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Chapter 399 Turn the tide!

For him, the team in front of him really made his eyes shine.

In previous battles, he has already learned that this team is a well-trained elite team. Now that he has just been reborn, he has no elite soldiers under him. If these people can be included, his next plan can also be It went well.

The point is, the real dragon blood essence in the opponent's hand made him very greedy. Guang Taichong was right. Now he has just been reborn, and his strength has long been insignificant. If he refines a golden dragon blood pill, his strength will be improved rapidly.

Even surpassing the past is not impossible!

Moreover, he himself knew the information about the remaining refining materials of the Dragon Blood Golden Elixir.

In other words, as long as Taichong and his team are taken away, he will be able to return to his heyday in a short period of time, and even...better than before!

Such a deal, in his opinion, is very cost-effective.

As for saving the lives of these people, as a venerable, he still has this bit of power.

Above the battlefield, Lin Bei, who was hiding, frowned slightly.

To be honest, he also wanted to see what choice Guang Taichong would make in the face of such a scene.

At this time, the power of sealing the sky in his hand is ready, and he can strike at any time to seal the power of heaven and earth around Venerable Bone.

On the battlefield, Guang Taichong's eyes were firm, and he was completely unmoved. He directly stuffed the elixir into his mouth, and then drank the blood of the real dragon in his hand.

He is a warrior, a warrior who guards the frontier!

Even if you die, you can't take a step back!



You...very good, if that's the case, you go to die!

Venerable Bone was taken aback when he saw this, and then his face darkened. Among the four big hands, the hand holding the shield was raised high, and a gray halo shot out from the shield, and in just a moment, it directly surrounded Guang Taichong.

Guang Taichong's aura is constantly rising, but the surrounding halo seems to be restricting the improvement of his strength, which makes him very uncomfortable.

Hmph, this spirit shield is my treasure, once the power of the spirit seal is released,

It can greatly suppress the power in your body, even if you swallow so many Tongmai Pills, it will be of no avail!

Venerable Bone looked at the painful face of Guang Taichong, and snorted coldly, Do you think... I really can't do anything about you? I just want to get the blood of the real dragon in your hand! You... originally only You just need to obediently hand over the blood of the real dragon, so that you and your teammates will be spared. But... well, it seems that you made a very wrong decision.

Venerable Bone sighed, and pushed the Spirit Sealing Shield in his hand with all his strength, forcibly suppressing the violent power in Guang Taichong's body.

It's really troublesome. It seems that if you want to get the blood of the real dragon, you need to spend a lot of money.

Bai Gu frowned. In his hands, there were four treasures in total, a mace, a shield, a rope, and a wine jar.

Among them, the mace is called Dao hammer, the main attack, which can break the opponent's power of the road, and the shield is the spirit sealing shield, which can suppress the opponent's power. As for the remaining rope and wine jar, they are the trapped dragon rope and The Altar of Wine, the former has excellent control effect and can penetrate the void, which is very flexible, while the latter is the most precious. It is said to be a relic of the strong in the ancient martial arts era. The space inside is vast, forming a small world of its own, and condensing the power of heaven and earth Brewed into the wine of Dao, after drinking, it will be of great benefit.

The reason why he was able to be reborn was that this wine altar contained the soul, otherwise, he would have died in the first battle!

Bone, you want to trap me with a dead object, you are dreaming!

Under the suppression of the power of sealing the spirit, Guang Taichong let out an angry roar, and the power in his body kept hitting the suppressed Dao veins, shattering the surrounding void countless times.

At this moment, his skin was flushed red, and his whole body was still steaming hot. Under the impact of the power of the real dragon in his body, his skin gradually cracked, and then quickly repaired under the effect of the power of light.

Although the suppression of the power of sealing the spirit had a certain effect, the power of the blood essence of the real dragon is not a vegetarian. I saw that a layer of keratinized skin gradually emerged on the skin he kept blooming and repairing, which was golden red. From seems to be pieces of dragon scales!

Damn it! You actually turned into a dragon!

In the void, the face of the originally tall bones suddenly changed, very ugly.

He never expected that Guang Taichong would explode under the suppression of the power of Fengling, and even complete the dragon transformation!

