Path to Becoming the Greatest Space Mercenary

Chapter 38 Massive Payday

When Avery awoke, the first thing he saw was a bit of cloth hanging above his head.

As the drowsiness faded from his eyes, he immediately recognized it as Kasandra's bra, and the memories of what had occurred before he fell asleep came back to him.

'I might have let myself get a little out of control there.'

What Avery and Kasandra had lacked in experience, since this had been both of their first times, they more than made up for in enthusiasm and sheer stamina.

Thanks to their chosen profession, their bodies were more trained than the average person's, and Avery even suspected that his partner had undergone some bionic enchantments considering the vigor she had displayed.

And as he thought about Kasandra, he could feel her next to him.

After they had finished doing the deed, the two of them had lain down for a bit of shuteye before arriving at Yuson II.

Now she was snuggled up with one of his arms, and he could hear and feel her purring softly as she clung to him. A very happy and satisfied smile on her face as she slept.

Feeling her body heat that was a couple degrees higher than a human's was almost soothing enough to drag Avery back into dreamland.

Yet, as he glanced at his terminal to check the time, he found that they were only seven minutes out from reaching the vicinity of Yuson II.

Of course, if Avery really wanted to continue sleeping, he very well could. It was not like there was some law that compelled him to dock the second he arrived.

Still, seeing as how his reward from taking part in the pirate extermination and subsequent patrol mission was waiting for him, he could not hold in his anticipation any longer.

Plus, his father was currently in the hospital waiting for the money necessary for his restorative treatments. And while he had told Avery in the past that it was not his responsibility, he naturally could not just abandon one of his parents to a terrible fate when there was something he could do about it.

Feeling a bit hesitant since she looked so peaceful and content sleeping, Avery softly caressed Kasandra's cheek with his right hand to wake her up.

In a bit of a daze as she became partially conscious, she suddenly licked his fingers and nuzzled up against him. As if trying to compel him to go back to sleep with her.

"Kasandra, we've nearly arrived. It's time to get up." Avery said, placing his mouth close to her ears.

This time, she fully awoke, and the pointy ears atop her head twitched.

"I see. How long did we sleep?" She asked, sitting up and stretching her arms above her head.

In doing so, the sheets and blankets covering her upper body fell down. Exposing her ample chest that swayed ever so slightly as she moved.

Avery's eyes were immediately drawn to them, and he could not help staring with an almost goofy look on his face.

"Oh, did you want to go for another round?" Kasandra asked, wearing a coquettish smile and arching her back to emphasize her bust.

Without thinking, Avery nearly gave into passion once again but stopped himself at the last moment.

Remembering the current condition his father was in; he felt that now was hardly the time to allow his lust to take over.

When they had finished the first time, just a little over an hour ago, there had been nothing he could do for his father, and he had been caught up in the moment.

That was no longer the case. In just a couple minutes, he would be back at Yuson II and in a position to save his father's life. In good conscience, he could not take any divergent paths from this goal. No matter how enticing Kasandra was. There would be time for such activities in the future.

Once he told Kasandra all of this, she instantly understood. Even going so far as to ask if there was anything she could do to help despite having only just recently lost her ship and means to make money.

"No, I should be fine. This was a more profitable job than I was expecting. I'll definitely have more than enough to pay for the regenerative treatments he needs." Avery said assuredly.

Having finished their discussion, the two of them quickly cleaned up and put on some fresh clothes, before heading to the cockpit.

Upon dropping out of lightspeed, Avery swiftly put in a request to dock and was granted permission just a few minutes later.

Thanks to the autodocking function, the Dauntless touched down in the hanger without issue, and the two of them disembarked.

Their first destination was obviously the Mercenary Association branch. While Kasandra's ship had been destroyed, she was still entitled to the money she earned before that unfortunate occurrence, and the bit she was owed from working as a member of Avery's crew during the patrol mission.

"Looks like it's not too busy yet." Avery mused as they entered.

He had been at the front of the pack of those returning to the station. So all the others that had finished up the same request had not yet arrived to collect their money.

Seeing the same receptionist he had worked with in the past, Avery headed towards the man, while Kasandra went to a different empty booth.

"Ah, your back! I've already heard about the crazy, reckless, and wild stunts you pulled. Flying directly into a horde of enemies to deliver a torpedo right into the heart of their formation. Now that's the kind of stuff I love hearing about."

Avery nearly flinched back at how enthusiastic the man was. Every time Avery came back, his personality seemed to change a bit. Growing more and more exhilarant as Avery's achievements became more impressive.

"Well, if you already know what I did, then I'm sure you realize what I'm here for."

"Certainly. You want what you're owed. Let me just check the numbers and confirm that everything is correct."

A few keystrokes later, the receptionist pulled up Avery's statistics for the raid.

Seeing them, he let out a long whistle and transmitted the data to Avery's terminal.

"You took down a hundred and three pirates all total. Along with a few assists. With eighty-three small vessels, nineteen medium vessels, and a single large vessel, your pay for pirate elimination comes out to one million three hundred seventy-nine thousand Krenin."

Hearing this number was almost enough to make Avery dizzy with excitement. He had already done some calculations in his head, but having someone from the association say it aloud made it feel more real.

And while his pirate kills did constitute the largest part of his pay day, that was not all of it. With an average bounty of seven thousand three hundred Krenin, Avery was looking at a bit more than another seven hundred fifty thousand.

His total pay for the job was going to push him past two million Krenin, and this was even before counting the extra pay from the patrol mission and the loot he had in his cargo hold.

In one fell swoop, his total worth had ballooned to more than ten times what it had been before.

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