uptake. Without the armour a dark figure emerged, no definitive traits, not even eyes or a mouth. It was a silhouette of a person taken human form. The lack of humanity in their corpse would at least prevent Sakamoto from freaking out. Taking a minute or so to remove the large metallic shells we quickly stuffed the two bodies inside one of the barrels in the corner of the room. Out of sight, out of mind.
Assisting each other with the armour had taken a few minutes, much quicker than would've been expected in real life. If we were to fight or run, then the farce would be easily uncovered. But just standing guard should be enough. We continued to stand there in silence for a few minutes. Until finally the doorway opened. The large menacing figure from a moment ago approached us. In a deep, stern voice he asked "Report."
I stepped forward and saluted in a similar manner to the officers in the other room. "Nothing to report, sir."
"…You." His wings contracted once powerfully, enough to send a shockwave through the room.
Continuing to hold the salute, I looked at the commandeering figure.
"Is that how you address your superior officer?" He asked whilst lashing his wings at me. I continued to hold the pose and addressed him with deference.
"I apologise. I shall take any punishment you deem appropriate." His face became closer and closer as he intended on staring me down.
"And if I tell you to jump from here?" He looked towards the very chasm we had climbed from.
"I shall do it with pleasure." My voice didn't waver.
"…Stay in position. You. Make sure you discipline him properly." The large figure retreated from the room without so much as a single look back. As the door closed behind him a large sigh came from beside me. He began to breathe heavily, the strain from the atmosphere restricting the oxygen in his lungs.
"Take a few deep breaths." I nudged him a bit further from the hole, to create some distance with the fatal drop.
His breathing slowly stabilised and became closer to a resting rate. His body still trembled uncontrollably now and again.
"Take these off. We're putting them back on those bodies." I said whilst removing the helmet.
"…Why?" He asked between bated breaths.
"Trust me on this." Without asking any more questions he helped me retrieve the bodies from inside the barrels, taking the armour off and placing it once again on the shadowy figures. These struggles took a few minutes. The only sounds in the room being Sakamoto's feigned controlled breathing and the clinking of the metallic armour being fitted. We lay the bodies as if they had been attacked from the front and left the room. Military presence in the vicinity seemed to be getting increasingly barren. Thanks to our commotion earlier.
Walking through the doorway on the right led to the room of gathering platoons. Now void of any soldiers. There was a strange pressure towards the corner of the room. A doorway, a thick mist covering it. As I approached closer the mist became thinner, but a double image begun to form. What looked like a classroom from our school emerged. The presence of this world seemed quite weak in its vicinity. Why?
"Should we check it out?" Sakamoto asked from behind.
"…For now, let's continue." For all we know this could transport us back into the real world. With the time as it is we would be trespassing, better not to risk it. I led him up the stairs and to the next door into a room littered with large busts, the same kind as on the elevator. The gaudy statues created rows and rows of bodies. Few soldiers were scattered in the maze. Few enough for us to easily sneak past and continue on our path.
The next room, even higher. The faint sound of something whirring could be heard as we entered. With careful consideration I creeped forward to find the origin of the sound. Traps. A whole lot of them.
A suspended iron bridge with spikes hovering 10 feet or so below it. Large blades and blunt instruments swung freely from the ceiling along the pathway. A clear indication we weren't supposed to be here. Unfortunately, it was the only pathway forward. The wall before us was completely stalwart. The only other object of interest in the spacious room was a statue of Kamoshida's face. One emerald eye present in the statue, the other questioningly absent.
"What in the resident evil bullshit is this?" I wasn't familiar with what that expression meant.
"I mean there's clearly a key of some sort, but where the hell do we get it from?" Well, yeah. It was so obvious that it was actually questionable. I know what I'd do in Kamoshida's position.
"…I think you can guess."
"…Nuh-uh. No way. That guy would massacre us." It seemed the winged figure was still fixed in Sakamoto's head.
"Probably." I was all out of bullets and Sakamoto only had a few shells left on his overcoat. They were held in small compartments that ran along in a row atop the leather. It was strange, it held ammunition that was complementary to the gun, despite the fact that the clothing had materialised when we entered this realm. I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being provided these things… If so, what is giving them to us?
"The heck are we supposed to do?" Sakamoto tousled his hair in mild indignation.
"Turn back. Or at least that's what they'd like us to do."
"We can only get this far… Shit."
"It's not like we have to get the key to advance, though." I said whilst stretching slightly.
"…Are you crazy?!"
"Who knows?" I replied whilst approaching the traps.
"Are you sure I'm the one with the death wish?" He asked whilst eyeing me doubtfully.
"…" I ran towards the swinging blade dodging by the skin of my teeth as the next came rocketing towards my head. I stopped immediately as the blade came to a halt from the momentum just an inch from my face, I followed as it rushed backwards and sidestepped before it could turn once again. The bridge had a break in the middle, a large pair of blades continually interlocked like scissors. As they continued snipping away, I sprinted waiting for the appropriate time and vaulted between the blades, rolling on the other side and dodging the final blade. Without a single scratch.
