Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 949: Everything is ready (2 in 1)

"Why don't you seem surprised at all?"

"Um... because... after all, it's you." Guy scratched his head embarrassedly, "This is a coincidence..."

"After all, someone has long told me the approximate location... I was lucky and didn't waste too much time searching for specific locations."

"Guy... and Heliga and Fei?" Lloyd was taken aback, "What about the three of you..."

"I just ran into it when I was about to go out." Guy spread his hands. "Then he was about to take them over to catch up with the small talk of the three of you."

"It's really fore and aft...I saw it obviously when Guy went out." Kevin smiled, "Is everything on your side taken care of?"

"What a hippy smile." Heliga glanced at him dissatisfiedly. "There are so many things in my place. You guys are not reliable at all. Tell me they are in the southern swamp jungle. Why don't you change them? Tell me a bit more about the location? Had it not been for Fei discovered the traces of your people fighting with Warcraft in the forest a few days ago, I am afraid we will be around this place for an entire afternoon."

"Oh... isn't this for not being exposed. Who knows if that guy Dita will use the power of Miko Zero to engage in radio monitoring or something." Kevin curled his lips, "You didn't know when you first came, "Red People from "Zodiac" are fighting fiercely, and they are now searching for us nearby. "

"Red Constellation? In this case, what if Sigmund came in person? You have a lot more people than them, right." Heliga looked puzzled. Needless to say, Arios, Guy is basically. The upper level is already infinitely close to this level of combat power, and the underlings are even more elite, and there are guardian knights with stigmata on their backs. No matter how you look at it, there is no disadvantage.

"That's why it happens that... we just got together today." Lloyd smiled bitterly and stretched out his hand to Heliga. "Before this, we had been scattered and acted. In this case, we were facing each other. Soldiers, there is a high possibility of downsizing."

"Yes, it has always been like this before. Lloyd and the others use the mobility of the airship to fight guerrillas on the airship of the church, and at the same time take care of the work of intelligence transmission. I brought a group of search officers to the ground to pester them," "Red Constellation" I rarely see, mainly to deal with Sonia's soldiers... "Red Constellation" is solved by Arios and the guerrillas. Heliga stretched out his hand and shook Lloyd's hand, Guy explained.

"So that's it... you have acted separately." Heilijia suddenly realized-if you gather together, you are naturally not afraid of the hunters, but if you spread out, you will face the hunters who are not disadvantaged in number. , It is easy to be dangerous, "However, for such a long time of scattered operations, now gathering together, it means that you have a plan?"

"Yeah." Arios didn't hide it, and just said it directly, "At present, our plan is to divide the troops into three groups-to act together. First, the guerrillas and I went to the Zaxon Iron Mine. Bian, attacking the headquarters of the "Red Constellation" while trying to hold their main force. In this way, sufficient help can be provided to both groups. I have already discussed this matter. The prospective guerrillas will not participate in the exhibition, and all the Crossbel guerrillas will join the battle. "

"Take the initiative... If you are unlucky, there may be casualties." Heliga frowned-perhaps facing Lloyd and others, the "Red Constellation" would depend on Dita's order, and Dita's order was established. On the basis of Qia's wishes, she will not be a killer to Lloyd and others. But for guerrillas, they probably do not have such a psychological burden. Although the guerrillas of Krossberg are very strong, it is difficult to say what the actual situation will be in the face of the rain of bullets in the hunting regiment.

After all, this was not the second-rate soldier who was bewitched by Joachim and invaded Clos Bell at the time-but one of the strongest "Red Constellation" in the mainland, or the elite commanded by the head "War Ghost" himself.

"Don't worry... we are just going to cover, not desperately. I have already explained to them, try to delay the time, do not expose to the firepower of the opponent, if it is really dangerous, retreat is also possible. Moreover, I think even the hunters should not easily exchange their lives with us." Arios calmly said, "As long as we can hold them for a few hours, it should be fine."

"Okay... Since it's your judgment." Although Heliga was still uneasy, she nodded temporarily, "What about the other two groups?"

"I brought the investigators and the people who were willing to help us when we robbed the prison before, to attack Mishuram." Guy said, "We have found out before, and it seems that there has been a strengthening of guards there. "Ghosts" often go there to check, thinking about some important person. Later, we finally contacted reporters from the Clos Bell News Agency-they said that Speaker McDowell seemed to be held there. "

"You are going to save him?" Heliga understood what Guy meant-Speaker McDowell must have been imprisoned by Dita, so that he could not speak in this case, and if he did so after regaining his freedom. , It will hit the legitimacy of the Dita regime to a great extent, thereby disrupting the now morbid and stable Clos Bell, thereby creating opportunities for their actions and legitimizing them, "but if "It happens to be there—"

"So, Liz and I will follow." Kevin patted his chest. "Although Sigmund Orlando is indeed terrible, it shouldn't be a problem with Guy and I. As for those Search officers, their strength should also be stronger than you think... They are like guerrillas and Lloyd, as long as they act together and cooperate with each other, they can always solve problems."

"So that's it... this way, it's more secure." Heliga said persuasively, "Then, what is the last group...?"

"The last group is Lloyd and the others... But their purpose is very simple, they just want to simply find their companions." Guy said, "That fellow Noel seems to have been confused after joining the guard...but Lloyd doesn't seem to want to let her go on like this. Besides, based on so long of trial and error, I have almost figured out what Sonya thinks... As long as they can do this, they should be able to convince her to join us. Coming here...Of course, another Star Cup knight will also go with them, otherwise it should be difficult to kill the defense over there with the support section alone."

