Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 879: Opponent's secret conversation

"So, Lord Rufas, look..."

"Undoubtedly, this is a scam." Rufas replied categorically, with a helpless sigh in his tone, "This kind of thing...doesn't need my help, can't you judge it by yourself? "

"But...their rhetoric is impeccable." The Earl of Amancia defended. "I am also puzzled by the sudden incompleteness of their establishment, but the opponent described in detail what happened on the battlefield from beginning to end— —In the end, it was resolved with the sacrifice of dozens of people —”

"Huh... you think so, it's all because you've never used a hunting soldier." Rufas interrupted him in a rare and unpleasant tone, "If you have even a little bit With the experience of using mercenaries, you can see that something is wrong with them."

"What do you mean?" The Earl of Amancia was so reprimanded by Rufas, although he couldn't bear his face, he still swallowed his breath and asked.

"Forget it... you can't be blamed for this matter. If I hadn't kept an eye on it and asked Arnold to go and check in the name of the Duke's mansion, it might have been really confused." Lufas obviously I also noticed that my tone was a bit heavy, so I asked to make up, "To be honest, even I was almost deceived by myself-just to be on the safe side, I asked Arnold to re-count in the name of the duke. Strategic resources...hehe, my father hasn't launched a large-scale battle for a long time. Where did they come from so many combat losses? Sweeping losses? Huh, that's really light."

"Then, look, will the Duke..."

"Relax. I told Arnold about this matter. My father won't know, nor will Juss." Rufas chuckled and motioned to Amancia to rest assured, "In fact, the real problem is not only On this kind of serious declaration issue-more importantly, Amancia, do you think the Mira you gave is enough for them to do this for you?"

"This..." Amancia lost his thoughts, "Please make it clear."

"It's very simple, Amancia... You, like my father, don't know anything about the daily expenses and scheduling of the chasing corps, as well as various compensations." Lufas said, "So you can't see... you originally In the eyes of the hunters, the Mira that was driven out was far above what they thought should be the share of the commissioned task, and your purpose was so ambiguous, so in the eyes of the hunters, This must be your harbouring intelligence, without warning them of the possible danger in advance. They are all dead men who have experienced many battles, and your thoughts have long been clear to them-so they will be in your place. Without knowing it, I not only brought the entire hundred-man brigade, but also brought heavy weapons such as mortars. Although this is not important this time, but if I hadn’t found this out, I’ve deliberately agreed with him in advance. If Nuo said something good, in case it is noticed by my father..."

"..." The Earl of Amancia swallowed his spit--the Duke of El Barea didn't understand, can't he see the leaders of his army? He privately called the hunters who had been requisitioned by the Duke himself, and sent them to perform the important task of dispatching a large force and heavy weapons; according to the laws of the empire, in a state of war, all nobles should obey the local military commander. , Which is the order of the Duke. Although it doesn't have strict military orders like the regular army, it is against the rules after all-if El Barrea wants to hold himself a little bit, then he is really a small loss.

"However, at least this time, this matter has passed...The problem is that although the money you gave them far exceeds the difficulty of the task you described, they actually have encountered far more than this. Under this situation, they should complain about you when the first wave of offensive is frustrated. They complain that you have concealed important information. There are hidden opponents they can’t match. At this time, they should be against you. If there is dissatisfaction, it is naturally impossible to take the task you ordered and complete the task at all costs. After they are frustrated, they should deal with it as soon as possible and then leave quickly-this is normal."

"But in fact, they did not come back until dawn, which was far below the expected time they promised, and...the loss was very heavy, it looked like it had gone through a fierce battle." The Count of Omancia finally caught Live the contradiction of things-that is, the behavior of the hunting soldiers is illogical, "So... so..."

"So, in this case, there are nothing more than two possibilities." Rufas said solemnly, "First, there are a group of extremely powerful forces guarding the world, even in this world except for "West Wind". With the exception of the "Red Constellation", the entire force of the highest-ranking hunting regiment "Ned Hogg" was helpless-just a short-term confrontation caused them to lose to this point. They have actually tried their best to fight, but the opponent's strength is too strong. "


"It's almost impossible." Rufas shook his head, "No, in the conventional sense, this possibility is the first to be denied-it is one of the top hunting regiments in the world, fully armed. If you are beaten and have no strength to fight back, if you flee in embarrassment, the opponent must have at least three times the strength of the troops, and the quality of the individual soldiers and the team are tacitly, and the equipment is not weaker than them-heh, "Red Constellation The main force of "" is now helping Clos Bell toss, and half of the "West Wind Brigade" troops are already under the control of the Noble Alliance. Where does the opponent find this level of combat power? "

"Then... what do you think is the second possibility?" After thinking about it, Amancia asked again, who thought it was too ridiculous.

"The other situation is... these people, I don't know what method or under what circumstances, they have reached a secret agreement with our opponent this time-they may be able to get more benefits from it, so they chose to withdraw. Come, and made up some lies to confuse us." Rufas said, "This promise must be very tempting, so tempting that these hunters who see the money will not hesitate to turn their backs on the gold lord like my father and you. At the point—Amansia, think about it, what kind of promise would this be?"

"...Can't think of it." The Earl of Amancia racked his brains, unable to imagine anything so attractive.

"Well... of course, there is only one such thing." Rufas smiled sarcastically, "That is—to be alive."

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