Original Again

Chapter 114: First snow

When the words began to breathe, Meng Jiuzhao suddenly realized that the weather was starting to get colder.

“…Next, put the seeds here…” Just when Meng Jiuzhao estimated the current temperature, Xiao Hua’s voice came from not far away.

Next to the big Xiaohua stood the same big Alan. The two big heads touched each other, and Kantas was staring at the pit under his feet with a serious face.

They are planting flowers.

As they moved further and further, the broad-leaved trees gradually disappeared, replaced by large coniferous plants. The flowering period of the plants here has passed, and now there are no flowers to be seen along the way.

Xiao Hua deserves to be his own name, and he does not forget to pick flowers during the hard hunting every day. He will pluck everything that he thinks is good and put it in his bag. Once, he even picked a one-meter-high, stinking flower. When the smelling flower came back, when Meng Jiuzhao approached, the flower even cracked from the stamen and almost bit off half of his leg! Fortunately, he hides fast–

Mysterious flowers, mysterious aesthetics.

The flower finally lay in Xiaohua’s bag. The terrible stench gradually dissipated after three full days. During this period, everyone was unwilling to approach Xiaohua. Only Alan did not respond. As a result, Xiaohua and Alan’s Feelings have become better.

Finally, a few days ago, when Xiaohua realized that he couldn’t find flowers anymore, he decided to plant flowers on his own. There were a lot of plant seeds in his bag, so he and Alan walked together these days. One side has been planted and opened up wasteland.

The small seeds were thrown into a hole with a diameter of at least five meters. Under the guidance of Xiaohua, Alan and him filled the hole with their claws.

“Finally, just pee soaking.”

Hearing Xiaohua’s instructions to Alan with a black line on his face, don’t look at any indecent! Meng Jiuzhao hurriedly turned his head, after a long while, there was a shushing voice behind him.

Okay, so after soaking in the urine, can this flower live?

Originally, they used the rest time to plant flowers. When Xiaohua and the others planted the flowers, before they had a long rest, Meng Jiuzhao announced that the team would continue to move forward.

In fact, his heart has always been a little anxious.

There is no map and no time to arrive. He has no clue about the current journey! He could only try not to waste time on the road, and according to Kantas’s rest habit, on this basis, everyone’s rest time was slightly shortened for hurrying.

Now Meng Jiuzhao no longer walks by himself. As a human being, his speed is too slow, which will only drag down the overall speed of the team. So now Meng Jiuzhao spends most of his time on top of Louis’s head, except for occasionally going down to the ground in order to recognize the direction.

The traveling speed of nearly twenty sub-adult Kantas is extremely astonishing. Meng Jiuzhao has been silently recording the time. When the date on his leather changed to 30, Meng Jiuzhao suddenly woke up in the middle of the night.

He was awakened by the coolness on his face.

He dazedly touched his face, and when he felt a cold hand, he got up in surprise.


The sky that was supposed to be black turned pale at this moment, and a thin layer of snowflakes had already accumulated on the ground.

There was no one under the wings, and Louis immediately got up vigilantly and found Meng Jiuzhao right in front of him. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then he also noticed that it was snowing.

After moving to Grandpa’s fierce site, it didn’t often snow, so Meng Jiuzhao and Louis hadn’t seen such heavy snow for a long, long time.

For Meng Jiuzhao, the hardest days of his life were spent when it was snowing. I thought that seeing the snow would immediately associate it with the difficulties at that time. However, at this moment, Meng Jiuzhao’s heart only had warmth.

“Louis, do you remember? We were born in a snowy place~” The wind and snow in front of him was blocked by a huge body. Meng Jiuzhao didn’t look back, he knew it was Louis.

“Roar—” Remember.

“At that time, in a group of cubs, you were the strongest!”

“Roar~” I am also the strongest now~

“You also helped me find winter fruits, sweet and salty, they are delicious, but I haven’t eaten them in many years…”

“Roar…” I know, I will find it for you when I see it on the road this time.

Against the backdrop of Louis’s huge body, Meng Jiuzhao’s body is simply a bean sprout. It is clearly a dialogue between a dragon and a person. The language is completely different, but they can fully understand each other.

Not only words, but they also empathize with each other.

They were raised by the same pair of fathers, ate the same meals, slept under the same wings, ate with meat, and starved together when there was no meat. No one knew each other better than each other.

“Louis, have I told you that being born with you is the luckiest thing in my life.” It may be that the snowflakes are so beautiful and the atmosphere is too peaceful. if.

Louis did not speak, and replaced it-it was Louis who gently wrapped the tail of Meng Jiuzhao’s body.


His strength was so great that Meng Jiuzhao couldn’t stand still and fell on the dinosaur next to him.

Although Meng Jiuzhao’s weight is relatively light, for these Kantas living in the wild, this movement is enough to wake them up.

The Kantas, who had been asleep, woke up one after another. When they saw the snowflakes, they were all stunned!

“Oh oh oh!!!”