"... Why does it sound a bit like Li En and the others. For this reason." Heliga scratched his head, "Forget it... Anyway, I'm here to help. I'm just asking about your affairs. You have arranged your respective tasks. Okay, now should I be involved?"

"Don't worry... this is just a preliminary plan. In fact, even if we do, we may not be able to lift that barrier for the time being." Arios said, "About this day, earlier, Father Kevin I went to check it out above Clos Bell... You know that the two divine machines have always been guarded east and west of Clos Bell, so even the church airship never dared to approach there, but yesterday’s situation was a bit special... …The Republic seems to be unwilling to give up. Since Dita announced the independence of Crossbel, in addition to the attacks from the Empire and the Republic that day, the Republic has also launched several large-scale raids... This raid seems to be two-fold. The magic machine attracted the past at the same time. Therefore, Father Kevin and the others dared to go idling over Clos Bell and collected some detection data."

"According to the readings, the power of this barrier is a bit similar to what Wiseman used in the floating city before...Although it can be broken through with extremely high purity power, it is a futile thing after all, even if it is Merka. Wa’s main gun may not be able to blast it away... and this kind of action is bound to attract a magical machine. When the main gun is charged, Merkava has no counterattack ability." Kevin took it. At the beginning, "However, the area around Clos Bell is not so vigilant. We have visited the surrounding areas with strong spiritual response before, and the final conclusion is that the reading is similar to the city center, only "Xing Jian" "The Tower" and "Monastery of the Moon". "

"Isn't it a coincidence... When we came, we seemed to find that this was wrong too-if you take a look in the direction of Galeria Gorge, you will find that Clos Bell's protective shield is flat and spread. It is not evenly spread. If you look closely, you will find that there seems to be something wrong with the northwest and southwest directions."

"Yeah...this is what we have always guessed, but it was only confirmed today." Kevin nodded, "Crossbell's protective shield is the most precious power, but we are bold enough to guess that the zero Prince is currently Haven't fully mastered her own power...or maybe she is vaguely resisting this power in her heart. Therefore, these two spiritual veins are sufficient, and the originally weird place should have some special place that can assist her. The power of the building."

"And the two places and the downtown area of ​​Closberg... the only thing in common is the big clock. I heard that the clock has been placed next to the fountain in the central square for a long, long time. I didn't expect it to be more than a simple one. Decoration." Lloyd said, "I think if there is a way to stop the bell on the monastery and the tower, it should be able to stop this resonance, and maybe it will directly make the energy shield disappear... at least it should be weakened a lot. That's right."

"But the problem is... Even so, if you want to enter the city, you still have to face those two divine machines that are difficult to deal with. Plus, based on the intelligence we detected... those two locations seem to be They are also guarded by masters."

"Is it an association?" Heliga wondered.

"Yeah. The person in charge of the Moon Monastery is "Taohua Master" Kemparera, and the Star View Tower...seems to be "The Saint of Steel."" Arios murmured. "Although it is difficult for me to see what Kemparera is thinking, at least those weird spells can be dealt with. But "The Saint of Steel"...I think it will be difficult to defeat. "

"So, we want to ask you to help. If you can..." Lloyd asked tentatively.

"But... why is this different from what I heard?" Heliga was puzzled. "According to the news I found in the empire, the action of "Association" on Crossbell's side should be almost over. In this case, I don't think she will stay here... Is there anything else happening in the middle? "

"We don't know the specific situation either... but if it's going to go to war, we hope you can go there together." Lloyd said earnestly, "As for what will happen there, make plans."

"Okay... if you just follow it. If she wants to do it, it won't be a big problem for me to keep you, but you can't count on me and her, and "associate" to tear your skin. "Heliga thought for a while and said.

"That's natural... you're in the empire, I also heard Father Kevin say something, knowing that there are still many things between you and the association." Lloyd naturally nodded in agreement.

"However, before that... the two divine machines of the association, I hope you can help." Kevin said, "According to the information given by the old man Yoguru, the two divine machines should be the "sixth pillar." The new type of machine designed is completely driven by the power of the supreme treasure... But he also said that it seems that these two divine machines are not completely controlled, and can be considered as autonomous actions. "

"I understand... Ling's Patil Mathil seems to have this kind of self-learning mechanism." Helijia nodded, "Besides, with the blessing of the treasure, the energy and supplies they get are amazing. Fighting a war of attrition won't must have the ability to destroy it with a single blow."

"Yeah...this ability, I am afraid that only you can have it at the moment. As for me..." After a pause, Kevin stopped talking with hesitation.

"..." Heliga saw that Kevin wanted to speak and stopped, knowing that there was something in his words, but it was inconvenient to say clearly at this time, so he said: "I should be able to do it... but this is only one. Another one. Taiwan, are you going to give it to Ling and the others?"

"Well... what Patil Mathil said is the oldest model among all the heavy mechas in the association. With the addition of the enhancements of Master Yoguru and Dr. Russell, it is not as infinite. The treasure of energy should also be able to drag on for a while. Coupled with Miss Ling’s amazing intelligence processing capabilities..." Kevin said, "However, they probably don’t have the exact means to cause one blow. I’m afraid I can only hold it temporarily, and then rely on you..."

"..." Heliga frowned--this plan seemed to be something wrong.

Does it have something to do with what Kevin said but stopped? He thought so.

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