Chapter 64: 65
The integration of the Aurigan Reach in the Taurian Concordat was finally concluded on October 4, 3047, eleven and half years after the Agreement in March 3036.
The changes to the Aurigan side were fewer than one would have expected, mostly because the Aurigan legislation was loosely based on the Taurian one and because we were already partly economically integrated..
However, some problems needed to be addressed. For starters, the fact that there wasn't a 'Province' in the whole Taurian Concordat or anything close to that. After that, that said Province was to be governed hereditary by the Arano-Bassot family also needed to be included into the Taurian law. And many other big or small details, all vital for the good and pacific integration of both realms. Thomas took advantages of the need for so many changes in the Taurian laws to add a few of his owns with some of them being discarded after later review by the Concordat Courts. One of the big problems caused by the integration was that the Arano-Bassot were at the top of the power families, just under the Calderons, something the other families didn't like very much for obvious reasons. A lot of political soft power and a few behind the scenes negotiations were needed to get the legislation to pass, and even then with a closer margin than Thomas liked or would have thought (which probably meant more troubles ahead of us) Thankfully, for Thomas, the status of the rest of the Reach nobles, already left without much power by Kamea, was not touched upon by the new legislation, and they were considered as the equals of the Concordat ones. On the negative side, all these nobles were a group of unhappy people with some power, that sooner or later would need to be dealt with.
While many problems still existed, the decision to advance with the integration was made from both sides and from history, it was known that wanting all the problems to be fixed would mean running the risk of the unification never happening. After all, the Federated Commonwealth merge occurred with plenty of problems to be fixed.
During these eleven years a subtle campaign to win the hearts and minds of the Aurigans (and the Taurians) to the new future was run, with a remarkable success, aided, no doubt by the Aurigan royal family doing everything they could to ease the transaction – they would be governing the province after the unification, had signed the accords, and were not interested in troubles, after all.
The fact that during the past twenty years, first the Bassot companies and in the last decade the Concordat, had invested heavily inside the Reach, also helped. For example the shipyard in Mechdur, that before could barely repair a JumpShip at once, turned before the unification in a full shipyard, starting producing Invaders, while at same time being able to provide maintenance to six JumpShips at the same time. In reality, it had been planed that the first JumpShip should be built before the integration, but the Comstar / HPG Crisis had delayed that. And even if the population of the Reaches might still be lacking the skills to work there, they benefited from all these investments.
With so many things that still needed to be done, it was going to take several decades for the worlds to be fully integrated in the Concordat, but the process that had started eleven years ago, was coming to a new phase.
The ceremony held for this unification was festive in Taurus, and dignified in Coromodir – understandably, the ruling house had less to celebrate as they adjust changed from the supreme rulers of a nation to rulers – with a superior – of a province.
Soon after, the TDF forces and the Taurian diplomats started to 'visit' the free / independent worlds in the area that existed near Detroit and Herotitus. These worlds that the Aurigan Reach had in the past considered too poor to annex and that had mostly been abandoned by the Concordat, the Capellan Confederation or the Magistracy of Canopus long ago, were now from a security point of view, to be absorbed.
After all, it wasn't a good idea to have independent world inside the Concordat, and unlike the Reach or the investment program going on, they could be taken and brought to better standards without crippling the finances.