How can this be?

Dragonization is a manifestation of blood fusion!

That is to say, Guang Taichong has completely merged with the blood essence of the real dragon he drank.

And his power to seal the spirit... seems to be the catalyst!

Thinking of this, Bone's face was gloomy, and his fists were clenched.

Damn! My true dragon blood!

His heart was bleeding. Originally, he did this to suppress the opponent. After the opponent lost his strength, he stepped forward to extract the true dragon blood in his body for his own enjoyment.

But who would have thought that it would be self-defeating and directly achieve the other party!

Originally, the opponent was certain to die!

But now, the other party has completed the blood fusion with the real dragon blood essence, and his physical fitness has been improved by more than ten thousand times. The side effects of Tongmai Pill will not affect him, but will be used as a great tonic to help him complete the breakthrough!

Originally, Tongmai Pill was developed as a panacea to improve one's cultivation.

But because its side effects are too great, the meridians of ordinary people can't bear it at all, so it has been reduced to a one-time consumable to increase strength!

However, if a person of Longhua takes it, his meridians will be able to fully withstand the negative effects brought about by Tongmai Pill. As long as he can sustain it and forcibly absorb the power of Tongmai Pill for his own use, then this power will The improvement will become a permanent effect!

No! You can't let him continue to break through! You must kill him as soon as possible! Otherwise... with my newly resurrected power, I may not be his opponent!

Suddenly, Bai Gu woke up suddenly, and he couldn't care about anything else, and directly exploded with all his strength, and the strength of the forty-nine veins of the Dao Realm was instantly revealed. Coupled with his four treasures, for a while, the void in the battlefield shattered, countless Dao The power raged, turned into a storm, and swept away towards Guang Taichong who was still breaking through!

Go to hell! So what about dragon transformation! You haven't broken through too much now, and with your current strength, you are no match for me to strike with all your strength!

Jealousy and madness flashed in Bai Gu's eyes.

He is jealous of Kwang Tae Chong's luck.

Longhua, such a probability, even from ancient times to the present, is a one-in-a-million situation, not to mention that true dragon blood is rare. According to this ratio, from ancient times to the present, human beings who can successfully complete dragon transformation are simply rare!

Unexpectedly, a mere old man on his last breath would take such a step!

The background of the Profound Sky really extraordinary. No wonder it can become the center of all worlds in ancient times! It really is a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger! are already dying, and you are about to die! At that time, the luck of the Profound Sky Realm You will be divided by ten thousand clans, and your entire Profound Sky Realm will be reduced to a land cursed by the sky! Like the legendary Jie clan, you will be cursed and wiped out among the stars in the end! Hahahahaha...

At this time, the white bones were full of madness, he was laughing, mocking, and staring, even if he wanted Guang Taichong to die, he would die in aggrieved state! Die in fear!

team leader!

Below, countless people exclaimed.

They looked up at Guang Taichong, who was struggling to break through in the battlefield, not taking half a step back, and tears filled their eyes instantly!

Just a little bit!

It's really that close!

The captain has clearly created a miracle, he is actually transforming into a dragon!

As long as the dragon transformation is completely completed, he will turn around and defeat the opponent!


It's too late!

Everyone was unwilling, they roared, and the power of the Dao in their bodies roared towards the direction of Guang Taichong desperately, wanting to share some pressure for him. was all in vain.

Their strength, just for a moment, was torn apart by Venerable Bone's avenue storm, and they couldn't hold it for even a second!

They hate! Hate yourself for being incompetent! Hate yourself for being weak!


Why did Myriad Realms invade the Profound Sky Realm?

Why are they so cruel?


They are asking themselves again and again!


In the sky, Lin Bei, who had been hiding all this time, sighed. From the eyes of the people in the Profound Sky Realm, he saw the unyielding and anger. They silently guarded everything in the Profound Sky Realm. What kind of hard life did you live?

Almost everyone doesn't know.

Even Lin Bei himself didn't know anything before this.

If he hadn't encountered the magic cloud in the battle with the Lord of Terror, he might have been kept in the dark.

The lower realm is well protected and complete.

