Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 57

Chapter 57 The Special Spiritual Power

In the living room.

“I hear the clanging of chains!” Someone exclaimed. “What’s that young man doing in there?”

“Congjun, I understand that you are desperate for your father to recover, but you should choose the doctor carefully. Do you really believe that a man fresh out of medical university is better than us in medical skills? Do you really believe he is able to cure your father? Don’t lose your sense because of your filial piety. If he hurt your father in there, it will be too late for you to regret your decision.”

Hearing Yan Song’s words, Ding Congjun, who was already worried, lost his cool and started to walk towards the corridor.

Jiang Hao took a step sideways, standing in front of Ding Congjun. “Brother Congjun, please don’t bother Doctor Ning to treat Uncle Ding.”

“Jiang Hao, get out of the way!” Ding Congjun snapped, frowning.

Jiang Hao braced herself and went on, “Doctor Ning has his rules when it comes to treating patients. Brother Congjun, believe me, he will cure Uncle Ding. Please give him a little more time.”

“Get out of my way!” Ding Congjun reprimand.

Jiang Hao felt aggrieved, but she still stood in front of Ding Congjun and didn’t give way to him.

Ding Congjun got furious and snarled, “If something happens to my father, can you take the responsibility? I don’t know about what you think. Is it worth it for a little doctor?”

Jiang Hao bit her lip slightly and replied, “I believe him, so it’s worth it.”

“I don’t want to hear your crap. Get out of the way!” Ding Congjun reached out and grabbed Jiang Hao’s arm.

Although Ding Congjun was a professional soldier, he was no match for Jiang Hao in fight. Jiang Hao could easily avoid and even subdue him, but she would not hide, let alone fight with Ding Congjun, because when she and her mother were in the most difficult time, the Ding family came to their rescue.

“Calm down, Congjun,” Fan Huaying uttered. He also heard the sound in the room, but, unlike the others, he appeared calm and composed.

Ding Congjun let go of Jiang Hao’s arm and said, “How can I calm down? That’s my father. I’ve never seen a doctor with such a rule.” After a pause, he added, “No, I’m still worried. I must go in and check.”

“Congjun, I want to make friends with Doctor Ning,” Fan Huaying stated simply. “For my sake, at least give him a full chance to prove himself.”

Ding Congjun’s statement put Ding Congjun back on track. Even if there were ten Jiang Haos standing in front of him, he could push them away, but Fan Huaying’s words made him have to weigh his action carefully, for nothing else, but Fan Huaying’s identity and the power represented by his identity.

Fan Huaying was one of the top group organizers throughout Hua Country.

Anyone could organize a group. As people were divided into various grades and ranks, there were groups of high and low level. The groups that the common people organized probably was dinner parties and games of cards, which were scruffy-looking. Some organizers, however, were able to bring together the bosses of several fortune 500 listed companies to play golf and hammer out a multi-billion project. Some group organizers even managed to get Merkel and Pushkin together for a drink and resolve an international dispute.

Fan Huaying was one of those people who organized groups of high level, and it was him who invited Sean, the leading general practitioner for the brain, from England and Taoist Qing Shui. As far as the identities of these two people were concerned, even if Ding Ye invited them personally, they might not come over. How dare Ding Congjun refuse Fan Huaying when he, such a group organizer, asked Ding Congjun to give Ning Tao a chance?

“Well… I’ll just wait,” Ding Congjun replied.

The famous doctors, led by Yan Song, went quiet. How could they disobey Fan Huaying when Ding Congjun listened to him?

In the room where Ning Tao and Ding Ye were.

After using his spiritual power to hunt down that little bit of black energy with the momentum of an army surrounding the city, Ning Tao finally figured out what it was. It was a kind of spiritual power with the dark property.

In the living room, Ning Tao used his skill of looking to observe Taoist Qing Shui’s innate aura, and found the spiritual energy that sent out of spiritual power hiding in his innate aura. His spiritual energy was like the mist in the forest after the rain. Ning Tao reckoned that it was the energy of good of yang. By contrast, the spiritual energy emanating from this spiritual power with the dark property was like miasma in a swamp, and Ning Tao thought that it should be the energy of evil of yin. Since he was born as a go-between of good and evil, and cultivated the special spiritual power based on the energy of good and evil, his spiritual power possessed the properties of this two kind of spiritual powers. His diagnosis was based on his analysis of his own spiritual power, so it was unmistakable.

The trace of the spiritual power of evil of yin was the cause of Ding Ye’s illness.

Ning Tao opened his small medicine chest with one hand, took out the ledger of bamboo slips and pressed it on Ding Ye’s hand. Seconds later he took the ledger and opened it.

On the ledger was written, “Ding Ye, born on the twenty-fifth day of the third lunar month in the twenty-seventh year in a cycle of sixty years; the first merit is to be filial to his parents; the second is to have helped the poor… He owns eight points of the merit of good intention. A prescription for merits of good intention could remove the merits and eliminate the evil spirit.”

Ning Tao was a little speechless after reading the notes on the ledger. There were only eight points of merits of good intention in Ding Ye. If he treated Ding Ye through the Sky Clinic, he would have to consume a Primary Elixir. Chen Pingdao left him five Primary Elixirs in total, and so far he had used three, leaving only two. Now he had not even got all the materials for refining Primary Elixirs, and the rent of the clinic had increased. How dare he use a Primary Elixir to cure Ding Ye who only had eight points of merits of good intention?

