Original Again

Chapter 113: Alan

The huge thunder dragon is a super delicious meal for these hungry Kantas.

The person who could wait, Meng Jiuzhao, helped them bake them, and Kantas, who could not wait, simply started to eat them raw. Everyone was very excited. Meng Jiuzhao heard a lot of Kantas loudly saying, “I want to leave a tooth of Thunder Dragon, and I will show it to my father.” Yunyun, in this lively scene, Alan looked special. It’s pitiful.

He hid in a dark corner, struggling to lick the wound on his leg.

Because he loves to bully people, his dragon fate is not good.

Seeing him like this, Meng Jiuzhao sighed and asked Louis to help get down a huge piece of meat. He dragged the meat and walked towards Alan.

“Are you hungry? Eat.” Meng Jiuzhao said, putting the meat heavily beside Alan.

“?” Alan’s eyes were full of question marks, and he looked at Louis behind Meng Jiuzhao a little timidly. He asked in a low voice, “You just ate your meat, didn’t you beat me? Now you give me meat, do you still want to beat me? ?”

After speaking, he showed an extremely miserable expression, as if saying, “Don’t hit me! I’m already in pain!”

The black line on Meng Jiuzhao’s face had already begun to fall.

“I just beat you because you grabbed food from others. Even if you grab it, you still bully. Now this thunder dragon was hunted together by everyone, didn’t you also participate? Of course everyone has a share of the food that was hunted together. .”

Alan nodded seemingly, he was very hungry, and finally he secretly stretched out a paw, grabbed the thunder dragon meat that Meng Jiuzhao handed over, and ate it hungrily.

When he was full, Meng Jiuzhao tentatively approached him a little bit. Alan froze a bit, but did not object to his approach. So Meng Jiuzhao carefully disinfected him with salt water, and then with the help of Louis, Alan fixed the broken tail and paws, and Alan, who was **** by the big five flowers, looked even more pitiful. When everything was done, Meng Jiuzhao realized that this guy had been crying.

“Does it hurt?” Alan had been behaved throughout the entire process, and didn’t move a single move, so Meng Jiuzhao had always thought that he hadn’t hurt him. Now that it looks like this, it turns out that this guy has been holding back.

Hearing Meng Jiuzhao’s question, Alan glanced behind him, his body shivered quickly, and after a while he nodded gently.

Am I so scary? Meng Jiuzhao was speechless.

The aunts of Mingming Tribe and Naodong District praised me for being cute~

The chin rested on the cold floor, and the tears dripped down his cheeks into the ground. It was so miserable. Meng Jiuzhao finally picked up a few stones of the right size for Alan from the side, and then left.

After he left, Alan struggled quietly to get up, and gently pulled a few stones, and he started playing with stones.

The front paws and tail were injured, so he kicked the stones with his paws to play.

For Kantas, playing with stones is the simplest thing that can bring happiness.

When you are in a bad mood or when you are hungry, you will feel better when playing with rocks, just like returning to the carefree days with your father.

Alan played very seriously. As the stones rolled around, the frustration and tears disappeared from him, and the big man Kantas became happy again.

Meng Jiuzhao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

A thunder dragon can only prevent everyone from being hungry that day, and they still have to hunt the next day. In the following days, Meng Jiuzhao’s daily bedtime story was changed to Louis’s hunting story (Louis: finally can be the protagonist  ̄▽ ̄).

In his story, Louis is a Kantas where he can eat wherever he goes. He will judge which dinosaurs are local specialties based on the distribution of local vegetation. After studying the use of more than 39 methods of hunting and killing, he found the best The method of hunting is to run over, bite the buttocks of the prey, and then desperately pull back, using the bite force to tear off the large pieces of flesh and blood of the prey. When there was no large prey, he was forced to catch ultra-small prey such as rodents. If there was no prey, he still struggled to live by eating plants. At the beginning, he lacked experience. I once had diarrhea for three days and three nights after eating some kind of grass, and I also had a fruit that looked very good but made people sleepy and almost died. Finally, Louis can finally find fruits and plants suitable for Kantas (here, Meng Jiuzhao specifically describes the appearance, characteristics and taste of several fruits that Kantas loves), meat and vegetables are reasonably matched, and Louis is taller. The weight is heavier, and the wings are also bigger.

