Path to Becoming the Greatest Space Mercenary

Chapter 39 Family Squabble

Once Avery had fished collecting his rewards, he could not help staring down at his terminal where the numbers in his bank account now read seven digits.

For a normal person living on Yuson II, this would be an amount they would have to work for decades without spending a single Krenin to reach.

Avery's own mother, who worked herself harder than most, only brought in anywhere between five to six thousand Krenin a month.

Of course, the three jobs she currently had did not entail risking her life or owning her own ship, but the difference in earnings was astounding.

It almost wanted to make Avery laugh and cry at the same time, as he remembered his own struggles as a poor salvager flying a hardly space worthy vessel.

"Well, I've got over two million Krenin now. It's time I make the arrangements with the hospital my father's in so that his lungs and spine can be restored." Avery said, contacting his mother so that he could transfer the money.

Yet, as he was in the middle of doing so, Kaiden came walking in.

He had come to collect his own pay, and his little sister.

When his eyes met Avery's, he gave him an almost murderous glare. Clearly, he was unhappy that Kasandra stayed with him during the patrol mission rather than boarding his ship.

However, this opening bit of animosity was hardly anything in comparison to what soon came after it.

Having received her own reward, Kasandra came back over to Avery's side. Standing close enough to him to prove that they were fairly intimate.

This seemed to snap something inside of Kaiden.

Now that he was completely focused on the two of him, his acute sense of smell could pick it up. How his sister's scent was all over Avery, and vice versa.

"I'll kill you!"

Imagining the worst, Kaiden lunged at the man he believed had coerced his sister and defiled her.

As one himself, he knew what most male mercenaries were like. If they had the chance to bed a beautiful woman, they would not hesitate to use a debt or some other means to pressure them. Since he had saved her life, it was not unreasonable to believe that Avery asked for certain favors in return.

'He's fast!' Avery thought as Kaiden closed in on him, an almost feral look on his face.

Still, as impressive as his burst of speed was and the ferocity of his attack, he paled in comparison to Urs.

Whenever Avery failed to meet expectations in the simulator, Urs would bring him to a training room for some sparing. Which really just entailed Avery getting beaten up while desperately trying to fight back.

During that time, he had honed his ability to react to sudden danger.

With reflexive movements, he reached down to his laser pistol at his waste.

Avery already understood that he would hardly be a match for Kaiden in a hand-to-hand brawl. Judging from the strength that Kassandra possessed, it was likely that her brother had also received enhancements of some kind.

'I don't really want to do this, but I'm not just going to let myself be attacked.' Avery thought as he leveled his weapon at Kaiden's chest.

There was only a meter between them now, a feat accomplished by Kaiden's impeccable speed. Except, that distance might as well have been a chasm. He was still too far away to reach Avery, and it would only take him a moment to pull down the trigger on his gun.


Yet, before Avery could fire, something unexpected occurred.

Kasandra had leapt at her brother to defend him.

Not expecting the sudden attack from the one person he trusted more than anyone, Kaiden's charge was broken, and he found himself slammed onto the floor and pinned there.

"Kas, what are you doing?! Get off me so that I can kill the bastard that violated you!"

Kaiden struggled to break free from his sister, but while he was a bit stronger than her, the position she had him in made it practically impossible for him to escape.

"Avery did not do anything of the sort. I consented, and I won't allow you to harm him just because you don't accept it. We're not kids anymore, and I don't need you trying to protect me from every little thing. I'm twenty-four and can make my own decisions." Kasandra said, looking down at her brother with an aggression he had never seen before.

This almost immediately deflated him. The fury Kaiden had been expressing just moments prior had completely disappeared. Replaced by an expression of confusion and despair.

There had never been a time in their past that Kasandra had been so wholly gone against him. Naturally, they had gotten into some arguments in the past, but this was different. Kaiden felt that his sister was willing to cast off ties with him over this.

Sensing that he had cooled off and was unlikely to become aggressive again, Kasandra got off her brother.

All around them, a crowd of mercenaries were watching the scene, and she gave each of them death glares as if to tell them to mind their own business or get beat down.

Even the toughest mercenaries present could tell that Kasandra meant bad news right now. Usually, she hardly seemed to care about anyone else and was cold and aloof. But right now, the aura she was emitting was downright murderous. Clearly, this scuffle with her brother had put her into just as foul a mood as he had been in.

Avery for his part was doing his best to retain his cool, though there was a hint of fear in his eyes. It was then and there that he swore never to get on Kasandra's bad side.

When she finally turned back around to face him, he noticed that there was some trepidation in her eyes. Wondering if seeing her lose her composure had disillusioned him somehow.

"Come on, let's go back to the Dauntless. You're still registered as part of my crew. So as long as you want to stay, your more than welcome onboard." Avery said, looking a bit embarrassed by what amounted to a true confession.

Kasandra perked up immediately, and slightly nodded her head as her lips turned up into a bright smile.

All the while, Kaiden's expression had become aghast, as he watched his younger sister leave him behind.

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