Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 948: Eve (two in one)

Perhaps it was because the operation was about to start, so I felt that he should be more cautious-Heilijia did not see Lloyd and the others in a place closer to the Yuezhi Monastery in the north. However, in the jungles of the southern swamps, he did see Lloyd and others-using super-wide life detection spells.

Because of the riots in the ground veins, the animals and monsters in the surrounding area have also fallen into a very special state, becoming even more unpredictable. Heliga had already discovered this, so the feedback from Warcraft could be easily identified in his opinion. And the jungle is not as lively as the city, and he doesn't have to worry about interference from other people.

Outside of about one hundred and fifty Sel moments, Heliga felt a faint, but continuous reaction. There is no doubt that it is because a large number of people gathered in this direction. Although these breaths cannot tell who they are because of such a long distance, but in this situation, a large number of people gathered-who else could they be if they weren't Lloyd?

After moving closer in this direction, Heliga became more clear about this idea. Because Fei found something.

"The fragments of tactical smoke bombs... this model seems to be something that the Crossbell police will equip. I have seen them before." Fei's memory has played a big role. "Those members of the police should I don’t know how to use this kind of thing."


"Because this kind of smoke bomb has a strong dispersal effect on monsters, but it is not very effective for people..." Fei carefully examined the fragments in her hand, "I think it should be one of them who encountered it in this forest. World of Warcraft, but because of various reasons, I didn't want to get entangled, so I used this method to get out quickly."

"Well... if you look closely, the dirt around here also has some messy footprints. But it was covered by the dust and fallen leaves that fell later..." Heliga heard the words and took it from the place where the Philippines had just picked up the shrapnel. A small branch pushed aside the fallen leaves, "The shape should not be a human footprint."

"Well... it should be some kind of cat monster." Fei also checked carefully, "and there should be a lot of them, they are not sure that they will be able to defeat it... Ragram has reactions on that side, even more. Don't mention it here."

"Speaking of it, I have never had the opportunity to hear you talk about things over there." Heliga realized that Fei had gone to help Laura Emma and the others clean up the Warcraft before, and she had never had a chance to understand the details, "Ragram My demon... is also affected by this kind of ground vein disorder?"

"Yeah... Actually you should know that. The Ape and Sheep Monster is an example." Fei nodded, "Rigram, probably because of the ancient city, Emma said that the spiritual veins there It looks more chaotic than the surrounding area. Laura and I encountered a lot of strange beasts in the surrounding area. They shouldn't have appeared in this season."

"There are more places around Krossberg where beasts appear and inhabit, so it should be more dangerous. Besides, although I have hinted a few times before, there really is no response..."

"Is that the **** wolf?" Fei asked curiously.

"Well... I sent him a little signal, but there was no response. Not only that, but the wolves that should have been here seem to have disappeared... It may also be because the dragons have no head and become a little at a loss." Heilijia nodded. Nodding—Zet has never appeared since he handed Qiya to Arian Hurd in front of him about a month and a half ago. As the goddess of the holy beast, he must have some reason to do so. Therefore, Heilijia did not expect much.

"Maybe something else happened... Maybe like Regunat, he won't run out until everything is resolved." Fei curled his lips, the last time the Saint Beast related to the treasure was handled like this The problem is, and it also clearly mentioned that ancient holy beasts would not interfere more with human behavior. "To sum up, we don't seem to have much to do except to find them."

"Let's go... see how far they have achieved it."


"Ling, are you ready?"

"Um... don't worry. Although it's been a long time since I played, but since it was the final confirmation made by Tida's grandfather, there should be no problem." Ling replied happily, while at Patil Matil Touched his body, "Although I haven't used it since then... but it looks great. This is the latest research by Tida's grandfather..."

"Well... it's a new type of alloy made by imitating Semelia stone. It has reached the standard in strength, but it is still a bit worse in terms of conductivity." Tida on the side held his friend's hand. "So it can only be used as outer armor for the time being, and cannot be used for internal pipeline connection modification. Grandpa also said that if we can progress faster, we should see the results soon..."

"Don't be discouraged by Tida. I think this looks good too... It happens that I haven't seen Grandpa Yoguru for a long time this time. If you have a chance, I should visit him again." Ling clapped her hands. "Ah... Grandpa Tida, you shouldn't be upset about this, right?"

"It's nothing, I've heard of that old man, although I don't have much contact...but according to the inspection results before, he is really a strong man in this respect, and it should be no worse than the two old things Schmidt and Hamilton. Go." Dr. Russell appeared with a cup of coffee in his hand, "Look at this girl Tida, who came out in a hurry to say goodbye to you, and forgot to bring lunch."

" have to go to Chase Central Studio's advanced training class in the afternoon, right?" Estil pulled his face down, "How about skipping meals."

"Eh heh... because I was anxious, I just..." Tida was a little afraid to look straight at Estir, looking at her fingers.

"Do you bother to bring it personally?" Joshua on the side took the lunch box instead of Tida, and asked with concern.

"Well... I also heard that you are going to leave, so I will stop by to see you." Dr. Russell paused for a second before saying, " must pay attention to safety. Although you have already I've experienced things in the floating city...but in the face of events related to "Treasure", I can't relax anyway. "

"Um... don't worry. I will definitely look good on Estiel and Ling and not let them mess around."