Outside of the story, Meng Jiuzhao also focused on the cooking methods corresponding to each dinosaur (here is Meng Jiuzhao’s own experience  ̄▽ ̄).

“The meat of triceratops is a bit sour, so it is suitable for roasting with honey, while the meat of Utahraptor is more tender. It is good to eat raw or burn it slightly~”

Following Meng Jiuzhao’s introduction, all Kantas present began to answer. At the same time, the eyes that looked at Louis beside him also brought gazes of admiration and sympathy intertwined.

Louis understands a lot! What an idol!

Idol, you like **** best!

Idols sometimes have troubles!


Seeing a group of sneaky Kantas sneaking around at him, Louis showed two rows of teeth for a while.

All of a sudden, Kantas no longer looked at him.

After living in the tribe for too long, Louis sometimes gets a little confused, showing two rows of teeth. The human-shaped expression is actually smiling. Louis actually only rarely wants to be friendly to everyone, but shows his teeth. For a group of prototype Kantas…

It was a demonstration.

Louis closed his mouth in frustration. Seeing him like this, Meng Jiuzhao could only comfort his big feet.

Dear Louis, you also have a lot of Kantas knowledge to learn!

Meng Jiuzhao’s story is not just a story, he is actually telling the common sense of these cubs hunting through stories. How to find prey, which ones can be used as prey, the correct way to hunt prey, and what can be done without prey.

What these sub-adult Kantas actually lack is just a little bit of common sense and practice.

He now somewhat understands why Kantas would return to the breeding ground in such an embarrassing manner. This is a stage they must go through in adulthood. Today’s Kantas, without exception, are all Kantas, who visited the breeding ground for the first time. There is no veteran who has been to the breeding ground before. Meng Jiuzhao guessed that the adult Kantas had other ways to go to the breeding ground. This method is only suitable for sub-adult Kantas who is not yet able to fly.

In addition to being unable to fly, sub-adult Kantas are no different in strength from adult Kantas. For Kantas, in principle, there is no prey that can threaten their lives.

This is why their father dared to let them leave the house, right?

Kantas is a race that dotes on cubs. This trait is like a gene that has been deeply integrated into their cells. Therefore, let Kantas dad train his cubs strictly, think about Meng Jiuzhao. It feels unrealistic.

It’s like the fierce grandfather of their family. Until now, I can’t help but lick and lick when I see Blake and Bai. They let Blake and Bai hunt on their own. It’s also because there are two younger cubs in the family, he and Louis. He wants to talk to him. Cubs are playing~

However, because Blake and Bai lived in the Wash tribe since they were young, they thought it was a very normal thing to learn hunting when the cubs were young. This allowed him and Louis to receive systematic hunting training (← Although many hunting methods are not acceptable) Tas==///)

For normal Kantas cubs, the trip to the breeding ground is actually their school.

During this journey, they will learn to feed themselves so that they can feed their cubs.

Although the process may be hungry and may be injured, they can grow up in the fastest time.

The Kantas fathers entrusted the teaching work that they could not bear to the natural environment.

But the natural environment is cruel, and its educational methods are very extreme.

In the following days, Meng Jiuzhao and the others saw Kantas’s body along the way.

The body was discovered by Jojo. These days he has already started hunting larger dinosaurs. When he ran forward following the prey, he suddenly discovered that there were many small dinosaurs gathered in front of him. After running over with a little curiosity, those small dinosaurs The dinosaur hulled away, revealing the object underneath that was covered by them: it was the corpse of Kantas.

When the other Kantas arrived, they saw the remains of Kantas who had been eaten a third.

Although Jojo is guarding the corpse, the desire to fill the stomach is greater than fear. There are always groups of small dinosaurs coming to harass Jojo, and then pull from the Kantas corpse when he is not paying attention. Next piece of meat.

This is the first time that this group of Kantas has directly faced the death of the same kind.

“Did he die of illness?” Xiaohua whispered to Meng Jiuzhao next to her.