Kantas, born in the ice and snow, loves snow in nature, and the warming of the climate is a later thing. When they were younger cubs, they all lived in the long winter, of course, with their father.

To this day, they have been away from their father for a month, have passed the painful “weaning period”, mastered their own hunting skills, and have a group of companions. These large cubs are now getting closer and closer to the true meaning of Kanta. As a result, as soon as I saw snowflakes today, these guys became the same virtues as the cubs before.

Although they woke up at a time when they shouldn’t wake up, none of Kantas wanted to go back to sleep. They were not too cold, and curiously tried to catch the falling snowflakes with any part of their body.

Meng Jiuzhao watched them play at first, but he soon felt that he couldn’t continue this way.

It’s rare to see snow. He doesn’t mind these guys playing for a while. While watching them play, he can wait until the snow stops before letting everyone go forward. But time flies quickly without knowing it. When the sky is getting bright, Meng Jiuzhao suddenly realizes: Not only does the snow show no sign of stopping, but… it’s getting bigger and bigger? !

He knocked his head in annoyance.

I just talked to Louis about the breeding grounds he had seen when he was a child. How could he forget that the closer to the breeding grounds, the colder the weather will be! Snow is a common occurrence. Now that he has found it snows, why didn’t he realize it?

Hurry up as soon as possible before the snow accumulates!

Forcibly pulling the cub who was still playing, Meng Jiuzhao sat on Louis’s shoulder again, and they continued on their way.

This time Meng Jiuzhao asked Louis to run as hard as he could. At first, the other Kantas were very excited to have the opportunity to run fast (←Meng Jiuzhao usually didn’t let them run fast to save everyone’s energy), but he ran to the first In three hours, many Kantas are obviously tired. Although Kantas is born with strength and speed, endurance needs training.

Now this group of Kantas is much better than before. If the big men didn’t even have the stamina to run for an hour when Meng Jiuzhao first met them, they are now much better than before, but , Still failed to meet Meng Jiuzhao’s requirements.

Meng Jiuzhao had to let Louis slow down.

He changed from fast to jogging, and he became a little impatient.

The snow is bigger than before–

Before long, he was no longer needed to slow down Louis, but the snow forced them to slow down!

Before long, the snow reached the point where Meng Jiuzhao couldn’t open his eyes. Snow flakes on his eyelashes. Meng Jiuzhao hurriedly climbed onto Louis’s head. When he found that Louis’s eyes were also blurred, he hurriedly called to stop.

Can’t move forward anymore.

Kantas’s cold tolerance also needs training. The temperature drops too fast, and these cubs can’t adapt to the current weather at all! Must find a way to keep warm immediately! Meng Jiuzhao thought of this question almost immediately.

However, the snow was so big that the fire couldn’t generate at all. So anxious to be wise, Meng Jiuzhao asked everyone to put the bags that they had taken from home on the outside, and then lay down in a circle with their tails facing out and facing inwards.

Meng Jiuzhao was trembling and hid tightly under his wings by Louis. He couldn’t blow a little wind here, but Louis was blowing and snowing outside!

Every once in a while, Meng Jiuzhao tried to go out to check the situation outside, but every time Louis detained him to death, completely unable to move, so Meng Jiuzhao knew: the wind and snow outside must be continuing.

The wind speed outside is getting faster and faster. Meng Jiuzhao can only roughly estimate the current wind speed. Although it sounds a little unbelievable, he thinks the current wind speed is at least 100 meters per second!

Such a huge wind cannot keep life alive, but Meng Jiuzhao has a vague thought in his heart: They seem to be about to reach their destination!

This thought appeared in his heart very strangely. Could this be the reason why the fathers didn’t say it? The so-called go, you know, is it just this?

Meng Jiuzhao was very uncertain in his heart, but he had already affirmed this strange idea in his heart.

Because this is the land where only Kantas can survive.

Hiding among a group of Kantas, in such a harsh environment, Meng Jiuzhao, who had not been blown by the wind, thought silently in his heart.

The blizzard blew for about one day and one night, and when Louis finally released him, the sky outside was still bright, just as bright as before he went in, but Meng Jiuzhao knew that this could never be the same day, cooing His belly also reminded him that a long, long time has passed.

Meng Jiuzhao stiffly fell to the ground.

The snow was very soft. He sank deeply as soon as he fell to the ground. Looking at the waist-deep snow in awe, Meng Jiuzhao helped Louis’s leg and climbed out.

Passing by several thighs in succession, Meng Jiuzhao struggled to leave Kantas’s encirclement and saw the light of day again.

In just one day and one night, it was already winter outside.

Because the snow was too big, the Kantas’ tails and feet were frozen to the ground, and they were forced not to move. Meng Jiuzhao set up a fire and slowly roasted the ice where their bodies were in contact with the ground with the help of firepower. This released the group of Kantas.

When all this was handled, and when Meng Jiuzhao finally had time to count the number of Kantas, he was horrified to discover one thing: One Kantas was missing.

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