"…Okay, that was sick. You're still an asshole, though." I gave a sarcastic bow from the other side of the bridge.
"Alright, now you." He blinked a few times, looking as if he were asked the most insane question in history.
"Yeah. Nah… I ain't doing that." His hands waved continuously, batting the idea away as completely insane.
"Then you'll have to wait here. I don't think the throne room's much further, anyway."
"Is there no way for you to stop the trap from that side?"
Conveniently looking away from the small lever that remained affixed to the wall, I replied. "No. We have to be quick. Try not to make much noise, I'll be back soon enough."
"Hey, shouldn't we have- like a plan in case you aren't?" Ye of little faith?
"Keep your phone close, if I'm not back in 20 minutes or sooner then get moving. Take the elevator and leave the castle." The time function worked incredibly enough, though nothing else other than the meta-nav ever did.
"Are you crazy? I'm not leaving you here!" He shouted in a hushed whisper, or at least as close as Sakamoto could get to that.
"I thought you didn't want me around?" His feelings seemed to change with the weather, one second, I was the enemy the next a dear friend. I was struggling to come to terms with it.
"Is now really the time for this!?" Strangely, he didn't answer my question.
"I warned you earlier. Get serious. This isn't a game, Skull. Either of us could die, if that happens the other one has to finish the job." I didn't have any intention of dying, but it was still a possibility.
"Just make sure you come back. And hurry!" He shouted and immediately turned towards the entrance to the room. Preparing in the case any interlopers got in the way. Shouldn't be a problem any time soon.
I nodded and ran off in the direction of the stairs a distance away. Smoothly ascending and entering the next room, where no guards were stationed. The busts were present once again, this time at a much greater scale than before. Large white doors with golden engravings were framed by two of these busts. A single push on the doors opened them with slight resistance despite the size of them. A single throne lay in the middle of the room, velvet red with golden accents, the frame casting a shining shadow along the marbled floor.
Up the stairs, large doors stood imposingly. They were thicker than even the throne room doors, or the entrance to the castle. His treasure. It lay behind these doors I was sure of it. As the room was vacant, I could assume our king was inside or elsewhere in the castle. No matter the consequences, I needed to see what I was working with. I approached the steps and gingerly sneaked towards the door. Even placing my ears against the door didn't elucidate me to the insides. There was no other option. Rather than sneak in, I pushed them open. Confidently striding into the space.
Sweat and sin were fresh in the air. A writhing mass of lust slithered on the floor. Innumerable nude women lay there. At the end of the room sat the king with a consort. A few girls along with Ann in her usual attire. The usual attire in this place, anyway.
Hung from the ceiling in a bird cage sat Suzui Shiho wearing an outfit that resembled a bunny. Though that reminiscence was about all it left to the imagination. If he wanted to, he could reach into the cage from here, yet it sat in the equilibrium…
I continued to stride forwards as the king drunk on his power paid no heed. His attention devoured by the harem servicing him. It was only when I reached the centre of the room that he looked up. Sweat poured from his face, the colour drained, and his eyes widened. Fear. For being seen? Or for having his safe place intruded on?
"H-How…" He stuttered as my illuminated figure shone in the dim light. His hands quickly grasped one of the women closer, the other shot up to his crown. Nestling it securely on his head.
My gaze lingered on the women by his side then the crown atop his head before answering. "Is that really important?"
"…What do you want?"
"What do you think?" I punctuated the question with a step forward, the glint of my sword reflected in the din.
"If you kill me, you realise what will happen, right?" He said, still trying to feign his composure. Was it the company we had?
"Do I look like I care over something like that?"
"…The palace will crumble; you won't come out alive."
"Neither will you." I replied without giving him time to think.
"You'd be fine dying here?"
"It certainly isn't my first choice."
"What… What is your first choice?" His eyes were sharpening, he knew I didn't plan to kill him now. He could sense it in the air.
"What every man wants." I made a point of looking at each of the girls currently clinging to him.
"...I can't give it to you." He stated resolutely, whilst shaking his head.
"I think you can. I think you will."
"No. I can't." His arms raised from their position, erecting an invisible wall between us. Fair to say my sword would break through that empty attempt.
"It's that or your life." I continued to approach.
His eyes glazed with fear, his expression muddied by immutable rage, fear, sadness. A concoction of misery evident on his face. The silence hovered over him threateningly.
"I could do us both a favour and be rid of our need for competition." I stated as my sword approached one of the many women on the floor. The amorous atmosphere shattered as my sword broke the bubble. Her chest heaving from the fear of sudden death. Using the sword, I lifted her chin, so she was staring directly into my eyes. Her breathing accelerated and the women surrounding us moved further away.