In his eyes, Meng Jiuzhao, just like his father, knows a lot of things, so if you have a question, it’s okay to ask him.

Slowing down the rate of breathing, Meng Jiuzhao frowned and carefully resisted the stench from the corpse. He slowly approached Kantas.

He carefully checked the Kantas’s body, the Kantas’s left thigh had been eaten up, and his right leg was obviously injured.

His right leg was fractured, the calf part was completely broken, and it was very poorly hung on the leg. This is probably the injury he suffered during his lifetime, because according to Meng Jiuzhao’s comparison, the decay here is obviously more serious than the other parts, and this is also The reason why this injured leg was kept.

In addition, there are other wounds on his body, which are also obvious injuries suffered during his lifetime.

Although it was cruel, Meng Jiuzhao decided to explain the truth to this group of Kantas.

“He didn’t die of illness.”

Looking up, the black and crushing big man stared in surprise with his big and round eyes, and being stared at by such a bunch of terrible big heads at the same time, most people would have been scared to pee, but Meng Jiuzhao just calmly met their gazes.

He continued.

“He hasn’t grown wing sheaths yet, so he should be about the same age as us. After passing this route at this time, he should also go to the breeding ground. Since we saw him, at least it means that we didn’t go wrong.”

After announcing a good news to appease the cubs, he began to say bad news, “The wound on his right leg was left by the tail of the brontosaurus. Only brontosaurus has the power to severely damage Kantas’ thighs, but generally Kantar Si can definitely avoid the attack of a thunder dragon, so this Kantas should have encountered thunder dragons before.”

After Meng Jiuzhao’s words were finished, the big guy’s eyes focused on Alan at the back of the team.

They immediately thought of the previous attack on Alan!

“It is very likely that it is the same group of Thunder Dragons. After all, it is impossible for such a large group of Thunder Dragons to exist two or three in the same territory. Do you remember? The land we passed before had the footprints of other Kantas. Those footprints proved that the Kantas group passed by before, so we chose this direction.”

Hearing Meng Jiuzhao’s question, all Kantas nodded. There was such a thing, and everyone was still excited for a long time.


“This shows that this Kantas should have a companion, but in the face of Thunder Dragon’s attack, his companion did not save him, or his companion rescued him, but he was still seriously injured and was finally abandoned by his companion. NS.”

“Look at this wound. From the perspective of the degree of decay, this wound is fresher than the wound on his leg. This shows that this is a new wound he received after his thigh fractured. What does this mean?”

Meng Jiuzhao slowly analyzed the Kantas’ corpse, and through his narration, the Kantas’s experience before his death slowly and clearly appeared in the minds of other Kantas.

Kantas, who was about the same size as them, walked with his companions on the way to the breeding ground. Like them, he quickly ran out of food and had to hunt.

However, he chose the wrong prey-Thunder Dragon.

He was attacked by Thunder Dragon. Not Alan’s luck. He was severely injured and the wound was on his thigh. He gradually couldn’t keep up with the team. He was abandoned…

Even though he was injured, Kantas still wanted to catch up with his companions and tried to find a way to survive. Due to hunger, he desperately attacked a triceratops, and then… was severely injured by the maddening triceratops.

Then, there is no more.

he died.

Under Meng Jiuzhao’s proposal, they dug a pit and buried the young Kantas together.

He could never go back to his father’s side anymore.

All Kantas’ emotions fell, and Louis couldn’t help but circled his tail, put Meng Jiuzhao on his shoulder, and then let him slide down his belly, push it up, and slide it down…

Meng Jiuzhao, who had been playing around by Louis, couldn’t help his face with black lines.

It just can’t be said–

Like other Kantas in a bad mood and playing with stones, for Louis, when he is in a bad mood, his habit of comforting himself is to roll his brother.

Family life for non-only children is so cruel!

After a short break, they were on the road again, but this time on the road, they no longer had the same happy mood as before, and the atmosphere of the whole team became dark and overwhelming.

Alan has become more careful. In the past few days, due to his injuries, the whole team’s progress has slowed down. Now he took the initiative to speed up the progress despite the pain, and the wounds that had grown to be almost bleed again. .

When eating, he was more careful.