"It won't be messy!" ×2! Of course, Joshua was rebutted unanimously.

"But... if it really comes up, if he follows along, maybe it doesn't matter if he gets a little messy... It is said that he is now able to manage that kind of power freely." , Estelle said expectantly, "What do you say Joshua?"

"Yeah... We already knew about the sect incident before. However, the situation in the empire now seems to be very chaotic. It is really hard for him to come this time." Joshua said, "If you can learn more about it by the way. In the case of the empire..."

"I think the empire should not be open to you two casually." Ling on the side said grimly, "Although you are guerrillas on the surface, but because of Mr. Cassius, the empire will not give You easily issued the entry permit."

"I have tried several times before and it has indeed failed... But come Richard... Didn't Mr. Richard say that, the empire just because it has entered the preparation period for war, it has strengthened all countries including Libel? Entry and exit control." Estiel said, "maybe after that, maybe just..."

"It's probably unlikely... the last time I went to Hamel, it was because of the relationship between His Highness Olibate that the two of us barely slipped over. This time, there is nothing that would make the empire's seniors directly assume that it has not happened For reasons..."

"Then you say, how did Heliga come out?" Estil asked curiously, "The empire does not allow free entry and exit. He is a nobleman again..."

"Estil is really stupid." Joshua didn't answer, but Ling took the conversation, "have you not heard of the latest trends in the empire?"

"It's about the liberation of Kruchin State." Joshua has always been concerned. "It seems that Ling already knows some of the details?"

"Yeah... because Ling has been paying attention to his movements." Ling nodded, "So based on intelligence, a little speculation can tell what happened-the power change of the Duke's family seems to be a coincidence. It's done. The evil duke who attacked his own people has been banned, and the regular army has also been given a chance to breathe. Do you think that such a big change can be done without him?"

"This... seems to be true. When I was in Crossbell before, I seemed to have said about him, and gave the limelight to Lloyd and the others. He didn't say anything himself..." Estil touched a little embarrassedly. He touched his head, "Why is he doing this?"

"Being famous means more troubles... Since His Royal Highness Olibate made his debut on the stage, he has no more time to do what he used to do. Involuntarily, it is probably like this-he should pay back There are some plans we don’t know about waiting to be done, so we decided not to expose ourselves at this time."

"Oh... one or two are like this." Estil lowered her head in despair, "Forget it... this time he should not be able to escape. After all, there are countless pairs of eyes staring at Closbell this time. "


"Huh... I finally got to this point." Seeing the unseen staff in order and high morale, both Guy and Lloyd let out a sigh of relief - this month, they had both early days. It was frightened, but after several attempts and rescued many rebels willing to join them, it was a little bit of hope. Although the reality that the Dita government and the two divine machines have been repelled by the Dita government and the two magical machines that have been reflected in several key actions has cast a tragic shadow on them, the return of Waji and the addition of Kevin, and The news of reinforcements brought them finally made them hopeful for the next action at this moment.

The harsh marsh environment means inconvenience to ordinary people, but for these people who are either investigators or guerrillas, no matter how bad they are, they are all kinds of people who have been on the battlefield. What's more, nature has given them a wealth of gifts, allowing them to get sufficient food and supplies only by gathering and hunting. Of course, occasionally it is necessary to collect some supplies from the places where they are broken.

As for the problems of wind, sun and rain-with the efforts of Arios and Guy, they set up a hidden camp in a hidden valley for hiding and temporary shelter. Although they were able to use the church’s Merkava battleship as a place to rest and supply after the addition of Vaji and others, they did stay on the ground for a long time before that. time.

It's just that, coming back this time, it's no longer the time to flee like before. Now Lloyd and others are already inevitable for their next goal.

"Vage is already making the final contact... Today, Father Kevin also deliberately went to the top of Clos Bell to investigate." After Arios came back, he put the Taito in his hand aside, "Although the result is not very satisfactory. , But it was still within our expectations."

"The barrier above Clos Bell is equally hard and there is no possibility of breaking it directly. At least it is impossible with Merkava's conventional weapons." Kevin's figure also appeared to the side, "In addition, analysis The results showed that the two places, "Monastery of the Moon" and "Tower of Stars," seemed to be resonating with Krossberg through some means, so the protective layer also spread to these two areas. Since two weeks ago, the scope of the protective cover has not expanded. It is speculated that the energy output has hit a staged bottleneck... I think Dita will not give up the research, maybe this scope will be again after some time. expand. We cannot wait any longer. "

"Since you would say that...does it mean that the reinforcements you called earlier will arrive soon?" Lloyd asked.

"Well... one of them is likely to come over at any time, and the other group I just confirmed this morning, the other group seems to be making the final adjustments to the extreme level, and we will be notified once the achievement is achieved. We only need to continue to improve the plan now. "

"Hmm...Should we try again today?" Lloyd asked the two people next to him.

"Perhaps it would be better not to do this." Arios shook his head. "It is said that the Republic is still unwilling to give up, and there are actions today... We may run into opponents under high alert at this time. It is unwise. ."

"That's it... Did you go to do this?" The appearance of a voice attracted the attention of the three.

"Really... come as you say it." Guy first reacted with a wry smile.

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