Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 878: Northland situation

While the southern part of the empire still kept people in a slight coolness in the autumn, the northern part of the empire, the state of Notia, which was divided into two by the Isengert Mountains, has begun to experience the winter. The general's merciless coldness.

However, the Marquis Rogner, who has always been famous for his fierce generals, has naturally trained his soldiers to deal with the cold winter through decades of daily training. Unlike the soldiers who completely lost their combat effectiveness after falling into a disadvantaged weather condition, his soldiers still maintained super-high combat effectiveness under such circumstances.

In comparison, the 3rd Mecha Division led by Sykes van der is inferior. First of all, Sykes himself was switched to the northern fortress Kandam a few years ago. Although he is also a top general who is very good at learning and improving, he is still inferior to the same level of Rogner. The accumulation of these decades. At the same time, the dual disadvantages of material and manpower, which were not obvious at the beginning of the civil war, became more prominent after a month. The severe cold has forced the herders of Nord with the rich water and grass in the depths to retreat. The herders drove large numbers of livestock to lakesides and valleys to escape the severe cold. On the one hand, it has lengthened the connection between the major tribes and the Kandamen. It is more difficult to supply supplies. On the other hand, the army from the direction of the Kalvard Republic also assembles on the other side of the plateau intentionally or unintentionally. The pressure exerted by both sides has made the people of the Nord Plateau a little worried.

And this disadvantage, about a week ago, after the Marquis of Logner meticulously used troops to launch a surprise attack, and with the feint of the Republic, he seized the "monitoring tower" located on the Nord Plateau, and became even more severe. The noble coalition deployed a piece of equipment that seemed to be able to shield the entire communication band of the Nord Plateau in a wide area on the monitoring tower, and the soldiers sent two mecha detachments to carry out tight control. Lieutenant General Sykes, who was originally in a disadvantaged position, also lost the guided communication with the troops scattered around the fortress after the watch tower was taken away. It was as uncomfortable as the same big spider with teeth and claws was restrained by people. . However, Lieutenant General Sykes realized this, why did Marquis Rogner not understand? Even the supplies of the fighting army were sacrificed to the elite garrisoning the monitoring tower-in order to ensure the smooth flow of intelligence.

"In this way... Marquis Rogner, you can get the initiative in the war in less than a month, and in less than two months, Lieutenant General Sykes will not be able to hold it. If you have to say something, Notti It seems that the war in Asia will end sooner than elsewhere.” In the northwest of Nautia State, in the famous hot spring town of Yumir, the lord Baron Teo Schwarzer, holding a local newspaper in his hand, said worriedly. .

Although the news in the media, in all likelihood, is instructed by the nobility alliance and processed and controlled to ensure that it can confuse the audience without causing confusion. It is basically nonsense, but Special Olympics Still with amazing insight, I can easily see the actual situation reflected in some of the details.

For example, with regard to the interior of the Ryanforte Agency, since a few weeks ago, the internal-outward reform movement has cleaned up a large number of executives of the original company. But Special Olympics knows that almost all of these company executives who have been alienated or transferred come from the original second foundry, which is the so-called reformist forces. There is no doubt that the current leader of the Ryanforte Agency, the imperial industrial magnate, is not President Irina Ryanforte, but a certain pro-aristocratic figure who is excluding dissidents and working hard to bring such a huge Asset building becomes a strong back-up for war.

For another example, the townspeople in the town complained in small talk about the changes in various prices, and the price of horse feed reported by the Platinum Butler to him was a big increase-it must be the army of the Marquis Rogner The increased blockade of the Nord Plateau region led to the current situation.

"In this chaotic world, no matter who it is, to a certain extent, he can only drift with the crowd. There is no way." Teo sighed and turned to his worried wife Lucia, "What we can do now is for The people of Yumir, as well as Lien and Elysée, prayed."

"Even though the guerrilla named Torval told us the safety of Elysée a few days ago..." said Madame Lucia, "but I still feel very worried. In addition, there is no whereabouts of Lien's child so far. ,I……"

"Elysée is with Her Royal Highness, the problem shouldn't be a big problem. Her Royal Highness... actually hid this hand. I asked someone to investigate the aristocratic young man in the southern region, and the result was really surprising... He turned out to be one of the participants who solved the "Libel Mutation" two years ago, and successfully participated in the chaos of the Closberg area last year, disrupting the muddy waters. I analyzed his mode of action a little bit and guessed his purpose-the result was really surprising. His Royal Highness Olibate has such a helper... It's really a step forward before his dream comes true. "

"His Royal Highness Olibate..." Lucia was also very fond of Olibate's politeness (false), "If you say that, then Lien is the thing we need to worry about most now."

"Yeah. But I believe he will be fine. After all, he is... he belongs to that guy..." Halfway through, Teo suddenly closed his mouth and said nothing.

"... Regardless of his life experience, we treat him as a biological child. Therefore, for him, like Elysée, I have devoted the same effort and worry." Lucia seemed to see her husband. I want to say something, "That's father, don't put a heavy burden on him."

"I don't have...I know, Li En, this child, will definitely not be ordinary in the future." Teo said gently, "Therefore, he may encounter various difficulties and setbacks outside. We should need to know this. But. You are right... In our opinion, he is our own son. Even if the guy Osborne came to the door and wanted to **** him away, I would never agree to him."

"Honey." Lucia was amused by Special Olympics' serious expression.

"Okay... let's end the joke. Let's go for a walk and see how the preparations outside are going. In a few days, there will probably be the first heavy snowfall here... We have to do it too Be prepared."

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