Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 56

Chapter 56 Like a Great Army Besieged a City

“I’m from Shan City Medical University,” Ning Tao replied. “I have no teacher, and my medical skill is handed down from my forefather.”

Was Chen Pingdao his teacher?

That humbug was not his teacher. In terms of inheritance, his medical skills should be inherited from the ways of Heaven. He was born as a go-between of good and evil, and the Sky Clinic, which represented the ways of Heaven, was his teacher. Of course the secret must not be told to these people; he must keep it to himself.

Then the buzzing broke out in the living room again.

“Shan City Medical University? It’s just a common medical university. Even the school president has to call me teacher when he saw me. How dare this boy pretends to be a miracle doctor in front of me?”

“Judging by his age, he should have just graduated? I doubt whether he is qualified to be a doctor. How dare he come here to see Old Master Ding. If people like him can see and treat the patient, what about us?”

Without doing anything wrong or provoking anyone, he was treated with such contempt by these people. If there must be a reason to explain this, it was that he, who had a humble background, dared to come here and compete with a large group of famous doctors, and that his appearance threatened these doctors’ prestige and authority at the same time.

Yan Song raised his hand, and the room became quiet immediately. It was not difficult to tell his position among these famous doctors.

“Young man, be steadfast and honest. Tell me, what you’ve done to deserve to come here and see Old Master Ding?” Yan Song questioned with a serious expression on his face. “What one has done to deserve something” was supposed to be used in a modest remark, but now it was used to demand Ning Tao, making its meaning change.

“Sorry, I’m a doctor, and I’m here to see the patient, not to discuss seniority and experience,” Ning Tao stated blandly.

Yan Song’s face turned sour. How dare a junior talk to him like that?

Ning Tao altered his eyes to Ding Congjun and uttered, “Mr. Ding, if you believe me, let me have a try. If you don’t believe me, I’ll go right away.”

Ding Congjun looked at Yan Song, hesitating. He seemed to be in two minds and asking Yan Song for advice.

“Old Master Ding is an honorable man. How can a young man be allowed to see him?” said Yan Song. “If this matter gets out, your Ding family’s reputation will suffer.”

Jiang Hao got a little angry and retorted, “It’s a good thing. How can you say the Ding family’s reputation will suffer because of it?” Then she turned to Ding Congjun and said, “Brother Congjun, Doctor Ning is very busy. It’s not easy for me to bring him over from Shan City. Please believe me. If I’m not sure he can cure Uncle Ding, will I recommend Doctor Ning?”

Ding Congjun didn’t immediately respond. His hesitation was obviously aggravated by the comments of the large group of famous doctors.

Ning Tao wanted to leave, but he gave up when he saw Jiang Hao’s worried face. He came here because of Jiang Hao, not because of who and how powerful Ding Ye and Ding Congjun were.

Just then Fan Huaying, who stood behind Ding Congjun, began, “I think Doctor Ning owns a great temperament and demeanor. With so many famous doctors here, he keeps so calm all the time. He should be a real outstanding doctor. Congjun, if you believe my judgment, allow Doctor Ning to have a try.”

As soon as Fan Huaying spoke, Ding Congjun’s hesitation disappeared. “Well, then,” he said, ‘if you say so, Huaying, let Doctor Ning have a try.” Then he looked at Ning Tao, and uttered in a polite tone, “Doctor Ning, when Taoist Qing Shui comes out, you go see my father, please.”

Ning Tao just gave a small nod, but he looked at Fan Huaying out of the corner of his eye. Just one word from Fan Huaying changed Ding Congjun’s attitude and no one in the group objected. Although they were in the Ding family, Fan Huaying’s position was obviously higher than Ding Congjun’s. It seemed that this man was not simple!

Yan Song’s face darkened. “Now that Mr. Fan says so, I have nothing more to say,” he stated. “But, young man, if you can cure Old Master Ding, I will take you as my teacher. If you fail to cure Old Master Ding, you better stop saying that you’re a doctor. Do you dare to bet with me?”

“Sorry, I never take disciples or make bets,” Ning Tao answered dryly.

Suddenly, those famous doctors looked at each other, wondering why the young man had the confidence and courage to talk to Yan Song in that way!

Yan Song was so angry that he almost passed out. How could he possibly want Ning Tao as his teacher? He looked down upon Ning Tao so much and even declared that Ning Tao was not qualified to see Ding Ye, but Fan Huaying claimed that Ning Tao was really capable and agreed to see Ding Ye, which was equivalent to saying in public that he lacked in insight and discernment. For a man of his age and authority, the face was more important than anything else. So he said it just to make himself look good! He didn’t expect Ning Tao’s words gave the impression that he wanted to be his disciple!

What you do not want to be done to yourself, do not do to others.

Ning Tao’s attitude was actually quite polite. He was not a brick on the ground that everyone could step on it as he pleased. He was the owner of the Sky Clinic!

Fan Huaying glanced at Ning Tao with a deep, searching look, as if trying to see clearly his heart.

At this moment, the door at the end of the corridor opened, and Taoist Qing Shui came out from behind it. He shook his head while walking and saying to himself, “It’s strange. It’s too strange…”

Ding Congjun went up to him and asked, “Taoist Qing Shui, did you get anything?”

Taoist Qing Shui was silent for a moment before he answered, “Please forgive my incompetence. This disease can neither be diagnosed by medicine nor by Taoism. I’m ashamed to stay here. I must leave, excuse me.”