Because Alan was injured and couldn’t hunt, Meng Jiuzhao and Louis have been providing him with food these days. There is no way, can’t you just watch this big man starve to death, right? The other cubs hunted for food not enough to eat, only their brothers had some surplus food, so this surplus food was given to Alan.

Alan used to eat nothing but surplus food every time, but now she only eats a little bit! ?

As a Kantas, it is obviously unrealistic to let him eat Meng Jiuzhao’s food every day. That night, the sound of Alan’s belly growling made all Kantas unable to sleep.

Everyone is awake.

“What’s the matter with you?” Jojo, who was closest to him, couldn’t help but yelled him, and when Alan got up in full view, everyone found that he was not asleep at all.

His nose and tears made his face muddled, and the big man cried emotionally all night.

All Kantas are embarrassed.

“Don’t abandon me—” No longer able to bear the pressure, Alan howled.

It was like opening a gap, and he cried out all the grievances of the past few days.

Not seeing my dad miss (Kantas: we want too!), the humiliation of being spanked (Meng Jiuzhao:  ̄▽ ̄), the gratitude for being rescued by everyone, and the burial after seeing the Kantas corpse Panic in my heart.

“My paws and tails are **** now, I walk so slowly, and I can’t catch food… I’m so afraid that if I fall asleep at night, I will find you all run away the next morning—”

Okay… Feelings, this guy hasn’t slept for a few days…

“I swear I will eat less in the future!” Hearing Alan’s pledge, the scene was silent.

In the end, Xiaohua raised his head first. He took out a thigh from the bag next to him. This is the leftover leg of the dragon from his hunt today. He was not willing to finish eating at noon. He originally wanted to be a supper, but now he heard Alan’s reason, he contributed the supper.

With Xiaohua’s dragon-robber beginning with the leg, next, everyone has meat to contribute meat, and the meatless to fruit, and finally Alan put a lot of small pieces of meat in front of him.

“Eat.” Sitting on Louis’s shoulder, Meng Jiuzhao said to Alan.

“We will not abandon you. In the past few days, as you can’t hunt, Louis and I will provide you with food. Others can also give you extra food, but this is not for nothing, wait for your injury. When you can start hunting again, you have to take out your own prey for other people to eat, can you?”

Alan nodded heavily.

“There is no Kantas that can live without getting sick or injured for a lifetime. At this time, you need other companions to help him.” Xiaohua is the first Kantas who was robbed of food by Alan, and saw him at the first stop. Meng Jiuzhao was very surprised when he came out to bring food to Alan.

“Why do the fathers kick us down together? I think it’s probably for us to work hard together, support each other, and go to the breeding ground together?”

Meng Jiuzhao didn’t say much, he just mentioned a little bit.

Then, he was very happy to see that all the Kantas were sitting around Alan, sleeping while watching him eating, watching him eating.

This was the first time that Alan was allowed to sleep in the middle of the team. In this guard position surrounded by similar groups, Alan had a good night’s sleep.

The author has something to say: About Meng Jiuzhao and his people:

Meng Jiuzhao: Me? My personality is very good! Be patient! Respect the elders! Also love the cubs!

Louis: tweeted tweeted…howl ( ̄▽ ̄what are you talking about?)

Auntie in the brain hole area: The bald cub is so cute! Have a bossy demeanor!

Aunt of the Wash tribe: The bald of the Black family? It’s very cute, but it’s a bit short.

Meng Jiuzhao’s old black dad: Our bald… has a very hot personality.

Meng Jiuzhao’s father Bai (additional): He loves to fight very much!

Meng Jiuzhao’s fierce grandfather: It’s up to me!

Meng Jiuzhao: Hello! Daddy! How can someone be so behaved, how can they have a hot personality? The parents of such a big age have only been angry twice!

Black: How could it be? When you were young, you thought the pigtail was not good-looking. For this, you could fight with the cubs of the tribe!

Meng Jiuzhao ==//: (I was in a fight that time, yes, but didn’t I think the pigtails were not good-looking, or because others said that the pigtails you made were not good-looking, and you fought with others to protect you~)

In conclusion, Meng Jiuzhao is a hot prodigal who has no good temper at all.

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