personal 2

Chapter 65: 66

As agreed, Jaime and Natasha returned to my office at the end of the day. By the serious, closed expressions, I got the idea that it wasn't going to be an easy conversation, and that it was better to be extremely careful with what I was going to say.

After the usual banalities, I went straight to the point - 'I assume you made a decision, can I know what it is?'

'What the Dragoons are and do, only concern them' answered Natasha with clenched teeth and a bellicose look. This is not starting well was my immediate thought.

'We are not confirming anything, Your Highness but Natasha is right and the Concordat has nothing to do with the internal affairs of the Dragoons.' replied Jaime in a calmer tone, but looking me straight in the eye and with a posture and tone of voice that left no room for doubt that I was on the road to big troubles if I kept on this path.

'Understood' was my immediate response as I processed the position of both.

'With that, I think it is time for us to leave.' asked Natasha standing up with a challenging look.

'Of course, there is no conflict between the two parties' was my answer to Natasha 'but I think that the initial reason for your coming here could still, be discussed, don't you think?' I continued, trying to get something out of this mess.

'I must say you are not lacking...' replied Kerensky with a laugh, starting to get up in order to leave, but was interrupted by Jaime.

'He's right, Natasha,' Jaime answered without getting up and with a thoughtful air, 'after all, we came here to discuss contracts and options of equipment production, not politics or loyalties.'

'You've got to be kidding me,' murmured the famous Black Widow as she sat down again.

'For my part, I'm interested in hiring for six months, Natasha's forces for advanced training' I was interrupted by a short laugh and a funny look from the red hair legend 'and as for the construction of Assault 'Mechs, I see no problem in creating a production line for the Shogun if the a sale is authorized for the TDF, which will make production profitable. For other customers, subject to your permission, of course'. 

After an exchange of glances between Jaime and Natasha, Jaime replied 'Unfortunately Colonel Kerensky's forces are unavailable for the foreseeable future' to train the Dragoons in Clan tactics, it was my thought 'however I could give you Zeta or Epsilon for that job.' Jaime replied 'As for the Shogun, I think we can come to an agreement.'

'Zeta? Please, Colonel, Zeta is the kind of blunt instrument that you aim at a target and say "Zeta, smash"' Natasha laughed at this ' but it is not the kind of unit that is useful in training other forces, Epsilon is acceptable. As for the Shogun, I was thinking of producing an updated version, like the -2H'.

'The initial SLDF model?' asked Jaime, after I agreed, he continued, 'if the first production run is for us we have an agreement.'

'I think that access to advanced technology is out of the question?' I asked without much hope 'In your dreams', was the answer in an ironic tone from Natasha, while Jaime more diplomatically shook his head.

''And regarding your "findings", I think you will keep them for yourself? After all, I think I read this sort of crap by dozens by now.' said Jaime.

'Why not? After all, we are business partners and it is not as if we were on the verge of being invaded' was my conclusion.

As I watched the Chieftain heading into space, I thought that I hadn't achieved much with this meeting, this is what you get when you underestimate your opponents. At least I didn't have to give complicated explanations to anyone.

Still thinking about it and even if I had been at first confused by the refusal of Jaime and Natasha to help the Inner Sphere so far, it was not that surprising.

Jaime was a very bitter man at this time as I saw it. He was founded to hate three of the four Houses of the Inner Sphere and this might explain his "refusal" to carry out his orders:

Kurita - for their breach of honor and backstab of both troops and dependents.

Marik - for the death of his brother and maybe his children as well as of innocent civilians, even if it was repaid in blood and fire, the bitterness could still be here.

Liao for hiring the Dragoons off to Marik as shock troops for the rebellion and using them as tools in their little games.

Or he could have had a problem of foreseeing how to do it alone without real proof of the Clans and without the possibility to harm innocent ones back "home" if he told everyone about it.

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