But the void battlefield has already been covered with blood.

In Lin Bei's heart, he felt a heavy weight, as if a heavy burden was on his shoulders.

If it were me, would I be able to solve such a disaster?

Lin Bei asked themselves, and finally shook their heads slowly.

He didn't know, probably couldn't be done, right?

He recalled everything in the past and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

The people in the lower realm, one by one, really do not know the blessings in the midst of blessings.

In the void battlefield, in order to protect everyone, there are countless strong men who charge forward, fearless of danger, and do their best to die!

But those who are guarded, some people are even killing each other for their own ridiculous ambitions, intrigue!

It was... chilling.

At this moment, Lin Bei's expression was very calm, but there was a flame burning in his heart.

Originally, I was still thinking about what this virtual universe is used for, and whether it is some kind of conspiracy or trick. Now it seems... there are nine out of ten that it appeared to select fighters for the void battlefield.

Lin Bei thought of the existence of the virtual universe, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: The waves are washing the sand.

At the same time, he felt that this predecessor who established the virtual universe was really great.

Because without him, the Profound Sky Realm...would have fallen long ago.

I really hope that one day, I can personally meet the seniors who built the virtual universe.

In Lin Bei's heart, infinite longing rose.

This's time to end.

When he came back to his senses, Lin Bei's eyes fell on the battlefield below. The light at this moment was too bright, and he was unwilling to roar. The breath of his whole body was gradually wilted under the sweeping storm of the avenue.

seal up!

Lin Bei took a step forward, and his figure instantly appeared behind the bones.

At this time, Bone was concentrating on manipulating the avenue storm, with madness flickering in his eyes.

Die! Die! Hahaha! Let me die!

He was so excited.

This is a person who has transformed into a dragon. In ancient times, he was honored as the son of a true dragon!

These people have the worst achievements, and at least they are the best!

What's more, it is said that he has gone further!

These are all legends!

Unexpectedly, today, he actually witnessed a legend and died in front of his own eyes!

To be precise, he destroyed it with his own hands!

How could such a feeling make him not excited?

At this moment, the bones of the dead are trembling with excitement!

He was witnessing the birth of the legend and then its fall!

However, at this moment, an indifferent seal sounded in his ears, and immediately before he could react, an inexplicable force had already sealed off the space around him. At the same time, His communication with the power of heaven and earth was cut off instantly!

But without the control of the power of heaven and earth, the power of the Dao Storm immediately returned, directly destroying most of the Dao veins in the bone body.


A mouthful of fresh blood spewed out, and the purple blood filled the void. At the same time, the tall bone body shrank rapidly like a deflated ball, and finally turned into a skinny appearance.

His four arms were broken off by Lin Bei like dry branches, and the four treasures were directly collected by Lin Bei.

You... who are you? Why... you have such a high-level power? Are you... a monarch-level powerhouse?

With shriveled bones and sunken eye sockets, he asked a question hesitantly, as if his strength had been exhausted.

The young man in front of him is really terrifying!

He appeared quietly, and crushed him with one move, directly turning him into the ghost he is now.

The point is, he can't see through the power used by the opponent at all!

Therefore, he immediately thought of those monarch-level powerhouses with the highest avenue, perhaps only those who exist can do all this with every gesture.


It was Lin Bei's punch that answered the bones.

In this punch, the power of the sky fire and the power of the sky thunder were intertwined, and with just one punch, the shriveled bones were smashed into pieces.

Afterwards, he raised his hand and typed a soul daoist, directly extracting the source of the bone's soul, purifying it, and turning it into the pure source of soul power.

That... You should eat this and recover well.

Lin Bei waved his hand and threw the purified soul source in front of Guang Taichong, Your dragon transformation... is not complete, only the dragon body is not enough, and the dragon soul must be condensed to be complete. This source is enough for you It's done.

Thank you!

Guang Taichong opened his mouth and spit out two words for a long time.

Lin Bei's appearance was really amazing.

His mind has been blurred.

When did such a strong person appear in the Profound Sky Realm?

So fierce!

Actually, in the blink of an eye, the Bone Venerable who was once famous in the Void Battlefield was gone!

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