“Taoist Qing Shui, don’t rush to leave.” Fan Huaying stopped him. “Why not wait for Doctor Ning’s diagnosis.”

Then Taoist Qing Shui’s gaze fell on Ning Tao. He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t leave.

“Please, Doctor Ning,” Ding Congjun said.

Ning Tao went to the door at the end of the corridor with his small medicine chest.

Jiang Hao caught up with Ning Tao and offered, “I’ll show you the way.”

“Let’s go and have a look,” Ding Congjun suggested.

Ning Tao stopped, turned around, and noted, “I have my own rules for seeing and treating the patient. There can’t be a third person in that room except the patient and me. Since you allow me to see and heal Old Master Ding, you must abide by my rules.”

“It’s…” Ding Congjun began to speak and then hesitated, his face obviously set.

“Brother Congjun, that’s really Doctor Ning’s rule,” Jiang Hao mentioned immediately. “Let’s stay here and wait until he comes out.”

Ding Congjun gave a sigh and agreed, “All right, we’ll wait here.”

Then Ning Tao went into the room at the end of the corridor with the medicine chest and locked the door from inside.

On the bed lay an old man of big size with short hair and a square face. Though he lay in bed, he still had a dignified air about him. It was something that only people who had spent their entire lives in the military possessed.

He was Ding Ye.

When Ning Tao came to the bedside, Ding Ye suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Ning Tao.

At that moment, Ning Tao seemed to see something unusual in Ding Ye’s eyes. “Is he also a new demon?” he wondered.

However, Ding Ye just took one look at Ning Tao and then closed his eyes again.

Ning Tao wakened his eyes and nose to make them enter the state of looking and smelling. At once, he saw Ding Ye’s body was wrapped by a mass of colorful aura. This came as a bit of a surprise to him. Just now, he thought that Ding Ye was a new demon just like Lin Qinghua. However, Lin Qinghua’s innate aura was bluish and misty after he became a new demon, while Ding Ye had a colorful innate aura, just like ordinary people.

What was even weirder was that Ding Ye was clearly ill, but his innate aura showed no sign of weakening and was even stronger than ordinary people’s. Also, his body smelled normal, and there was no indication that any of his organs or parts were diseased.

Through the diagnosis by looking and smelling, Ning Tao was almost sure that Ding Ye was a very healthy old man. However, such an old man became mad and bit his dog to death!

“So many doctors and a Taoist priest couldn’t even find out the cause of Ding Ye’s illness, so his disease must be a special case,” Ning Tao voiced in his heart.

The ledger of bamboo slips of the Sky Clinic was in the small medicine chest. It was the simplest and most effective way to diagnose Ding Ye’s disease with the ledger, but Ning Tao wanted to try to diagnose the cause of Ding Ye’s illness with his own ability. One reason was that he was curious about his ability, and the other was that it was a necessary practice for him.

Ding Ye on the bed suddenly opened his eyes again, and his eyes blazed with menace.

A sense of crisis came over Ning Tao and he instinctively took a step back.

All of a sudden, Ding Ye sat up from the bed, pulled his hands out of the quilt and tried to grab Ning Tao’s neck.


Two iron chains locked on Ding Ye’s wrists straightened instantly, and his hands paused in the air. Yet, he still desperately tried to put his hands on Ning Tao’s neck when he obviously couldn’t reach him. The iron rings around his wrists rubbed against his skin, and soon the skin was broken and began to ooze blood. Ding Ye opened his mouth and bellowed like a wild animal.

At that moment, Ning Tao caught something from Ding Ye’s eyes again. He didn’t activate the skills of looking and smelling for his eyes and nose when he just entered the room, so he just felt as if he had the illusion of seeing something. However, now his eyes and nose in the state of looking and smelling, he saw it at once when it appeared again in Ding Ye’s eyes. At the same time, he also locked it in Ding Ye’s innate aura—it was a trace of black energy!

As soon as the trace of energy appeared, the blue veins on Ding Ye’s arms shot up one by one, and the iron chain kept making noises, as if it was about to be torn apart! This was not an old man’s explosive power at all. This was the trace of black energy at work!

Ning Tao suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Ding Ye’s hands. With a shiver in his Niwan acupoint, his black and white spiritual power went down his arms like a dragon to the black energy…

The enhanced spiritual power gave Ning Tao confidence to deal with it directly instead of diagnosing it on the ledger.

He had a presentiment that the trace of black energy was “crossed into” Ding Ye’s body, just like Chen Pingdao bit him and gave him a little spiritual power. However, Chen Pingdao was out of kindness to do that, while the one who gave Ding Ye this little bit of black energy was not.

When Ning Tao’s black and white spiritual power entered Ding Ye’s body, the dark energy dared not fight with them and disappeared in a twinkling. Then Ding Ye closed his eyes and fell back on the bed.

“Trying to escape? It’s a little late!” Ning Tao’s lip curled into a sneer. He reached out with his right hand and grabbed Ding Ye’s forehead. At that moment, his power had already locked the Niwan acupoint deep between Ding Ye’s eyebrows.

Ding Ye’s Niwan acupoint, though not as good as Ning Tao’s, was a good place for that little bit of dark energy to hide.

The black and white spiritual power surged to that point like a great army besieged a city!

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