However, to his relief, this time the diagnosis that he got with his own ability was basically the same as that gave by the ledger. Although his term for that dark energy was not the same as that of the ledger, it both referred to that spiritual power.

Then Ning Tao rolled up the ledger and put it back in the small medicine chest. His right hand, which touched Ding Ye’s forehead, trembled for a moment, and his spiritual power, which frantically chased after the evil spirit, flooded into the Niwan acupoint where the evil spirit was hiding.

Ning Tao’s special spiritual power could remove toxins from a patient’s body, in which case it played the role of a healer. Now his special spiritual power had taken on the role of a purifier. It overcame evil with the good, and killed that trace evil spirit little by little.

However, it was not easy for him during the process. Like his first experience of cultivating spiritual power, that little bit of evil spirit gave him negative feelings like cold, fear, and hatred. In the stimulation of these negative feelings, his evil side was also ready to move. When these feelings reached the peak, he even had the impulse to beat Ding Ye severely!

Fortunately, the owner of the evil spirit was not here. It was weak without reinforcements and was soon wiped out by Ning Tao’s special spiritual power. In the blink of an eye, all the negative feelings faded quickly, and he was surprised to find that his spiritual power turned stronger.

His spiritual power was really like an all-around special forces member, which could do everything. When Ning Tao needed it to conduct reconnaissance, it would be a warrior; when he needed a soldier, it would be a tough one. Also, it was like a child who would grow after eating.

Soon Ding Ye opened his eyes and saw Ning Tao in a trance. “You are…”

Ning Tao smiled at him and replied, “Old Master, I’m Jiang Hao’s friend and my name is Ning Tao,” Ning Tao introduced. “I am a doctor, and I am entrusted by her to treat you.”

I…” Ding Ye seemed to remember something, and his face suddenly changed.

Since he didn’t go to the Sky Clinic to sign a prescription pact for merits of good intention and take a Primary Elixir, he wouldn’t immediately lose any memory. As long as he tried to remember, he would recall what happened to him just now. Even if he couldn’t remember all the things, he could surely recall the impressive parts.

“Old Master, may I ask you a question?” inquired Ning Tao tentatively.

Ding Ye was silent for a moment before he said, “What do you want to know?”

“Have you offended anyone lately?” Ning Tao asked. “Or do you have enemies?”

“What… what are you trying to say?” There was a hint of vigilance in Ding Ye’s eyes. He obviously didn’t want to answer Ning Tao’s questions.

“I don’t have any other intentions, and I’m not a nosy man,” Ning Tao replied blandly. “I ask you the question because I saved you this time, but I may not be able to save you next time. You figure it out for yourself, and if you want to answer me, you can ask Jiang Hao for my contact information. If you don’t want to say it, just assume I didn’t ask.”

Then Ning Tao walked to the door with his small medicine chest.

Ding Ye looked at Ning Tao’s back with a complicated look in his eyes, but he didn’t make a sound until Ning Tao opened the door.

“The door is open!” A cry came from the living room.

Then all eyes were fixed on the door.

Ning Tao just walked out the door. He was dressed in cheap clothes and carried a shabby wooden box, but he exuded an otherworldly temperament.

Ding Congjun walked up to him quickly and asked anxiously, “What’s wrong with my father, Doctor Ning? Have you got any results?”

“Your father isn’t sick, he’s in good health,” Ning Tao replied.”

“What did you say?” Ding Congjun asked with a surprised expression.

“Hehe hehe!” Yan Song gave a weird laugh and spat, “I knew you’d say that. Do you think your little trick can fool us all?”

“Will you hear me out?” Ning Tao said coldly. “When I said Old Master Ding wasn’t ill, and was in good health, I mean his present condition. I have cured him of his illness.”

Yan Song sneered. “How could you lie in front of all of us. I think you’re…”

Before Yan Song could finish speaking, Ding Ye’s voice suddenly sounded in the room. “Congjun! You son of a bitch, how dare you to chain your father! Get in here and open the lock!”

Ding Congjun started for a second, and then ran into the room at the end of the corridor. “Dad! Dad!” he cried while running, “Here I come…”

The group in the living room had just woken up and rushed into the room. Yan Song was also in the crowd. Now he felt as if he had been slapped in the face, and was too ashamed to stand in front of Ning Tao.

Only Jiang Hao still stayed in the living room.

“Why don’t you go in and see Old Master Ding?” Ning Tao asked.

Jiang Hao smiled and responded, “Even if I go in now, I won’t be able to talk to Uncle Ding. I’ll stay here with you and see him later.”

Ning Tao suddenly remembered something and said, “By the way, book me a flight home.”

Jiang Hao’s mood changed dramatically. “Are you in such a hurry to get back?”

“I don’t mean the flight for today. Just book in three or four days,” Ning Tao said. “I want to Beidu’s medicinal materials market and see if there is any medicine I need.”

At this time a voice suddenly came from behind Ning Tao. “What medicinal materials do you want to buy, Doctor Ning? I happen to have some friends who can get rare herbs.”

Ning Tao turned around and saw Fan Huaying walking towards him.

“I wonder if you will do me the honor of accepting my invitation to dinner?” Fan Huaying added, with a genteel smile on his face.

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