"You can't!" The king stated as if it were impossible. An air of disbelief surrounding him.
"Can't or won't?" I spoke without looking up towards him. My eyes resting firmly on the woman. An intimate, albeit dangerous moment.
His lungs worked tirelessly, air heaved in and out with difficulty. He refused to believe it, yet still held fear at the sight of it. Which would it be; give up your desires to stay alive, or die holding what you longed for?
"I'm going to take your women. Your kingdom. Your power. The only path is abdication. Remove yourself or watch as I remove that head and crown myself." I removed the sword from her neck, stepping over the numerous women, further into the room. I continued to approach the king. Each step increasing the fear laden in his expression. In the moment of a man's mortality, that is when you see his true essence.
"No… NO! NO! UNNACCEPTABLE! I'LL KILL YOU MYSELF!" His face twisted, his body bloating alarmingly. As his joints contorted, and his body flushed with a blood red colour he fully engorged himself on one of the girls previously servicing him. Gradually he grew to the size of a small room, his figure imposing and disgusting. A monster of lust borne from fear.
"The real you. A disgusting monster given flesh. Even in this realm your women can't help but recoil in disgust." Suzui moved to a further corner of the cage, attempting to gain some distance between the red lump of flesh and herself. The other girls similarly created distance between them. Shivering at the sight of the disgusting monster.
"AYANOKOUJI!" The disfigured king slid forward attempting to grab me with his outstretched hand. To which I sliced a finger off and backstepped the attempt.
"AHHHH! MY BLOOD. THE KING'S BLOOD!" Dramatically he drew his hand back and whimpered. His tongue lashing at another one of the girls and devouring her. His finger regenerating immediately. This is quite possibly the worst place to fight him. I was only here for reconnaissance; I got what I came for.
"HAHAHA! WITNESS THE KING'S POWER! MY POWER!" Lunging with his entire body, he rapidly closed in on me. I leaped backwards, a group of women in his pathway. He drastically altered course and grabbed the walls, his claws sinking in to prevent crushing the girls in his trajectory. How amusing.
I stepped towards the door, prepared to leave the castle altogether. "Wash your neck. The next time we see each other, this kingdom will be mine." I slipped through the crack in the doors and shut them behind me.
"ARRRGHHH! AYANOKOUJI!" Even with the impressively thick doors, noise was escaping from the chamber. I had to get out of here quickly, I could hear the futile attempt to grasp the door with his transformed figure, it would only be a matter of time. I sprint back towards where I left Sakamoto. Opening the door rapidly I run along the staircase towards a figure lay on the floor. A few cuts along his jacket and bruises across his face. Sakamoto lay there, having only just overcome the trap apparently. I was uncharacteristically proud of his attempt. He was successful. I congratulated him in my own mind.
"Come on, we need to get moving." Activating the lever disarmed the traps. Sakamoto looked at me, then the lever, then back again.
"You've gotta be shittin' me…"
Before Sakamoto could further announce his displeasure, an alarm rang out and an announcement played. Kamoshida's voice resounded throughout the castle. "INTRUDERS, IN THE THRONE ROOM. KILL THEM ALL!"
Jumping to his feet Sakamoto followed me as we ran back the way we came towards the elevator room. Sprinting and demolishing the few guards along the way, they would be coming from the main hall. Few guards were on this level, we had to act quickly.
Dismantling the few opponents with the last few rounds of Sakamoto's shotgun and any leftovers with a few slashes of my sword took us to the familiar elevator room. Entering we saw the previously defeated guards still lay on the floor. Their bodies haven't been moved. Good. I grabbed the lever bringing the platform to this level. Then activated it once again to descend into the depths of the passages.
Only a few minutes later, I could hear the same imposing voice of that winged officer once again.
"Bastards! When they've descended bring the platform up. King's guard follow me, we'll descend and bring their heads. The rest of you form up and gather in the main hall. Watch the portrait, of our lord. If they emerge then skewer them with impunity. Go." The resounding of hundreds of footsteps reached our ears. We were trapped from both sides… Like cornered mice, hundreds of soldiers were already lying in wait. The king's guard with their commander would be actively hunting from behind. Catching us in a pincer before swiftly executing us. And yet somehow… I was closer to laughing than I had ever been before.
Word count: 3468
How will our heroes escape their predicament this time? Find out next time on Phantom Opera: White Soliloquy! Just kidding.
Not much to say this time. Sakamoto's reaction seemed real enough to me. This guard captain is essentially a god amongst humans. It'd be like facing down Guts as he walks towards you. I'd be shitting myself as well.
Kamoshida's character will be different from canon simply due to the plans I have for him in the future. He's a lot more intelligent than canon and his thought processes will differ accordingly.
Hope you enjoyed, let me know any thoughts you have on the story so far.
Until next time.